Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 44 44 The first scene is over

Chapter 44 44. The first scene is over

After the starring team was assembled, the opening ceremony and launch press conference soon went on as usual.

There is nothing much to say about burning incense and worshiping gods at the startup ceremony, and there is even less to say about the press conference.

The reporters at the press conference were asking Liu Tianxian questions throughout the process, and most of the questions they asked were gossip that had nothing to do with the movie. Others, including Wei Wu and Yang Mi, basically stayed with them throughout the whole process.

If it weren't for two reporters who had received Wei Wu's red envelopes in advance and took the time to ask him a few questions that he had prepared in advance, Wei Wu might have sat through it all in embarrassment.

Of course Wei Wu wouldn't take this to heart. It's not like he didn't know how realistic the entertainment industry was.

He currently has no works and no fame. If he didn't stuff red envelopes, it would be strange if reporters would pay attention to him.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, the reporters who came today are not the only ones who neglected and looked down upon him.

Even those working under him at the moment, especially the external staff, were only polite to him on the surface, but in their hearts they didn't take him as a director seriously.

On the other hand, Liu Tianxian is the only big star in the crew. Despite her young age, she is still underage, but she is a famous star here. Everyone respects her and dare not neglect her, even more polite than Wei Wu.

It's normal. Wei Wu had seen this situation many times in his previous life. Generally speaking, this crew is indeed the largest director, but it is inevitable that there will be some special circumstances.

For example, if a certain actor is particularly famous, or the producer (producer) has a particularly strong background, or the producer (employment representative) has a strong personality, they will all rob some of the director's right to speak.

Of course, it's impossible for Liu Tianxian to compete with him for the right to speak, so that'll be fine!

And soon, others no longer dared to neglect Wei Wu.

Because any normal person can see that although Wei Wu is young, he is really rich.

"This bicycle model is too new. Let's replace it with a slightly older one."

"Her hair is long, so it shouldn't go past her shoulders. Also, make her makeup lighter. I want her to be a student, not a dancer."

"You two carry this box away. Also, the monitor cannot be placed here. Move back two meters."

"This lamp doesn't work. The person it shines on looks pale. Please adjust it quickly."

"Have the stabilizer been tested? Bring it over and let me take a look."

Wei Wu's on-site command and control can be described as very orderly. Whether it is setting, costumes, props, makeup, lighting, or sound recording, he is very familiar with it and can arrange it clearly for you in just a few words.

Occasionally, when people below were unsure and asked him for instructions, he would immediately grasp the key points and calmly deal with the arrangements. No one could fool him.

Moreover, he should be praised and scolded when he should be praised, and his resolute and calm manner of giving orders is exactly the same as that of a senior director who has been working for more than ten years.

Wei Wu suddenly turned his head, glanced at Yang Mi and said:

"Have you memorized your lines? Why are you always staring at me?"

Yang Mi, who was suddenly caught, suddenly turned hot and blurted out uncontrollably:

"The way you were giving orders just now was like a general arranging his troops on the battlefield. He was really handsome!"

Wei Wu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, but still said unceremoniously:

"It's useless to flatter you. Don't try to figure out the script. Memorize your lines well. I'll scold you when you make a mistake!"

Yang Mi scolded the stinky man who didn't understand the charm in her heart, but she had to promise:

"Okay director, I remember it."

Wei Wu suddenly took a look at Yang Mi's favorability score. Sure enough, it had risen by 3 points and was now 72.

Da Mi Mi is indeed a career-minded woman. Even if she sees others working seriously, her favorability will increase.

Hey, why did Liu Tianxian's favorability score increase by two points?

I remember it was 83 earlier, and then it went up two points to 85 the month they broke up.

It seems that it has increased by two points today. After all, it is now 87.

Ever since Liu Tianxian's favorability score exceeded 80, it has been rising more and more slowly. It suddenly rose two points today, which is an unexpected surprise.

Wei Wu turned his head and glanced at Liu Tianxian, who was reading the script, and secretly wondered if she also thought I was handsome when I commanded Ruoding?

Forget it, let’s forget about it for now, today is the first day of filming, so let’s start filming!

A good start is half the battle, and nothing goes wrong in the first scene.

Although Wei Wu is not superstitious, most people in the circle are still superstitious, so it is still a good omen.

Wei Wu called Qiao Shan and said, "I'm going to shoot the scene where you go to school today. Are you ready?"

Qiao Shan nodded: "No problem, director, I'm ready."

Wei Wu looked at Chen Kuai and Du Chang again and said, "You have all seen the script. This section is about Qiao Shan riding his bicycle to school in the morning. He suddenly stopped in the middle of the road and took out breakfast from the basket in front of him. Pancakes and fruit, I started to eat them leisurely——

"Then Chen Kuai rode by on the left side of Qiao Shan. As he passed by, he slapped Qiao Shan hard on the back of the head, causing his glasses to fall off and hang on his chin. Then there was a lot of sweet noodle sauce on the circle of his mouth. Pancakes The ham inside the fruit also fell to the ground.

"Then Du Zao rode past him on his right side, screamed strangely and pushed his right shoulder.

"You two ruined my mood for breakfast," Qiao Shan sighed, straightened his glasses, and complained helplessly to your backs: Are you going to die?

"Are you three clear?"

In the original movie, the fat man Ah He had hot dogs and hamburgers for breakfast, but considering that this thing was a bit luxurious for high school students in the mainland in 1995, Wei Wu localized it and changed it to pancakes.

Wei Wu then told Qiao Shan: "This way, when Chen Xi hits you on the back of your head later, you can take advantage of the inertia and swing it——

"Don't worry, the glasses are tied with transparent fishing line behind them and won't fall off, just swing it and it's done!

"Make sure the glasses fall off, and there will be a circle of sweet noodle sauce on your mouth, understand?"

Qiao Shan nodded: "I understand completely."

Wei Wu nodded slightly: "Okay, since you all understand, then all departments should prepare and start filming immediately. ”

After checking the lighting, sound and other equipment, the assistant director standing next to the monitor gave Wei Wu a thumbs up, meaning that everything was OK and they could start at any time.

Wei Wu nodded to the script supervisor, who took out the clapperboard and held it horizontally in front of his chest. Wei Wu looked around for the last time, took a deep breath, and then exhaled and shouted loudly:

"All departments, get ready! "Those Years", Act 1, Scene 1, Action!"


Accompanied by the crisp knocking sound of the clapperboard, Qiao Shan's bicycle wheel whirred and turned...

Wei Wu's heart was also tightened. Fortunately, everything was developing as he expected, and all the steps were fine.

Finally, when Qiao Shan finished his lines and the camera stayed on his face, Wei Wu shouted excitedly:

"Cut, not bad, this one passed!"

"Yeah", the whole audience suddenly cheered warmly, and everyone was glad that everything went well at the beginning!

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