Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 97: Sandwiched between two women

After listening to Gu Zhongyu's idea of ​​the script, everyone praised him, especially Nazha and Tang Yixin, who applauded him.

(Although I didn't quite understand, it seemed very impressive!)

"By the way, Mr. Gu, Gao Xixi called me yesterday and said that he wanted to bring people to visit us. What do you think?"

"Gao Xixi? Isn't he directing "Legend of Chu and Han" now? How did he think of coming to us?" I remember that "Legend of Chu and Han" will be released at the end of next year, and Gao Xixi should be busy at Xiangshan Film and Television City now.

"He said he came to learn about our crew's work and ask Mr. Gu questions by the way." Cao Dun smiled. There is no need to visit the temple for no reason. This must be only part of the reason.

"Okay! Since Director Gao wants to come, we naturally welcome him with raised hands." Gu Zhongyu also felt that it was ridiculous. Gao Xixi's aesthetic level was completely unrelated to his play. What the hell is learning!

Gu Zhongyu always felt that Gao Xixi was the Chen Kaige of the TV industry!

The two people are really similar. Chen Kaige has made a lifetime of profit from "Farewell My Concubine", and Gao Xixi also became famous in the director industry because of shooting "The Sky of History". Since then, various historical blockbusters have asked him to direct.

The most famous of these is "The New Three Kingdoms". Relying on the influence of the super IP of the Three Kingdoms, although the quality of this drama is worrying, and the lines are shocking, the costumes and props are eye-catching, and conspiracy theories are rampant, the ratings are still good, with the highest rating of more than 15.4%. It is the highest-rated drama among the four famous classics remakes in the same period, and the first round of premiere revenue alone has 340 million, and the subsequent online broadcasts have made a lot of money!

It was precisely because of the high ratings and huge returns of "The New Three Kingdoms" that Gao Xixi had the capital to spend 240 million to shoot "Legend of Chu and Han", but "Legend of Chu and Han" did not replicate the good broadcast effect of "The New Three Kingdoms". The ratings have been sluggish from the release to the end, and it has received more bricks than "The New Three Kingdoms" (why some dramas have higher ratings the more they are criticized), and the highest rating of the episode did not even reach 0.8.

It was also because of the failure of this drama that Gao Xixi's other historical masterpiece "Zhao Kuangyin" was completed long ago, but no TV station took over, and for quite a long time, no one asked him to take over the big production.

After eating and drinking, everyone was planning to go home directly, but as soon as they went out, they saw a huge poster of the cinema across the street, which showed that the movie being screened today was Tom Cruise's "Mission Impossible 4", which is considered the best movie in the Mission Impossible series. It was originally released in North America on December 16, 2011 in the previous life, and was not released until January 28, 2012 in mainland theaters.

Unexpectedly, it was released in North America in this life, but this is good news for Gu Zhongyu, so that when "Ball Lightning" is released during the Spring Festival, there will be one less strong competitor.

"Teacher Gu, it's still early, let's go to the movies!" Nazha had heard from her sister who was a flight attendant that this movie was very exciting and asked her to watch it too. It was rare to have free time tonight, so she wanted to take her dear teacher Gu with her.

Gu Zhongyu also wanted to relive the classics, so he asked others if they wanted to go to the movies together?

"I won't go. You young people should go and watch it!" Han Tongsheng is old. After a day of strolling around Chang'an, he is already very tired. Moreover, he has no interest in this kind of Hollywood blockbuster. He thinks it is more interesting to listen to Peking Opera.

Zhang Songwen will not go either. His good friend Zhou Yiwei will naturally accompany him. The others are similar. In the end, only Gu Zhongyu, Nazha and Wan Qian went to the movie.

At this time, Nazha looked at Wan Qian with an expectant light in her eyes, hoping that this sister would give up when faced with difficulties and not disturb her and Gu Zhongyu's world of two.

Last time, she made significant progress in her relationship with Teacher Gu in the bathroom, so this time she wanted to strike while the iron is hot and win this man in one fell swoop.

As a result, Wan Qian directly ignored Nazha's desire: "Let's go! What are you waiting for?"

Wan Qian didn't intend to get involved in the matter between Nazha and Gu Zhongyu, but she was really upset after being scolded in the morning. She is also a person with a temper. She just shared this matter with her teammates in the group, and everyone also urged her to teach this woman a lesson and ruin her good things!

Don't fight for your reputation!

Come on, President! Go be a 100-watt light bulb!

So the three of them went to the movies together...


When they arrived at the cinema, Nazha originally wanted to buy a seat next to each other for her and Gu Zhongyu, but Wan Qian got ahead of her and bought three rows of seats.

New Year's Day had passed, and the cinema was deserted at around 9 o'clock. In fact, you can sit anywhere in the viewing hall where there were not many people.

As a result, Nazha just grabbed Gu Zhongyu's hand and sat in the corner, and Wan Qian came over with popcorn and Coke and asked her if she was thirsty!


Are you deliberately ruining my good thing?

Gu Zhongyu also smelled a hint of gunpowder at this time. Wan Qian was obviously targeting Nazha and didn't let her have the opportunity to be alone with him, so she asked the two women to sit on his left and right, and she sat in the middle to prevent any conflicts later.

The movie started. Although Tom Cruise was fifty years old, he still looked handsome and cool. His agility did not seem like that of a middle-aged man at all. Gu Zhongyu quickly entered the state of watching the movie.

An expert knows the tricks. As an actor, Gu Zhongyu has a different experience watching this movie now.

It is very consistent with Hollywood popcorn movies, handsome men, beautiful women, fast pace, racing, hackers and exotic customs, all of which are not lacking. This kind of movie is just for hormones, and it is not worth watching with your brain, but it is still more interesting than the superhero movies that are popular on the streets later.

A particularly exciting scene is when Tom Cruise climbs up the hotel in Dubai, the tallest building in the world, making people feel like they are right next to the male protagonist, and it is thrilling to look down from above!

At the exciting moment when Tom Cruise almost fell off the Dubai Tower, Nazha next to him closed her eyes and said "ah", and then hugged his left hand...

This is not over yet. Wan Qian noticed this little action. Seeing Nazha pretending to be timid, although she was disdainful in her heart, she also felt that she couldn't let her get away with it!

So, she also pretended to be frightened by this scene and hugged Gu Zhongyu's right hand...

The two looked at each other with murderous intent behind his back, and then they hugged each other tighter at the same time, refusing to let go no matter what!

Gu Zhongyu: ? ? ?

No! I want to drink fat house water and eat popcorn? How can I do it when you two hold my hands like this?

But soon Gu Zhongyu found that he just had to wait for the feeding the whole time. Nazha would put popcorn into his mouth, and Wan Qian would bring Coke to him from time to time, and the two of them would serve him like serving an uncle.

Okay, this is also pretty cool!

The two sealed 91 and 92 have been released, everyone remember to go and see it

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