Huayu’s ex-husband

Chapter 316 Chapter 315 Why are celebrities unwilling to get married?

Chapter 316 315. Why are celebrities unwilling to get married?

"Mom and Dad, welcome to Yanjing!"

Because this is the year of the Olympics, this slogan is particularly loud!

In order not to cause a sensation at the airport, Wei Wu did not show up today. Instead, he waited in the car and asked his secretary Zhang Wenwen to pick him up.

Wu Yuzhi got into the car and laughed and cursed:

"Okay, stop playing tricks and drive quickly!"

After Wu Yuzhi sat firmly and was about to close the car door, she saw the car door automatically and slowly closing, and she suddenly said in surprise:

"Hey, can this car door close automatically?"

Wei Wu explained: “This function is called one-touch door closing. As long as you press the control button on the metal handle on the inside of the door, the door will automatically close.

"Are you seated securely? Let's drive!"

As soon as Wei Wu spoke, the driver immediately shifted into gear and turned on the turn signal, and the vehicle started smoothly.

Wei Datong stroked and felt the leather seats while looking at the luxurious interior and said:

"Son, when did you change your car?"

Wei Wu replied: "I changed it in August."

"Where was that Audi before you?"

"Put it in the company as a bus!"

"Is this a Rolls-Royce?"

Wei Wu smiled and joked: "Hey, dad, do you know Rolls-Royce?"

Wei Datong glared at him and said, "Hmph, you haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen pigs running? I haven't sat on it in real life, so why haven't you seen it on TV?

"Which model is this? How much does it cost?"

"This is the 2006 Phantom EWB, with options costing more than 11 million."

Wei Datong couldn't help but marveled: "Damn it, you are really rich now!"

Before Wei Datong finished speaking, he was glared at by Wu Yuzhi. He knew that he had made a mistake, so he stopped talking.

Wu Yuzhi took advantage of the situation and said: "Son, you have almost made enough money now. You drive a million-dollar luxury car and live in a million-dollar mansion. Now that you have established a career, when do you think you will get married?"

Wei Wu immediately put his hand on his forehead: "My dear mother, why do you bring this up when we meet? At least we have to say a few words first!"

Wu Yuzhi rolled her eyes at him and said, "Do we two still need to engage in such nonsense?"

Wei Wu could only admit defeat: "No problem, you're right! But I'm afraid we have to consider the matter of marriage in the long run, because the situation is different now!"

Wu Yuzhi immediately made a long face: "What's different?"

Wei Wu gritted his teeth and said: "Because now I have started acting, it means that Sissi and I are both actors now.

"You also know that nowadays, celebrities generally get married relatively late. Those who get married early, most of them got married before they were famous!"

In fact, this is just an excuse on Wei Wu's face, and the real reason is not difficult to guess. Wei Wu, who is now successful and has everything he wants, does not want to be bound by marriage so quickly.

In fact, Wei Wu was happy to see the marriage happen at first, but as time went by, Wei Wu was no longer as determined as he was at the beginning.

The bottom line is gradually broken through step by step. When it comes to things like cheating, if there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three.

Wei Wu already has one real girlfriend and two lovers now. Is it possible that there will only be these three in the future? Obviously impossible!

He is not married yet. If something happens, the outside world will say that he is a philanderer; but if he is married, it will be an extramarital affair.

Although both of these situations are terrible, compared to the first one, at least there is room for salvation. The second type can easily be directly sentenced to death.

Of course, Wei Wu had to try his best to avoid falling into such a dangerous situation. He will definitely marry Liu Tianxian eventually, but obviously not now.

Wu Yuzhi asked knowingly: "Why don't celebrities want to get married?"

Wei Wu thought for a while and said: "Well, it's just for the following reasons:

"The first is that I am worried that it may affect my career development. Getting married will definitely lose some of my die-hard fans.

"Furthermore, changes in status may narrow the scope of acting. For example, after becoming a wife and mother, some roles and scenes are not suitable for acting.

"In addition, after getting married, you will definitely have to devote part of your time and energy to your family, so naturally the time and energy you spend on your career will be reduced.

"The second is that the nature of the profession may lead to instability in the marriage relationship. Celebrities will inevitably work away from home for a long time. This lifestyle of less gathering and more separation may affect the stability of the marriage relationship.

"In this case, whether it is your own cheating or the other party's cheating, it will cause a huge blow to your career.

"In addition, marriage changes will also affect the issue of property division. Once the other party's demands are not met, the ex-husband or ex-wife may expose the scandal.

“The last one is the pressure that public attention can put on private lives.

"For example, after getting married, you will inevitably be questioned about when you will have children? Or have you fulfilled your responsibilities as a qualified wife/husband? Do you have any plans to divorce recently?

"Of course, other common marriage pressures and challenges that ordinary people face also exist, such as sacrificing personal freedom and independence, financial problems, family conflicts, parenting differences, etc."

Wu Yuzhi rolled her eyes and almost rolled her eyes to the sky: "According to what you say, those stars will not have to live anymore, and one or two of them will have no descendants!"

Wei Wu smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that serious. I just want to say that for celebrities, getting married is a very risky operation, and it obviously does more harm than good.

“Therefore, it is not easy to take this step.

“If it is not necessary to get married, for example, you are too old, or you are unwilling to abort an unexpected pregnancy... Generally speaking, you will delay it as much as possible.

“There are even many celebrity couples who choose to keep their marriage secret. Maybe they are divorced, and the public does not know that they were married.”

Although what Wei Wu said is not unreasonable, how can Wu Yuzhi reason with her son:

“Humph, your mother says one thing, and you have ten thousand things waiting for me. Anyway, I don’t care about you, I want to hold my grandson!

“Just tell me when I can hold my grandson? Anyway, 10 or 8 years is definitely not enough! Don’t let me and your father die first!”

Wei Wu could only say helplessly: “Okay, okay, don’t worry, I will find a way to let you hold your grandson as soon as possible!”

According to this, Wei Wu will inevitably post a Weibo one day in the future:

“Yes, we have a child. "

However, Wu Yuzhi was not so easy to fool, and immediately asked Wei Wu to give a specific deadline.

How could Wei Wu give this? He could only counter the move and talk about other things.

The mother and son started a verbal battle, but fortunately the car stopped not long after, and it turned out that they had arrived home.

Wei Wu felt as if he had been pardoned and had escaped a disaster. He was sweating profusely.

As soon as the car stopped, Wei Wu couldn't wait to get out, and then held the car door and invited:

"Mom and Dad, we are here, come, I will take you to visit our own big manor!"

Wu Yuzhi was obviously not satisfied, but she could only sulk and keep silent. Wei Datong was very supportive:

"Okay, your mother and I have wanted to see it for a long time! "

So the two got off the car and followed Wei Wu to visit everywhere. In order to prevent his mother from continuing to pester him, Wei Wu kept talking all the way, just like a chatterbox tour guide.

After all, the two elders had visited the luxurious manor of Liu Tianxian's family before, so this time there was no such amazing feeling as "Grandma Liu visiting the Grand View Garden".

But Wei Datong and his wife were still overwhelmed with emotion, after all, they had seen other people's houses before, but this time it was their own home!

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