Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 62 The best time in love is when it is ambiguous

Chapter 62 62. The best time in love is when it’s ambiguous

"You mean, you want to borrow our screening room to show the movies you made to your classmates?"

Wei Wu nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's right, Teacher Zhang."

Zhang Jiandong confirmed again: "Is it a theatrical feature film?"


Zhang Jiandong immediately sat up straight and asked seriously: "What is the subject? How much did it cost to shoot?"

"It's about campus love, and it was filmed for 5 million yuan."

Zhang Jiandong couldn't help but cast a deep glance at Wei Wu:

"So they said that Dad is the richest man in Hubei Province. Is this true?"

Wei Wu couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Teacher Zhang, please stop kidding me. When I went to school, I wore a washed-out blue T-shirt, and you asked me if I wanted to apply for a subsidy for poor students? Have you forgotten?

"I'm almost ready to apply for poverty subsidies. How could my dad be the richest man in Hubei Province? Our family just opened a small store selling motorcycles."

Zhang Jiandong couldn't help but wonder: "Then where did you get the 5 million for making the movie?"

Wei Wu was originally prepared to tell the truth, but when he thought that it would not be good for him to talk about gambling in front of a teacher, he changed his explanation:

"Well, I mainly make money from stock trading."

There's nothing wrong with him. He now earns more than 5 million from stock trading. The money for making movies is indeed mainly earned from stock trading.

“Is stock trading so profitable?”

Wei Wu said in a sincere tone: "Well, now that the stock market has bottomed out and is booming, making millions is nothing!

"Teacher, if you also trade in stocks, I can recommend a few stocks to you, and I guarantee you can make a lot of money."

So Zhang Jiandong believed it, waved his hand and said:

"That's not necessary. I heard that the stock market is really booming recently. Several teachers around me have made a lot of money from stock trading, but they shouldn't be as much as you!"

The stock market has been in a slump before. In June this year, the market fell below the bottom line and fell below 1,000. Naturally, thousands of horses were silent and mourning was everywhere.

Now that the stock market has bottomed out and rebounded strongly, stock traders are jumping up and down as happily as if they were celebrating the New Year. They want to tell everyone that their stocks have gone up, so Zhang Jiandong naturally believes it easily.

Zhang Jiandong finally asked specifically: "Well, are there any scenes that are inappropriate for broadcast?"

Wei Wu waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, it's very clean. There's nothing pornographic, bloody, or violent."

Zhang Jiandong nodded and said, "That's okay. I'll make some arrangements for you. Just take it to the screening room and play it. Then I'll ask the radio station to broadcast it for you."

Wei Wu naturally thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you, Teacher Zhang, for your trouble."

Zhang Jiandong made a phone call first, and after making arrangements, he led Wei Wu to the screening room. Then Wei Wu took out the master tape and waited for others to come in one after another.

The first ones to arrive were Liu Tianxian and her classmates. It was rare that today there were quite a lot of people, including Jiang Yiyan, Zhu Yawen, Luo Jin and others. This group of people arrived almost in front of Wei Wu.

Wei Wu basically knew these people, and most of them also knew Wei Wu, so Wei Wu quickly went up to greet them enthusiastically.

Wei Wu took a casual look and saw that there were not many students from their directing department here today, but students from the acting department were the most present. Especially the freshmen who come here are the most active, and they come one or two to make friends.

Wei Wu searched specifically and found an acquaintance, Yuan Shanshan, who, like Chen Kuai, was popularized by Yu Zheng.

The three most famous people at Nortel's 05 level should be Yang Mi, Zhang Xiaofei and her. Yang Mi was still filming in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia today and couldn't come, and it seemed that Zhang Xiaofei didn't see her either.

Of course, these people didn't come mainly for Wei Wu, but basically for Liu Tianxian. They heard that this was a movie starring Liu Tianxian, so they came to watch it with their classmates.

These days, although it's not common for students to borrow the school's screening room to show their own movies, it's not particularly rare either.

There are indeed not many undergraduates who have done this, but there are still those who are studying for postgraduate degrees.

If it weren't for the fact that the lead actor is Liu Tianxian, people might not be willing to come!

The theater was almost full, so Zhang Jiandong officially started the screening.

To be honest, Wei Wu was still a little used to the fact that there was no dragon mark at the beginning of the movie!

Because it has not been officially submitted for review, it is said that it has not received the dragon label yet.

So the first thing that came out on the screen was the logo and cutscene special effects of the production company, Wei Guo Pictures.

Wei Wu didn't bother to think about the company logo, so he directly imitated Yindu and made a red seal with the ancient seal character "WEI" engraved on it. The special effect during the cutscene was that the two seal characters "WEI" in the jade seal glowed red, from left to right. Flashed.

It looks a little shabby, but there is no way. Now Wei Wu has to spend every penny on the blade, and there is no extra money to use for the company's cutscenes.

Anyway, most of the movie company logos and cutscene special effects are done casually nowadays. There are a lot of 50-cent special effects, but it doesn’t really matter.

Don't look at the special effects of cutscenes, which usually only last for a few seconds. If you want to make them a little more refined, special effects that don't cost just 5 cents usually cost hundreds of thousands.

The first shot of the feature film is a close-up of a red apple; then the camera moves parallel to the right, showing a notebook filled with words; and then the camera continues to move right, showing a white shirt with blue spots stuck to the right side of its back.

Works by Wei Wu.

The two words "Wei Wu" were specially enlarged and bolded, for fear that others could not see clearly.

Liu Tianxian poked his right shoulder specially, Wei Wu turned his head to look over, Liu Tianxian winked at him, with a smile on her face as if saying: Conceited.

With these four words as a special show, the handsome male protagonist Ke Jingteng played by Chen Xiao officially appeared, stood in front of the mirror to adjust his tie, and then squatted down to polish his leather shoes to a shiny finish.

Then a line of small words appeared next to it:

Starring: Liu Yifei

Then the scene continued to change. Ke Jingteng had finished dressing up and stood in front of the window. Next to him, the actor who played him finally appeared:

Starring: Chen Xi

Then the camera was focused on the apple again, and the list of other actors appeared below:

Starring: Yang Mi, Qiao Shan, Chen He, Zheng Kai, Du Chang

Special guest: Huang Bo

The brisk BGM gradually faded, and Qiao Shan, who played the fat man Ah He, said the first line of the movie with his back to the audience:

"Hurry up, today is a big day! Do you want the bride to wait for you alone?"


Zhang Jiandong silently calculated in his mind that the beginning of the movie was not particularly eye-catching.

But the soundtrack, color, and transitions were all quite sophisticated and smooth. Overall, the viewing experience was quite relaxing and comfortable.

Although there is no particularly eye-catching point at present, at least I haven't felt bored yet, at least I am still willing to continue watching.

The handsome boy turned around and smiled slightly, took a bite of the apple and put it back, and the music suddenly became lively and agitated.

The scene changed, and the boy in a suit and white shirt changed into a high school uniform, riding a bicycle, and was speeding on the road.

At the same time, a line of small words appeared in the upper right corner:

1994, Beiping

Zhang Jiandong watched silently with everyone. The story was not complicated. Basically, there were a few bad students who liked a girl named Shen Jiayi in the class.

Because of his mischievousness and poor grades, Ke Jingteng was forced by the teacher to give one-on-one help to Shen Jiayi.

At first, Shen Jiayi was just perfunctory to the teacher, but because of a heroic rescue in an English class, Shen Jiayi gradually developed a good impression of Ke Jingteng who was punished for her, and began to help him with his homework seriously.

The two made a bet to compete for test scores. In the end, Ke Jingteng lost and shaved his head, but Shen Jiayi still tied the ponytail he wanted to see the most.

The two of them became more and more ambiguous. If they were both admitted to the same university, they would naturally get together.

But unfortunately, fate played tricks on them. Shen Jiayi did not get into her favorite university due to a sudden illness during the college entrance examination, and the two had to go their separate ways.

When Shen Jiayi finally mustered up the courage to find Ke Jingteng, she found that he was showing his masculinity to Shen Jiayi by holding a boxing match, as if he could protect her with his fists.

So Shen Jiayi was persuaded by his immaturity, and their relationship ended before it officially began.

After that, although the two still missed each other in their hearts, they were unable to get together in the end. In the end, Shen Jiayi married someone else, and Ke Jingteng attended the wedding, officially putting an end to his youth and his first love.

When the subtitles of the movie ended, Zhang Jiandong couldn't help but sighed with a sense of loss, secretly sighing that this movie was really well made.

It's not profound, nor preachy, nor deliberately sensational, it's just simple and moving with emotion.

A clichéd but unconventional campus love story, very complete, but with enough blank space.

The best time in love is when it is ambiguous. And the cruelest part of growing up is that girls are always more mature than boys of the same age.

Today, the new book list is gone. It turns out that as long as the contract is signed for a month, it will automatically drop from the new book list, which is equivalent to losing a big recommendation. It’s uncomfortable!

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