Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 57 57 If someone can give me a kiss, I would consider it

Chapter 57 57. If someone can give me a kiss, I can consider it

"That's enough, it's so hot!"

Liu Tianxian muttered: "Oh, you are so annoying, can't you let me hug you for a while? I advise you not to be ungrateful, so many people want to hug you but don't have the chance!"

"Where is it? Why can't I see it?"

"Humph, there are so many!"

Wei Wu sneered: "Haha, Pu Xin Jurchen lower your head!"

After hugging for a while, Wei Wu gently pushed away the unyielding Liu Tianxian.

I really can't hug her anymore! If I hug her any more, I will pull the flag, and it will be ugly if I scare the girl.

There is no way, Wei Wu can restrain his thoughts, but he can't control the instinctive reaction of this young body full of hormones.

The weather is so hot, and Liu Tianxian is wearing so cool clothes. The key is that her figure is much better than in her previous life.

The beautiful girl with a protruding front and a curved back arched in his arms, and a warm and charming fragrance was faint. Even if Wei Wu could control himself, he still felt the internal heat rising and the blood boiling. Even if Liu Xiahui was resurrected, there was nothing he could do!

"Did you come from home today?"

Liu Tianxian shook her head gently and said, "No, I came from school."

Wei Wu nodded slightly and said, "Oh, are you used to going to school?"

Liu Tianxian glanced at him and said, "I always feel that you are being weird again! Anyway, you are not allowed to complain about me not attending classes in the future, otherwise I will be angry with you!"

Wei Wu smiled with a hint of embarrassment and waved his hand and said, "No way, don't be so sensitive, okay?"

It turned out that during the middle month, Liu Tianxian was indeed put in solitary confinement at home at the beginning. But later in September, when Beijing Film Academy started, Liu Xiaoli let her go to school.

Of course, going to school is possible, but meeting Wei Wu is definitely not possible. Besides, Wei Wu's company is still a little far from Beijing Film Academy, and it takes half an hour to drive there!

Assistant Yang Xiaolan was responsible for picking her up and dropping her off at school, and also monitoring her for Liu Xiaoli. Even if Liu Tianxian wanted to sneak over to see her lover, she was not allowed to do so.

Of course, if Wei Wu wanted to, he could actually pretend to meet her by chance when he went to school. But Wei Wu was busy editing videos during this period and had no time to go to school at all.

As for why Wei Wu didn't go to school when school started, it was of course because he asked for a long vacation.

Their directing industry is one that emphasizes practice over theory, and the management is loose later. As long as you report it, you can skip classes and go to internship in the second half of the junior year, and finally submit a graduation thesis when you graduate.

Wei Wu was even too lazy to write a graduation thesis, and he planned to submit this movie as a graduation thesis when the time came. It should be passed!

Other students usually submit short films for graduation thesis, but he submitted a theater feature film. How could he not pass it?

Just after they separated and said a few words, Liu Tianxian suddenly grabbed his hand and said:

"Um, can you accompany me to school today?"

Wei Wu asked in confusion: "Why should I go to school?"

Liu Tianxian said a little embarrassedly: "Well, mainly because I saw others walking hand in hand with their boyfriends in school before, I thought it was very romantic and yearned for it.

"So I thought, if I have a boyfriend one day, I will also take him to accompany me to stroll around the school."

"Hahaha, showing off your love, right?" Wei Wu couldn't help laughing and said:

"Most of them have found handsome guys and are showing off to you. I can only be considered barely presentable with my appearance, so I don't think it's necessary!

"Besides, I didn't say anything, I took you out to show off! You also want to take me out to show off? What are you thinking with your little head?"

Girls' feelings are always poetic.

But to be honest, Wei Wu also had this idea of ​​Liu Tianxian in his previous life.

When he saw other young couples showing off their affection, he thought that if he could find a beautiful girlfriend, he could also hold hands like them and show off his affection everywhere, welcoming everyone's envious eyes, how great it would be!

The key is that now that he and Liu Tianxian are holding hands and showing off their affection, everyone will only envy him, and by the way, despise Liu Tianxian for having a problem with her vision, and she won't get any sense of accomplishment at all!

Liu Tianxian refused, and shook his hand and said coquettishly:

"Okay? I just envy others when I see them like this, and I want it too, can't you satisfy me a little?"

Wei Wu was about to shake his head, but was suddenly attracted by her cherry-like crystal clear lips, and immediately changed his mind and said:

"Well, if someone can kiss me, I can consider it."

Liu Tianxian's ears turned red, and she looked around, and when she saw that there was no one else nearby, she quickly kissed Wei Wu on the face with lightning speed.

Liu Tianxian lowered her head and kicked her toes and asked softly:

"Is it okay?"

"Just kiss my face?"

"Don't push it too far," Liu Tianxian punched him on the left shoulder.

Seeing that her face was red, Wei Wu stopped teasing him and finally nodded and said:

"Okay, but I'm afraid not today."

"In 10 days, I will finish the post-production of this movie. By then, I will take our movie to the school for a preview, and then I will accompany you to have a good look around the school, okay?"

Liu Tianxian said reluctantly: "It will take another 10 days, then okay! You must keep your word!"

Wei Wu patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, when have I ever broken my word!"

"Well, are you going to show "Those Years" in our school for preview?"

Wei Wu nodded and said, "Well, college students are the main audience and consumer of our movie. So I plan to show it in colleges and universities across the country, and Beijing Film Academy is just the first stop."

Liu Tianxian pondered, "But isn't our movie going to be released next summer? Isn't it a little early to start the preview now?"

Wei Wu immediately explained, "You misunderstood. I didn't say that I would start the preview now.

"The reason why I am showing it in our school now is mainly to show it to the teachers of our school.

"Because this movie will be submitted for review next, I still hope that our teachers or the leaders of the college will help say a few good words to let our movie pass the review smoothly and try not to delete too much.

"In addition, when scheduling the film in the future, if the school teachers really have this kind of relationship, it would be better if they can help us make a phone call. "

Liu Tianxian hesitated a little: "But our movie is a commercial film, not an art film. Will the teachers help you speak? ”

“It doesn’t matter,” Wei Wu shrugged and said:

“Of course it would be nice if you can help me, but it’s okay if you don’t. Just think of this trip as a promotion of the movie!

“No matter what, I am a serious student of Beijing Film Academy, and the quality of our movie is not bad! At least as a student work, it is definitely excellent.

“Those teachers are not as old-fashioned as you think, and they don’t have to look up to art films.

“Besides, this trip is not for awards, and we don’t expect them to help too much. Anyway, any help is a little bit!”

To be honest, the original movie of "Those Years" is not bad, and with Wei Wu’s current 93-year directing ability, it has been refined and optimized to a certain extent. How can the final product be bad?

There is no doubt that art films are definitely more recognized by these academic teachers, but they are not completely out of touch with the world.

Anyway, Wei Wu just held a try-it attitude to screen it in the school. At least let Wei Wu’s name be registered with the school leaders, so that some things will be easier to deal with later.

If things really go as he wants, that would be the best.

Even if it doesn't work out, it doesn't matter much, it just takes more time and more procedures!

The subject matter of "Those Years" is not that sensitive, it won't be directly rejected by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television!

Now he is penniless, these school leaders can just make a phone call for him and say something, and the higher-ups won't hold him back.

Beijing Film Academy is one of the three major film and television schools after all! If you have a backer but don't know how to use it, isn't that stupid?

Besides, Wei Wu's parents paid more than 100,000 yuan for his tuition along the way, it can't be wasted!

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