Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 184 183 The first full value attribute is here

Chapter 184 183. The first full-value attribute is here

Wei Wu returned to the "Painted Skin" crew and was about to roll up his sleeves to work hard, but suddenly received a system message:

[Ding, warm reminder, you still have a treasure chest that has been stranded for more than 8 months. Do you want to claim it now? 】

Well, where did I get the treasure chest that I haven't claimed yet?

Wei Wu checked it and found that it was actually an upgrade treasure chest for upgrading from level 2 to level 3.

When he upgraded, he happened to be holding a celebration banquet for "Lost on Journey" and gave the third subsystem to Fan Bingbing that day.

I was trying my best to deal with all kinds of monsters all day long. I was so busy that I almost forgot about it!

And because of this period of time, he has not officially determined the new subsystem host.

At most, he would consider scanning it. After all, he is a little busy with all three now, and it has not yet reached the final step of giving it out.

So he didn't realize that he hadn't claimed the upgrade reward yet, and the three subsystems have not yet arrived!

What are you waiting for? Hurry up and claim it.

[Congratulations on your upgrade reward: 5 free attribute points, 3 subsystem quotas]

Wuhu, take off!

Wei Wu first opened his attribute page and took a look:

Wei Wu.lv3 (1100/6000)

[Charm: 72]

[Performance: 81]

[Singing and Dancing: 28]

[Directing: 98]

Well, there are only two points left for directing, so of course I have to add them first.

So Wei Wu directly clicked twice on directing!

OK, it's finally full, comfortable!

Uh, one attribute is full, but it doesn't seem to feel special!

Just as Wei Wu was thinking this, he suddenly felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and his head buzzed, and he felt a sharp pain.

It was as if the depths of his soul were liberated, and the wisdom factor was poured in like a raging wave. A large amount of information flow rushed into his mind crazily, and in a trance, it seemed that something had broken free.

Fortunately, this feeling came and went quickly, and it was fine after about three or five seconds.

Just at this moment, Wei Wu felt that the whole world seemed to have changed.

But after calming down, he felt it carefully, and it seemed that nothing had happened.

Wei Wu repeatedly tested and examined himself several times, and finally confirmed that he was still an ordinary human being with normal in all aspects.

At most, his observation, judgment, calculation, reaction, memory, creativity, etc. seemed to be slightly enhanced than before.

He did not open the gene lock or anything. In short, extraordinary things did not happen to him.

Well, the improvement is still quite obvious. At least now his whole person, the genius level is definitely a step further than before.

Now Wei Wu can say without exaggeration that from now on, he is the best director in the world.

But the problem is that it is useless for him to give this title to himself. He needs the recognition of most people.

After all, there are many people who feel good about themselves and still think they are the world's number one director even if they have no achievements.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for raising a basic attribute to 100, congratulations on receiving the basic attribute full value reward: free attribute points * 4]

Wuhu, another 4 free attributes, plus the remaining 3 points, that is to say, Wei Wu now has 7 free attributes, which can be added at will.

Cool! When has our Li Yunlong ever fought such a rich battle!

And Wei Wu also noticed that this time the system prompt did not add limiting words such as first time and first time.

In other words, if the remaining three attributes are raised to 100, they will also get 4 free attribute points. That's pretty good!

The question is, with 7 free attribute points, should I add charm first? Or should I add performance first?

If it is added to charm, Wei Wu's charm can be directly raised to 79, which means that almost half of his body has entered the realm of handsome guys.

And he is not an ordinary handsome guy, but the kind of foreigner who will praise "Sexy" even if he doesn't know him, but sees his photo.

But if it is added to the performance, his performance attribute will directly soar to 88, which is almost the level of the best actor.

And among young male actors, it is obviously one of the best super high levels.

Even if we look at the entire domestic entertainment, it is almost the small group of senior acting schools standing at the top of the pyramid!

Well, I have to say that both are very attractive!

Rationally speaking, he should indeed add performance. Because of charm and so on, he can just follow others.

Anyway, if the three subsystem hosts have new free attribute points now, they should all give priority to charm!

But emotionally speaking, Wei Wu gave up his childhood dream of being an actor because his appearance was not good enough in his previous life! He switched to being a director behind the scenes.

So becoming a handsome guy has always been a big obsession in Wei Wu's heart.

In fact, not only is becoming handsome a big obsession for him, but acting is also the same.

Therefore, Wei Wu has already planned it. After finishing the post-production of "Painted Skin", it will be about the first half of next year.

At that time, he will not be busy making movies, but will make a TV series in which he will direct and act.

He originally thought about making a movie in which he will direct and act, but he felt that the risk of making a movie was much greater.

Although Wei Wu is indeed a top-tier director, the audience may not be able to accept his sudden departure from the industry to act in movies at the first time.

If the box office does not go well by then, let alone losing money, Wei Wu's face will naturally be tarnished.

So it’s better to start with TV series. After all, you don’t have to spend money to watch TV series!

At that time, everyone will at least glance at him because of his face.

Then when I saw it, I realized, hey, he actually acted pretty well, and the plot was pretty good, so I would definitely follow him!

In fact, Wei Wu originally planned to finish filming "Painted Skin" and then film "Thailand" in the second half of next year, and then direct and star in a TV series.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and suddenly there were so many free attribute points. Now, whether it's to increase appearance or acting skills, it's all very exciting.

If it is full charm, then both charm and performance will be increased to above 80.

In this way, if you have good looks and good acting skills, it is basically more than enough to play the male lead in a TV series.

If you add performance, you can even get this attribute to 90, and you are already considered a performing artist. It is definitely not a problem to get a TV Emperor or something.

As a result, Wei Wu decided to adjust his plan. Since he is now capable of starring in film and television dramas, he should start planning as soon as possible!

First, direct and star in a TV series. As for "囧囧", it can be filmed in the middle of the year or in the second half of the year.

Anyway, "囧" can only be released on next year's Lunar New Year film. So as long as we can catch up with the Lunar New Year period, it doesn't make any difference whether it's earlier or later.

You may be wondering, Wei Wu's current free attribute points, even if all of them are added to performance, are only 88. How could they reach 90?

Don’t forget, everyone, the movie “Painted Skin” is about to be finished. By then, the movie will be finished——

This means that Liu Tianxian and Fan Bingbing each completed a C-level mission, which were two C-level treasure boxes.

Two C-level treasure chests mean 4 attribute points. Generally speaking, it is impossible to draw none of the performance attributes.

Even if you only draw a little performance attribute, if you can still draw a little free attribute, you can also click on the free attribute, which will be 90.

Therefore, it is quite safe to say that the performance attribute is above 90, and Wei Wu even has a double insurance.

This double insurance is that Fan Bingbing's favorability score for him has now risen to 59.

Basically, after they finish the scene in a few days, if I praise her a little bit, my favorability level will rise to 60 in a matter of minutes.

In that case, you can credit a free attribute point reward.

If the performance attribute has not reached 90 at this time, you can still add this attribute point.

After all this calculation, it seems that adding performances is the most cost-effective option!

Because of the performance attributes of 90%, it is basically enough to ensure that Wei Wu will get the title of King of Vision through his TV series debut.

Why does Wei Wu think he can defeat Shi Di?

That's of course because in his previous life, Wen Zhang won the Golden Eagle Award for this drama.

And this drama is the famous anti-war drama "Snow Leopard", which is widely recommended as the most successful anti-war drama after "Bright Sword".

How awesome is this show? Let's put it this way, not only did it explode in ratings when it was broadcast, but the key is that its replay rate is astonishingly high.

An organization has specially compiled statistics on the rebroadcast rate of domestic TV series in these 12 years from 2007 to 2019.

No. 1 is undoubtedly "Journey to the West": 719 times.

It has been replayed more than 3,000 times, making it the TV series with the highest replay rate in the world, certified by Guinness.

Followed by "Snow Leopard": 437 times, and the ceiling of the Anti-Japanese War drama "Bright Sword" can only be ranked third: 339 times.

The fourth place is "Insidious": 290 times. Why should I mention this TV series in particular?

Because of this TV series, Wei Wu is also preparing to direct and act in it.

The investment in these two dramas is not large, but the ratings and influence are quite amazing.

Moreover, the anti-war and espionage themes are basically suitable for all ages, and the basics are solid, so Wei Wu is naturally his first choice.

The leading actors in these two dramas, Wen Zhang and Sun Hongshu, are not known for their looks.

The two of them basically belong to the kind who are good-looking among ordinary people, but can only be considered average among celebrities. They are both tough and stylish men.

And Wei Wu is almost in this category now, and his appearance is even better than the two of them.

If the acting skills are improved to 90+, there will definitely be no problem in controlling these two roles.

In this case, there is no need to hesitate, just join the show!

So Wei Wu stopped worrying and focused all his 7 points of free attributes on performance, and his performance attribute jumped directly to 88.

Very good, what an auspicious number!

Ok, now I'm basically waiting for "Painted Skin" to be finished, and then see what Liu Tianxian and Fan Bingbing can find in their treasure chests!

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