Huayu started by giving the system to female stars

Chapter 96 95 If I have done anything to offend the lady

Chapter 96 95. If I were a brother, I would offend my wife.

The four of them watched TV and chatted for a while, and soon it was ten o'clock. While Liu Tianxian was going to the bathroom to wash up, Wu Yuzhi quietly pulled her son over and asked:

"How do you arrange your sleep at night?"

In fact, the subtext of this sentence is to ask whether the two of them have had sex? What's the progress so far?

Asking was in vain, because no matter how Wei Wu answered, his mother would definitely arrange for Liu Tianxian to sleep in the guest bedroom. It was impossible to arrange for the two of them to sleep in the same bed from the beginning. It would not sound good if it spread out!

After all, you are not married yet, and it is your first time visiting the house. As a parent, it is definitely not easy to arrange a bed. After all, you have to show a certain amount of respect to your future daughter-in-law.

Anyway, I will arrange two beds for you. As for how you arrange it yourself, I don’t care. Even if you sneak over one night and sneak back in the morning... No matter how much you cover your ears, I will pretend that I don't know.

Wei Wu thought for a while and said: "Isn't the guest bedroom in our house still empty? Then we can clean it up and let her sleep in the guest bedroom!"

Wu Yuzhi turned around and left, giving him a look of contempt to let him understand.

She was blaming Wei Wu for not being decisive. He finally found such a good girlfriend. If he didn't win her over quickly, why did he wait so long?

In fact, even if Liu Tianxian and Wei Wu were arranged to live together, he would probably not object.

But the main reason is that Wei Wu and his family have enough rooms. If the total is only sixty or seventy square meters and only has two bedrooms, then it can be a "last resort".

But the problem is that their house has about 10 rooms on two floors of more than 300 square meters, and there are three or four bedrooms. It's okay for each person to have one, so they really can't force them to live together!

But when Wei Wu came out after taking a bath and changed into pajamas, Wu Yuzhi said:

"Yifei, are you sleepy? If you are, let Wei Wu take you up to rest!"

Liu Tianxian nodded: "Okay, then I'll go to bed."

Wu Yuzhi nodded: "Go, Wei Wu's room is next to yours, you can call him if anything happens at night.

"Your uncle and I are downstairs, and since we are old and tired, we may not hear you even if you shout loudly, so if you need anything, just call Wei Wu!"

Liu Tianxian nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

Wei Wu has a black streak on his face. If not my mother, who did you lie to?

There have been so many times since I was a child that I would get up secretly at night to eat snacks. No matter how sneaky I was, you would never catch me red-handed. Do you still feel heavy?

I even shouted loudly that you couldn’t hear me. I just farted loudly. Maybe you would have to ask me the next day, did you eat something secretly at night? Are you feeling bloated?

Wei Wu first turned on the lights in the corridor, and then led Liu Tianxian upstairs. However, he did not take him into the client room first. He pointed to the bathroom first and said:

"The bathroom upstairs is here."

Then he took Liu Tianxian to the guest bedroom, turned on the light, and found that the whole room had a completely new look, including the sheets and quilts, and everything in the set had been replaced with new ones.

What the hell is going on with those blue curtains? Have the curtains been replaced with new ones? When did you change it?

I casually pressed it on the bed, which was padded with at least three layers of cotton wool, and then covered with two quilts.

Wei Wu explained: "My mother was probably afraid that you would be cold. After all, our house does not have air conditioning, so she gave you an extra quilt and several layers of cotton wool."

Liu Tianxian suddenly pointed at his back:

"Then what is this?"

Wei Wu turned his head and looked in the direction of his finger. There was a brand new Gree 1.5P hanging air conditioner above the corner:

"I'm sorry! Where did this come from? When was the air conditioner installed? Why didn't I know?"

Liu Tianxian covered his mouth and said with a smile: "You installed it in the afternoon when you were taking a nap! Auntie said she was afraid that I would be cold late at night, so she quickly contacted someone to install an air conditioner. You didn't even make such a big movement of drilling through the wall. Do you hear me?"

Wei Wu shook his head: "No, maybe I'm a little too tired after flying and driving for a hundred kilometers! I slept for two or three hours in the afternoon and still don't feel full!"

Wei Wu and the others took a flight from Yanjing to the Three Gorges Airport when they returned this time. Then they rented a car and drove back to their home in the small county town for an hour and a half from the city.

The journey was not particularly difficult, but the main reason was that Wei Wu was always on tenterhooks, always afraid that Liu Tianxian would not be able to dress up properly and be recognized unexpectedly, which would cause a lot of trouble again.

I felt very sleepy soon after I got home, and then I went upstairs to take a nap. My mother didn't wake me up until just before dinner.

The air conditioner remote control was placed on the bedside table. Wei Wu picked up the remote control and turned on the air conditioner and asked:

"Is there just one installed? There is no one installed in my room?"

Liu Tianxian nodded sheepishly, and Wei Wu said speechlessly:

"Damn it, it's all because I was too asleep at the time! Otherwise, I would have asked them to install one in my room! I'll pay for it myself!"

In fact, Liu Tianxian also had similar thoughts at the time, but she was not stupid and did not say it out in the end. After all, saying this hurts the future mother-in-law's face a bit and makes her seem too ignorant.

After all, it's not that Wei Wu and his family can't afford to install an air conditioner, it's mainly because it's not cost-effective.

The main reason is that Wei Wu basically only comes back for the Chinese New Year for a few days a year, so installing an air conditioner would be a waste of idle time!

And air conditioners are not cheap now. For example, they installed this air conditioner today and paid 2,700 yuan including installation fees.

But now the average salary of the urban population in the country is only 1,500 yuan. It takes two months of wages for ordinary working-class people to come up with this amount of money.

Moreover, many people can afford to install it but cannot afford to use it. Once they use it, the electricity bill will be even more distressing, so Wei Yuzhi can't bear to install more one.

Liu Tianxian's heart suddenly moved: "What should we do? It's so cold now. How can you sleep at night without air conditioning over there?"

Wei Wu waved his hand and said, "Hey, what a big deal! We haven't had air conditioning in our house for so many years, so why don't we come here anyway?"

Liu Tianxian's mind was spinning rapidly: "That's what you say, but it's easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it's hard to go from luxury to frugality. You have been accustomed to a life of air conditioning in the past year, and if it suddenly disappears, you may catch a cold!"

At this time, Wei Wu had already tasted something, and he immediately walked down the slope and said:

"Then what do you think we should do? It's impossible for both of us to sleep in this room tonight, right?"

Liu Tianxian immediately lowered his head and rubbed his toes without saying a word.

If Wei Wu still can't figure out what he means, then he is really a fool!

It seems that taking her home to meet her parents this time also marks a big step forward in their relationship, so Liu Tianxian is also preparing to reward him for the next stage.

Wei Wu called up the favorability score and checked it. Sure enough, the favorability score had increased by another point without realizing it, and it was now 93.

Since everyone is like this, there is no need for Wei Wu to pretend, he immediately held her hand and said:

"No matter, I can't sleep in my room without air conditioning, so I will sleep here tonight. Let's go to sleep."

Liu Tianxian still lowered his head and remained silent, but after being pulled by Wei Wu, he obediently moved forward a few steps to the bedside.

Wei Wu divided the quilts for each person and then leaned against the headboard. Seeing that Liu Tianxian still didn't move, he patted the quilt next to him and said:

"Come here, don't worry. Each person has a quilt. I won't do anything to you..."

She still lowered her head slightly. Looking from Wei Wu's perspective, she could only see half of her pretty face with a touch of red wine, and her delicate red lips murmured slightly:


Liu Tianxian slowly took off his shoes, followed Wei Wu's example and leaned against the headboard, wrapping his lower body in quilt. At this time, the temperature of the room slowly rises, so that you don't feel cold.

In fact, even if the air conditioner is not turned on, Liu Tianxian will definitely not feel cold at this time. The main reason is that her cheeks are hot due to shyness and her whole body is steaming. How can she feel cold?

Wei Wu saw that her face was as red as blood and her body was still shaking slightly. She must be extremely shy, so he decided to make a joke to liven up the atmosphere so that she would not be so nervous.

So Wei Wu imitated Jiang Wen's tone and said: "Madam, brother, I am only here to rob you of wealth, not sex, and share the same bed, but not your body.

"There is a gun here. If I, brother, offend my wife, you can kill me at any time. If my wife has any request, brother, I will never refuse."

Liu Tianxian looked confused, and opened his eyes unconsciously, revealing his pair of water-cut colored contact lenses that were full of emotions, angry and happy. His eyes were full of spring water, and he was looking forward to the clear water. He was half shy and half inexplicable.

ah? Just say the words you say. What does it mean to put your hand on my chest? And what do you mean by giving me an air conditioner remote control?

However, Wei Wu made such a joke, and the charming atmosphere was completely gone. Liu Tianxian was also distracted and no longer shy.

Liu Tianxian was finally able to speak normally: "What is this paragraph you are talking about?"

Wei Wu himself also felt that this scene was a bit awkward, mainly because of the situation and the fact that her posture was really suitable for recreating the scene in the movie, so he got addicted to it as soon as his mind got excited.

So Wei Wu could only explain with a slight embarrassment: "The lines are from a movie script I wrote called "Let the Bullets Fly". This is a line that I am quite satisfied with."

"Oh", Liu Tianxian understood a little bit. It turned out that Wei Wu suddenly came to the scene just now. The focus of this paragraph should be "sharing the same bed, but not being in the body". So he then asked:

"Then when are you going to shoot this book?"

Wei Wu shook his head and said: "Maybe we won't shoot anymore. Let's cooperate with others to develop it then!

“Originally when Mr. Han approached me, I was planning to make this movie, but because many people tried to persuade me, I decided to make “Painted Skin” after careful consideration.

"Actually, filming "Painted Skin" is a good thing for you. At least it can give you a role with more scenes. And "Let the Bullets Fly" is a man's drama. Even if I let you participate in it, it will be very good in the end. It’s hard to stand out.”

Liu Tianxian nodded slightly, suddenly leaned over and kissed him on the face and said:

"By the way, I haven't thanked you properly yet! You just gave me the heroine with such a big investment. The Third Master didn't say anything, right?"

Wei Wu said arrogantly: "No, you don't want to avoid kissing when you recommend a good person! Besides, that's all your thank you, just a kiss and it's over."

"Then what else do you want?"

Before she finished speaking, her cheeks suddenly turned red, and the fiery blush spread across her face. Her beauty reached its peak at this moment, as delicate as a cherry in early summer.

Wei Wu couldn't help but swallowed, and suddenly thought that the moment he put his hand on something, not only did it feel wonderful, but after he pulled it back, the fragrance still lingered, and it could be said that the room was filled with fragrance.

The legendary beauty has a jade-like body and fragrant skin, and the fragrance of orchids and osmanthus, and the fragrant mat is refreshing and charming. As the saying goes, a face like jade, a breath like orchid, and the fragrance of silk curtains, foils, and powder are nothing more than this.

Wei Wu tried to hold his breath and calm his mind, trying not to breathe in the faint fragrance coming from Liu Tianxian.

It can't be said that it didn't work at all, but it can only be said that the effect was minimal. His body gradually became a little hot, especially the wonderful touch from the palm of his left hand just now, which made him feel internal heat and blood surging.

It has nothing to do with willpower. Young bodies always find it difficult to withstand such temptations. The heart pumps violently as if it had drunk adrenaline. The young body that has not tasted meat for many years has been quickly filled with hormones and dopamine...

Just when he was about to take action, he suddenly remembered something. No, their old house is not soundproof.

And more importantly, the sheets are all new. If the blood is messed up, Liu Tianxian will really be ashamed to see people tomorrow.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be shot, so Wei Wu can only whisper a few words to her.

"What? Use your hands, I don't know how..."

"It's okay, I'll teach you."

"No, no..."

"Please, it's really uncomfortable, just help me once?"

"Yeah... yeah... then this time, you have to promise that it will be the last time."

"Yeah, yeah, I promise."

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