I don't know when deep knife marks appeared on the smooth floor. They were not made by real blades, but were caused by existence similar to knife energy.

This sounds like science fiction, but it is actually happening.

Tokugawa Mitsunari, who had already retreated to the edge of the dojo, with his back pressed against the wall, swallowed nervously, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but his eyes were always staring at the two swordsmen in the dojo, and his whole body was slightly excited. Trembling.

He feels very happy now.

Because he was witnessing an incredibly high-level battle between two of the strongest swordsmen in the world.

Those slashes that seemed to only exist in novels now appeared in front of him in such a real way.

For him, this is already the most wonderful thing in the world.

It is far more meaningful than things like money and wine!


Another heavy chop, the sharp blade slashed straight towards the opponent's head, so fast that an afterimage appeared, and its force was so powerful that it could directly cut off eight dead corpses stacked on top of each other.

But it was still easily blocked.

At this time, Miyamoto Musashi, who had been laughing boldly, his voice gradually became quieter without knowing when, and he frowned slightly.

He felt that something was wrong with this battle, but he couldn't place it for a while.

"Musashi, you're distracted!"

The loud voice brought him back from his thoughts, and he subconsciously turned his head slightly. An extremely sharp blade whizzed past his ear, cutting off a strand of black hair.

This shock made Miyamoto Musashi shed a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

Without any hesitation, he raised his sword and slashed at the opponent's exposed wrist without holding anything back.

But what echoed in his ears the next moment was not the sound of the blade chopping flesh, but the deafening sound of metal collision.

The raised "National Tiger" was tightly suppressed by the demon-slaying Nichirin sword, and the force coming from the sword was incredible.

The muscles in both arms were completely tense, and the veins were bulging. Miyamoto Musashi, who was clenching his teeth, felt that for the first time in his life, he was inferior to others when performing a duel.

"Good strength!"

He let out a low roar, and finally used all his strength to split the long knife held down by the opponent, and then jumped back twice in succession, quickly and simply closing the distance.

Then, he sheathed the sword smoothly, lowered his center of gravity, leaned his upper body slightly forward, and used a very high level of force-free technique to sink his body to accelerate it, directly converting the force generated from the heel.

“Come again!!!”

Miyamoto Musashi shouted, and rushed towards the swordsman in front. He closed in less than half a second and unsheathed the blade in an instant, making full use of the length of the blade to slash at the opponent's vitals. .


The crisp sound of swords resounded in the dojo.

Then it was followed by a louder metal collision.

Purgatory Xingjulang lowered his head and looked at the sword that was slashing horizontally, but was firmly blocked by him, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

He was wondering about the opponent's massive speed increase just now.

Even for just a moment, his level has completely caught up with the insect pillar butterfly ninja, the fastest moving among them among the nine pillars, and...

Not relying on breathing techniques at all.

"That's amazing, Musashi."

Purgatory Anjuro smiled enthusiastically and praised: "You seemed to be relying on relaxing your muscles and taking off your strength to increase your movement speed just now, right? It was quite fast. I had never thought of this idea before. I really learned a lesson!"

He laughed loudly, but he was too nervous to notice the veins on the forehead of the man in front of him.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped, and at the same time, Purgatory Xingjuro also took a few steps back instantly.

Because just now, the invisible slash, whose principle was invisible, suddenly struck at him again, pointing directly at his vital point.

"And this, Musashi, how did you do it? It's a very interesting way to swing a sword!"

The curiosity on Purgatory Anjuro's face was undisguised.

Because it was really the first time for him to see this kind of slashing attack. Even in the history of the Demon Slayer Corps, it had never appeared or been mentioned before.

This is different from the breathing method and should be the product of another system.

"...Anjuro, are you really serious about sparring?"

Looking at the other party, Miyamoto Musashi frowned deeply.

He did not pursue, but after being silent for a while, he suddenly asked.

"Your attitude...are you looking down on me, Miyamoto Musashi?"

"Hey, why did you say that?"

Hearing this, Purgatory Xingjulang was also stunned for a moment.

"I don't mean to look down on you, and I am taking this competition very seriously. In my eyes, Musashi, you are a very powerful swordsman. Even in the Demon Slayer Corps, except for pillars and stepson, , and no one can compare with you.”

"Oh, is this a compliment to me?"



Taking a deep breath, Miyamoto Musashi held the sword hilt in his hand so much that it even creaked. You know-

He is unparalleled in the world!

"Purgatory Xingjulang, have you hidden your moves?"

To calm his inner emotions, Miyamoto Musashi asked in a calm voice.

"No, I didn't hide it." Purgatory Anjuro shook his head, "I just didn't use the sword shape of Breath of Fire."

"Then it's considered hiding!"

"Hey, is that so?"

Looking at the other party's astonished expression that didn't seem to be fake, Miyamoto Musashi also twitched at the corner of his eye.

Should this be said to be upright or honest?

Although his personality seems a bit strange, his strength is truly powerful.

After all, this was the first time he met someone who could completely avoid his "consciousness slash".

"Musashi, if that's the case, then you have hidden your moves, right?"

At this time, Purgatory Anjuro suddenly spoke again, with the smile still on his face.

"I feel like you have a very powerful move that you haven't used yet. I'm very curious about it!"

"No, I didn't mean to do this...forget it, let's treat it as even."

Miyamoto Musashi, who originally wanted to retort, looked at the other party's always open eyes, and finally just shook his head slightly, and then smiled again.

"Xingjuro, I'm going to use all my strength next."

"Well, I'm looking forward to it!"

"Haha, are you looking forward to it? That's a good thing."

Miyamoto Musashi smiled heartily: "I don't know how long it has been since I heard this word from someone who fought with me. Xingjuro, you are really an interesting person."

The laughter gradually became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a long breath.

The muscles of the whole body have been completely relaxed at this time, and all senses have been adjusted to their most sensitive state.

The sharp blade pointed forward slowly, with a dazzling cold light shining on it.

Looking directly at the swordsman in front of him, Miyamoto Musashi said in a serious voice.

"Purgatory Anjuro... fight me with all your strength!"

The voice echoed throughout the dojo, without even the slightest hint of joking.

And looking at the man in front of him whose aura was increasing until he looked like a demon, Purgatory Anjuro understood one thing.

That is, if you don't go all out next, it will be an insult to the person in front of you.


Holding the handle of the knife, he took a long breath. His lungs expanded slightly, which was unusual for ordinary people. The blood flow in his legs began to speed up, and the flaming feathers began to sway lightly in the wind.

The man who is the contemporary Yanzhu nodded slightly and said softly: "Be careful."

This also made Miyamoto Musashi slightly stunned, and then chuckled.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, just cut it over..."


Before he finished speaking, the clear sound of the sword was already echoing in his ears.

His eyes widened slightly and his pupils contracted. Miyamoto Musashi felt as if there was a ball of hot fire in front of him, rushing towards him with explosive momentum, majestic...

Extremely fast!


The figures of the two people passed each other in an instant, accompanied by a crisp and strange sound.

With his back to the opponent, Purgatory Xingjulang slowly put the sword into its sheath, and at the same time exhaled a stream of hot air from his mouth, turning it into white mist.

The sharp blade that had not yet been completely sheathed seemed to be still burning with flames.

It seems true and false.

""Breath of Fire·One Type·Shiranui"."

Chapter 151: The Destruction of the Undefeated Legend Part 2

"What was that just now?"

Cold sweat broke out from his forehead, and the hands holding the handle of the knife were numb slightly from the huge shock force. A flash of astonishment flashed in Miyamoto Musashi's eyes.


There were no traces of burns on his body, but at that moment, the scene of flames he saw was so clear.

It was no different from the blazing fire on the battlefield of Sekigahara in his memory.

Is this an illusion or a witchcraft?

Various speculations ran through Miyamoto Musashi's mind, but they were quickly suppressed.

Taking a deep breath, he glanced at the "National Tiger" in his hand. There was an inconspicuous small gap on the sharp edge that was enough to blow hair off.

He didn't completely block the knife just now.

Even though he could sense the signal from his opponent's mind 0.5 seconds before making a decision and achieve perfect prediction, the force release was still half a beat too late.

The body's reaction failed to keep up.

His body, the best in the world, Miyamoto Musashi...is it so slow? !

"Musashi, are you still coming?"

The voice of a man like fire came from behind, and the fighting spirit that he had never seen before was rising steadily.

Whether it was an illusion or not, the temperature in the dojo seemed to have risen a bit. Tokugawa Mitsunari, who had his back against the wall, was already sweating profusely. He didn't know whether it was excitement or heat.

In response, Miyamoto Musashi's hand holding the sword began to tremble slightly, but it was not because of fear of fighting, but...

The long-lost excitement and enthusiasm!


Without any hesitation, accompanied by the roar of the war cry, the sword held in the hand of the unparalleled swordsman slashed behind him at the speed of sound.


The sharp blades slashed against each other, the swords screamed loudly, and brilliant friction sparks burst out and danced on the blades.

The endless sound of metal clashing began to echo in their ears, and conspicuous footprints appeared on the smooth wooden floor, sinking more than an inch into the ground.

Those were the marks left by the two sides when they were exerting their strength against each other.

"Haha, good, happy!"

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