Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 225 224 The new couple entered the room and the matchmaker threw over the wall (thanks to Li

Chapter 225 224. When the newlyweds entered the room, the matchmaker threw him over the wall (Thanks to Mr. Li Changyue for being the leader)

"Bingbing, what other scenes do you have at hand to shoot now?"

Now that he has become a contracted artist of his own company, as the boss, Wei Wu must of course be concerned about it.

Moreover, for an artist of Fan Bingbing's level to join the company, although he has already signed, Wei Wu still has to express what he needs to say.

Because this is not only for Fan Bingbing, but also for other subsequent artists who are interested in joining Shu culture!

Just one "Painted Skin" may not be enough. After all, just compare Zhou Xun's treatment.

Zhou Xun also filmed "The Night Banquet" before officially joining Huayi, and then Huayi arranged for her to be the heroine of three movies in a row.

As for Fan Bingbing, no matter how much Wei Wu deducts, he still has to arrange two more dramas for her!

Fan Bingbing put down the tea cup and answered with his fingers:

"Well, I still have a few film appointments on hand. The ones that will be released soon include "Contract Lover", starring Ren Xianqi; "Call of Destiny", starring Xu Zheng, Ge You, Wang Xuebin, etc.

"There is also the musical film "Jing Wu Men", the male protagonist is Chen Xiaochun; there is also "The Road Home", which was produced by Pearl River Film Studio, and the comedy "Peach Blossom" starring Ge You."

In fact, when a star reaches the level of Sidan Shuangbing, his dependence on the agency is already relatively small, and he can get a lot of dramas by himself.

If you can still know how to choose a script, it will be even more foolproof, and you can basically ensure that you won't be disappointed easily.

Of course, if you want to act in blockbusters, you still have to join a big company.

Wei Wu was a little surprised: "So many? Are they all heroines?"

Unfortunately, Wei Wu has basically never seen any of these movies. The only one that seems to have some impression of them is "Call of Destiny".

To talk about this movie, we must first talk about "Love Call Transfer" which was released during the Lunar New Year last year and is still in theaters.

"Love Call Transfer" was released on the 8th of this month, and so far the box office has exceeded 10 million. The film's final box office was 12.41 million, ranking 39th in the year.

According to common sense, this movie must have made a huge loss! After all, this movie has as many as 12 female stars participating, and the salary alone is not a small figure.

However, the film was produced by Page Media, an advertising and marketing company whose main business is hosting large-scale celebrations, themed parties, corporate promotions and city promotions.

To put it bluntly, Peg Media did not invest in making this movie to make money.

Mainly for advertising and expanding influence, that's why we recruited so many celebrities at once.

In the entire history of Chinese-language films, movies like this are quite explosive.

Except for the three movies in the "Call Forward" series launched by Peg Media, no one else has done this!

To put it bluntly, it can be regarded as some kind of sensationalism!

The movie also had a sequel in 2008, "Love Call Transfer 2", starring Huang Lei, Deng Chao, Huang Xiaoming, Lu Yi, Gu Juji, Su Youpeng, Nie Yuan, Tong Dawei, etc.

There is no one left in this lineup! It's almost like catching up all the popular young talents of the year and cramming them all into one movie.

We found 12 female stars for the first part, and 12 male stars for the second part. Anyway, they have already figured out the eyeball economy!

No wonder they are engaged in advertising and marketing, just two words - professional.

Because the sequel movie has a larger cast, "Call Transfer 2" ended up doing slightly better at the box office.

The film was released during the Lunar New Year holiday in 2008, with a final box office of 35 million, ranking 25th in the year.

Even so, this sequel movie definitely lost money! The main thing is that the total salary of these popular actors is scary.

But how can advertising be free of money? Being able to invite so many stars to make movies is a side confirmation of the strength of our company.

After all, economic strength is also strength!

By the way, this company also produced a famous movie later, but the reputation may not be very good. This movie is "Tianji. Residence in the Fuchun Mountains".

Wei Wu couldn't help but wonder if they shot it so poorly on purpose in order to achieve the best advertising effect.

After all, in 2013, this movie with a box office of 300 million only ranked 12th in the year. But most of the movies that had higher box office than it at that time were far less famous than it.

Fan Bingbing mentioned that "Call of Destiny", which will be filmed this year, can be regarded as a companion piece to "Call of Love"!

It can't be called a sequel, because there is a legitimate sequel "Love Call Transfer 2", and the director is still the director of the first film, Zhang Jianya.

This "Call Transfer of Destiny" is of course also produced by Paige Media.

After all, for people like him who are willing to spend money to listen to music these days, it would be nice to have one. How can there be so many wealthy people!

Fan Bingbing nodded: "Yes, except for the last one, which has a second female lead. And these are all movies that will be shot this year.

"Well, actually I have two or three more dramas next year. There is a drama "Human Love" with Deng Chao, and a movie "Wheat Field" with Huang Jue, and there are also a few guest roles."

Wei Wu couldn't help but be speechless. As expected of a pair of four-year-old actresses, domestic entertainment actresses, this film has already been fully booked!

Looking at it this way, Liu Tianxian is indeed an outlier among the first-line stars. Even if she is a four-year-old actress, there are few people like her who only film one or two movies a year.

But she definitely receives a lot of film contracts every year, just look at Shu Chang.

The trajectory of Shu Chang's early popularity is basically the same as Liu Tianxian's.

Although Shu Chang is not as famous as Liu Tianxian, she starred in three or four dramas every year during the years when she was popular.

But Liu Tianxian is like punching in at work, at most two movies a year, and most years only one.

From her debut in 2003 to the 24th year of Wei Wu's rebirth, Liu Tianxian has only starred in 25 TV dramas in 22 years, a complete salted fish.

Liu Shishi is slightly better than her, with 26. The rest of the 85 flowers have basically all starred in more than 30. Yang Mi, the most hardworking model, is even 50+.

Even Yang Tianbao, who focuses on variety shows among the 85 flowers, became popular many years later than them, but he starred in more TV dramas than them.

They acted in few roles. If they were good at choosing scripts, it would be fine.

The key is that they are not very good at choosing scripts. They acted in as many bad movies as others, which is very annoying!

Fan Bingbing suddenly glanced at Wei Wu and said, "Originally, there should be another drama at the beginning of the year, which is "Rouge Snow" by Tangde Film and Television, but they notified me before the New Year that it would be replaced by Xiaoyanzi."

Wei Wu understood as soon as he heard it. It should be that Fan Bingbing had a quarrel with Wu Hongliang, the boss of Tangde Film and Television, so they kicked her out.

But this is not surprising. After all, Tangde Film and Television is preparing to be deeply tied to Fan Bingbing. For this reason, Wu Hongliang specially found his old leader to help Fan Bingbing win the heroine of "Painted Skin".

As a result, Fan Bingbing entered the room as a newcomer, threw the matchmaker over the wall, and turned around to hook up with Wei Wu directly. It would be strange if Wu Hongliang was not angry!

The other party specifically mentioned this, of course, he wanted to ask Wei Wu for compensation, so Wei Wu immediately said generously:

"Well, since you have joined our company, we certainly cannot have no expression on our side.

"Then I will give you the heroine of "Lost in Thailand", but this heroine has a little less role, which seems to be not sincere enough.

"Well, then when our company shoots the second TV series at the end of the year, I will let you play the heroine then."

Fan Bingbing couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth: "Of course! What kind of drama is it?"

Wei Wu introduced her a little: "The Hidden Ark", a spy war theme."

Fan Bingbing nodded repeatedly: "Spy war themes are good, at least the ratings are guaranteed. In fact, I haven't played a spy war drama yet!"

No, you just haven't played it yet. In your previous life, you starred in a spy war movie: "East Wind and Rain".

Wei Wu picked up the teacup and used tea instead of wine and said: "Don't worry, since you have joined our Shu culture, I will not treat you unfairly.

"This is just an appetizer, there are more surprises waiting for you later. Our company will open another movie or TV series for you next year, with you as the heroine, whatever you like. "

After all, she is the first popular star to come to Wei Wu, so Wei Wu must pay a lot of money to buy her! Otherwise, people will not be willing to come later.

Fan Bingbing also raised his teacup and clinked it with him, and gave Wei Wu a wink, smiling and said:

"Thank you, boss, I'll wait for you!"

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