After breakfast, Gu Zhongyu slowly came to the dressing room of the crew.

In costume dramas, the actor's makeup and hair are very important, and the actor needs to enter the set in advance to set the makeup.

The main task is for the actor to try on the costumes needed to play the role, put on the makeup of the character, and see how it looks. If the garment is not the right size, it must be altered. If the costume does not match the actor's image and temperament, it must be redone. The same goes for makeup, if it's not good, it has to be redesigned.

Three years have passed since the last costume drama, when he guest-starred as Ji Fa in "Fengshenbang: The King of Warriors Conquers the Zhou", and Gu Zhongyu finally returned to familiar territory again.

The stylist cut Gu Zhongyu's long hair a little shorter, shaved his sideburns, and then started applying hair condoms to him.

Gu Zhongyu used to think that the character Zhang Xiaojing was a fictitious character in Ma Boyong's novels, but later when he was writing the script, he checked the information and found that there was indeed a person in history. He was recorded in Yao Runeng's "The Legacy of Kaiyuan Tianbao and the Deeds of Anlu Mountain" , but there is only one sentence: "The knight Zhang Xiaojing shot Guozhong (i.e. Yang Guozhong) first and fell from his horse."

The surname Zhang is a traditional Han Chinese surname, and modern speculation is that the knight Zhang Xiaojing should also be Han Chinese.

Lei Jiayin's version of Zhang Xiaojing was good, but her hair was styled loose, which obviously did not conform to the dress of Han people, so Gu Zhongyu's version of Zhang Xiaojing had all her hair tied up in a bun.

In the past, mainland costume dramas were relatively conscientious. In old dramas such as "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Tang Minghuang", as long as the characters were Han Chinese before the Qing Dynasty, the actors were dressed honestly with their hair tied up. However, after capital from Hong Kong and Taiwan entered the industry, The style began to change, and later many mainland costume dramas also began to popularize the look of disheveled hair.

In Gao Xixi's hilarious comedy "New Three Kingdoms", Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi all wear their hair down, looking like NM barbarians, while Ma Chao and Han Sui look like real barbarians!

"Hey! We have to film a costume drama with a headgear again. It's better to do a Qing Dynasty drama! Just shave your head and that's it." Yu Bo, who was next door, complained. He had previously filmed "Ouchi Xiaoshou" and "Li Wei Resigns" No need to wear this annoying hood.

"If you don't mind the trouble of wearing a hood, you might as well grow your hair long. I remember when you were filming "Water Moon Cave", didn't you just use your own real hair?"

It seems that he is not the only one. Yang Junyi and Zhang Jin, who play brothers with him, do not wear hoods and have their own instant noodle hair. Zhouyi's TV series are all non-mainstream styles, such as "Legend of the Spiritual Mirror" and "Eight Formations of Gods and Ghosts" It’s also the same flavor!

Fortunately, the plots of Zhouyi are very exciting and the imagination is big enough, so the flaws are not hidden. But in today's era, this style can no longer be used.

"Then can you allow me to have instant noodle hair for my character in the drama?" Yu Bo asked tentatively, remembering that he and Li Xunhuan were known as the only two men in costume dramas who could manage the instant noodle hair style. God!

"Okay! Now go put on a dress, put on some rouge and blush, and act like a woman! Not to mention the instant noodle hair, you can even keep the airplane hair."

"piss off!"

While Gu Zhongyu and the others were doing their modeling, the remaining actors came one after another.

The actresses all put on their makeup happily, but Li Yuan sat in her seat with a bitter look on her face. She was the most miserable among all the actors, because the role of Yu Guang required her to completely flatten her hair. Yes, basically no different from a bald head.

This is indeed a big sacrifice for a girl, and she has to maintain this look for several months. Even after the photo shoot, it takes a long time for her hair to grow fully.

When Gu Zhongyu saw the hairdresser using a hair clipper to push down large sections of her hair, her hands were clenched into fists at first, her eyes full of determination, but she didn't say a word. , and she even laughed out loud while cutting!

This sister can do it! He is a cruel person!

He thought of his student Zhou Dongyu. They were both actresses and had their heads shaved, but their professional attitudes were completely different.

When filming "Young You", Zhou Dongyu's character needed to shave his head, so she threatened everyone on the crew to shave their heads with her! Many people didn't want to, so she took a push knife on the spot and used it on anyone she saw had a lot of hair...

Of course, Li Yuan's role was too small for her to make such a request, but she didn't even complain. This kind of dedication is difficult for many actresses in the industry to achieve now.

"As expected! The costume style is more suitable for you, boss!"

Bai Lu watched curiously as the actors put on their makeup. When she saw Gu Zhongyu's sideburns shaved off and his hair bun put on, she couldn't help but praise her boss because she was so scumbag.

Gu Zhongyu's ancient costume style is very close to that of Gu Tianle when he was young, and he is also tall. After putting on the loose Hanfu, he has a heroic and extraordinary temperament.

She openly slanders: Such a beautiful face is given to a scumbag, what a waste!

"Ah, yes, yes! Teacher Gu is the number one male idol in ancient costumes. He looks so handsome no matter what he plays!" Nazha's makeup has been finished at this time. Her character Wen Ran is mostly in men's clothing, and her makeup is Hair is done faster and no headgear is needed.

Wearing men's clothing made Nazha's facial features more three-dimensional and attractive. Gu Zhongyu's eyes were filled with tears when he saw Kazilan's big eyes and sculpted face.

At this time, Wan Qian also finished styling and walked over. She was dressed in a round-neck robe with a heroic appearance and a cold temperament. Her eyebrows were charming, but she also had a hint of arrogance. She was no better than the original version of Reiza's Tanqi. To be worse.

"Mr. Gu's appearance is so handsome, but...isn't it a bit too..." Wan Qian did not continue.

"It's too creamy, isn't it? Don't worry, you still have your beard not stained!"

As the stylist glued the last beard firmly on him, Gu Zhongyu finally finished the makeup, which took more time than the actress. He stood up and looked in the mirror. Yes, not bad, quite satisfied!

"Why are you all looking at me like this?"

The actresses present were all stunned by Gu Zhongyu's look. The first actor in costume dramas truly lived up to his reputation. Adding a beard not only didn't make him look slovenly, but gave him a hint of melancholy and mature charm.

Especially Nazha, who has always been pretty-looking, looked at her Teacher Gu, and her eyes began to glow with red hearts!

In fact, this kind of appearance is more in line with the character design. In "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", Zhang Xiaojing is like a living Yang Guo. People like him wherever he goes, and his popularity with women is overwhelming!

Forget about Ding Tong'er, Xu Hezi, Wen Ran, and Li Xiangxiang who were old acquaintances or had a relationship with him. Even Tan Qi, a woman he had known for less than a day, was willing to die for him. If she wasn't handsome, it would be unconvincing.

In terms of appearance, classmate Lei Jiayin is not so good. His big head is as big as the others, and it feels like he can swallow an actress with just one opening of his mouth. He looks like a big tiger whistle!

Director Cao Dun was extremely satisfied with the looks of Gu Zhongyu and others, and directly announced the finalized shooting.

In the previous film "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", the daughter of the great neon director Akira Kurosawa was hired, and the costume stylist Kazuko Kurosawa participated in the costume direction, so there were still some "Japanese style" remnants in the play.

Japanese lanterns, Japanese fans, the Tang Dynasty style leaking from the building, and the worn-out "dry landscape" scenery, that is, a layer of white sand is spread around the rockery or lawn, which looks like pieces of moss that destroys the aesthetics. …

Gu Zhongyu will naturally not make the same mistake again. In this drama, he will definitely wipe out the Japanese style that is common in Chinese costume dramas!

In this life, Gu Zhongyu hired all Chinese designers. Hu Xiao, the director of the costume team, specializes in researching and producing ancient costumes of the Celestial Dynasty. Designer Huang Wei was responsible for "Jiang Ye", "Meng Hua Lu", "Sea Mu Yun Ji", etc. She was also responsible for the styling design of the drama, including the original version of "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an".

"Okay, it's getting late. There will be a press conference in a few days. Let's seize the time to take the makeup photos today." Photography director Jing Chong began to urge everyone to go out and take photos quickly.

The first thing taken was the final makeup photos of the two protagonists Zhang Xiaojing and Li Mi. The person who played Li Mi was Zhu Yilong, a junior fellow from Nortel who was unknown at the time.

Zhu Yilong, who looks young, actually made his debut in 2009, but has been acting in digital movies and small supporting roles. In 2018, he was already 30 years old when he successfully became famous by starring in the online drama "Soul".

Zongheng Entertainment is experiencing a period of rising yin and waning, and apart from Gu Zhongyu, there is no one who can handle it, so he is also in urgent need of bringing out new people. Zhu Yilong and Zhang Ruoyun are both male actors who are focused on training.

Zhu Yilong wore a green Taoist robe and a lotus crown on his head. He was dressed in the standard style of a high-ranking Taoist priest in the Tang Dynasty, and he seemed to have the gentleness of a humble gentleman.

It's the lotus crown on his head that always makes him laugh when he looks at Gu Zhongyu. Although this is a serious Taoist dress, it always reminds people of the Vajra Calabash Baby!

Gu Zhongyu has more tricks on his body. He is wearing a soft turban, a dark green round-neck robe with a strong leather belt, leather wrist guards, a short crossbow on his shoulder, and a Tang straight sword in his hand, which exudes a powerful and domineering look.

The two of them stood side by side. Zhu Yilong seemed a little reserved. It was his first time participating in such a large production, and he was afraid that he would not perform well, so he couldn't let go. Gu Zhongyu patted him on the shoulder, and he calmed down and took the makeup photo.

Next are the makeup photos of several female protagonists. Since almost all the female characters in the drama have an intersection with Zhang Xiaojing, every girl has to take a poster with Gu Zhongyu.

Wan Qian and Gu Zhongyu looked at each other affectionately, as tenderly as they did during the audition. It must be said that this young lady's eyes are a bit fierce, and even a person as thick-skinned as Gu Daguan can't resist.

As for Nazha, she plays her true character. Wen Ran in the play is Zhang Xiaojing's crush, but in reality she happens to be Gu Zhongyu's crazy fan, with uncontrollable admiration in her eyes.

The photo taken with Li Yuan is a bit thrilling. I don’t know what Jing Chong was thinking. He made the two of them pose in a life-and-death fight. The sisters held unedged knives to their throats, as if As if he wanted to avenge his hair that fell all over the floor, Gu Zhongyu was so scared...

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