Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 268 This is human nature! (3k)

The refugee camps around the memorial hall were already a sea of ​​fire.

The outer perimeter of the defense line was even more of a sea of ​​fire.

The ceremony behind the defense line was about to be completed.

But the defense line was about to be completely breached.

The demon lords were using all their strength without hesitation.

Almost all the demons from all over the old continent gathered here.

It was really a great miracle that a group of survivors who had few soldiers and extraordinary people survived until now.

The demon lord, whose horns were broken by the saints, was now stepping on the captain under his feet with a playful look on his face.

"Mortal, you lose, and your city, your army, and your people will also lose completely with you."

The captain under the feet of the demon lord did not answer it. He just spit out a mouthful of saliva that was almost bloody at the other party with disdain.

This made the demon lord shake his head with amusement.

But at the same time, it did not step down the foot that wanted to crush the other party's chest.

Instead, it grabbed the other party in his hand and lifted him up.

"Well, let me show you how your people and city were completely destroyed by me!"

The captain was really angry this time. He struggled to raise his hand and tried to pry open the other's hand that was grabbing his head, but when he raised it halfway, he was sad and angry to find that his only remaining hand had been broken.

He couldn't even raise his hand.

"You still want to resist? Don't joke."

The Demon Lord just raised him in front of him with more and more fun and laughed at him sarcastically.

"Your city, everything you have is doomed to perish, your gods and even your world have long abandoned you!"

The words of the Demon Lord made the captain fall into sorrow.

He couldn't refute this.

The old world has been abandoned.

So, even if this step is achieved, it will still end?

In endless sorrow and helplessness, the captain reluctantly turned his eyes to the sky.

He wanted to ask the gods and kings who were high above why they gave up on them.

Although the gray snow that brought death and curse stopped at some point, the sky of the old continent was still filled with haze.

The abyss was originally a dark hell.

Therefore, his questioning and his gaze would never reach the eyes of the gods.

Or the gods who were high above would not care about the questioning of a mere mortal.

They had already made a decision on the future of the abyss and the old continent.

"Haha, you are not still dreaming that those gods and kings will appear, are you?"

The demon lord who noticed the eyes of the ten thousand men made a huge mockery.

Those gods are cold-blooded creatures that are more ruthless than demons.

Their only love is on the king, and they don't care about the thoughts of mortals.

"Give up, your gods will not come, and your king will not come."

The ten thousand men lowered his eyes with a dead heart.

Among the corpses scattered under the feet of the demons, the ten thousand men finally saw something beautiful - a blue flower standing in the scorching sun.

A blue flower standing in the scorching sun? !

Scorching sun? !

Slowly, the captain who finally realized something suddenly looked up.

Where is it!

The light has come!

A huge airship broke through the haze covering the sky and pierced the world with a thousand-foot glow.

The gods did not respond to the prayers, and the kings chose to remain silent.

Only the mortals reached out to their compatriots!

In front of this endless glory, the demons on the entire battlefield wailed and retreated.

"Demons, your opponent is me!"

The roar from the abyss watcher resounded throughout the world.

The knight standing on the bow drew his double swords and jumped from the sky and rushed straight to the demon lord whose horns were broken.

The world seemed to stop at this moment, even the demon lord could only watch the knight getting closer and closer to him in disbelief.

Then, the knight knocked down the demon lord.

He stabbed his double swords directly into the opponent's eyes.

When the demon lord's wailing sounded.

More airships followed and pierced the haze, bringing real hope to this land full of death and despair!

Not only the Abyss Watchers came.

The whole world actually came.

They did not come in the name of a certain country, power, organization, race, or even gods and kings.

They came simply for the reason and identity of being human beings!

The knights erased their emblems. At this moment, they were no longer fighting for their monarchs, but for their compatriots.

The dwarves smeared their beards. At this moment, they were no longer warriors of a certain clan, but warriors of the world.

The elves put on their hoods. At this moment, they no longer adhered to the pride of the elves, but were now warriors of human reason.

The blood clan gave up their titles. At this moment, they were no longer the noble blood nobles, but the love left by the eldest son.

The Abyss Watchers who had set out long ago only arrived at this moment, because they saw people who had set out at the same time.

So in order to have the power to truly reverse everything, they have been waiting for reinforcements from all over the world on the outskirts of the Old Continent.

And now, they are here!

The dwarf's hammer, the elf's arrow, the knight's blade, and even the vampire's fortress all make their mark on the battlefield.

There were even demons who saw goblins, who were known to be afraid of death and philistines, driving their weird machines that seemed to explode at any time to fight with them!

The demon king finally got rid of the knights' fight. Even though his eyes were filled with blood and tears, he still roared and asked with great anger:

"How could you come? Didn't your monarch, your country, and your race ask you to stay and defend your land?!"

Obviously all countries and forces have chosen to remain silent and blockade the coastline.

Why would they allow such a huge force to leave?

Don't they know this is betrayal? !

No one responded to the Demon King's question.

They just kept killing the demons in front of them.

And beyond, before those docks and harbors.

There are more people walking towards the airship that is also waiting for them.

The officers and guards responsible for guarding the strategic materials of the ocean-going airship just glanced at each other and asked directly:

"Going to the Old World?"

When the other party nodded silently.

No need for the officers to say anything, the soldiers just took the initiative to get out of the way.

"Every ocean-going airship you can see can take you there. But wait, at least wait until it is full of people and set off. Don't worry, it won't be too slow."

The army, the church, and even the gods knew this.

But just as they ignored the abyss, they also chose to ignore it at this moment.


The wails of the demons almost spread across the entire battlefield.

They never thought that anyone would come.

And it's not a single person or force, but countless real warriors.

This sudden attack almost made everything move toward crushing.

Especially after those high-sequence demons who were ridiculed as the incomplete generation fell one after another.

The demons, who had nothing to hold on to, collapsed even faster.

The mountain-high lava demon had already cooled down and fell into the cracks it had torn apart.

On its chest, the boy who had thrust a Roman dagger into its heart was breathing heavily at the moment.

Excitement and fear completely filled his heart. The sound of his heartbeat filled his ears to this very moment.

This was his first battle since leaving the village, and it was also the first time he faced such a big guy.

Fortunately, the other party was maimed by someone unknown, otherwise he would definitely not be able to defeat this monster.

But after taking a look at the still large number of demons and the still-fighting fortress, he jumped off the demon's body, picked up a broken sword, and joined the battle.

The demon that had its tongue pulled out had long lost the power to trouble people's hearts, so when it faced Lord Golden Flower, it had no way to fight him.

He could only watch his head being chopped off by the other party.

This was also the first time it knew that Lord Jinhua actually used a giant sword.

The demon whose eyes were gouged out may not even know what killed him until his death.

Because the saint strips it of its power to pollute and see the world.

So it just knows that it is dealing with a very, very huge thing.

Little Accardo looked at the huge demon corpse below with great excitement. Although he relied on the family's fortress, and although he had been beaten to a disability by the saints long ago, he actually killed a Sequence One demon. Maharaja!

This made him extremely excited and hugged Princess Barbatos next to him and kissed her. He didn't even notice that his beautiful courtier was already smiling.

The devil, whose horns represented strength had long been broken off by the saint himself, was now having a huge headache against the knights who were not as good as him at the previous level.

What's more, he soon faced off against the great knights who were famous in almost the entire world.

Therefore, it could only scold Constantine who destroyed most of its power before it was completely killed by the great knights in cooperation with the abyss monitors.

Without Constantine, they would never have lost so miserably!

But it’s not over yet, here is the Old Continent that has completely overlapped with the Abyss!

Just wait, the new demons will soon show these idiots how stupid they are to kill them!

The new demons will not be as crippled and crippled as them.

And in Pompeii.

At the starting point where the Abyss begins and the Old World overlaps.

The once glorious ancient city of Pompeii has long since disappeared, replaced by a huge rift that nearly tore the entire Old World apart.

Under the endless darkness is a long scarlet line that can only be described as blasphemy.

Here, endless demons are crawling out of it.

As many demons as you kill, there will be more demons here.

Because this is the source of the abyss or this is the real abyss!

And now, with the complete death of the crippled generation.

Even the ancient dragon who was looking at the abyss from a distance heard the roar that reached straight to his soul.

The new high-level demons are about to crawl out of their mother's womb.

Although if He is willing, He can block the abyss so that even a demon can't come out of His dragon's breath.

However, He could not see the end.

So He won't go.

He just looked at the witch in front of him:

"Come, daughter of the abyss, show me what you ought to see."

Hearing this, the witch first bowed slightly towards the ancient dragon to show her courtesy, and then moved towards the abyss.

This made Gu Long look at her with more curiosity. He wanted to know how this evil creature of the abyss could completely defeat the abyss.

But what Gu Long couldn't understand was that she did nothing.

She just walked towards the abyss.

The demons around her avoided her, the traitor of the abyss, as if they couldn't see her.

Finally, the witch stopped in front of the abyss, looked up at the sky that had not yet broken, and seemed to say something and then fell into the abyss on her own initiative!

Gu Long heard what she said at the end.

She said:

"It would be great if I could wear a wedding dress once"

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