Huayu’s ex-husband

Chapter 137 136

Chapter 137 136. "Those Years" film schedule doubled

Wei Wu and his team had just finished their promotional activities at Sichuan Agricultural University, and their next stop was to go to Southwest Shida University.

Wei Wu's plan for this trip is to start from the capital, first walk along the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan River, and then go south along the Beijing-Hangzhou Railway to sweep the entire southeastern coast before entering Sichuan——

Then follow the Yangtze River into the Jianghan Plain, and then the North China Plain next door, visiting the central cities one by one on the way, and finally fly to the three northeastern provinces to finish!

"Wei Wu, why do we go to universities for this road show? Don't we usually go to local cinemas and shopping malls?"

After getting in the car, Yang Mi finally couldn't help but ask a question she had been holding back for several days.

After all, it is definitely unrealistic to have one car per person when going out now. Due to limited conditions, everyone can basically only carpool.

Of course, even if you carpool, it must be arranged according to the seats, so the starring and the director are arranged in the high-end first car. Chen Kuai and Zhang Wenwen, who is driving, sit in the front row, and then Wei Wu and Liu Tianxian and Yang Mi sit in the back row.

Since the two of them didn't get along with each other, they naturally didn't want to sit next to each other, so Wei Wu usually sat in the middle, which was a disguised form of "hugging on the left and hugging on the right."

Of course, Wei Wu still didn't dare to really hug him.

However, it is quite exciting to secretly pinch the butt or touch the thigh while the other person is not paying attention, and observe the nervousness of the other person.

Wei Wu explained: "Because our road show promotion was originally called - College Promotion Plan, most of the places we went to were colleges and universities with a large number of students.

“The reason why we find another way to promote it is directly related to the audience of our movie.

"For youth films like ours, students are not only the protagonists of youth film stories, but also the main group of film consumers, so universities are naturally our main battlefield for publicity and promotion.

“After all, the male protagonists of our movie are all high school graduates who are about to go to college, so these adolescent pains and worries are obviously the ones that resonate most with high school students and college students!

“Moreover, the male and female protagonists of the story are similar to them in age, so they are naturally more immersed in the story, so they are a natural audience for films such as youth films.

"However, relatively speaking, high school students are not financially independent. Even if they want to buy votes to support, most of them are unable to do so, so of course we should focus more on college students."

Yang Mi suddenly realized: "Oh, so that's it!"

Wei Wu nodded slightly and said: "Well, we are breaking the old ideological barriers, finding differentiated tracks and iterating traditional playing methods, using unique grippers to accurately fill the vertical field, and using focused combination punches that combine points and lines. , find the refined tipping point of youth film audiences, ensure full coverage of marketing, and achieve dimensionality reduction in the ecological niche."

It's such a long list that it's hard for Wei Wu to say it in one breath without taking a breath.

Yang Mi, Liu Tianxian and Chen Kuai were stunned for a while. Although I didn't understand a word, it sounded inexplicably bluffing.

For a moment, no one among the three dared to talk to each other, for fear of showing their cowardice.

After being confused and embarrassed for three seconds, Yang Mi had a more aggressive personality and guessed that he might be acting weird again, so she rolled her eyes and said:

"Are you okay? Please can you speak human words next time!"

Wei Wu couldn't help but laugh, because the expressions on the three of them just now were really funny!

Their expressions seemed to say: Why can I understand every word he said, but when combined together, I couldn’t understand it at all?

After all, Internet slang is a bit unclear to people who have experienced the Internet explosion, let alone these people today!

But then again, Wei Wu actually went to colleges and universities to promote the movie, which is indeed quite clever!

Of course, this trick is not his original creation, but he learned it from the youth movies that followed.

It seems that I first started doing this in "The Year in a Hurry". Once I saw that it was effective, everyone followed suit, and one or two others started doing it!

So this is the benefit of opening your eyes. Many problems can be solved in the future.

In the early stage, use the MV to gain popularity, and then conduct road shows in colleges and universities to promote it.

It can be said that his set of boxing combinations really taught the current filmmakers a good lesson. Many colleagues also discovered for the first time:

Damn it, it turns out that movie promotion can be done like this!

It is not difficult to imagine that if the youth film genre is popularized by "Those Years" in the future, many latecomers will naturally follow this promotional model.

However, this kind of publicity plan is most effective only when it is done for the first time, because everyone has a fresh feeling! After that, the effect will only become more and more average.

Of course, in addition to offline roadshow promotion, Wei Wu also did not miss out on online promotion.

During this period, his navy team has also been taking the initiative, using various tricks on major forums to create topics for "Those Years" to ensure that the movie remains popular on the Internet until it is released.

Obviously, Wei Wu should be the first among all current directors to take seriously and seriously try online marketing!

While other crews are promoting movies and focusing on traditional media such as movie theater posters, TV, magazines, newspapers, and radio stations, Wei Wu is already planning on the Internet with an eye on the future!

It is worth mentioning that in the previous "The Promise" incident, Wei Wu clearly supported Hu Ge and Chen Kaige behind the scenes, and was regarded as a young opinion leader who resists authority by netizens.

With this halo, coupled with the fact that Wei Wu often posts famous quotes on the Internet, he has created a lot of hot memes. He is also very proficient in using Internet buzzwords. He has no airs and can easily mingle with netizens from all walks of life.

In the words of netizens, he was like an old surfer as soon as he opened his mouth. As a result, Wei Wu's popularity and reputation on the Chinese Internet are quite good now.

And because he is willing to spend money, he has hired trolls to brag for him for a long time, and he is well versed in the operating rules of Internet experts and knows how to manage his own online image...

So after more than half a year of hard work, Wei Wu can basically be said to be an early internet celebrity in the current version.

It is no exaggeration to say that his current fame and influence on the Internet are at least twice as strong as in reality!

There is no Weibo now, but if there is Weibo now, it is estimated that Wei Wu's number of fans will definitely be among the best on the entire site!

Thinking of this, Wei Wu couldn't help but have a thought.

Yes, it seems there is no Weibo yet!

Although the reputation of Weibo is not very good, it is indeed a very useful tool, and it is naturally convenient for the promotion of film and television dramas.

As a reborn person with a system, Wei Wu is definitely not satisfied with being an actor or a star, so he must have his own voice channel so that he will not be controlled by others.

In the previous life, Weibo was founded in mid-August 2009, three full years ago.

As long as I accumulate some capital and plan ahead to get this thing out in advance, it shouldn't be difficult!

Just as Wei Wu was thinking about it, Liu Tianxian suddenly interrupted his grand plan:

"Wei Wu, I heard that our movie has a high scheduling rate?"

Chen Xiao and Yang Mi also pricked up their ears in unison, and Wei Wu nodded and said:

"Yes, because Bona is responsible for distributing our movie. Yu Dong was a general under Mr. Han before and has been involved in the distribution field for many years, so he is quite successful in theaters!

"Besides, Mr. Han has always favored me, so this time he is opening the door to me.

"China Film Group directly controls or indirectly holds shares, and controls half of the state-owned theater chains in the country. This means that the arrangement of films is actually a matter of their words!"

In fact, the reason why Han Sanping was willing to open the back door to Wei Wu was not entirely because he admired him. There was another important reason.

That's because Wei Wu is about to shoot "Painted Skin". This movie is currently the main investor of China Film, so it will naturally be distributed by China Film in the future and then released in theaters owned by China Film.

Han Sanping definitely doesn't want "Painted Skin" to fail at the box office. Whether or not he pays for it is a trivial matter. The main reason is that the project he promoted failed, which will inevitably affect his prestige.

In order to ensure the box office success of "Painted Skin", of course he must first find a way to win over Wei Wu!

That's why he gave extra preferential treatment and gave "Those Years" more filming opportunities.

After all, the higher the box office of this movie is, the greater Wei Wu's personal fame will grow. Accordingly, the box office of "Painted Skin" will also rise in the future, and the probability of failure will naturally be greatly reduced.

Liu Tianxian quickly asked: "Oh, don't be too pretentious, just tell me how many there are?"

Wei Wu stretched out two fingers and said: "Basically among the top 20 ticket-rich cities in China, even the lowest ranked films are not lower than 20%, and most places are above 30%.

On average, it should be around 30%! Compared to our last film "Unfortunately", the film schedule has almost doubled! . "

Liu Tianxian was relieved and a satisfied smile appeared on his face:

"Yeah, that's really great!"

In fact, the reason why this movie has such a high ranking is not only because of Han Sanping's preferential treatment, but also because of the previous MV promotion effect which was really good.

Another very important reason is that this is also the first influential movie to be released this summer.

To put it bluntly, "Those Years" is currently taking the lead, so there is currently no strong rival to compete with it in arranging films.

In fact, throughout July, there are three other heavyweight movies released, namely "Superman Returns", "Mission: Impossible 3" and "Dragon Tiger Gate".

Then "Superman Returns" is the closest one to them, it will be released on July 11, and the other two will be later!

But even the recent "Superman Returns" was 12 days apart.

How should I put it, when "Superman Returns" is released, there is no doubt that it will have a certain impact on the box office trend of "Those Years".

But to be honest, it has been almost two weeks, so it can only be said that it is not bad. Anyway, the peak period of sweeping the box office at that time has passed!

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