Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 177 Lilith Shava (3k)

Chapter 177 Lilith Shava (3k)

The Chamber of Commerce President did not take Lilith to the treasure house that she was strictly forbidden to approach.

Instead, he went outside the Chamber of Commerce.

This made Lilith raise her eyebrows slightly.

It really wasn't in there, but since it could hide from me.

Fortunately, I have been abiding by the contract.

But the more I walked, the more surprised Lilith was, because in her opinion, there was no place that was considered "safe" in the direction where the Chamber of Commerce President took her.

When she followed him to a church of the dead outside the city of Meereen, she smiled with a smile on her face.

Hiding in such a place?

There is nothing here that can even be called extraordinary.

Perhaps the only thing that can be considered extraordinary is the soul-calming lamp in the cemetery.

This is just a very small and dilapidated church of the dead.

Its only function is to bury those poor people who don't have much savings.

"It's actually here?"

"Yes, if I don't tell you, you will never know the place."

"It is indeed a place that cannot be guessed in common sense, but divination? How do you guard against this?"

"It was put in by the saint himself. Do you think divination is useful?"

For the arrogance of the Chamber of Commerce.

Lilith just smiled with pity behind him.

The Steel Heart Church does have this ability, but the so-called saint can't do it.

What is the sequence three who is not even an angel.

If not.

Lilith's expression was gloomy for a short time, but before the Chamber of Commerce turned around, she returned to her original charm.

"So where is it?"

"Follow me."

After giving the gravekeepers a few copper coins, he took Lilith into the cemetery.

"Aren't you afraid of tomb robbers?"

"The guards here are so poor that they can let people in at will for a few copper coins. How stupid do you think someone would come here to rob tombs?"

"So, you didn't even set up controls here?"

Lilith felt very amused. In this situation, how could I have wasted so many years here?

"If I set up surveillance, wouldn't that be the same as telling you the answer?"


The head of the guild walked to a tombstone and covered his nose in disgust.

The stench in this place is simply indescribable.

Those damned lowly people didn't even dig a deep pit, did they?

"You buried it here?"

"Yes, here, hurry up, I really can't stand it."

Lilith did not take action immediately, she just stood there quietly, and after a while, she suddenly smiled while looking at the tombstone:

"It's really suitable!"

"I told you, hurry up. I'm in a hurry!"

While the head of the guild was talking, the cemetery was broken by countless thorns, but the coffin inside was not destroyed. Instead, the coffin lid was gently pushed open in the rare tenderness of blood magic.

There was naturally no corpse inside, only a small gargoyle statue.

"This thing should be a product of the Third Age, or maybe not, but it looks like an item related to the Lady with the Lantern."

"Why are you pursuing this thing?"

To be honest, the church didn't understand what this thing was, but they just knew that this guy was pursuing it.

According to Lilith, this thing is a holy relic, which has a great affinity with her family.

But they really couldn't find any useful information.

But they didn't think too much about it, just a Sequence 4 demigod.

If it weren't for the special situation here, she wouldn't have been sent here at all.

"I said, this is of great significance to me and my family."

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, then what about my problem? I can't suppress it for long."

Looking at the gargoyle statue, Lilith turned around and smiled playfully:

"It's very simple, that man is not a royal noble."

"What do you mean?!"

What kind of crazy talk is this?

Lilith said with a smile:

"That's an anonymous water card. It's normal for nobles to have it, but from your reaction, I know that the amount in it is terrifying."

"In that case, it can't be something that a small noble can take out. In this way, a new problem arises. It's been a day. If it's a great noble, why doesn't Baratheon know about it?"

"Don't you know that he can pray directly to the Sword and Shield King and Ansha God?"

"This is not only related to a great noble, but also to the Supreme, so it's been so long, why can you still have your head on your head?"

The president of the business slowly widened his eyes.

"The facts are very obvious. He is not a noble of the dynasty at all, and he is not even the chosen one of the dynasty. Considering his unknown origin, this card is most likely not his."

"You hit the jackpot, Mr. President!"

It's that simple? !

Yes, it's that simple!

The president of the business almost wanted to slap himself. Why didn't he think of such an obvious thing?

Lilith, holding the gargoyle statue, had already walked to his side and whispered to him meaningfully:

"So, go ahead and organize the auction. I think many adults are waiting for that day!"

After saying this, Lilith patted his shoulder gently and left.

Needless to say, she got what she wanted and left the Steelheart Church.

When the Chamber of Commerce President reacted, he found that he was the only one left here.

Of course, there was also the stench of the cemetery.

"Damn it!"

I was completely fooled by that woman. How can I explain that I let that woman run away?

Forget it, as long as that man is not a problem, as for Lilith

Yes, just say that she found it herself. There is no control here, so it is not impossible for her to find it!

That's it, I'm so smart!

The Chamber of Commerce, who felt that everything was done, went back to prepare everything with ease.

That woman was right about this matter.

Many adults are looking forward to this day!


Lilith did not leave Meereen immediately after leaving the Church of the Dead.

She went to a small manor outside the city first.

Here, Mr. Doug and others were all there.

Looking at Lilith who arrived.

Before they could speak, the charming woman said:

"Okay, our contract has been reached."

She raised the gargoyle statue in her hand.

"Is that what you want? For this, you planned all this?"

"It's not a plan. I just made the right move at the right time. This is what a very extraordinary prophet taught me."

"Prophets are not good people."

Doug said this with contempt. The reputation of prophet is really bad.

Looking at Doug like this, Lilith smiled and said:

"Don't worry, don't be nervous. I am different from your president. I will not kill the donkey after it has done its job."

"After all, you are remembered by very extraordinary people!"

Doug didn't understand what she was saying.

But he also put down the mithril dagger that had been hidden behind his back with a little embarrassment.

This woman is like a venomous snake, but he has no other choice except her.

"Goodbye, Mr. Doug, say hello to your companions for me!"

After leaving this sentence, Lilith left the manor.


When the time came to the dawn of the fifth day.

Lilith Vasha finally left the entire Osai Peninsula.

She did not take an airship or any other means of transportation.

She walked out of the peninsula completely on her own.

The moment she stepped out of the Osai Peninsula, the tiny gargoyle statue in her hand was completely shattered.

Thus revealing what she really pursued - a broken palm hidden in the statue.

This is a very beautiful palm, but although it is very delicate and smooth, it does not look like a woman's hand from the bones.

It should be from a man.

Looking at the broken palm in her hand, Lilith's mouth corners can't help but slightly raised.

After raising it in the sun, she just took the broken palm towards her left hand.

Then, a miracle happened.

Obviously her palm was intact, but when the two sides came into contact, the broken palm was perfectly integrated into it.

Wait until the broken palm completely disappeared in her hand.

Lilith looked at her palm with great satisfaction.

It was still the same as before, clearly a man's hand was integrated into her body.

At the same time, Lilith Vasha was no longer Sequence 4, she was now Sequence 3.

She was a true high-sequence that could be called a saint!

She was satisfied and ready to leave completely.

But before she took the first step to leave, she heard a baby crying behind her.

She followed the sound.

It was a small wooden house hidden in the woods. It looked very warm and comfortable.

The baby's cry attracted Lilith to come closer.

Because this was not only a brand new life, but from Lilith's perception, the child should have just been born, at the moment when she had repaired her broken palm.

Such children often have special meanings for extraordinary people, especially high-sequence people.

So Lilith couldn't help but turn around and walk over.

She noticed that the wooden house had been renovated many times, and the vague holy tree emblem could be vaguely seen on the walls around the wooden house.

However, judging from the material and the degree of weathering, it was probably engraved many, many years ago.

It is estimated that the owner of the house himself did not know that the pattern represented the great holy tree.

Following the cry of the baby, Lilith Vasha walked to the window of the wooden house.

Here, a weak woman was holding a new life with joy and love on her face.

This was the greatest blessing that the original gave to a mother.

Her husband was outside the house at this moment, expressing his gratitude to the nun who came to deliver the baby.

So this gave her time to enjoy this love alone.

The child was very healthy.

It could be seen from her loud cry.

The woman holding the child finally noticed Lilith outside the window.

After she carefully held the child, she asked Lilith with a wary look:

"Excuse me, who are you?"

In response to the mother's question, Lilith finally withdrew her gaze from the child's ears.

This was undoubtedly a human girl.

"Lilith, Lilith Shava."

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