
In the living room, Gafan, who had changed back to modern casual clothes, was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, looking at the hundreds of fist-sized whites jumping around in front of him.

Start thinking about life.

"It's mine, don't steal it!"

The system sitting next to him was holding up the slime bun in his hand, shouting dissatisfiedly, and glaring at her with a vigilant look on his face. Dozens of people gathered around her and looked at her.

"Hey, hey, hey."

The white cats screamed affectionately and jumped on the spot. Some of them even jumped to Gafan who was still meditating next to him. They climbed on his shoulders and stayed on his head. Two more curious ones got into him and put their breasts on them. Pockets of sugar.

And when they came out, there were three again.

The toffee is gone too.

This made Gafan's mood very subtle.

"...You are dividing too quickly, aren't you?"

Raising his hand and holding a white crocodile, Gafan looked helpless.

He didn't know how to place these little guys.


Looking at the man in front of him, Bai Xiu called out in confusion, and then quickly turned into an intimate cry of unknown meaning: "Hey, hey, hey."

And some of the white guys who were jumping around in the living room suddenly squeezed into the kitchen again.

It literally means "squeezing", from the crack in the door.

Gafan, who noticed this scene, was stunned for a moment, but after a while, they came out again, and there were more of them again.

If nothing else, the kitchen should be empty.

Gafan: "..."

"Stop pushing over!"

The panicked voice coming from beside him brought Gafan out of his daze, but when he turned around to look, he fell into silence again.

There was no one around him anymore.

Instead, there was a small mountain piled up by a large group of white cats.

At this time, a small hand suddenly stretched out, grabbing a bitten slime bun and shaking it vigorously.

"Gafan, pull me out quickly! I'm a little out of breath."

Seeing this scene, Gafan thought about it and naturally took the slime bun and ate it with an expressionless face, covering up the original bite marks on it.

There was no thought of helping at all.

This made the dangling little hand freeze.

"Gafan, you, you are shameless, you have a weak soul!"

The system, whose movements were restrained, started shouting angrily, but the amount of white hair on his body became more and more.

With their simple thinking, they all express their closeness to the ontology in their own way.

Even though this coquettish behavior has made the subject start to dislike them.

"Hey, hey, hey, system, what are you going to do with the white cocks?"

Gafan, whose cheek was being rubbed by an unknown number, also sighed helplessly.

"It would be okay if there were only a few, but these little guys split too fast. It's almost over a thousand."

And most importantly, they all have independent self-meaning.

For this reason alone, he would never be able to leave these little guys alone.

Ga Fan thought tiredly.

"Do you want me to bring them into the 'Mountains and Rivers Society Map' first?"

He raised his hand casually, and a bunch of scrolls exuding a supreme aura appeared out of thin air in his hand.

He originally wanted to return this thing to Momonga. After all, he didn't have the habit of taking other people's valuable things and not returning them, even if the thing was very useful to him.

But the guy refused to accept it and said he didn't want anything more.

As a result, the two stubborn donkeys stayed at each other for the whole day, and even had a discussion-like fight in the "Mountains and Rivers Society Map".

It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. Anyway, everyone will run out of mana in the end.

Even the slight estrangement disappeared along with it.


The moment this bunch of scrolls appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of some white men.

They surrounded the man with dark circles, looking curiously at the scroll whose nature seemed to be on the same level as itself. They screamed happily from time to time, and even jumped on a few, trying to jump around.

They think this thing should be able to get in.

"Wait, wait, no need yet!"

The sound of the system becoming a little shaky came again, but it sounded less panicked.

"I've almost understood the abilities of the white bastards. Anyway... you all come back first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the white cocks jumping around in the living room suddenly stopped moving, looked at each other and exchanged glances, and then they all started to scream together and rushed towards the hill of dumplings, quickly piling up.

But soon, under Ga Fan's surprised gaze, the hill of dumplings, which was as high as the ceiling, began to shrink rapidly again, as if the number of white men inside was constantly decreasing.

In the end, there was only a white dumpling left on the sofa.

After jumping around for a few times, the system re-transformed into human form and glared at the man in front of him angrily, as if he was concerned that his slime buns had been snatched away.

She just took a bite!

But after all, I started to seriously explain the abilities of the white cats.

"I have just confirmed that there seems to be no upper limit to the number of these little guys, but the way they increase is not through division, but... assimilation."


Gafan, who was looking at the opponent's body shape which had not changed at all, had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Well, they can assimilate all organic matter and turn it into new white pheasant, and then keep repeating this process, and the number becomes larger and larger like a snowball."

The system's little face looked very serious and said: "What you just saw was not that they were eating, but that they were assimilating slime buns into new companions."

"...Including intelligent life?"

Gafan's expression turned a little serious at some point, and his brows were furrowed.

He felt that some things were off limits.

But fortunately, the other person's next words made him feel relieved.

"No, their subconscious seems to be very repulsive to this kind of thing, and they are only willing to assimilate dead objects, or take them from other living things, separated from the body tissue of the main body."

System sat cross-legged, swaying his body, and organized his words with a thoughtful look on his face.

"And they can also devour biological body tissues through contact, and 100% reproduce all the abilities of that being before complete digestion."


Gafan was a little confused when he recalled the barrier he had easily smashed with his fist.

real or fake?

"Yes, but it requires energy to use. They can also obtain this by devouring organic matter, or they can bask in the sun like you, but it will be much slower, but these are not the most important, the important thing is... ..”

The shaking movement of the upper body stopped, and then the whole body suddenly leaned back and lay on the sofa, with a look of despair on his face.

"Their assimilation will only produce a new body, and the birth of self-consciousness depends on the consumption of my original energy. Although it is very small at a time...but their number increases too fast!"

Having said this, the system suddenly sat up again, showing a cheating and depressed expression: "The energy I borrowed because you borrowed it for that slime last time is actually not much. Now It’s almost bottoming out!”


Hearing this, Gafan also showed an embarrassed expression, but he was more happy inside.

Because he thought that the white cats should be able to help protect the system, and he was even more relieved when he heard that these little guys still need to consume their original energy if they want to be truly born.

Multiple limits are always good.

After all, he doesn't think unlimited quantity is a good thing.

Thinking of this, Gafan suddenly stood up again, then stretched out his hands to lift up the white-haired girl who was still calculating her own energy, as if to confirm something.


The system had a look of disgust on its face, but it had no intention of resisting at all.

"I'm just checking to see if your weight has changed."

Gafan, who put the other party back on the sofa so that they could just look at each other, had a thoughtful expression on his face: "Mao, why are you still so light after you have taken back so much white pussy?"

"Well, that's really the case."

He tried to jump on the sofa cushion twice, and his exquisite little feet sunk deeply into it. The system tilted its head, seeming to feel a little strange about this.

But he soon stopped caring, and directly hugged the man in front of him by his neck, hanging on him like a koala.

"Whatever, Gafan, I'm hungry."

"Um, but the kitchen at home should be completely empty." Holding the opponent's lower body firmly with his hand, Gafan thought for a moment, "By the way, isn't there a lot of food in the storage space?"

"But they're all slime buns, and they can't be eaten as food."

Putting her chin on her broad shoulders, the system rolled her eyes angrily. She has become quite particular about things like "eating" now.

"Okay, let's go out then. The rain outside seems to have become lighter now, but it's still quite heavy. By the way... what's the situation of the white cocks now?"

"They're sleeping inside me."

The system lazily replied: "What, do you want them to come out again?"

"...A few are no problem, and the ones in my "Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map" are quite big."

Raising his hand and gently touching the head of the child in his arms, Gafan smiled lightly.

"But you have to teach them first that they can't assimilate them casually and increase their numbers. But speaking of the system, do you really not understand what the Whites are saying?"

"It's not like I don't understand it at all."

System, who seemed to not want to hug him anymore and suddenly jumped out of the other person's arms, raised his head and said.

"I can understand their general thoughts through contact. I just discovered this. Also, I don't know why, but they all seem to like you... Why?"

She showed a puzzled expression, and then was touched on the head by the person in front of her.

"That's it."

Gafan lowered his head and smiled: "Then I'm quite honored."

"What's the honor?"

The system, which allowed the other party to touch its head, asked strangely: "And why are you laughing all of a sudden?"

"Haha, it's nothing."

Gafan shook his head gently, and then, as always, casually picked up the other person with one hand.

"Let's go, let's take you to eat something good."

"Oh, but Gafan, you haven't said what you are laughing at yet."

"Don't worry... I'm just happy."

"Hmm, weird guy."

Seeing the somewhat teasing smile on the other person's face, the system curled his lips in displeasure, but his petite body had already subconsciously leaned into the other person's arms.

Habit is second nature.

Chapter 136: Mianzi targeted by evil spirits (Part 1)

A sudden heavy rain came and went away just as quickly.

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