Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 145 144 Create a commercial blockbuster with a purely mainland cast

Chapter 145 144. Create a commercial blockbuster with a purely mainland cast

The two chatted for a while, and then the landline rang. Wei Wu looked at the caller ID and knew that it was his aunt who asked them to go down for breakfast, so the two went down to have breakfast.

Both of them are busy, and Liu Tianxian doesn't know how to cook, but Wei Wu can, but he doesn't usually have time!

So as soon as the two of them joined forces, they hired a 46-year-old aunt named Chen from the housekeeping company to be responsible for cleaning, laundry and cooking, but food and accommodation were not included.

In fact, on the right side of the entrance on the first floor of this villa, there was originally a 15-square-meter nanny's room with a separate bathroom.

However, Wei Wu is a person who pays more attention to privacy, so he usually only allows his aunt to rest here temporarily to store luggage and other things, and does not arrange for her to live here.

Instead, he gave her an extra amount of money to rent a house nearby. The same goes for eating. I also gave her meal supplements and let her handle it on her own.

It depends on his personal habits. It's not that Wei Wu is superior to others or looks down on nannies or anything like that, but he really feels that it would be a bit embarrassing to eat and live with people other than his family.

Even when he was in junior high school and high school, he would rather get up early every day and ride a bicycle for half an hour to school, and was not used to living in a dormitory with other classmates.

In fact, Aunt Chen not only had no objection to this, but was actually happy to see the outcome, because she was originally unwilling to live and eat with Wei Wu and Liu Tianxian.

After all, the two of them are either celebrities or celebrities. In fact, it is very uncomfortable to live and eat with them. It is better to go their own ways.

In Wei Wu's current villa, public areas such as the living room, kitchen, dining room, public bathroom, laundry room, and nanny's room are all on the first floor, and then private areas such as studios, bedrooms, and home theaters are on the second floor.

In addition to the garage, the basement of their home also has a small wine cellar and a gym.

Therefore, Wei Wu and Liu Tianxian usually live upstairs for work, rest and entertainment. The entire villa has been specially soundproofed. Basically, no matter how loud the noise is upstairs, you can't hear it at all downstairs.

And when they are at home, unless cleaning, Aunt Chen usually doesn't go upstairs so as not to disturb them. Even if she calls them to eat or something, she always calls the landline.

The aunt told them and left first. The two began to eat breakfast. Liu Tianxian chatted while eating:

"Um, did you really change Zhen Zidan?"

Wei Wu nodded: "Well, I told Mr. Han and then changed him.

"Then his role was changed to Zhao Wenzhuo, and the contract has been signed! You can see him when we start filming next week!"

Liu Tianxian peeled off a hard-boiled white egg, handed it over and said:

"But why? It's not going to start soon, so why do you want to change him at this time?"

That's of course because Wei Wu didn't have such confidence before, so he still needed a Hong Kong star to boost the box office and open up the market in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

But now that "Those Years" has exceeded 100 million in one fell swoop, Wei Wu's confidence has naturally been boosted. After all, "Those Years" can break 100 million, and "Silver Driver" will most likely also break 100 million.

With the foundation of these two movies that have exceeded 100 million yuan, Wei Wu's reputation will definitely rise by then!

In this way, with a director like him who has enough box office appeal, the conditions for the cast of new films can be slightly relaxed.

If Wei Wu's box office appeal is not enough, then he definitely needs a Hong Kong star like Donnie Yen.

But if his own box office appeal is enough, then even an all-mainland lineup is not impossible!

And to say the least, before "Those Years" was released, even though Wei Wu asked Han Sanping for a replacement, especially the only Hong Kong star in the starring cast, Han Sanping really didn't necessarily agree. .

Because Han Sanping must be like most people in this circle now, thinking that commercial blockbusters must have one or two Hong Kong stars who can dominate the scene, otherwise the box office will definitely be very ugly.

However, Wei Wu is not what he used to be, and even his status in Han Sanping's mind has naturally increased, so he called and said it, and Han Sanping immediately agreed!

Of course, even if Han Sanping comes forward, he will probably have to pay some amount of liquidated damages to Zhen Zidan before the matter can be settled.

When Wei Wu asked for a replacement, Han Sanping of course asked him the reason, so Wei Wu told him about his idea of ​​forming an all-mainland cast, and Han Sanping immediately expressed his support clearly.

Although he may not 100% agree with this approach in his heart, at least he will support it openly.

After all, since he is sitting in that position, some things cannot be considered purely from an economic perspective, but must be considered from a high-level perspective.

If a reporter asked this question, Wei Wu would definitely be vague and never fall into the trap of others.

But since it was Liu Tianxian who asked, Wei Wu naturally told the truth. He took the egg from her hand, swallowed it in two or three mouthfuls, then took a sip of soy milk and pressed it down, then said calmly:

"Because I want to put together a starring team with purely mainland actors.

"Nowadays, many commercial blockbusters seem to have to include one or two Hong Kong and Taiwan stars to support the scene before they can start production. To be honest, I don't like this very much.

“I just want to prove to them that even a commercial blockbuster with a purely mainland cast can still hit the box office and achieve commercial success!

"To be honest, there is really no need to lick Hong Kong and Taiwan stars like that! I don't even know what they are licking?

“In the past, Xiangjiang movies were indeed awesome in leading the trend in Asia, but times have changed, and Xiangjiang movies have long been left behind!

"Nowadays, most Hong Kong and Taiwan stars have gone north to the mainland to make a living. They can't make it there and have no jobs. They are forced to leave their hometowns and come to make a living with us. Why are you still licking them?

"Why do you think foreign monks are good at reciting sutras? And why do they think those from Hong Kong and Taiwan should be superior to others!"

Liu Tianxian opened his mouth in surprise. His mood was agitated for a moment, and he had many things to say:

"I...I didn't was such a reason. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have thought of this, because we have long been accustomed to this bad habit.

"Indeed, over the years, we mainland actors, except for a few people such as Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi, etc., have basically been working for Hong Kong and Taiwan stars.

"Especially in those big-budget movies, if you are an actress, you may be able to play some less important roles such as side heroines, but the male actors are even worse!

"Of course we all feel unhappy, but we also know that this is the general trend, and even top directors like Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige and Feng Xiaogang are still not immune to this.

"Of the six leading actors in "Heroes", only two are from the Mainland, Chen Daoming and Zhang Ziyi; in "A World Without Thieves", one male and female lead is a Hong Kong star and the other is a Taiwanese star; among the five leading actors in "The Promise," there is only one mainland actor, Liu Ye, and his role is Too little.

"I really didn't expect that you dared to risk the world's disapproval of something that even Zhang, Chen, Feng and the others dared not do. You are really amazing!

"If the movie "Painted Skin" is really a big success, in your words, all the mainland actors including me will have to give you a thumbs up!"

Wei Wu clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "That's why I always tell you: It's too small, the pattern is too small! We should open up the pattern in our life and work!"

Before Liu Tianxian could react, Wei Wu put away his smile and changed the subject:

"Well, since you are not an outsider, I am not afraid to tell you the truth.

"In the final analysis, the reason why I dare to think and do it is not because of anything else, but because of this movie, which I didn't invest in anyway!

"Anyway, the worst-case scenario is that the movie loses money! It's not my money, not even Mr. Han's money, it's the company's money!

"If this movie is invested by our company, then don't think about it. I am 100% sure to use Zhen Zidan. Even if I change, it will be another Hong Kong and Taiwan star!"

Liu Tianxian's expression suddenly became awkward. Unexpectedly, she was deeply moved and complimented Wei Wu. Before she finished speaking, Wei Wu gave her such a realistic answer.

No, at least let me be moved first and then expose it! You're embarrassing me like this!

However, Wei Wu is such a frank person. He usually expresses his feelings directly in front of him, saying whatever he has to say...

Because he is too proud and sometimes doesn't even bother to pretend, which is one of the reasons why Liu Tianxian likes him.

Then Liu Tianxian began to worry about a problem:

"Then what should we do if the box office of "Painted Skin" really fails to meet expectations? Then Mr. Han will definitely blame you, right? If you change the general at the last minute, you might be settled by the Queen of Autumn?"

Wei Wu had already thought about this, and he waved his hand boldly and said:

"It's okay, I've thought about it. Since our "Those Years" has exceeded 100 million, then "Silver Driver" will definitely have a high probability of exceeding 100 million.

"As a commercial blockbuster with a larger investment and a stronger cast, based on the current situation, it is conservatively estimated that the box office of "Painted Skin" should not be less than 150 million in the future.

"Then let's calculate it based on 150 million. This movie will definitely be distributed by China Film itself and then released in its own theaters.

"The distributor's box office share is about 12 or 3 points, plus half of the theater chain's box office share (because China Film Group's theaters account for half of the country's theaters), it's almost 26 or 7 points.

"In other words, most of the box office share of this movie, at least 40%, was directly earned back by themselves.

"This does not include their box office share as the producer, which is almost a little over 35%. This means that in total, at least 75% of the box office share goes to them in the end!

"The 75% box office share of the 150 million is 112.5 million. After deducting the 100 million production cost, it has already made a profit of 12.5 million.

"Of course, this does not include the publicity and distribution expenses. Assuming that the publicity and distribution expenses are calculated as 50 million, that means the cost is still 37.5 million.

"And period blockbusters like "Painted Skin" are especially special effects commercial films with a bit of fantasy elements.

“It’s easy to sell overseas copyrights for movies with this type of theme, and they can be sold at particularly high prices. This is basically the most popular genre among foreign copyright owners now.

"If you don't believe it, look at Feng Xiaogang. He didn't always shoot modern themes before, but now he has also started to shoot costume blockbusters in "The Night Banquet"!

"That's not to mention Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige. They made a lot of money from selling the copyrights of "Hero" and "The Promise". They easily made tens of millions, so I was jealous and wanted to get a piece of the pie!

"Convert 37.5 million RMB into U.S. dollars, which is just over 5 million U.S. dollars! When the time comes, you can sell it as you like.

"So if you look at the calculation, isn't it almost completely recovered? So the probability of losing money for the movie "Painted Skin" is really low, so I dare to boldly change the actors!"

"Oh, then I'm relieved!"

After listening to Wei Wu's analysis, Liu Tianxian felt that there was no problem, so she felt much more relieved.

After all, she didn't want Wei Wu to have a problem with the box office because of the change of actors, and finally broke up with Han Sanping.

After all, it's easier to be an official if you have someone in the court. Although Wei Wu's dependence on Han Sanping is not as high as before!

But it's better to have one more powerful ally than one more powerful enemy!

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