Huayu’s ex-husband

Chapter 78 78 Actor Contract for the Sequel to

Chapter 78 78. Actor Contract for the Sequel to "Unfortunately"

Just when Xu Zheng, Wang Baoqiang and others finished drinking tea and were about to leave, Wei Wu suddenly took out two contracts from his briefcase and handed them over.

The two took it in turn, and then Wang Baoqiang asked:

"Director, what is this?"

Wei Wu explained: "This is the actor's contract for the sequel to our film "Unfortunately". I plan to make another sequel within three years. Of course, I will still let you two be the protagonists. I wonder what you think?"

Wang Baoqiang hurriedly said: "Of course that's good. Director, I'm already very grateful to you for letting us star in this movie as the leading actors. Now we actually have to make a sequel. That's not a good thing that comes in pairs!"

Xu Zheng also echoed: "Yes, director Qian's level is obvious to all of us. Being able to continue to star in sequel movies is a blessing we can only dream of."

Xu Zheng's words were of course flattering, but through this period of cooperation, he really admired Wei Wu's directorial skills.

No wonder people dare to take charge of themselves at such a young age. They really live up to the old saying:

Without diamonds, you can’t get the porcelain job!

It can be said that this time he came to play "The Man on the Road", which really impressed him!

Because Wei Wu is not only a terrible director, but he can also write his own scripts. In time, he will be the next Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang!

This is obviously a scene of a dragon lurking in the abyss. If such a person does not seize the opportunity to curry favor, he will be punished by God!

Now, let alone being able to play the leading role, even if he is asked to play an ugly cameo as a sidekick, that is totally fine!

Wang Baoqiang casually looked through the contract and asked, "What's the name of our sequel, "A Man on the Road to Thailand"?"

Wei Wu nodded and said, "Yes, when the time comes, we won't be working on the sequel in China, but will go to Thailand to film it.

"At that time, it will no longer be a trivial matter with a cost of several million. The sequel movie is expected to require an investment of 20 million to 30 million."

Wang Baoqiang was naturally overjoyed: "Really? That's great!"

Of course Xu Zheng is also very happy. After all, the higher the investment, the higher the possibility of a corresponding box office explosion.

Besides, investing doesn't mean spending his money. Of course, he hopes that the more the better.

However, he couldn't help but lament that Wei Wu's ambitions are quite big. It seems that he is no longer satisfied with making small-budget movies. The next step is to start trying small and medium-sized movies with tens of millions of dollars.

Well, I just don’t know if he can get the 20 to 30 million yuan?

In any case, it would be unrealistic to just expect a share of the box office share of "Unfortunately".

Even if their movie is a box office hit, it will only be worth 20 to 30 million yuan.

Even if the estimate is higher and calculated as 30 million, the final box office share for the producer will only be about 11 million (36.7%), which is at least 10 million short!

Then he can only pray that Wei Wu will make a fortune in the stock market in the future, so that he will have sufficient funds to start this sequel movie, and don't lose his leading actor!

Both of them were reading the contract quietly, and Wei Wu continued:

"As for the salary, this is what I think. After all, it is a sequel movie, so of course it will go up.

"In our film "The Journey", Brother Xu's salary is 50,000, and Baoqiang and you are 30,000. In the sequel, we will double it and then equalize it for you. It will be 100,000 for each of you. Do you think it's okay? "

This is the reason why Wei Wu wants to sign a contract with them in advance, mainly because they are still selling at cabbage prices! Moreover, you can also win their favor by the way, which can be said to be the best of both worlds!

After all, if you wait for "Awkward" to become popular and then go to them and offer this price, then they won't be grateful, but will feel that they are being squeezed.

Of course, if it is said that the box office will be a hit and their salary will also increase, they may feel that they are a bit disadvantaged by the salary they signed in advance.

But when that time comes, Wei Wu can send them another one or two million red envelopes to make up for the difference in salary during this period.

Although the same amount of money was spent, the difference is huge.

If Wei Wu waited until their salary increased and then went to them to star in and paid him a salary of one or two million, people would just think that this is what I deserve, and they wouldn't be able to thank you at all.

But if Wei Wu signs the contract in advance, the price difference will be made up later. That person's happiness level will naturally increase immediately, and they will also be grateful to you, thinking that you are a very particular person! And it's a good story if it spreads.

It means that although he spent the same money, Wei Wu won!

Wang Baoqiang was the first to express his position: "No problem with the director, I can do whatever I want."

Of course Wang Baoqiang had no objection. He originally doubled the price to 60,000, but Wei Wu added another 40,000 to him with a wave of his hand, which was more than tripled. So what other objection could he have?

Xu Zheng also said: "I don't have any objection, I'm totally fine with 100,000."

Of course, Xu Zheng is not as satisfied as Wang Baoqiang, but at this stage, he mainly wants to take root in the film industry and successfully transform from a TV drama star to a movie star, and he is not so fussy about the salary.

Because if we really want to be honest, although Wang Baoqiang is not as famous as him, he is a movie star who is more valuable in the first place! So even if the salary is the same as him, he actually has nothing to say.

At this moment, Wei Wu suddenly took out another contract document from his briefcase and handed it to Huang Bo, who was drinking tea slowly.

Huang Bo took it over in surprise: "Ah, do I have a share too?"

Wei Wu raised his eyebrows at him and said: "You are kidding, how could I forget you? We are planning to have three male protagonists in this sequel. In other words, the three of you are actually the male protagonists, so your role is no less than the two of them. .

"But after all, you are our company's own artist, so your salary will definitely be less. Can I give you 50,000?"

Huang Bo had already smiled broadly, and immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, okay, why not? As long as I can play the leading role, it's free!"

It was obvious that Huang Bo was happy from the inside out, and he was even more grateful for Wei Wu's support.

Of course, he naturally believed that Wei Wu added a role specifically for him, which caused the sequel movie to change from two male protagonists to three male protagonists.

Of course, the original script of "囧囧" had three male protagonists, so there was no need for Wei Wu to talk to him about this kind of thing! As for his gratitude, Wei Wu of course accepted it all with peace of mind!

Compared to Huang Bo who was overjoyed, Xu Zheng and Wang Baoqiang were naturally not as happy as him. After all, the two male protagonists have become three male protagonists, which means that the number of scenes has been reduced.

If "Unfortunately" is really popular, and Huang Bo airborne the sequel, basically just picking peaches and eating them, then of course they will not be happy.

However, the two of them also knew that Huang Bo and Wei Wu were both classmates and best friends, and they also signed a contract with Wei Wu's company.

Even if Wei Wu wants to praise him, it is natural. As outsiders, they have nothing to say.

However, Xu Zheng looked at Huang Bo who was dancing with joy and was somewhat jealous that he could make such a best friend as Wei Wu.

You must know that Wei Wu is not yet 22 years old, but he has already made two movies. It can be said that as a director, he is at least 10 years ahead of others at the starting line!

It can be said that as long as Huang Bo fawns over Wei Wu, he won't have to worry about acting for the rest of his life!

This guy is also very lucky. Although there is such a big age difference between him and Wei Wu, it's a bit embarrassing that he can become a classmate of the same class by accident!

Alas, why can’t I meet a classmate like Wei Wu? If there had been a classmate like this in our class, I would have taken off long ago while I was licking him!

No matter how much they complained in their hearts, their basic qualities as actors were still there. They immediately congratulated Huang Bo with smiles on their faces. Wang Baoqiang said with a smile:

"Congratulations, Brother Bo, as long as you take Director Wei's train, it will definitely take off!"

Xu Zheng also said: "Yes, Bozi. When you become famous and become a big star in the future, don't forget us!"

Huang Bo smiled from ear to ear and said: "You're welcome, you two should take off first. I should be the one to say this!"

Xu Zheng read it twice and then signed it directly. Wang Baoqiang did not sign on the spot, not that he was unwilling, but because he had an agency behind him, and he had to get approval from Huayi before he could sign.

After talking about this matter, Wei Wu looked at Xu Zheng and said another matter:

"Brother Xu has something else to say. About next summer, our company is planning to create a comedy movie with Huang Bo as the male protagonist.

"I want you to come over and make a guest appearance as a cemetery sales manager. I wonder if you have any schedule there?"

Xu Zheng immediately said: "Guest appearance, right? No problem! How long will the filming take?"

At this time, Xu Zheng had already made up his mind to get involved in the film industry, so he took the initiative to reduce the frequency of TV series he accepted. Now he has no invitations on hand, so it can be said that the schedule is relatively loose.

Wei Wu replied: "About a week, no more than 10 days at most. I will give you 10,000 yuan as a remuneration. Do you think that's okay?"

Xu Zheng nodded: "Okay, just let me know before filming starts."

After finishing the casting of two plays in a row, Wei Wu was naturally refreshed. When he saw that it was getting late, he suggested that we should leave.

Others had no objection, so everyone dispersed and went back to their homes.

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