He wanted to see what the opponent, who was a mortal body without any extraordinary power, could do.

In response, when he heard the shouting, Tomioka Giyu, who was standing in the middle of the lake, also took his eyes away from the bright moon, stopped being in a daze, and then looked at the arc on the man's finger on the shore with some surprise.

His state of mind was as calm as the surface of the water, with no disturbance at all.

After thinking silently for a moment with an expressionless face, he nodded without saying a word and agreed.

After receiving the permission, Gafan finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the arc between his fingers suddenly surged.

He happened to have copied an ability from Momonga that was very suitable for experiments in this situation.

It is an electric shock that cannot be avoided or defended. It is a fifth-level magic spell. Its name is——

"'Dragon Thunder'."

As the words fall.

The thunder and lightning, which was close to the limit of magic that humans can reach in the Overlord world, turned into a rapid beam of light directly from the tip of Gafan's raised finger, and burst forward.

Although the power is not too great, it has the effect of tracking and breaking defenses that should be unavoidable, but...

But it still dissipated directly in front of the invisible sphere about three meters in diameter, without affecting the opponent.

And this situation really aroused the curiosity in Gafan's heart.

"It's very good. It's really good. How did you do this?"

No, he has to try it again!

A strong electric arc appeared again, wrapping around the palm of his hand.

Gafan opened his five fingers, raised his hand, and raised it high to the night sky with the bright moon, the excitement in his eyes was undisguised.

"Mr. Tomioka, please be careful."

Because next time he uses humans in this world, he will theoretically be unable to attack next.

It was the magic used by Narberal Gama, one of the battle maids from the Great Tomb, and it once defeated two bone dragons in an instant.

In the true sense, it is completely beyond the limits of the magic field that humans in the Overlord world can reach, and has a seventh-level attack magic with 100% magic penetration——

"'The most enhanced magic - chain dragon thunder'."

next moment.

The roar of the dragon roared, exploding into the starry sky.

A wild dragon composed entirely of violent thunder and lightning roared directly to the sky, and rushed towards the figure standing in the middle of the lake at high speed, causing waves along the way.

The dazzling light instantly filled Tomioka Yoshiyuki's entire field of vision, and the unprecedented strong sense of crisis also made his hair stand on end and his pupils shrank.

But his face was still expressionless at this time, without any panic, because...

An ancient blade with a dark blue blade was unsheathed.

The melodious and crisp sound of the knife echoed, and it did not strike at the dragon thunder that transcended the human realm, but the very natural tip of the knife lightly touched the lake below.

A slight ripple appeared.

It also made Gafan's eyes wide open, as if he had seen a real fantasy scene.

It was a calm sea with no waves at all, just like a mirror-like boundless ocean.

"WORLD", which comes from the blessing of the world and is completely immune to most negative states, has no effect at all at this time.

All that can be felt is a kind of tranquility that comes from the soul and is free from any disputes.

at the same time.

The real thunder struck right here, completely submerging the figure standing on the water mirror.

A gentle breeze blew. The ripples spread.

""Breath of Water·Shiyi Shape·Nagi"."

Chapter 213: Artistic conception that affects reality

"...Mr. Tomioka, are you okay?"

Gafan handed over the dry towel in his hand and smiled awkwardly, as if he had done something wrong.

"Ah Sneeze—no, it's okay."

Tomioka shook his head slightly, and Tomioka, who was soaked again, took the towel expressionlessly and used it to wipe his wet hair.

Although the cold wind at night made him shiver a little, the expression on his face was still dull and paralyzed.

He fell into the pool in his yard twice tonight.

And this time it was very outrageous. It was like no one was hit by lightning.

"...So what happened to that thunder just now?"

After being stunned for a while, Tomioka Yoshiyuki, who had already left his state of mind and finally reacted to the unscientific anomaly, asked in bewilderment.

Although he had encountered enemies who used thunder and lightning a few times, they were all blood ghost techniques used by inhuman evil spirits.

This is really the first time that humans have been struck by lightning, and...

This power is so powerful that it's a bit ridiculous.

When Gafan heard this question, he was naturally confused and didn't know how to explain it.

In a worldview where there is no such thing as magic, his use of this ability simply ruins the outlook of the locals.

But there was nothing he could do about the situation just now. He was so curious that he couldn't help it.

But fortunately, before Gafan could organize his words, Tomioka Yoshiyuki had already brainstormed the answer.

"Mr. Gafan, are you an Onmyoji?"

"...Huh?" Gafan was stunned for a moment.

"After all, you are a human being, but you can summon thunder, which is in line with the rumors of the legendary Onmyoji." Tomioka Giyuu's calm eyes seemed to be shining.

This is just a conjecture, is the human being who can summon thunder the Onmyoji? What is the basis for this judgment?

In response, Gafan twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

At the same time, I also recalled in my mind a certain Onmyoji who had seven stupid hairs on his head and always came to his house to eat. That guy was obviously better at melee combat, okay?

"Emmmm, you can say that."

After a little tangle, Gafan, who found it troublesome, finally simply nodded and agreed according to the other party's thinking.

After all, whatever the Onmyoji knows, he can copy it just by looking at it, so in a sense, the other party's imagination is not wrong.

"Oh, by the way, Anjurou and Tokito the kid also know about this. Well, your lord should also know about it." After thinking about it, Gafan added.

"Oh oh oh."

The expressionless Tomioka Giyuu seemed to have a brighter light in his eyes.

He completely didn't notice the butterfly ninja's eyes that looked like he was mentally retarded.

This is obviously a lie, okay?

"Ahem, let's not talk about my affairs for now."

Gafan deliberately coughed twice and forcibly changed the subject: "Tell me about you... Mr. Tomioka, how did you do that just now?"

"Although this is a little weird for me to say, the dragon thunder just now is theoretically impossible for mortal humans to block."

"It's true that I didn't stop him." Tomioka Yoshiyuki said doubtfully while continuing to wipe his hair with a dry towel.

"I was thrown into the pool. The water in the pool is very cold at night."

"But you weren't hurt either."

Gafan frowned, raised his hand to touch his chin, and began to look up and down at the soaked man in front of him.

"I can see clearly that you blocked at least 95% of the damage from the dragon thunder just now, and the remaining aftermath was just enough to knock you into the pool. And the most important thing is... ...I still don’t understand how you did it.”

Gafan sighed helplessly and pointed at his eyes.

"Although it's a bit boastful to say this, as long as you use some extraordinary special energy, I can see it with my eyes... Can you explain it to me conveniently?"

"Please, I'm really curious about this."

After hearing these words, Tomioka Yoshiyuki nodded directly without any hesitation.

"You're welcome, Mr. Gafan... Shinobu has already told me about your cure for my lord's illness. I will be happy to answer your questions."

Hearing this, Gafan was a little surprised and smiled happily.

But it turned out that he was happy a little too early.

five minutes later.

The other party's explanation method was "You have to do this first, then do that, and finally you can use it all".

Gafan, who looked confused after hearing this, looked extremely blank, and Tomioka Giyu, who looked serious in front of him, opened his big silent eyes to small ones.

He couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

"...Mr. Tomioka, could you please be more specific?"

"Hey, didn't I explain it in detail enough?" Giyuu Tomioka, who was unconscious, asked in confusion.

Gafan: "..."

There's no way to communicate.

"Miss Nin, do you understand?" Gafan looked tiredly at Butterfly Ninja, whose smile seemed to be dull.

"Just a little bit."

The butterfly ninja came back to his senses and nodded reluctantly.

"At least I heard that Mr. Tomioka's special state is based on a breathing frequency that is most suitable for him, and a very high level of meditation and state of mind."

"That's it?" Gafan tilted his head in confusion.

"It's already difficult just like this, isn't it?" Butterfly rolled his eyes angrily.

"Breathing, meditation, and state of mind. If you want to reach a very high level in these three points, you can no longer achieve it by hard work alone. You also need enough talent and luck. After all, just the breathing frequency that is most suitable for you. It’s enough to screen out most people... This is much more difficult than ‘Changzhong’.”

Hearing this, Gafan also showed a thoughtful expression.

Let’s leave aside meditation and state of mind for now.

Speaking of which, the "Tizo Breathing Technique" that Yuanyi helped him create was already the most suitable for his own physique, and it was also miraculously integrated into a passive skill for daily breathing.

So this is not a problem for him at all.

As for meditation, he had already reproduced it at Jiguo Yuanyi before, so the conditions were met.

The only thing I don't understand is the so-called "state of mind".

"Well...I generally understand the basics."

Gafan scratched his head in confusion, and after thinking for a while he asked: "Mr. Tomioka, can you continue to maintain that special state?"


Surprisingly, Tomioka Yoshiyuki shook his head very simply this time.

"I can only temporarily enter this special state when using the self-created "Shiyi Type·Nagi". If it is other sword types in Breath of Water, I can only rely on my mind to kill like other pillars. Increase the power to increase the power."

"That's it."

Gafan raised his hand and touched his chin, feeling that there were indeed more things he was unclear about.

But he didn't want to give up, because he instinctively felt that the trick used by the other party seemed to be very important to him.

So, after Gafan thought for a long time, he finally asked a dry, old-fashioned question.

"So...is there any trick to this?"

"Well, even if you ask me the secret, I actually can't tell you."

Without being perfunctory, Tomioka Yoshiyuki still said as seriously as possible.

"It's just... I've walked a lot, seen a lot, realized a lot, and there have been some changes in my state of mind. What I didn't notice before, I seem to be able to notice it now. What I couldn't understand before, I seem to be able to understand it now. ..."

As he spoke, he also tried to gesture with the water-like dark blue Nichirin Sword in his hand.

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