Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 9 9 It’s not that I can’t afford love, but that living off someone is more cost-effective

Chapter 9 9. It's not that I can't afford to fall in love, but it's more cost-effective to live off someone

[Ding, Liu Yifei's favorability towards you has reached 60 for the first time. Congratulations on getting some free attribute points. Current favorability: 61]

Before Wei Wu had time to be happy, he saw Liu Tianxian's favorability fluctuating between 40 and 60, like an electrocardiogram. He couldn't help but be curious:

What did Shu Chang say to her? Why is she so excited at this moment?

It feels like the rational side and the emotional side are tug-of-war. The rational side wants to force the favorability to 60 based on reality, but the emotional side insists on only 40 based on the heart, so the two sides start to argue.

If Wei Wu hears the conversation between the two sisters, he will definitely laugh his belly off.

Whether Liu Tianxian is sincere to him or not, Wei Wu doesn't care at all.

He can't guarantee that he will be loyal to her, so why should he expect others to be sincere!

Although it is said that if you raise Liu Tianxian's favorability to 100, Wei Wu will be rewarded with 4 attribute points, but in fact, as long as you raise it to 60, you can get 2 points.

The remaining two points are not necessary. It is mainly because it is not easy to raise from 60 to 100, so there is no need to deliberately raise them. Anyway, just arrange a task for Liu Tianxian, and you will basically have two attribute points.

In his previous life, Wei Wu claimed to be the most affectionate person in Hengdian, but he always ended up with nothing in the end, which was really unworthy of his name.

He was 40 before his rebirth. Men in their forties have long lost those unrealistic and beautiful fantasies about love. Love and affection are things for young people to play.

Let alone dating, even getting married and having children, Wei Wu actually has no interest. He just enjoys the process of having children.

But then again, I don’t know if it is due to the impact on the body or the hormones, but after his rebirth, Wei Wu does feel that his mentality has become much younger, and the throbbing of his youth seems to have returned.

Of course, he still likes Liu Tianxian. Not to mention that he was 40 before his rebirth, he would still like her even if he was 60. After all, who doesn't like Liu Tianxian at the age of 18?

As for why he has been deliberately avoiding her and deliberately suppressing the intimacy, on the one hand, it is for PUA.

After all, people tend not to cherish things that are too easy to get. If Liu Tianxian easily gets him, will they still listen to his opinions and respect his position?

But the more important reason is to increase the sunk costs in this relationship.

The sunk cost effect in love refers to the consideration of the costs that have been paid and cannot be recovered (including time, money and energy, etc.) in a relationship, which will affect our decision-making and make us more inclined to stick to a relationship that has no future, rather than letting go.

Specifically, the longer the two people are together, the harder it is to break up when the relationship faces problems.

Because with the time, energy and especially the feelings that are paid more and more, it is more difficult for the heart to accept the loss caused by the failure of the relationship and the pain caused by the breakup. Then it is easier to get deeper and deeper in this relationship and pay more and more.

The more sunk costs Liu Tianxian has in the early stage, the more stable this relationship will be, so that Wei Wu can eat soft rice and hard food.

Cao Sir, the tiger of the serious crime team, once taught us:

It's not that you can't afford love, but it's more cost-effective to eat for free.

While slacking off and working, Wei Wu added the free attribute points he just got to [Directing], bringing this attribute to 83 points.

The initial value of this attribute is 78, which seems to be okay. This is mainly because Wei Wu has been in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years in his previous life. Although he hasn't directed any big movies in these years, his skill points for this job are still maxed out.

In addition, he went to college again, which is equivalent to 20 years of practice. Then he went back to review theoretical knowledge. It can be said that the combination of theory and practice is quite in place, and the experience value naturally increases.

It's really shabby. Before the system was upgraded to version 2.0, Wei Wu only got 3 free attribute points in this year, and 1 point of [Performance] attribute and 1 point of [Singing and Dancing] attribute.

After working hard for a whole year, he only got two fixed attribute points and three free attribute points. How can he not give up?

Counting the two points he got from Liu Tianxian these days, he added all the 5 free attribute points to directing. After all, this is his main job.

From 78 to 83, the effect is immediate. The dazzling skills of those big directors before opened his eyes and exclaimed "Fuck, movies can be shot like this", which is no longer a problem for him now.

In addition, benefiting from the improvement of directing attributes, the growth of performance attributes has also been passively pulled up. As of now, his performance attribute has reached 72 points.

However, relatively speaking, his other two items are not good enough:

[Host: Wei Wu]

[Charm]: 55

[Performance]: 72

[Singing and dancing]: 25

[Directing]: 83

No matter how many times he sees it, Wei Wu feels that the 25 for singing and dancing is a bit dazzling. Is he so bad at singing and dancing?

But after thinking it over, the system didn't seem to have wronged him. After all, although he liked listening to songs, singing was really hard to describe.

Basically, every time he went to KTV, he would only sing one or two old songs that he had secretly practiced hundreds of times for emergency use. The other songs he sang were meant to kill people.

As for dancing, let alone dancing. He almost never dances, and almost never goes to nightclubs to dance. At most, he occasionally twists in KTV, but when he twists, he is either like a bear rubbing against a tree, or like Wu Laoer is possessed.

In fact, let alone dancing, he can't even do radio gymnastics well. It can be said that every time he learns a new exercise, he is always the last one in the class to learn it.

His innate conditions are basically useless for singing and dancing. It doesn’t matter how many teachers I have or how many training classes I take, only the system can save me.

However, the attribute points are a bit insufficient at the moment, so I still have to focus on my job first to increase them. However, there is no need to increase the attribute points too high for the time being. 83 is basically enough at the moment.

If you don't consider winning awards and entering Hollywood, 85 is more than enough.

Whenever there are new free attribute points in the future, charm should be added first, followed by acting skills. As for the dream of becoming a singer, let’s wait a little longer!

The two little sisters were still chatting during the day, so Shu Chang decided to spend the night at Liu Tianxian's place tonight.

When Liu Tianxian came out of the shower and put on cool gray pajamas, a white light flashed in front of Shu Chang's eyes, as if he had discovered a new world:

"Damn it, you went for a breast augmentation?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands and grabbed Liu Tianxian's chest. Liu Tianxian immediately turned around, dodged Shu Chang's sneak attack and yelled:

"Don't do anything, you're just going to have breast augmentation! I'm growing naturally..."

Shu Chang immediately asked: "What have you been eating recently? You're growing so fast! We haven't seen each other for only a few months! Are you taking hormones?"

Is there any secret recipe? Hand it over quickly, or you will be punished severely! "

"There's no secret recipe! These days I just eat the crew's box lunches."

Shu Chang was filled with envy, put his hands on his chest and said:

"That's unreasonable. I've only heard that the crew's lunches are unpalatable, but I've never heard that the crew's lunches can enlarge breasts!

Hey, God, it’s so unfair. I was stronger than you in this one area, but I didn’t expect you to catch up with me! "

Liu Tianxian suppressed a smile and pushed and coaxed: "Okay, okay, go to bed early! Go to bed early and get up early. Your health will be good. You will grow taller and your breasts will grow. Go!"

Liu Tianxian lied. How could natural growth be so fast? She had a secret recipe, but Shu Chang couldn't use this secret recipe because it was caused by adding some ingredients.

Liu Tianxian previously raised her intimacy level to above 30 and received a free attribute point as a reward. She was still confused as to whether to increase charm or acting skills?

In the end, she added charm, mainly because her acting skills were only 56 and her foundation was too poor. Adding 1 or 2 points basically made no difference.

On the contrary, the charm of 85 is already very high. Even adding a little may lead to a qualitative change, which is obviously more cost-effective.

Well, actually the above are all the reasons she used to convince herself.

Although rationally speaking, she should add acting skills first, but she wanted to add charm first to see the effect.

It is natural for women to love beauty. Liu Tianxian is seventeen or eighteen years old. How can a girl at this age not love beauty?

Liu Tianxian carefully compared it before and after adding some, and found that his skin did indeed seem to be a little more refined, but it was not very obvious, and other changes were not big.

But the unexpected surprise was that her breasts increased by one cup, and she was quickly promoted from a double-A-level scenic spot to a double-B-level scenic spot.

Is this point a priority to replenish the shortest board of the barrel?

Forget it, it doesn’t matter, anyway, this attribute point is not wasted, it’s worth it!

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