Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 82: Suicide of love, asking for support again

"Old Hu, what are you looking at?" Before the award ceremony started, Gu Zhongyu was looking for someone to chat with, because the women sitting together were too noisy!

Tang Yan, who arrived later, saw that her sisters Liu Shishi and Yang Mi were together, and joined the discussion. Three women were like a thousand ducks, chirping and annoying.

The most hateful thing is that they didn't even let Gu Daguanren sit in on the discussion!

Hu Ge and Gu Zhongyu had worked together on "Young Generals of the Yang Family" a few years ago. Although their status in the circle is different now, they are all of the same age and have always had a good relationship with each other.

"Teacher Gu, you came at the right time. I just want to ask you something!"

"What's the matter? You look so serious."

Hu Ge looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to them, and then whispered: "You have a good relationship with Mimi. I just want to ask, do you know who is chasing her recently?"

Ah this!

In the previous life, during the filming of "Chinese Paladin III", Hu Ge pursued Yang Mi, and the two did date for a while, but later because Hu Ge's mother opposed it and he himself did not want to make it public, the relationship ended in the end.

But now that Gu Zhongyu has intervened, the situation in this life is very different.

After filming "Chinese Paladin III", Hu Ge still fell in love with Yang Mi and started pursuing her, but that was also the beginning of the ambiguous period between Gu Zhongyu and Yang Mi, so Da Mi Mi never agreed to Hu Ge's pursuit, but kept him hanging.

It's okay to hang, Hu Ge is very patient, as long as you work hard, you can grind an iron rod into a needle! But recently, he found that Yang Mi didn't even want to hang him!

In the past, when chatting on QQ, Hu Ge might send three or two messages, and Yang Mi would at least reply one sentence. Now the situation is that he sends ten messages, and Yang Mi can only reply "Oh" at most!

Not only the attitude, Hu Ge replied to her message almost in seconds, and Yang Mi replied to him in a cycle!

All these signs indicate that Da Mi Mi must have a man behind her back!

Hu Ge did not doubt that it was Gu Zhongyu, because he knew that the two knew each other when they were young, and they were like brothers. If they could be together, they would have been together a long time ago.

So Hu Ge sincerely asked him to help check and find out who his current rival was. According to his initial judgment, he should also be someone in the circle and have worked with Yang Mi.

Gu Zhongyu wanted to say that you guessed it right, in fact, that person is my Gu Daguanren!

But he felt that it would be too hurtful to say it directly like this?

"Do you think it could be Feng Shaofeng? I think he is the most likely." Just when Gu Zhongyu was making up a lie in his heart, Hu Ge answered first. When they were filming "Palace Lock Heart Jade" before, there was a scandal between the two, so he thought this person was the most suspicious.

Very good, it's decided that it's you, Feng Shaofeng, come on, take the blame!

"It should be him. When Feng Shaofeng was filming the palace, it is said that he often invited Yang Mi to dinner. You know Mi Mi's personality, she is carefree. It's easy to hook up with her!"

After getting Gu Zhongyu's approval, Hu Ge let out a long sigh: "If it's him, I don't care. Although I know he has a good family background, I'm not afraid of him in fair competition."

Randomly asked: "Then do you know how far they have progressed? According to your observation."

How far have they progressed?

Gu Zhongyu pretended to be difficult to speak: "I heard that when they were on the crew, maybe... it was... you know!"

Looking at Hu Ge's face that he had eaten a fly, Gu Zhongyu could only sigh in his heart: Brother, buddy, this is all for your own good! Anyway, even if the two of you are together, it will be fruitless. It's better to find your true love female assistant as soon as possible!

"What are you two whispering about?" Qi Wei, who had just returned from the bathroom, asked curiously when she saw Gu Zhongyu sitting in his seat and chatting with Hu Ge.

"Oh! We are chatting. Old Hu will come on stage later. What is he going to say in his acceptance speech? Hey, Brother Qi, you have become more beautiful again!"

"Boss Gu, you are kidding me. No matter how beautiful I am, I can't compare with those people in your seat!" Qi Wei wore a light yellow short skirt today, representing the crew of "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family".

"Each has its own merits! Brother Qi's charm cannot be underestimated? If you didn't have a boyfriend, I don't know how many people would chase you!"

Hearing this, Qi Wei showed an unnatural smile on her face. Outsiders didn't know that she and her boyfriend Lin Zijun had a relationship crisis recently and were on the verge of breaking up.


After chatting for a while, Gu Zhongyu returned to his seat. As the time came to 7:30, the National Drama Festival officially began!

The spotlight was aimed at the center of the stage, and a beautiful figure appeared and walked slowly to the front of the stage...

It turned out to be Da Mimi?

She was chosen to lead the opening performance this time. Judging from the posture, she should sing. I wonder what song she will sing?

Could it be...

Yang Mi confidently picked up the microphone and began to chant the beautiful sound of nature~

"Hold you in my hands and burn incense devoutly"

"Cut a piece of candlelight to light up the sutra"

"I don't ask for a heart-wrenching love, I just want love"

"I was hurt in the end of love and cried so desperately"

"(The sound is broken here) I will use my whole life to support you"

"I only hope that you will stop looking around"


(BGM suicide of love, ask for support again)

Da Mi Mi's voice is delicate and tender, and she sings heart-wrenchingly. At this moment, Gu Zhongyu can really feel the helplessness and struggle of a young girl fighting in the palace, emotional disputes, and the uncertainty of the world, as well as her yearning for a pure love.

Without the addition of millions of sound engineers, this live version of "Love's Offering" is even more brainwashing and demonic.

You own people, don’t talk!

I didn’t know that the big daddy in the column team drank too much and actually arranged for Yang Mi to sing this song!

After the song ended, two hosts, Lu Yu and Zhou Qun, appeared. First they gave a lengthy opening speech, and then announced the first awards of this year.

"The most popular actor in 2011 is Yang Mi in "Gong Lock Heart Jade"!"

Yang Mi deserves this award that has nothing to do with her acting skills. Her popularity is definitely unique among female celebrities this year, and it will not decrease even in the following years.

After giving an acceptance speech, Yang Mi walked off the stage happily. After returning to her seat, she showed off the trophy to Gu Zhongyu: "How do you feel? Are you envious? You haven't taken it, have you? I can let you touch it. Touch it!”

Seeing how arrogant she was, Gu Zhongyu leaned into her ear and said, "I also have a trophy here. I'll let you come and touch it later."

Thank you to book friend 20220417011616379 for your monthly ticket, okay!

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