"Ah, what a hard life!"

Yesterday he accompanied Zhang Da Niu to go shopping for an entire afternoon. Women are always happy to go shopping, but poor Gu Zhongyu worked hard all night and had to work as a rickshaw driver during the day.

He had originally planned to pursue Zhang Zilin, but in the end, she timidly said that her relatives were coming...

So Gu Zhongyu had to use the same trick again, but fortunately this time, Zhang Da Niu didn't waste it.

"Mr. Gu, you are so sleepy, go back and rest!" Guo Fan watched the editors drag the video materials into the cutting track one by one, and process the split shots according to his wishes. He turned his head and looked at Gu Zhongyu who was yawning, and advised him not to stare here

The special effects of "Ball Lightning" have been basically completed, and now it is almost finished with the final editing of the literary part.

"No, I have to watch!" In Gu Zhongyu's view, the importance of post-editing in a movie is no less important than the importance of shooting.

Or you can say that if you don't shoot well enough, you can still save it with editing.

The art film "Black Coal, Thin Ice" won the Berlin Golden Bear Award and achieved a great box office harvest. The director of the film, Diao Yinan, likes the slow and dull image aesthetic style, but the audience may not like to watch such films. So the film company invited Yang Hongyu to be the editor, hoping to edit a film with strong viewing value.

This film has a suspenseful and tense storyline, so Yang Hongyu made some changes in the rhythm on this basis, and the suspense of the plot advancement was greatly enhanced. After the version edited by Yang Hongyu came out, it was not only recognized by the director, but also by the market and investors.

The famous classic war film "Apocalypse Now" is also the same. The original film can easily become a messy and vague movie, but Murch and the editing team worked hard to weave together the seemingly scattered scenes and a temporary rush-made ending, so that the final film can be appreciated as a linear story and become a master-level editing model.

But many domestic directors have a problem: focusing on shots and neglecting editing.

Long shots when indecisive!

Long shots when disagreeing!

Anyway, I just think long shots

So although Gu Zhongyu has full trust in Guo Fan, this is the company's first science fiction film after all, and he is afraid that Guo Fan will let himself go, so he has been here to personally guide the editing work these two days.

Although Gu Zhongyu is not a former editor, his vision and experience accumulated over so many years of debut are still better than Guo Fan's current ones. He knows what the audience likes to watch, so guiding the editing work is not a problem.

"Here, when the protagonist returns home and discovers the strange phenomenon, add some water organ sound effects..."

"Delete these long shots, there are too many..."

"Most of the audience are not interested in these dialogues full of physical terms, reduce them again..."

Guo Fan saw that Gu Zhongyu seemed to have a lot of experience in editing, so he came over and started working with him. With the efforts of the two, the efficiency was much faster.

Guo Fan looked at the finished film after the initial editing and was quite satisfied.

Suddenly, he remembered something very important!

Then he rubbed his hands with a lewd smile and looked at Gu Zhongyu, "Teacher Gu... I... want... you..."

What? You, Guo Fan, are good at this?

Gu Zhongyu immediately covered his anus tightly, looking like he would never obey!

"Help us write the entire theme song for this movie." Guo Fan remembered that "Ball Lightning" was basically perfect if it lacked a theme music. Gu Zhongyu has always been famous for his talent and has written songs for many film and television dramas. It's right to ask him.

Can you stop breathing heavily when you talk!

After hearing that Guo Fan wanted him to help write the theme song, Gu Zhongyu did not immediately agree, but began to think in his mind what song is suitable for science fiction music.

It has been so many years since he traveled through time, and Gu Zhongyu has almost used up all the good songs that could be used in the previous life. Songs like "Blue and White Porcelain", "In the Name of the Father" and "Crescent Bay" have long been written by him (I'm sorry Jay Chou!), but even though he is so crazy about taking advantage of Jay Chou, he is still the number one pop king of Chinese music!

Of course, this is also because Gu Zhongyu is not interested in this, and he still has to have some face, so he didn't really copy all of Jay Chou's songs. Otherwise, he would have been a god in the music industry long ago!

Moreover, Gu Zhongyu felt that his talent in music was very average. His singing skills can only be said to be better than those of Hua Chengyu and Xue Zhiqian in later generations, but compared with veterans such as Chen Yixun and Zhang Xueyou, he is still far inferior, so he didn't put too much effort in this. He just released four or five albums for fun and won a few Golden Melody Awards.

But these albums have made him the second person after Jay Chou in the Chinese music scene. His fans are no less than his movie fans, although he hasn't written many songs in recent years.

Sometimes, Gu Zhongyu can meet the creators of the original songs who come to him to buy the copyright. He never charges money. It's okay for you to write other people's songs in advance, but it's really too much to ask people for money.

Plagiarism is a shameful thing after all.

But now that his own movie "Ball Lightning" lacks theme music, he has no choice but to be a plagiarist again and take advantage of a certain singer!

What song is suitable?

There are too few to choose from!

Since domestic pop songs were learned from Hong Kong and Taiwan in the early years, and most of the Hong Kong and Taiwan songs are covers of foreign songs such as Japanese and Korean songs, it is said that there are thousands of Chinese songs, and half of them are Japanese covers.

Auntie Miyuki Nakajima alone has supported countless Chinese singers…

There is nothing wrong with cover songs. The problem is that the original songs are about friendship, family affection, and nostalgia for hometown, but when they are released in China, they become love songs.

For example, Rene Liu's "Later" is a cover version of the Japanese song "Future", but the lyrics are completely different, turning a touching mother-daughter song into a love song.

After Hong Kong and Taiwan pop songs became very popular in the mainland, the mainland also began to learn from them and created a large number of love songs. It has even developed to the point where there are people who specialize in composing music or cover songs from other countries directly using their music, people who specialize in writing lyrics, and the most important singer with good looks. The first two of the three basically serve the latter, and the company is willing to package them this way.

Of course, the general public in China does prefer love songs. You love me and I love him, and if you don't love, you commit suicide...

What people want to hear, there will be more of it.

Otherwise, why do so many people say things like "I'm sorry for being born a human being" and "I dare not be too deep in love, I'm afraid it's just a dream" in the middle of the night... a bunch of Internet Depression Cloud users.

Young men and women at the age of 16 or 17 have experienced more than their parents!

So there are not many songs left for Gu Zhongyu to copy!

It must be in line with the theme of the movie, in line with the sci-fi tone of "Ball Lightning", and give people a mysterious feeling when listening to it.

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu seemed to be a little entangled, Guo Fan thought he was stumped: "If there is no time, we can ask someone outside to write lyrics and music, and then Teacher Gu can sing it, or use old songs from the past."

Got it!

Why must it be a song? Isn't instrumental music also suitable!

"Come with me!" Gu Zhongyu pulled Guo Fan to the music room next door. He sat in front of the piano, recalled the melody in his mind, and then began to try to play it.

"Ding ding dang dang..." With the tapping of fingers, an elegant melody came out. The rhythm was relatively slow at the beginning, but as Gu Zhongyu continued to play, the song became more and more exciting...

Guo Fan was also slowly moved. When he began to immerse himself in the atmosphere of this pure piano music, he seemed to feel the vastness and magnificence of the universe, as well as the mysteries hidden behind countless mysterious realms.

Amazing, shocking, empty, boundless, vast, sublimation, eternity, love, awakening, etc.

As the last note fell, Gu Zhongyu ended his performance, but Guo Fan, who was shocked, still couldn't come back to his senses for a long time. Although he was not a musician, he also felt the profoundness and grandeur of this song.

"It's amazing, Teacher Gu! Did you prepare this song early in the morning, or did you improvise it?" Guo Fan felt that this song was really beautiful, especially the profoundness and etherealness it gave people. It was really suitable for a science fiction film.

"I only composed a short piece before, but it was not completed. Today, when I was editing "Ball Lightning", I looked at those footage and was inspired, so I completed it."

Gu Zhongyu could only apologize to the original composer in his heart.

Uncle Hans, I'm really sorry for you!

You can only change the BGM of "Interstellar". I believe that you are more talented than Chopin, and it must not be difficult to compose another one!

This pure music is the theme music of the later science fiction masterpiece "Interstellar". The original name is "Cornfield Chase", which was composed by German music master Hans Zimmer in 2014.

"What do you think? Can this piece of music be used in a movie?"

"Of course! I feel like this piece of music was born for a science fiction film. Teacher Gu, you are so amazing! If you focus on making music, you might have won a Grammy by now."

"Ahem... A masterpiece is born naturally, and it is just a coincidence. As long as you think it can be used, I will find someone to re-edit and record it later."

"Does this music have a name?"

Gu Zhongyu thought about it. The song was originally called Wilderness Chase, and "Ball Lightning" is actually about the protagonists chasing the mysterious lightning. It is enough to simplify it.

"Let's name it "Chase"! The English name is Chase."

This name is quite suitable. Guo Fan felt that there was nothing to complain about. After finishing the film music, he went back to the editing room. He did not plan to go home today and would sleep here tonight!

Gu Zhongyu found several arrangers and recording engineers to re-play "Chase" and wrote the score, and then went home.

He didn't plan to stay here to work overtime. It would be nice to find a young lady to do something beneficial to his body and mind in the evening. So he decided to go to the secretary Jiang Shuying's house today.

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