Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 709: Wisdom is like him, I just want to be your wife 5

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

"I said, she and Ye Lingyi must have a leg between them, so they are so partial. Maybe they are the two of them working together to lie to us, but I didn't expect that I would take the medicine. "Lin Meijuan said sarcastically.

"Shut up." Shen Mochen glanced at him sharply.

Lin Meijuan was speechless and dared not speak more.

Shui Miaomiao lowered her eyes, her eyelashes twitched slightly, her brows twisted slightly.

What Shen Mochen said was justified.

The thing from pregnancy to being drugged to pregnant is oolong. The impact on her is too great. She needs to sort it out.

Shen Mochen saw her not speaking, thinking she did not agree.

Shui Miaomiao is too forgetful.

Shen Mochen stretched out his hand, lifted Shui Miaomiao's chin, let her face his eyes.

"Since last night Lingyi deliberately framed you for murder, do you still think this person is reliable?" Shen Mochen asked sharply.

She didn't want to misunderstand and wrong anyone.

Because she knew that misunderstandings and injustice felt uncomfortable.

Shen Mochen saw that she still didn't speak, her jaw tightened, her lips tight, her anger was almost on the verge of eruption.

His eyes were sharp and piercing, directing at her soul, making people tremble.

Not speaking is more oppressive than speaking.

"Let me think about it." Shui Miaomiao said softly.

"Shui Miaomiao, I can forgive you for your deception this time because you are ignorant, but I do not forgive your unconditional trust in Ye Lingyi, stupidly women do too much stupid things always make people irritable and disgusting, you Think about the beginning and the end of the whole thing, think about where there is a problem and come to me again, if you don’t understand, we don’t have to be together.” Shen Mochen said coldly.

He loosened Shui Miaomiao's chin, fearing that his anger would be out of control, turned around, and strode out of the door, leaving Shui Miaomiao a cold back.

Shui Miaomiao's mood went down, her body seemed to have lost all her strength, and her shoulders hung down.

Chang Kaiwen glanced at Shui Miaomiao, a little sympathetic, but in the sympathy, there was something more complicated than he could tell. He turned and followed Shen Mochen.

Lin Meijuan saw that Shen Mochen had left her, and was in a good mood, sneered and said contemptuously: "Don't pretend, don't you like Ye Lingyi, want to be with Ye Lingyi? Now Chen Chen doesn't want you anymore. Go, don’t think I don’t know, you stayed with Chen Chen to deliberately transfer the relationship between our mother and son. You can rest assured that I will never give you another chance to transfer."

Shui Miaomiao felt particularly irritable, and looked at Lin Meijuan sharply, and said unpleasantly: "Maybe you say it twice or twice, you don’t understand people, but I also want to tell you clearly, I will stay here Shen Mochen's side is not to transfer the relationship between your mother and son, because you are nothing in my eyes, and I have not yet qualified to let me think."

"You are arrogant." Lin Meijuan went out angry.

People, it's really strange, you said to target her, she was angry, you said not to target her, she was also angry.

So, since she doesn't like you, no matter what you say or do, she won't like it either.

Shui Miaomiao touched her hair and lowered her eyes.

Grandpa Shen saw them all gone, and walked in front of Shui Miaomiao and asked Shui Miaomiao, "Ye Lingyi told you that you are pregnant?"

Shui Miaomiao did not speak, because she knew that Mr. Shen did not like Ye Lingyi.

She talked too much and would make grandpa angry.

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