Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 324 323 The elegant and graceful style is even better than the Kung Fu Emperor in his youth

Chapter 324 323. Elegant and unrestrained, even more so than the Kung Fu Emperor in his youth

"Hey, boss, have you heard? Teacher Chen has officially announced his permanent retirement!"

At this time, the crew had announced that they had finished work, and Wei Wu was supervising the staff to pack up.

Looking at Jing Tian, ​​who was full of gossip, Wei Wu laughed and scolded:

"I'm not saying anything about you, can you concentrate on filming? Does this have anything to do with you?"

Jing Tian stuck out her tongue mischievously: "It doesn't matter."

Wei Wu glanced at her and said: "It's good that you know!"

That being said, in fact, Wei Wu had known about this news a long time ago.

The last climax came, which was the retirement incident that Jing Tian just mentioned.

Today, at 3 pm on February 21, Teacher Chen held a press conference at the Kowloon Bay Exhibition Center, sincerely apologized and announced his indefinite retirement from the entertainment industry.

It is said that when he left, the Hong Kong Island police sent hundreds of police officers to the scene to maintain order and protect him.

Even so, it took more than an hour to clear the way for him to leave safely.

This apology even attracted foreign media reports. The British Independent, the American Wall Street Journal, the Australian Sydney Morning Herald and other Western mainstream media have reported in detail.

On the 22nd, the American Cable News Network (CNN) repeatedly broadcast the live footage of Teacher Chen holding a press conference.

"Boss, can I ask you a question?"

Wei Wu said casually: "Ask!"

"Boss, where did you learn your fighting scenes?"

Jing Tian was really curious. If you say that Wei Wu's literary drama is very good, she has already seen this in the crew of "Going West".

But she never expected that his martial arts scenes were so good, which can be said to be both real and fake.

It not only retains the realistic style of punching to the flesh, clean and neat, but also is very ornamental, showing the artistic beauty of action.

It is no exaggeration to say that the elegant and chic style is even better than that of the young Kung Fu Emperor Jet Li.

When Wei Wu showed his fighting scenes in front of the camera these two days, not only Jing Tian was stunned, but also others were amazed.

At that time, there was a lot of flattery, and everyone expressed their surprise and praised him with the most lavish words. Including Jing Tian.

Of course, Wei Wu couldn't tell her that his fighting scenes were added.

After all, his performance attributes are full now. As the saying goes, if you master one method, you can master all methods. Fighting scenes are certainly a piece of cake for him.

Therefore, Wei Wu could only make up a reason:

"Well, I have liked watching martial arts movies since I was a child. Basically, I watched movies and imitated them, and then I figured it out and practiced it myself, and slowly I got it right."


Jing Tian was stunned immediately. Is this a genius? How can we live like this?

Speaking of Ding Xiu played by Wei Wu this time, in terms of the role, it is obvious that he is behind the three protagonists and the villain BOSS Zhao Jingzhong. At best, he can only be regarded as the fifth male.

Although Ding Xiu didn't have many scenes, he had four fight scenes in the movie, and his fighting scenes were almost as good as the male lead Shen Lian. He deserved to be the ceiling of the film's combat power.

The first fight scene was against Jin Yichuan. This scene was Ding Xiu blackmailing his junior brother for 100 taels of silver within three days, otherwise he would tell the truth about his impersonation of Jinyiwei, and threatened to keep this secret for the rest of his life.

So Jin Yichuan wanted to kill him and tried to sneak attack Ding Xiu from behind, but was easily repelled by Ding Xiu and ridiculed.

The second scene was against Zhao Jingzhong. This scene was Shen Lian and his three brothers brought back Wei Zhongxian's charred corpse (fake), and then they were rewarded by their superiors and hosted a banquet.

During the banquet, Ding Xiu pretended to be a flute player, and then ran into Zhao Jingzhong when he was having a private meeting with his junior brother Jin Yichuan, so Zhao Jingzhong suddenly made a move to test him.

Although the scene was evenly matched, Zhao Jingzhong sneak attacked first, but in the end he didn't get any advantage, and he obviously lost half a chip.

It was because of this fight that Ding Xiu's strength was recognized by Zhao Jingzhong, so there was the famous scene in which Eunuch Zhao hired Ding Xiu to kill Jin Yichuan, "a beloved relative and brother".

The third fight was still against Jin Yichuan. Although Ding Xiu didn't want to kill his junior brother, he knew that if he didn't accept the order, Zhao Jingzhong would arrange someone else.

Ding Xiu used Zhang Yan to make Jin Yichuan impatient, and then easily won the victory, but of course he still didn't kill him.

But Ding Xiu didn't expect Zhao Jingzhong to have a backup plan, and also arranged a team of musketeers. Seeing that Ding Xiu was reluctant to do it, he decided to get rid of them together.

Unexpectedly, Jin Yichuan sacrificed himself to block the gun hole and saved Ding Xiu's life.

So there was the fourth fight, Ding Xiu challenged a dozen elite Tatar cavalry alone.

Ding Xiu wanted to kill Zhao Jingzhong to avenge his junior brother, and chased him to the outside of the pass with Shen Lian. But Zhao Jingzhong had secretly defected to the Tartars, who sent a cavalry team to pick him up.

So Ding Xiu left Zhao Jingzhong to Shen Lian, and then went to block the cavalry, and finally dealt with all the cavalry one by one by maneuvering through the woods.

So at the end of the movie, at the MVP settlement interface of the winner, there were only Shen Lian and Ding Xiu, and all the other characters with names were killed.

Lu Jianxing died because Shen Lian was held accountable and beheaded by the government for releasing Wei Zhongxian; Jin Yichuan died because he was shot to death by a musket to save Ding Xiu; Wei Zhongxian died because Zhao Jingzhong killed him before he defected; Zhao Jingzhong also died, and was killed by Shen Lian at the end of the movie.

Even Zhou Miaotong's lover, Master Yan, died. His family was ransacked and killed by the three protagonists, leaving only him in prison.

Later, Zhou Miaotong begged Shen Lian to save him, but at that time he had been tortured beyond recognition and castrated, so he begged Shen Lian to give him a quick death, and then Shen Lian broke his neck.

No wonder Zhang Zhen acted so well in his previous life. There was a lot of sexual tension, but Shen Lian still didn't attract many fans.

This is a big licker! Even NTR's own people risked their lives to rescue him. Who would like this kind of male protagonist?

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