Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 276 275 Zhou Xun suffers from insomnia due to Fan Bingbing's title of Queen

Chapter 276 275. Zhou Xun who suffered from insomnia due to Fan Bingbinghua’s appointment as queen

Since filming started on August 3, the filming of "囧囧" has been smooth sailing.

After all, the three leading actors in this movie: Xu Zheng + Huang Bo + Wang Baoqiang not only have superb acting skills, but they have also collaborated with Wei Wu for the second time, and they have already become familiar with it.

Therefore, the filming of "囧囧" was definitely the most worry-free one Wei Wu had ever taken.

It only took 8 days to shoot all the domestic scenes.

Then the whole crew immediately transferred to Bangkok, Thailand, to start filming the Thai part of "囧".

Filming abroad was the first time for Wei Wu, Xu Zheng, Wang Baoqiang and the others, so it was quite new.

But as the ancients said, people are cheap when they leave their hometown.

With so many people suddenly changing their living environment, there will inevitably be a lot of inconveniences in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation in the initial stage, and it will inevitably take some time to adapt.

A lot of things did happen at the beginning. Some people suffered from heatstroke, some were accidentally injured, some had food poisoning, and some even got into trouble...

But fortunately, the crew of "囧囧" has sufficient funds. As long as they have money, 90% of their worries can be solved.

Another thing that also helped a lot was that local government officials also attached great importance to Wei Wu, responded to almost every request, and diligently helped solve all logistical problems.

After all, "Painted Skin" is currently being screened in Thailand, and the previous "Those Years" also achieved good box office results in Thailand.

Even if the local Thai officials don't know Wei Wu, as long as someone introduces him to him as the Chinese film with the highest box office, they will naturally think highly of him.

Although Wei Wu can't be called an international director yet, he can almost be considered a first-tier director in Asia.

Of course, the reason why the local government treated them so favorably was not entirely because of Wei Wu's face, but mainly because of the country's relevant policies.

As a country with tourism as its backbone, Thailand is very supportive of foreign directors coming to shoot movies in the country, because movies have a miraculous effect on promoting the development of tourism.

At present, there are not only very generous tax exemption policies, but also a rebate of about 20% of production costs.

Therefore, it is no accident that movies such as "囧", "Detective Chinatown" and "Manslaughter" were shot in Thailand.

Even many Hong Kong films, such as "The Disciple", "Anti-Drug", "Slay the Wolf 2" and "Macau 2" all chose to shoot in Thailand——

Of course, it also has a lot to do with the tax reduction and rebate policy. Otherwise, why wouldn’t people go to Myanmar and Laos?

After Wei Wu and the others overcame various difficulties, the filming in Thailand gradually got on track, and time flew by to August 25th.

Before starting work that morning, Huang Bo couldn't help but ask Wei Wu:

"Tomorrow is the 12th Huabiao Awards Gala. Aren't you going to go?"

It turns out that "Painted Skin" received four nominations at this Huabiao Awards:

Outstanding Feature Film Award ("Painted Skin"), Outstanding Director Award (Wei Wu), Outstanding Actress Award (Fan Bingbing), Outstanding Film Technology Award ("Painted Skin").

Wei Wu was nominated, and the Huabiao Award is a government award led by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

If Wei Wu was in China now, even if he was filming and knew that his chances of winning the award were slim, he would still attend.

After all, in this industry, no matter how awesome you are, you can't help but give up to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

Radio and Television sent you an invitation but you didn’t go. Why do you like to wear small shoes? Do you like to be reviewed?

Wei Wu shook his head and said: "It can't be done. If I were in China, I would definitely go, but now that I am in a foreign country, it would be too troublesome to go back!"

"That's true." Huang Bo then changed the subject:

"But if you don't attend the awards show, then the outstanding director probably won't get your share!"

Wei Wu smiled bitterly and said, "That's not bad. Anyway, even if I attend the party, it probably won't be my turn."

Huang Bo was a little confused: "Why?"

Wei Wu analyzed it for him: "This has to start with the differences between the three major awards in the mainland! The three major awards in the mainland all have preferences:

“The Golden Rooster Award focuses on acting, the Hundred Flowers Award focuses on word-of-mouth, and the Huabiao Award focuses on subject matter.

“In layman’s terms, the Golden Rooster Award is a professional award selected by professional filmmakers, the Hundred Flowers Award is a mass award selected by movie audiences, and the Huabiao Award is a government award selected by relevant departments.

“Generally speaking, films with theme themes are more favored by the Huabiao Awards.

“Another one, since it is selected by relevant departments, it naturally involves some bureaucracy. For example, seniority issues may be taken into consideration, and seniority is the basis for ranking!

"For me, on the one hand, I am young and have been in the industry for a short time, so my qualifications are definitely not enough.

"In addition, the subject matter of "Painted Skin" is not pleasing to the eye, so naturally it will be difficult to win the grand finale award of Outstanding Director."

This is not Wei Wuxin's nonsense. The directors who have won the most Huabiao Awards for Outstanding Director in their previous lives basically won the awards for their main theme films.

For example, Feng Xiaogang ("Assembly", "1942"), Chen Kaige ("My Motherland and Me", "Changjin Lake"), Xu Ke ("Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom", "Changjin Lake"), Lin Super Leisure ("Operation Red Sea", "Changjin Lake").

In addition, Zhang Yimou's only film "No One Less", which won the Huabiao Award for Outstanding Director, is obviously a theme theme.

Some of the above-mentioned films may not be the director's masterpieces, or the films with the best reputation.

But they all won this award through these movies, which obviously has a lot to do with the subject matter.

Therefore, for Wei Wu, the Huabiao Award for Outstanding Director is almost the easiest to win.

As long as you make a main theme movie with the greatest influence throughout the year, you are basically sure to win this award.

Moreover, movies like "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy", "Operation Red Sea" and "Changjin Lake" were originally on Wei Wu's future plan list, so Wei Wu is not worried at all.

It doesn't matter if you can't get it this time. If you want to get it, it won't be a problem of one or two in the future, even three or four will not be a problem.

After listening to Wei Wu's analysis, Huang Bo thought it was really the case.

He had considered the movie "Painted Skin" before, after all, it broke the box office record in film history, and Wei Wu was so young.

The relevant departments might give him an Outstanding Director out of the mentality of "rewarding the underdog"!

But on the other hand, youth is also a double-edged sword.

The system still values ​​seniority very much. Even if you are mediocre in all aspects, you can get a certain promotion by accumulating seniority.

Wei Wu is indeed too young! And this is his first time to be nominated. If he is nominated in the next session, or the session after that, then he will basically win the award.

"Then Fan Bingbing will definitely go, right? She seems to be very popular to win the award!"

Wei Wu nodded and said, "She will definitely go. She and Li Bingbing have the best chance of winning the award this session. How could she not go?

"If she doesn't go, it means she is helping Li Bingbing to win the award in disguise. Isn't that crazy?"

Huang Bo said with a sly smile, "Do you think the organizer will deliberately make trouble? Since the two of them are so popular, just go with the flow and let them receive the award on the same stage."

Wei Wu also laughed, "You know what, this possibility is really not small!

"If the two Bings win the award together, the discussion and attention will definitely be much higher.

"And the Huabiao Awards have always had a tradition of double yolk eggs for the best actor and actress. Except for Yu Hui in the previous 11 sessions, the other 10 sessions have double actresses. ”

Zhang Ziyi is the best actress of the last Huabiao Awards. She won the award for House of Flying Daggers.

And the last Huabiao Awards also had two yolk eggs. Xiaoyanzi won the award with her for Lover’s Knot.

In fact, the last Huabiao Awards was Zhang Ziyi’s second nomination for best actress.

She was nominated for best actress in the previous session for Jasmine, but the winners were Jiang Wenli and Ju Xue.

By the way, Zhang Ziyi is also the actor who has won the most best actor and actress awards at the Huabiao Awards, with one nomination and three wins.

Later, she won the second and third Huabiao best actress awards for Mei Lanfang and The Grandmaster.

The male actors who have won the most Huabiao best actor awards have only won twice, namely Li Xuejian and Liu Peiqi.

In fact, Wei Wu just said that, but he didn’t expect Huang Bo to run over excitedly the next night. As soon as they met, he gave him a thumbs up and said:

“You are amazing! You really got it all right.

"You didn't win the Outstanding Director award this time. Yin Li and Gao Qunshu won the Outstanding Director award.

"Fortunately, "Painted Skin" still won the Outstanding Feature Film Award and the Outstanding Film Technology Award.

"The most important thing is that the two Bingbing sisters won the Outstanding Actress Award together.

"It is said that when the two received the award side by side, there was a galaxy in between them. From the stage to the stage, they did not look at each other or communicate with each other...

"It's a pity that I didn't go to the scene and didn't witness such an interesting scene with my own eyes!"

"Really?" Wei Wu raised his eyebrows:

"Yes, the Huabiao Awards still understand traffic!

"But to be honest, their relationship is really not that bad, right?

"Either they are playing tacitly to stir up the heat, or they deliberately acted like this at the request of the organizer, and they also cooperated with the operation."

Why did Wei Wu make such a judgment? Because the winners of the Outstanding Actress Award of the Huabiao Awards in the previous life were Li Bingbing and Ding Jiali.

And the celebrity guest who presented the award to Li Bingbing was none other than Fan Bingbing.

At that time, the two of them were talking and laughing, and Li Bingbing later mentioned Fan Bingbing in her acceptance speech.

However, I always feel that the organizers are making trouble. They knew that the two of them did not get along well, but they still asked Fan Bingbing to present the award to Li Bingbing.

Li Bingbing was fine, anyway, she was the winner, and she had to force a smile to let her old rival witness her winning the award in person. The uncomfortable thing was that she was not herself.

As for mentioning the other party in the acceptance speech, isn’t it a kind of behavior of rubbing salt into the wound?

By the way, the guest who presented the awards to Zhang Ziyi and Xiaoyanzi in the last Huabiao Awards, which was the 11th Huabiao Awards, was also Fan Bingbing.

Of course, when they gave their speeches, they also thanked Fan Bingbing.

From this point of view, Fan Bingbing is really a bit miserable. It’s okay that she didn’t win the award, but she has been presenting awards to her competitors and forcing a smile to witness their winning the award.

However, it is reasonable for Fan Bingbing to be the award presenter in the 11th session, and it is not entirely the organizers who are making trouble.

The reason why she was the award presenter of the Huabiao Best Actress in the 11th session was because she won the Huabiao Best Newcomer Award in the 10th session through "Cell Phone".

Because she won the award in the previous session, it is very logical to be invited as the award presenter in the next session.

Another point is that generally speaking, the celebrity guests who present awards to the best actor and actress must also match the corresponding level of celebrities.

If the selection is based on this, at that time, the only female stars in the domestic entertainment industry who were qualified to award Zhang Ziyi and Xiaoyanzi were Fan Bingbing and Zhou Xun.

After all, they both already have a Hundred Flowers Queen at this time!

At that time, Li Bingbing did not have the title of Best Actress in the Mainland's three major awards, while Xu Jinglei was always at the bottom of the popularity list.

Although Zhou Xun is qualified, she has not won any Huabiao Award before.

Moreover, she was not shortlisted for the 11th edition, so of course she did not attend the awards night and could not be an award guest.

So there is nothing wrong with Fan Bingbing awarding awards to Zhang Ziyi and Xiao Yanzi at the 11th Huabiao Awards.

But at the 12th Huabiao Awards, when Li Bingbing won the award, Fan Bingbing was asked to present the award. The officials were somewhat suspicious of deliberately causing trouble.

Because according to convention, when Li Bingbing wins the 12th Huabiao Awards, the previous Best Actress winner should be the one to present her the award.

Both Zhang Ziyi and Xiao Yanzi are suitable in every aspect.

And if the Huabiao Award sends out an invitation, the two of them will definitely not refuse it. After all, it is impossible to kill the donkey so quickly!

Since you were just awarded the title last time, it is only natural that you should be a guest of honor this time. It would be unjustifiable if you don’t come!

No matter how you look at it, Xiao Yanzi or Zhang Ziyi are much more suitable as Li Bingbing's award guests than Fan Bingbing!

What's more, Fan Bingbing has already presented an award to the Best Actress in the last year, so why is she asked to present the award to the Best Actress in this year? Is she so smart?

That year was 2007, not 2017!

Precisely because the officials of the 12th Huabiao Awards in the previous life were suspected of deliberately causing trouble, Wei Wucai suspected that this time, the organizers might be deliberately trying to attract attention.

Wei Wu suddenly became curious: "Who gave them the award?"

Huang Bo scratched his head and said: "Well, I didn't pay attention to this. But looking at the photos on the promotional page, it seems to be Xiao Yanzi and Zhang Ziyi!

"It should be them two. After all, they were the last Best Actress winners!"

Wei Wu said narrowly: "Didn't you invite Zhou Xun?"

Huang Bo reacted quickly, pointing at Wei Wu and leaning forward and back with a smile:

"Tsk tsk! You are really not a human being! No wonder people say you are petty!

"You can imagine it, but you still plan to ask Zhou Xun to present the award to Fan Bingbing? Killing people, and also killing people?"

Of course Huang Bo had never watched "Let the Bullets Fly", but he saw Wei Wu use it a few times, so he stopped learning.

Huang Bo patted his thigh and said: "I guess when Zhou Xun watched the live broadcast of the movie channel and heard the host read Fan Bingbing's name, he wanted to smash the TV!

"You want her to present the award on the spot, so why don't you throw the trophy on Fan Bingbing's head?

"It is now said on the Internet that if Zhou Xun were to play this role, she would definitely be the one with the most fame now. Of course she will be the one who will be crowned the queen of Huabiao tonight!"

Wei Wu couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly: "Maybe! Who knows!"

Again, although Zhou Xun played Xiao Wei in his previous life, he did not win any major awards in the end.

But the situation is indeed different. The main difference is that "Painted Skin" broke the box office record in Chinese film history, which is a big plus.

Zhou Xun originally played this role very well. If Wei Wu refined it a little more, it would really be unreasonable not to win an award.

It is estimated that Zhou Xun probably thinks the same way now.

Now that Fan Bingbing can win the title of queen, if he plays the role of Xiao Wei, can he still not win the award?

Anyway, I guess she won't be able to sleep tonight.

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