Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 304 303 Celebration Banquet Give You Three Big Red Packets

Chapter 304 303. A big red envelope will be given to the three of you at the celebration banquet

"Hello Director Wei, long time no see!"

Wei Wu smiled and nodded: "Long time no see, Brother Xu, what are you busy with now?"

Wei Wu had just finished filming "Going West" and immediately started the roadshow promotion of "Lost in Thailand". This time he still started from Yanjing, so Xu Zheng came to join the group today.

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "I just received a low-cost comedy movie script - "Night Club". The director is a newcomer, born in 1980, named Yang Qing."

Xu Zheng was obviously afraid that Wei Wu didn't know what he said, so he introduced it briefly.

In fact, Wei Wu certainly knew about the movie "Night Club".

Earlier, Wei Wu even considered making "Night Club" his first film, because this movie is a typical small-scale big-win movie.

According to director Yang Qing himself, the production cost of this movie was less than 2.5 million, but it won 11.9 million box office after its release in the previous life.

Although the investment is small, the cast of this movie is not particularly bad. The main actors are Xu Zheng + Li Xiaolu + Qiao Renliang, and Zhao Yingjun, Zhang Jiayi and Wang Xun also make cameo appearances.

Wang Xun's cameo is particularly outstanding, and a famous scene of the film was born:

I feel that my words have touched your soul! I won't say more, my lawyer will tell you.

Normally, with this cast, 2 million yuan is not enough at all, and this amount of money can barely pay the salary.

But fortunately, the scene of this movie is extremely simple, and basically the whole movie takes place in a supermarket, so a lot of costs are saved.

In addition, Xu Zheng and Li Xiaolu appropriately reduced their pay, so this movie can be made.

Why did they reduce their pay for no reason?

This has been discussed before, because now movie stars are more valuable than TV stars.

Although Xu Zheng and Li Xiaolu have already made a name for themselves in the field of TV dramas, they still want to become movie stars.

In order to successfully transform into movie actors, they are even willing to sacrifice some pay.

Judging from the results, Li Xiaolu did not achieve her goal, but Xu Zheng did.

Although this movie is not particularly famous among Xu Zheng's film works, Xu Zheng proved himself with this movie and got the stepping stone to star in "Lost on Journey".

However, Xu Zheng has already starred in "Lost on Journey" in this life, and it can be said that he has established a firm foothold in the film industry. In this case, is he still willing to take a big pay cut?

So Wei Wu was a little curious: "How much did they pay you?"

Xu Zheng answered honestly: "1 million."

"What is the estimated production cost of this movie?"

"5 million."

"Oh", Wei Wu nodded, so the investment doubled, and Xu Zheng hardly cut his salary, 1 million is almost Xu Zheng's normal market price.

Of course, one of the main reasons why Xu Zheng did not cut his salary is that the production cost of this movie doubled.

It is estimated that it may be because Xu Zheng participated in the film, so the investors added the budget.

If it is based on the original box office, then this movie may not make money.

But Xu Zheng still has a certain box office appeal, so the box office of "Night Club" may be slightly higher than in the previous life, so this movie still has a chance to make money.

When "Night Club" started filming in the previous life, Xu Zheng had not yet proved himself, nor had he established a firm foothold in the film industry. He valued the opportunity to star in a movie more than the money, so he was willing to reduce his salary to act.

But this is a different time. Now Xu Zheng is no longer the same as before. This kind of low-cost comedy is also begged by others to act, not him rushing to act.

In this way, the situation is reversed, and he naturally refuses to reduce his salary.

Although Xu Zheng has a big picture view, he is not dislike money.

Thinking of this, Wei Wu changed the subject and said:

"Speaking of film pay, our "Lost in Thailand" is still a bit unfair to you! But don't worry, I will definitely not treat you unfairly.

"How about this, no matter how much the box office of this movie is, when the celebration banquet is held, I will give you three leading actors a big red envelope of 2 million each. ”

In fact, if it is just to make up for the difference in salary, then only 1 million is enough.

But if the box office of "Lost in Thailand" can continue to break the box office record, then generally speaking, at the celebration banquet, each of the three leading actors will be given a bonus red envelope of 1 million.

The two added together are 2 million, so Wei Wu generously gave them 2 million, and 2 million sounds good when it is said out loud!

Wei Wu estimated that the box office of "Lost in Thailand" will definitely exceed that of "Painted Skin", and it should not be less than 330 million.

If we say that according to 330 million If we calculate, the box office share is about 127 million. After deducting the publicity expenses and production costs, the net profit of Weiguo Films is about 77 million.

Even if 6 million red envelopes are given out, the net profit is still 70 million, which is already a lot of money!

And this 70 million is only the box office share in the mainland, not including the overseas copyright income and audio-visual products (videotapes, DVDs) copyright income, the overall net profit should not be less than 120 million.

Xu Zheng's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly thanked:

"Thank you, director, thank you so much, you are so generous!"

Wei Wu smiled and waved his hand and said: "It's nothing, this is what you deserve, I always reward those who have made contributions."

Just then, the door of the lounge was pushed open, and Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang pushed the door open together. Wang Baoqiang, who was walking in front, greeted Wei Wu as soon as he entered the door:

"Director Wei, Brother Xu, you are here early!"

Wei Wu smiled and nodded: "Yes, we just arrived too."

Huang Bo asked curiously: "What are you talking about? Why is the bald guy so excited?"

Xu Zheng immediately turned his head to look at Wei Wu, asking with his eyes if he could say it?

Wei Wu nodded slightly, so Xu Zheng looked at Wang Baoqiang and Huang Bo excitedly and said:

"Director Wei just told me that when we hold the celebration banquet for "Lost in Thailand", he will give each of us three a big red envelope of 2 million yuan."

"Really?" Wang Baoqiang smiled immediately, and his mouth was almost stretched to the back of his head.

Huang Bo also smiled with wrinkles all over his face, and happily bowed to Wei Wu and said:

"Thank you, boss, you are so generous! I wish you good luck, longevity, abundant wealth, good things, peach blossoms blooming, and being a bridegroom every night..."

Wei Wu rolled his eyes at him and said, "Okay, don't disgust me! Look at your ugly face!"

Wang Baoqiang and Xu Zheng laughed together, but they were very envious in their hearts.

After all, Wei Wu was so open only in front of Huang Bo, and he really treated him as a close friend.

After some jokes, Wei Wu looked at Wang Baoqiang and said:

"Baoqiang, I heard that you were invited to perform on the Spring Festival Gala soon! Congratulations!"

Wang Baoqiang smiled brightly: "Thank you, I don't know if I can perform in the end!"

Wei Wu said confidently: "Don't worry, you will definitely perform."

Huang Bo couldn't help but feel a little jealous: "Fuck, Baoqiang, you are going to perform on the Spring Festival Gala? Damn, you are really taking off! So enviable!"

Xu Zheng also expressed envy: "That's right! Now "Soldier Assault" is so popular, Baoqiang is really a big star now!"

"Hehe", Wang Baoqiang continued to smile naively, hiding his achievements and fame.

Xu Zheng couldn't help but think of the first time he met Wang Baoqiang, which was when "Lost on Journey" started shooting -

At that time, Wang Baoqiang was still a fledgling new actor with a frustrated look on his face. I didn't expect him to be promoted to a first-line star so quickly.

Alas, no wonder people say, it's better to bully an old man than a poor young man!

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