But at this time, the originally sharp and dangerous gaze softened little by little after seeing the familiar scene in front of him, and finally turned into a daze.

He is...

Go home?

The last memory seemed to be of fighting a terrifyingly strong monster with back muscles like a crying demon, and then his eyes fell into darkness and suddenly fragmented.

Covering his face with a headache, Purgatory Anjuro frowned slightly.

Because the accident happened so suddenly, he suddenly returned to the courtyard of his home after opening his eyes, causing him to even have the illusion that he was just dreaming.

But the flame haori draped on his body, the blood stains on it, and the Nichirin sword he was holding in his hand, which had obviously experienced a brutal battle, told him clearly that those things were true, and... ..

He now seems to have mastered some new ability that is different from breathing.

Purgatory Anjuro looked down at his calloused palms and the serious injuries that he didn't know when they would be completely healed, and raised his eyebrows in confusion.

And just when he was about to give it a try, a familiar voice suddenly came to his ears.


A boy standing on the outdoor corridor with a plate of rice balls in his hand looked blankly at the familiar figure in the courtyard.

The plate he was holding fell to the ground unconsciously, and the sound woke up the stunned boy.

He hurriedly ran over regardless, and then hugged the other person directly, holding the blood-stained flame Yuori tightly with both hands, and his voice was a little crying.

"Where were you yesterday? You suddenly disappeared. I can't find you anywhere. I'm really, really worried!"

Subconsciously, he hugged the other person as well, feeling the child's uneasiness.

Looking at the other person's childish face that was similar to his own, Purgatory Anjuro sighed softly and temporarily gave up on trying what he seemed to have new abilities.

"I'm sorry for making you worry, Senjuro."

He raised his hand, showed a gentle and apologetic smile, and as before, touched his brother's head and whispered.

"I'm back."

"Well...welcome back."

And in another place in this house, in a certain room.

An old man with a decadent face was lying on his side on the bed, flipping through a miscellaneous book idly. There was a half-empty wine bottle placed by the bedside.

His ears twitched slightly after hearing a familiar voice.

As the previous Flame Pillar, Purgatory Makijuro still had no reaction.

He just sat up lazily and took another sip of wine silently.

However, the frown that had been frowning finally relaxed a little.


at the same time.

Yoshihara, Flower Street.

This is a night street where the vanity and desires of men and women gather, where love and hate mingle.

The red light district, Flower Street, as the name suggests, is a street formed by an entire district. Most of the geishas living here were sold because of poverty or debt, and they were burdened with countless hardships.

But on the other hand, they have also been provided with food and clothing. If they can succeed in Flower Street, it is possible for them to marry into a wealthy family and gain happiness.

Among them, the "courtesan", who holds the highest position among geishas, ​​is an even more special existence. She is a special woman who combines beauty, education, and skills. Ordinary people cannot easily see her even once. In order for men to have a tryst with the geisha, she They even swarmed into the street.

It's just that, for some reason, this generation of oirans never appear outdoors during the day to let people see their beauty.

There are even strange rumors coming from nowhere.

He said that the oiran was not a human being, but a man-eating evil spirit.

Of course, no one would believe this ridiculous thing. Even in the shop where the oiran was, beautiful women would always disappear inexplicably, but they were just treated as if they were picked up by wealthy people.

No one will delve into it, after all, it has nothing to do with them.

The oiran in their mouths was currently in a dark room, preparing to eat a beautiful woman who was in a coma and had just turned twenty.

This kind of thing, which may be considered shocking to ordinary people, is so natural to her.

Because she is a ghost who feeds on people.

And it’s still the little one at the top of Ten Thousand Ghosts——

"The Land of Wind and Fallen Princess".

But now, she stopped the hand that was about to reach for "food"'s neck, and then turned her head to look at the other end of the room with a surprised expression.

I don’t know when a person appeared there, um, um...


The other party was also wearing a red and white striped prison uniform, marked with the number 04, and had a safety pin on his left ear. There were obvious signs that his head had been spliced ​​and repaired for some reason.

It was a completely human decoration, and even wore a pair of canvas shoes on its feet, standing on its feet.

But it looks like an oversized rabbit, right? ? !

After all, I can't even smell a human breath, and I don't look like I'm wearing a puppet suit, so...

"Who are you?"

Fallen Princess frowned and asked in a tone that did not allow for refutation.

She didn't realize when the other party came in just now. What kind of strange creature is this?

As for "Rabbit's" reply?

It simply ignored the strange-looking guy and the sudden change in the abnormal situation where it was.

He was just minding his own business, holding up the pair of limited edition canvas shoes in his hand, carefully wiping them with a white handkerchief, then closing one eye and observing the maintenance results with the other eye.

Finally, Kirilenko nodded with satisfaction.

He sat down casually, leaning against the wall, and placed his beloved canvas shoes next to the suitcase at his feet. Then he took out a magazine dedicated to shoes from somewhere and read it intently. .

From beginning to end, it ignored the strange guy not far away who seemed to be getting more and more angry.

Fallen Princess: "..."

How dare you ignore her?

A dangerous smile appeared on her beautiful face.

You are dead.

Chapter 177: Wasted Man and Tentacles

Chiba City.

Thousands of meters in the air in a suburb somewhere.

Two sparrows, each holding an earthworm in its mouth, passed by with fluttering wings.

And just when they were about to swoop down and return directly to their nests, two figures suddenly appeared about twenty meters ahead.


This scene, which was beyond the comprehension of the sparrows, immediately frightened them, and they almost flew into it, causing a tragedy in the air.

However, just as they flew back in panic, the two figures obeyed gravity and fell directly into the forest below.


The white-haired girl who tightly grasped the hand of the person next to her was stunned for a moment, and then she saw the ground approaching at a rapid speed below.


And the next moment.

When the two figures were about to fall to the ground, tens of thousands of fist-sized white dumplings suddenly appeared out of thin air, and all gathered together to act as a buffer.


Just like a can of small bouncy balls being thrown to the ground, the confused white cocks bounced everywhere.

Either it fell into the canopy of a tree, or it fell into a rabbit hole hidden in the grass.

However, most of them still gathered into a "Tuanzi Mountain" to catch the two most important beings to them.

"Oh, it was so dangerous, I almost fell to the ground."

He sat up and rubbed the back of his head. The system turned around with a speechless and dissatisfied expression. He was about to curse but stopped in his mouth.

Looking at the man in front of her who was still covered in cracks and his eyes were distracted, she panicked.

"...Gafan, what's wrong with you?"

And as if sensing the subject's uneasiness and anxiety, the tens of thousands of white guys around who were about to disperse and curiously explore the surroundings suddenly stopped moving and became restless as well.

A dangerous atmosphere suddenly spread across the mountains and forests.

If there is any suspicious guy approaching at this time, then he will probably realize what...

An out-of-control white disaster.

But fortunately, none of these things happened because someone spoke up and responded.

"Don't show that expression, the system, I haven't hung up yet."

He wanted to raise his hand and touch the other person's head as usual, but he couldn't even move a finger. Gafan had no choice but to twitch the corner of his mouth and show a gentle smile to indicate that I was fine.

"It's just... I feel a little weak."

Listening to this unfunny joke, the system wanted to reach out and touch the other person, but it seemed to be afraid of hurting the other person and so it retracted, looking at a loss.

That delicate and fair little face was now full of aggrieved expression.


"Hey, I'm here."

Gafan responded lazily, without the slightest hint of nervousness due to his abnormal condition.

Because there was a little guy watching next to him, and he didn't want the kid to feel even more worried about this.

Even though, his current situation seems really bad.

The constant bursts of pain in the body are enough to make ordinary people's mental state full of negative emotions and mania, but Gafan's expression and eyes are always so calm and calm.

"...Wait a moment, I'll check your body right away."

The system pursed its lips, closed its eyes, followed the close connection with the other party's existence, sensed all aspects of its body, soul, and even will, and checked it thoroughly.

After a long time.

The girl opened her eyes and her expression became even more aggrieved.

There were even crystal tears beside those clean blue eyes.

"Gafan...why didn't you scream out in pain? It will hurt even more if you hold it in like this."

"Eh? You discovered it."

Ga Fan smiled nonchalantly and said softly: "It's okay, the endurance will pass. And don't cry, after all, this is such a big deal."

"It's not that big of a deal!"

After wiping the wet corners of his eyes, the system started shouting excitedly. He even wanted to reach out and slap the other person hard, but he immediately retracted it.

Reluctant to part with it.

"Gafan, your body is in a very bad condition right now, bad in every sense of the word! Just, just, like a piece of pottery that is about to be completely broken!"

"Wow, that sounds really bad."

Gafan agreed lazily.

Even though the pain in his body became more and more violent, he never showed any abnormality.

"You, you, you are just pretending!"

The system was so excited that it looked almost angry, but the white cocks around it didn't know when they got up, stopped being restless, and began to moan carefree again.

"And you guys, why are you so noisy? Just be quiet!"

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