Huayu’s ex-husband

Chapter 117 116 From now on, we can no longer call you long-haired. It’s time to call you yellow-hai

Chapter 117 116. From now on, I can no longer call you long-haired. It’s time to call you yellow-haired.

"Let me tell you, I can no longer call you Changmao. It's time to call you Huangmao!"

Huang Bo, who had just finished styling his hair, casually grabbed Batai's hair and said with a look of disgust on his face:

"Fuck you, aren't you the reason why I look like this? Didn't you make me dye my hair?"

Wei Wu looked at him and said seriously: "To be honest, it would be more pleasing to the eye if you dye your hair yellow, and you won't feel so ugly!

"How about you keep dyeing your hair this color from now on! I really suggest you think about it!"

Huang Bo rolled his eyes at him and said, "Get away as far as you want! I'm already in my 30s. Is it ridiculous to have a head of yellow hair?"

"Even if I don't feel embarrassed, Xiao Ou will feel embarrassed and kick me!

"Besides, since you think yellow hair looks good, why don't you dye it yourself?"

Wei Wu curled his lips: "I'm not a Shamate, so why should I dye my hair yellow?"

Huang Bo spat on the ground: "Fuck you, am I the one?"

Xu Zheng, who was resting on a stool not far away, couldn't help feeling envious as he watched the two of them laughing and playing around like no one else was around.

As Wei Wu's fame has risen, his reputation among the crew for issuing orders and prohibitions has grown. Even he himself does not dare to be as wanton as before in front of Wei Wu.

There are one to two hundred people in the entire crew, but Huang Bo is the only one who dares to raise his middle finger and say dirty words in front of Wei Wu.

Huang Bo, this kid, has really accumulated great virtues in his previous life. He unexpectedly met such a good classmate as Wei Wu and directly helped him ascend to heaven.

Take myself as an example. After graduating from theater in 1994, I entered the entertainment industry and worked hard for 11 years. The hardships along the way cannot be appreciated by outsiders.

It can be said that after all the tricks were used, he finally got the opportunity to play the leading role in a movie for the first time last year.

Let’s look at Huang Bo. He graduated from Nortel Vocational College just over a year ago. Not to mention his appearance, he doesn’t have any key reputation. He was directly appointed by Wei Wu and became the male lead in the new film!

If he is not Wei Wu's best friend, with his looks and status, why can he be the leading actor? Male number eight can’t even get his turn!

However, one code equals another, and although it is true that Huang Bo is a relative, his personal performance after they turned on the phone is indeed not bad, and it can even be said that there is no fault at all.

At first, because Huang Bo was a well-connected person, others expressed contempt for his outward enthusiasm and looked on coldly, ready to see how embarrassing and conspicuous he was.

Although Huang Bo's performance is unsatisfactory, there is a high probability that Wei Wu will not replace him. But as long as these relationships can be made embarrassing, everyone will be happy.

But I didn't expect Huang Bo's performance to be a real slap in the face to these people who were watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

Wei Wu's vision is indeed unique. Huang Bo is really not a humble horse, but a thousand-mile horse.

It's just that the selling price of this thousand-mile horse is a bit different. If his classmate hadn't happened to be a bole, then he might have died in a stable!

Huang Bo's acting skills are solid, and with the support of a noble person like Wei Wu, his future achievements will naturally be the same!

So everyone immediately started to fawn over him, scrambling to flatter him in the hope of appearing familiar to him.

Of course, Xu Zheng is definitely not included in this list. After all, he had already seen Huang Bo's acting skills with his own eyes in the last movie they collaborated on, "Crazy Stone"!

Moreover, Huang Bo is not only outstanding in acting, but also very dedicated.

Therefore, there are so many handsome men and beautiful women in this generation of Nortel, but Wei Wu favors him and continues to support him. That is definitely not a fluke!

When they were filming "Crazy Stone", Xu Zheng saw with his own eyes that he directly smeared sewer sludge onto his body and face. The black and smelly sludge made people dizzy.

But he was stuck in a sewer pipe with smelly mud all over his body, and finished all the lines of calling Brother Dao for help in one breath.

The scene took one or two hours to shoot, but he didn't complain even once from beginning to end.

After the shooting, everyone spontaneously applauded him.

Liu Ye, who plays "Brother Dao", said to everyone:

"This is a dedicated actor, he will definitely be successful in the future, 110% guaranteed!

Then he added: "Don't worry about your appearance!"

Xu Zheng was convinced of this, and he was even more confident than Liu Ye!

After all, Liu Ye hasn't seen Wei Wu's ability with his own eyes, but he has already experienced it with his own eyes! And we also know that Wei Wu has tailor-made a movie for Huang Bo.

Xu Zheng even thought that Huang Bo was a good guy even earlier, when they were filming "On the Road," because he was Wei Wu's best friend.

Therefore, from that moment on, we worked hard and got along well with Huang Bo!

But no matter how hard he tries, the relationship cannot become like that between Huang Bo and Wei Wu. After all, they are true brothers who have known each other since childhood and share weal and woe.

Although Huang Bo can currently do very little for Wei Wu, at least he has learned a word called:

A scholar dies for a confidant.

So everyone saw his performance after joining the group and felt his sincerity and attitude. He really used his actual actions to silently repay Wei Wu's kindness.

Now the crew has been filming for more than half a month. In this half month, Huang Bo has not laughed once. When the filming officially started, he did not say that he missed a line. There are only a handful of times that he has been NG due to personal reasons... No one knows him. How hard did you work behind the scenes to achieve what you are doing now?

But what is certain is that Wei Wu saw his attitude, because since the filming started, almost everyone has been scolded by the director, except Huang Bo, who has not been scolded once.

Although in private, Wei Wu used various tricks to insult him, scold him and tease him every day, but when he was working, he didn't even say a harsh word.

There are three pianos in the mountains and flowing water, and a bottle of wine in the bright moon.

These two people can be regarded as the modern version of Boya Ziqi, and they will probably become a legend in the entertainment industry in a few years.

Just when Xu Zheng was thinking this, the painting style of the heartfelt confidant in front of him suddenly changed——

The prop master had just moved the stainless steel lockers over. Wei Wu patted them and said to Huang Bo:

“We’re going to shoot the scene later where Lee Farah and the police chase you, and then you hide in the locker room.

"Just in time, come and try to drill into this cabinet to see if you can fit it in?"

Huang Bo opened the cabinet door and took a look. The cabinet was less than one meter high, about forty or fifty centimeters wide, and about fifty or sixty centimeters deep.

Ordinarily, at this size, he could barely fit it in when he curled up. But the problem is that this cabinet has a storage box separated in the upper left corner.

This means that after squatting and getting in, the size of the head space is only half of the original size.

Huang Bo came closer and poked his head over, made a few gestures and couldn't help but complain:

"Holy shit, you're trying to mess with me, right? How can this size be stuffed in? Even if it's stuffed in, I'll be honest, except for the eyeballs, nothing else can move!"

Wei Wu patted the cabinet and said proudly:

"Do you know anything about hammers? This is the effect you want! It means it's stuck so you can't move. Only in this way can it have a comedic effect!"

Huang Bo didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What, the effect you want is to trap me inside, right?

"No, isn't there a slightly larger cabinet? The space above is too small. My head is so big that I can't fit it in!"

Wei Wu waved his hand and said: "It shouldn't be a big problem! I must have tried all the props, no matter how big your head is, it can fit in it!"

"If it doesn't work, we'll press your head and squeeze it in. If it doesn't work, we'll hammer you in with a hammer!"

Huang Bo directly gave him a middle finger: "Believe it or not, I will give you a hammer first! The head of labor and management is made of meat, not iron, so I'll give you a hammer!"


Yang Mi happened to be passing by and heard the two of them singing along as if they were talking about cross talk. She couldn't help but laugh and bent over.

However, her big move, the water on her chest was sparkling, immediately caused everyone to gasp, and the temperature on the set rose several degrees in an instant!

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