"......what's the situation?"

Looking at the endless prairie in front of him, he was stunned, and then his eyes glanced at the figure in blue and white robes. He jumped nearly a hundred meters away in an instant, widening the distance.

"Don't be so excited, cough, cough."

Gafan coughed twice with a pale face, and used the "mantra" to forcefully control his paralyzed body to float here. He covered his mouth with his hands, looking as weak as a sick man.

He looked at the guy in the distance who broke into a house privately. After his eyes lingered on the seven stupid hairs on the other person's head for a while, he couldn't help coughing twice.

“It’s really a bit reluctant to use the ‘Mountains, Rivers and Sheji Map’ in this state.”

Gafan murmured to himself in a low voice.

And the next moment.

The shadow fell over him.


A giant blade ten meters long instantly struck the invisible barrier.

The roaring sound echoed, and the huge sound waves spread out, causing ripples in the boundless prairie.

Broken blades of grass flew in the air, drifting along with the strong wind, and then...

A hand suddenly pressed on the shoulder of the uninvited guest again.

"I told you not to be so excited. If possible, I don't want to fight."

Gafan looked at the other party who seemed to be frozen, and sighed helplessly: "If you have something to say, please speak it carefully, Corugong Pegasus."

"......You know me?"

Wu Gong Pegasus, who was completely unaware of how the other party had just arrived behind him, was silent for a moment, then turned his head and asked.

In the past, his tone was always calm and casual, but now he seemed a bit solemn.

He couldn't see through the depths of this guy.

"Well, I know, you are one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals of the Onmyoji. Your silly hair is pretty easy to recognize, cough, cough, cough."


After forcefully slapping away the other person's hand on his shoulder, the Corugate Pegasus slowly moved away a few steps and looked critically at the man who was floating off the ground in front of him and who had been coughing for some reason.

At the same time, the wide range of spell perception also spread out as quickly as possible, trying to confirm what kind of ghost place he was suddenly pulled to.

"This place is not a dangerous place, but it does not sense the information link between the present world and the headquarters...is it an unknown alien space?"

Putting his hands in his pockets, Kogong Pegasus murmured to himself.

The current research on space in Onnyangliao is very superficial. Apart from the methods handed down from ancestors on how to block, strengthen and connect Fuye, the man-made barrier created by Abe Seimei back then, which is separated from the real dimension, almost nothing has been done. There is no practical technology left.

However, he had communicated with the professor from Miskatonic University who came to help improve the magic talisman not long ago, and he learned more about this aspect, but...

Wu Gong Pegasus, who still didn't sense the boundary of this place, raised his head and looked at the false sky above, his pupils narrowed.

This place seems a bit outrageous.

Then, he looked at the man in front of him who finally managed to stop coughing, and raised his eyebrows.

He didn't feel any malice from the other party.

And Gafan, who was trying to adapt to the intense mental pain, also noticed the strange look in the eyes of the guy in front of him who was barely tall enough to reach his chest.

After thinking for a while, he introduced himself first.

"Hello, my name is Gafan. I am 1.85 meters tall."


This highly emotionally intelligent speech immediately elicited an unhappy gasp.

With his arms folded, the Coruage Pegasus raised his head, his expression looking very dissatisfied, lacking in kindness, and quite impatient.

"Hey, Ga Fan? What do you want from me?"

"......how do I say this?"

"Huh? If it's okay, why did you suddenly lock me in such a terrible place? This is our first time meeting, are you a pervert?"

Wu Gong Pegasus frowned: "Or do you want to have a fight with me?"

This somewhat confusing logical relationship made Gafan stunned for a moment.

Where is this going?

After thinking for a moment, he lowered his head and looked down at the other party, and said calmly: "You were the one who broke into the house first."

"...Is that your home?"

"Yes, otherwise why would I lock you in when I have nothing to do?"

Gafan shrugged, and then suddenly teleported, just avoiding the supersonic giant blade.

"Hey, Sick Yangzi."

Turning his head to look at the figure that had appeared fifty meters away, the Corugate Pegasus' tone became much more serious this time.

"Although I have not sensed the power of the spell from you, and you are probably not an Onmyoji, you should also know that it is impossible for us to allow the extremely harmful Basara to appear in reality, right?"

"Otherwise, many, many people will die."

"...I'm sorry, I made a deal with her."

After a moment of silence, Gafan scratched the back of his head in distress.

He knew that someone would definitely come looking for this, and a conflict would probably break out.

Therefore, even if his ability is still in a semi-disabled state, his perception magic is always on, and he immediately brings the person who comes to his door into the "Mountains and Rivers Society Map" to prevent it from affecting his own life. Home.

Thinking of Qian Nu, who was tired of playing with the system that rarely kept making noises, and was sleeping on the same bed, covered with the same quilt.

Gafan sighed helplessly.

There's nothing you can do about it, after all...

This is still his family's system. It's the first time he actively wants to make friends.

He wanted to satisfy the little guy's wishes as much as possible, and he had indeed made his own commitment to the other little guy.

When you say it, you must do it.

With eyes with dark circles, Gafan looked at the figure with complex energy patterns all over his body, and Gafan tried to discuss it.

"The child's situation is somewhat special. I can guarantee that she will never hurt anyone, so...can you turn a blind eye to this?"

"It's a joke, I think you just want to have a fight with me, you sick boy."

Corvus Pegasus's smile began to become wild, and his tone began to reveal annoyance.

For some reason, he didn't want to communicate too much with others, which would make him mentally miserable.

A ten-meter giant blade floated quietly beside him, with an extremely sharp edge and exquisite and mysterious markings all over the blade.

The magic power filled in it also quickly became larger and larger, making it exude a rather dangerous aura and cold light.

And this is the most powerful magic weapon among Onmyoji——

"Exquisite human machine".

The air began to become thicker.

Several huge thorns suddenly appeared and passed by each other, but they did not catch the opponent's figure at all.

Gafan was suspended a hundred meters in the air and couldn't help coughing twice. His current physical condition was really not suitable for using abilities and fighting.

But sometimes strength is indeed the most convincing basis.

Ignoring those ground thorns and not paying attention to the seemingly powerful giant blade, he looked behind Corugong Pegasus with a bit of tired eyes.

Those eyes that can detect the essence of all things clearly saw dozens of resentful and sad figures that even the Onmyoji couldn't detect. They were frantically entangled in each other's souls and refused to let go for a moment.

The curse and sadness that penetrated his bones were felt quite deeply by him even from a distance of a hundred meters.

It was unspeakable despair.

"This is really...cough, cough, cough, cough!"

Gafan couldn't help but cover his mouth, coughed violently, and at the same time raised his other hand.

The invisible barrier just blocked a giant blade known as the most powerful cursed weapon.

Brilliant sparks flew everywhere, and chilling sounds echoed

"Bingyangzi, your previous introduction about me was a bit incomplete. To be precise, I am the undisputed "strongest" among the twelve generals..."

I don't know when the Corugate Pegasus, who had also appeared at a height of 100 meters, stared at the figure in front of him, controlled the "Guihe Man-machine" like an arm, and chopped it down with all his strength again.


Following a crisp sound, and He Gafan's slightly surprised look, an obvious crack appeared on the "Infinite Barrier".

What caught his eye was that beautiful smile with a bit of arrogance.

"Contemporary 'noble man'."

Chapter 189: The most powerful curse Part 1

Under the false canopy.

On the endless prairie.

Huge sword lights soared into the sky, spreading sound waves and whipping up strong winds, but none of them could touch the figure in blue and white robes that kept flashing and disappearing.


At this time, the giant blade that appeared out of nowhere came silently from a blind spot, carrying surging spell power and instantly shattering the nitrogen barrier with extreme sharpness.

But the next moment, the man who kept coughing casually raised his hand to catch it.

The originally supersonic slash stopped instantly, unable to advance even an inch.

And the dark flame from hell attached to the body surface is directly isolated between the blade and the palm, absorbing the force while still releasing extreme high temperature.

"Ahem, cough, I almost understand."

Gafan, who looked a little pale, raised his eyelids, looked at the luxurious and exquisite ten-meter-long giant blade in front of him, and commented.

"Tianma, your so-called strongest cursed armor has the ability to conceal your aura and block perception. It can only be captured visually. Coupled with the amazing sharpness and cutting power, it can indeed cause a lot of power. ,but......"

With a pinch of his right hand, the hell flames from the "Purgatory Cloak" of a certain supreme demon in another world instantly clung to the whole body of the giant blade.

In just a few seconds, it was completely eroded.

"The material itself is a bit poor."

If converted into the world setting of that guy Momonga, it would probably be "holy relic level", not even legendary.

"whispering sound."

Standing on the ground in the prairie below, the Pegasus in the Corridor Palace looked up at the opponent suspended in the sky, made an unhappy sound, and at the same time took out a special talisman exclusive to the "noble".

"The Demonic Talisman of the Tyrant Blade".

As the spell power surged, a ten-meter-long giant blade that was the same as before appeared again, floating quietly beside him, and with a wave of his arm, he once again slashed at the person high in the sky with a ferocious momentum. A hateful figure.

"Who are you calling Pegasus, Hundan? Do I know you very well?"

The distance of a hundred meters passed by in an instant, at an astonishing speed, but the giant blade still cut it all.

Gafan, whose face became increasingly pale, held the complete recovery potion he had just taken out. He absorbed it and alleviated some of the bad conditions in his body, so that the severe pain caused by forcibly using his semi-wasted abilities was somewhat alleviated. back.

Then he turned his head and continued to look at the so-called most powerful cursed weapon, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Half matter and half energy? Relying on the magic talisman to repeatedly summon... strange structures."

He raised his hand and shook it, causing the space to freeze instantly, stopping the giant blade that was trying to fly towards the blind spot of his vision directly in mid-air in the distance.

Gafan lowered his head and looked down, looking at the figure wearing black hunting clothes, his eyes couldn't help but become a little strange.

"Speaking of which, you onmyojis don't seem to have any flying skills. The only exception is, if I remember correctly, it should only be the exclusive cursed equipment inherited by the "Suzaku" of the past generations, right?"

The opponent suddenly appeared hundreds of meters in the air before. When he came to him, he probably jumped up simply by relying on his physical fitness enhanced by the magic power.

Well, this surprised him quite a bit.

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