Huayu’s ex-husband

Chapter 76 76 Wants

Chapter 76 76. I want to miss "People on the Road"

Wang Baoqiang drank such a large bucket of milk in one go that day. Wei Wu was really worried about what he would do.

Fortunately, the young man was practicing martial arts and was in good health. He felt a little uncomfortable for a while and was fine after resting for an hour.

After Liu Tianxian and Yang Mi left, without any emotional ties, Wei Wu was able to devote more energy to his work, and the filming progress was rapid.

But just halfway through the filming, Wei Wu suddenly received a call from Tian Zhuangzhuang, the cheap master.

"Hey, teacher, the review results are here, right? Oh, okay, okay, you said I'll remember it!"

It turned out that Tian Zhuangzhuang told Wei Wu that the "Those Years" he had submitted for review had results and that it would pass the first review with just a few changes.

Wei Wu wrote them down one by one. There are three main things that need to be changed:

The first scene is about Ke Jingteng and Xu Bochun masturbating in a high school class; the second scene is about Ke Jingteng and his college roommates watching porn movies in the dormitory; the third scene is about Ke Jingteng's homosexuality in college.

In fact, Wei Wu had known for a long time that these clips would most likely be required to be modified, but he still deliberately and accidentally kept them.

After all, this is his first movie as a newcomer, and the radio and television department will definitely give him some suggestions for you to change it. After all, if he doesn't bother you at the beginning to give you some authority, it will become increasingly difficult to manage after that.

If Wei Wu didn't take the initiative to leave something for others to find fault with, then once they show their subjective initiative and find out something by picking apart the eggs, it will only make it more uncomfortable for you to change.

This is equivalent to writing a speech for your boss. You always have to leave one or two typos for your boss to pick out for you.

Otherwise, if your writing is flawless and has no flaws at all, leaving your boss with no fault to pick, how can it be obvious that your level is higher than his? Do you think people will be happy?

These few clips should be deleted and downplayed as much as possible. Anyway, overall the problem is not big and it is relatively easy to correct.

A 110-minute movie only changed a few small places, which can be regarded as a great deal of care for him.

Of course, the guide's revision opinions were so clear, and they also pointed out the specific areas you need to change. This is entirely due to Tian's connections.

Otherwise, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television will call you back directly, and will only give you a general and general revision opinion, leaving you to make changes on your own. How could you be so kind as to tell you one by one which specific segments need to be changed?

So Wei Wu simply deleted the plot about Ke Jingteng's university homosexuality. As for masturbating in class and watching porn in the dormitory, these two scenes were greatly deleted.

No more specific scene clips will be shown, just combine the upper and lower clips to let the audience know that such a thing is happening.

After it was submitted for review again, he was notified within a few days that it had passed, and "Those Years" officially received the Dragon Label.

But in fact, this is not over yet, because there is still a final trial.

The second round of review, also known as the technical review, takes place after the final version of the film is completed.

The first round mainly checks the content, while the second round involves the film’s editing, sound effects, special effects and other aspects.

When submitting for review in the first round, even if it is a rough and simplified version, it doesn’t matter even if the wiring of the wire is not dropped or the whole thing is green screen without special effects.

But when the film is submitted for review in the second round, it is necessary to include the dragon mark at the beginning of the film, including the cutscenes produced by the producer at the beginning of the main film, including the final credits, the end credits, and so on.

In short, in the second round of final review, the film you submit for review must be exactly the same as the version you released from beginning to end. Of course, after this round of review, no more changes can be made.

But usually when you call back, you are called back in the first round of review. In the second round, as long as you don't mess around, there are relatively few cases where you will be called back and asked for modifications.

Of course Wei Wu would not mess around. In fact, the film he sent for the first review was basically very close to the final version. The second trial basically sends the revised version based on the first trial guidance directly.

Then, two days before the filming of "Unfortunately" was about to be completed, "Those Years" finally passed the second review and received a screening license, which means that the film can be officially released at any time.

The first one, "Those Years," passed the second review, and the last one, "On the Road," had its last scene before closing:

Li Chenggong, played by Xu Zheng, and his wife, played by Sun Li, sat in front of the bed and embraced each other. Xu Zheng hugged Sun Li and said emotionally:

"I have a lot to say to you..."

But this time, Sun Li's tender eyes seemed to see through everything. He raised his head slightly and looked at the ceiling. Then he closed his eyes and patted Xu Zheng's back gently. After a moment of silence, he said lightly:

"Just go home."

Wei Wu announced loudly with a smile on his face: "It's stuck. Congratulations on finishing."

"Yeah~", everyone cheered in unison, cheering loudly for the official completion of the movie.

Wei Wu also said loudly with a bright face: "As per the old rules, at eight o'clock there is a wedding banquet at the Changqing Restaurant next door. Anyone who wants to go can go!"

Everyone cheered again: "Go, everyone, no one is allowed to run!"

Wei Wu expected that "People on the Road" would be filmed within a month. In the end, just as he expected, the filming went very smoothly. It only took 27 days to complete the filming, and the filming was officially closed at 7 pm on November 10th. Finished.

Wei Wu did a simple calculation and found that the filming of this movie cost more than 5.5 million yuan, and there was still more than 400,000 yuan of the originally prepared 6 million yuan.

Generally speaking, the fixed expenses that cost a lot of money, except for Xu Zheng's wig, were just to ride on the green leather train carriage.

Wei Wu originally planned to rent it, but because he had no reliable relationship with the Wuhan Railway Bureau, he didn't do it.

So Wei Wu could only rent an abandoned train carriage, then repaint and decorate it, and renovate it into a normal carriage for use.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the final banquet of "On the Road" officially started at the Changqing Restaurant on the bank of the Yangtze River. The restaurant hall was filled with people drinking and drinking, and it was very lively.

Everyone came up one by one to toast Wei Wu. Although Wei Wu only tasted the wine briefly, he did not refuse anyone who came.

After three rounds of drinking, other people started to leave one after another after having enough food and drinks. In the end, only Wang Baoqiang, Xu Zheng and Huang Bo at the main table were left, so the four of them moved to the small box next door to drink tea and chat.

Xu Zheng took the lead in asking a question that he was very concerned about:

"Director, when is our movie going to be released?"

Wei Wu thought for a while and said: "To be honest, I'm not sure yet when the screening license for this movie will be issued.

"Our movie is about the Spring Festival travel season, and the most suitable time is undoubtedly the Lunar New Year period. But now we are not far away from this year's Lunar New Year period.

"If we wait for the next Lunar New Year period, we will have to wait another year, and I don't want to wait that long."

Xu Zheng didn't quite understand: "I'm not the director, but doesn't the Lunar New Year holiday usually last until early March of the next year? It's only early November, and there are still four full months left, so it should be enough time!"

Wei Wu could only smile because he didn't know how to explain this to them.

The Lunar New Year period is not a fixed period of time. Generally speaking, it starts around November 20 and lasts until early March of the following year.

The reason why this schedule is so arrogant is that it is known as the first schedule for mainland movies. That’s because it spans multiple holidays, including Christmas, New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival and Valentine’s Day.

Logically speaking, there are still 4 months left, and it will definitely be more than enough to finish the post-production of "The Journey".

After all, this movie, like "Those Years", has no special effects and only took 27 days to shoot. With Wei Wu's current directing skills and the original film as a reference, the post-production process only took a month to complete.

Normally, it can be released as soon as December 10th. Of course, you have to consider the review. If the preliminary review takes seven days to produce a rough cut, submit it early, and get the review opinions as soon as possible.

Then submit it to the second review immediately after completing it. It is expected that the results will be available in about half a month at the earliest, which will be around December 25th, which is completely late!

Even if the review fails and it takes another month or two to revise it twice, it is still too late!

But what Wei Wu was thinking about was not whether it could be released during this Lunar New Year period, but whether it could be released exactly behind a certain movie!

Because it has been analyzed before, there are too many wolves, tigers and leopards during the Lunar New Year this year. If Wei Wu does not seize the opportunity to enter the market, he will basically die.

Everyone must have guessed this movie, it is of course "The Promise".

Only by following "The Promise" can you steal a chicken. Taking advantage of the popularity of "The Murderous Case of a Steamed Bun", which is also when the reputation of "The Promise" collapsed and the box office declined, "The Promise" picked up the missing people and made some money. Otherwise, there is really nothing we can do.

"The Promise" was released on December 15th, so the ideal schedule for "Awkward Journey" is to be released two weeks after it was released, which is December 29th.

Would it work if it was a week after "The Promise", that is, December 22?

Not very good actually.

Because it takes a certain amount of time for word-of-mouth to ferment and spread. During the first week of release, generally speaking, Xuanfa will continue to spend money to protect the market, so as not to let word-of-mouth collapse too quickly.

If it is too recent, the reputation of "The Promise" has not completely collapsed, and the film schedule and single-day box office are still strong. If you enter the theater early, you will easily suffer from exhaust fumes.

In fact, "The Promise" had a box office of 74.52 million in the first four days of its first weekend. On the 8th day, the box office exceeded 100 million. On the 14th day, the total box office exceeded 150 million. This means that the box office in the second week was also 50 to 60 million.

But as of the end of two weeks, the box office has only increased by 25 million, which can be said to be nothing to worry about.

Normally, a movie's first-week box office multiplied by three is roughly the final box office of the movie.

If we multiply the first-week box office of "The Promise" by three, normally its final box office should be around 223.5 million.

And its actual box office is only 175 million, a difference of 50 million between inside and outside. It can be seen that the drag on word-of-mouth is quite big.

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