It was somewhere far outside the atmospheric exosphere, close to the moon, and a full 300,000 kilometers away from the earth.

Wearing an old yellow robe that has been corroded by countless years, the slender figure about ten meters tall silently rested on a miniature meteorite floating in the universe.

The boulder, which would have been attracted by the planet's gravity, now completely stagnated in place, contrary to common sense, and would not be detected by any technological means on earth.

Countless gray-white tentacles wrapped around the entire meteorite, which symbolized the purest color of the soul.

The roots of the gray-white tentacles originated from the hem of the yellow robe and spread out from there, but the total volume far exceeded that slender figure.

If there were any fanatical believers or professors from a certain university here and saw the face with their own eyes, they would definitely be crazy and pious, or be full of curiosity and recite the unspeakable name.

"The King in Yellow".

He is sleeping to pass some boring time.

It was already a hundred years ago when he was last awake.

At that time, He accidentally discovered an interesting planet with life from the depths of the universe, and then crossed half the galaxy to come here.

After a casual stroll, he observed the small races born on this planet, and became interested in the diversity they displayed, their strong hostility towards fellow races, and the novels and books they created.

But soon, in the deep sea here, he accidentally discovered another being who was at the same level as him, but felt deep disgust and hostility.

After exploration and tentative attacks, he confirmed that the opponent was in a deep sleep state and had a certain degree of injuries.

An ancient city pressed down on that huge body, bringing a sufficiently powerful and tight seal, which also weakened some of its status again.

But he still couldn't kill the other party.

Therefore, after confirming this, the King in Yellow did not do anything meaningless. He just strengthened the seal and left the deep sea. After continuing to wander around various cities and libraries for a while, he returned to the starry sky.

He planned to take a short nap and then see what kind of changes this interesting planet would have.

Although because of His arrival and short stay, the earth has already undergone some changes, such as...

"Ghost" was born.

However, the King in Yellow didn't pay attention to this trivial matter, or he simply ignored it.

Because it's not interesting, it can't bring even the slightest ripple to His "boredom" for a long time.

To put it simply, it has no value. Even if they instinctively believe in themselves fanatically, this is still the case, but...

This is without the "surprises" they bring.

The consciousness that had been silent for a hundred years suddenly fluctuated.

Any ghost born because of Him will instinctively accept and ignore the circumstances before death, but this time, something is different.


Indescribable murmurs suddenly reverberated in the starry sky where sound should not be transmitted.

"...This is...still lingering...with the aura of world rules."

An illusory figure resembling a soul began to emerge from the empty meteorite. The moment it appeared, it knelt down and worshiped on the ground, instinctively offering fanatical faith and prayers to the yellow-robed figure in the center.

Then it seemed that because they felt noisy, the next moment they all collapsed into nothingness.

At this time, the King in Yellow was still awake.

His consciousness is immersed in sleeping in some unknown dimension, and what reacts to the scene of a certain insignificant existence before its death is something similar to the subconscious.

A small piece of crude imitation of His tentacles brought a trace of connection, causing the consciousness to instantly cross hundreds of thousands of kilometers, directly locking on a certain figure wearing a blue and white robe, and a certain white figure on his shoulder. Dumplings.

"......never seen it."

Suddenly, the subconscious became more active.

The soul that had been silent for countless years has once again spread ripples after a long absence, or I don’t know how long it has been...

He once again instinctively developed a "desire for possession".

So, the next moment.

The King in Yellow, who was still in a slumbering state, all the gray-white tentacles wrapped around the entire meteorite began to squirm at the same moment, and then——

It instantly extended into the void, ignoring space.


Ten minutes ago.

In some coffee shop.

The girl with golden eyes and black hair who had just ordered the cake was touching her white neck with a puzzled look on her face.

"What's the matter, Mianzi?"

Sitting opposite her, the orange-haired girl who was already eating coffee cake tilted her head and asked curiously.

"It's okay, Hua, it's just that my neck suddenly felt a little itchy."

Looking at his friend, Miko shook his head and showed an okay smile.

"Hey, were you bitten by a mosquito? That's really bad." After blinking, Hua tilted his head to the other side again. His chest was still trembling, but he still kept eating in his mouth. cake.

"I heard that flushing the mosquito bites with water can relieve the itching. Do you want to go to the bathroom and try it?"

Hey, that means ammonia, right?

And the neck area is not easy to flush.

Looking at his somewhat dazed friend, Mianzi chuckled and said, "It doesn't matter, the itch is gone."

"That's it, that's good."

Hua, who had already finished a whole piece of cake while chatting, showed a pleased expression, and then suddenly leaned forward, raised his hand to cover the side of his face, and whispered.

"Hey, Mianzi, why is classmate Gafan here too?"

As she said this, she thought her movements were hidden, and she reached out and secretly pointed at the man with dark circles sitting next to her friend, who had an expressionless face and tilted his head to the side, not knowing what he was looking at.

"Could it be that...Mianzi, have you got a boyfriend?"

Hua Siwei simply showed a cute and evil smile, and then was hit directly in the forehead with a hand knife.

"Ugh, it hurts."

"Hua, please stop talking nonsense."

Jianzi retracted her palm stiffly, then also covered the side of her face and began to "whisper".

"I just happened to meet each other on the way here, and then we came here together. We get together with my classmates on the weekend. Is this normal?"

"That's what I said, but this is the first time I've seen you approach a boy when you meet your son."

Hua covered his head and pouted a little aggrievedly: "And... what is Gafan looking at? He has been in this position for almost ten minutes."

"Uh, this."

Jianzi silently turned aside and followed the doll's line of sight. There was a group of "people" lining up and jumping into the three bloody mouths on the wall one by one.

There was also a tall figure wearing a suit and a skull of a beast standing next to him. He smiled strangely and seemed to be maintaining order.

Well, the order of queuing up to die.

"...He should be looking at the menu on the wall."

"Oh oh oh, then his eyesight is really good." Hua Sha nodded seriously, truly believing it.

And all these "whispers" were heard by the puppet.

But early in the morning, when the controller didn't even wake up, it went out to look for food. In the end, it was dragged over by Miko. It didn't pay attention at all, but kept silently sizing up the figure in the suit.

It is thinking about this "food", why is it different from the ones it has encountered before?

"By the way, Miko, shall we go to the buffet later? I feel like the coffee cake is not enough."

Hua suddenly jumped to another topic and touched his flat belly with a look of distress.

She doesn't know why, but she always feels like she doesn't have enough to eat.

"Hey, buffet?"

Jianzi looked at the bloody mouth on the wall, chewing the ghosts that came to the door one by one, causing the pieces of meat to fly everywhere, and silently shook his head.

"...Sorry, I have no appetite."

"Well, okay, then I'll buy some more snacks later."

Hua, who had no idea what was going on, lay on the table listlessly, and then suddenly raised his head.

"By the way, Mianzi, how do you feel about classmate Gafan?"

When she said this, her beautiful orange eyes were shining.

The gossipy heart of a high school girl is still burning brightly.

However, regarding this question, Miko, who was sitting on the inside of the sofa, reacted unexpectedly calmly.

She withdrew her gaze from the scary suit figure, subconsciously moved a little closer to the man sitting next to her, and whispered a reply.

"It should be a sense of security similar to that of a father."

"...Eh, father?"

Hua was stunned.

This answer is out of line.

Her eyes moved back and forth between Miko and the doll several times. After being in a daze for a while, she finally digested the outrageous answer.

"Well, it's pretty good too."

His eyes were wandering and he was trying to smooth things over in a very unprofessional manner. After hesitating for a moment, Hua took out his mobile phone and tried to liven up the atmosphere.

"Hey, classmate Gafan, do you want to see Zi Zi's photo?"

But the doll didn't react at all.

He didn't want to deal with this stranger in his class.

And this was more than just indifference, it was completely indifferent, and Hua was dumbfounded.

"Well, well, I have a lot of photos of Miko here. Take a look at them. Just take a look at them. They are very cute."

Hua, who had eyes wide open, pointed the phone screen at the opponent in a panic, and kept sliding his fingers on the screen.

"There are really many, many photos..."


A big hand instantly grabbed her wrist and snatched the phone away regardless of her surprise.

The doll looked down at the photo he found on his phone. Two familiar girls were pictured together. In the background was a dilapidated shrine and...

Something that ordinary people cannot see.

Three seconds later, he asked expressionlessly.

"Where is this?"

no respond.

Because Hua Zai was caught on the wrist by a boy, and his head was steaming and he was in a daze.

In response to this, the doll looked puzzled, its eyes became a bit like looking at a fool, and then turned to the black-haired girl next to it, casting a questioning look.

"This is the shrine that Hua and I went to together before."

Looking at the photo images on the screen, Mianzi replied weakly.

"Can you take me with you next time? I want to eat."

"...I'll be free in the afternoon."


Putting the phone back into the hand of the "fat" girl who was still in a daze, the puppet politely thanked her, then stood up from the sofa and walked out of the door as she did.

Because the ghosts in the queue were all dead at this time, the strange figure in the suit also left here.

He's going to follow and eat it.

Only Mianzi was left a little stunned, looking at his back as he simply left, just like Hua, he was also stunned.

Why is this person like this?

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