After seeing the man in front of him soften his tone and his expression slowly return to the gentleness of before.

Muichiro Tokitoru, who was about to refute that he was not a child, looked up at Mitsuri Kanroji who was smiling at him, and then silently looked away.

He lowered his head and said softly.


After hearing this seemingly aggrieved apology, Gafan's expression completely softened.

He sighed helplessly.

Then he suddenly raised his hand and slapped his face hard twice, which frightened Muichiro Tokitoru and his body instinctively trembled.

And in the next moment.

Muichiro Tokitoru suddenly found himself in a daze again, as if someone had picked him up and held him gently in his arms.

"Kotoru... let me tell you, the care between people is very important."

Gafan gently touched the head of the child in his arms and said gently.

"What is more important than caring is the so-called human touch in our hearts, which represents the bond between people."

And he had also been saved by this kind of human bond in a certain apocalyptic world.

At that time, he was really a super weak ordinary person, the kind who would immediately die if he encountered any dangerous incident.

Therefore, Gafan has a deep understanding of this.

"I'll go with you to apologize now, okay?"

He discussed it softly, as if coaxing a child who was having trouble.

And the crystal clear white ears of Muichiro Tokitoru, who was suddenly hugged, turned a little red at some point.

He lowered his head in the other person's arms, not wanting others to see his expression at this time.

After a long time, he nodded gently and agreed.


Hearing this answer, a smile finally appeared on Gafan's face again.

This scene also made Kanluji Mili look surprised.

Because to be honest, before today, she had never seen Shitou, a child who could talk a lot at once, and even look like he was in a daze all day long, basically not responding or directly ignoring others. of chatting.

Not to mention that like now, he would feel aggrieved and lose his temper because of being scolded, and he would feel happy and shy after being coaxed.

"Mr. Gafan... Shitou is really close to you."

Kanroji Mitsuri puffed out her small mouth and looked a little envious.

Because she also wanted to be close to this cute boy.

"Hey, is there any?"

And Gafan, who felt the child in his arms and was just trying to break away from his embrace, asked in surprise.

However, the authorities are confused and the beholder is clear.

Ye Jianjieda, who was watching a good show on the side, also burst out laughing happily.

"Ahaha, are you his father? He doesn't even look like him."

"No, how did you suddenly come to this damn conclusion, Ye Jian? I'm single, and I haven't even had a girlfriend yet."

Gafan glanced at the unbelievably strong and sloppy uncle speechlessly, feeling baffled for a while.

After touching Tomuichiro Tokiro's hair a few more times at the end, he released his hold on the other person's hand, stood up slowly, and casually patted his somewhat wrinkled blue and white robe.

"Okay, now let's go directly to the woods to find someone to apologize."

"Gafan, I'm not full yet, I have to stay here and continue to eat rice balls." At this time, the corner of his mouth was covered with rice grains, and the system that had been devouring it suddenly raised his little hand and expressed his opinion.

"Uh, okay."

Gafan obviously hesitated: "I know, but you have to be more restrained, otherwise I always feel that you will continue eating until lunch time today... Oh, by the way."

As if he suddenly thought of something, he turned his head and glanced at the pink-haired girl who also started to grab the rice balls on the table and continued to eat happily, and sighed helplessly.

"System, please treat Miss Ganlu Temple better. She has no ill intentions towards you."

This time, it was the system's turn to hesitate.

But she finally nodded reluctantly: "Well... I understand."

Since Ga Fan said so, then she is no longer as knowledgeable as that big-breasted carbon-based creature.

Seeing this, Gafan also nodded happily, holding the wheelchair with one hand with satisfaction, and holding Tokitoru Muichiro's little hand with the other, planning to go to the small forest outside the village first.

And not long after he left.

Yami Jiedai, who had an unlit cigarette in his mouth, also suddenly put down the newspaper in his hand and stood up slowly.

"Idle time is also idle... Come and have a look."

He yawned lazily and left here quickly.

So, now.

The only two people left in this spacious room were Kanroji Mitsuri and System, as well as the rice balls that were piled up on the table.

The sound of rapid chewing, like a hamster eating, continued to echo softly.

But soon, the system suddenly stopped eating.

Because she felt an indescribable strange look.

Therefore, the system silently turned to look at Mitsuri Kanroji, who had been close to him for a while, looked into the other person's big eyes full of inexplicable passion, and said hesitantly.

"...What do you want to do when you look at me like that?"

And to this.

Kanroji Mitsuri, who likes to help others dress up, blinked and looked at the really cute little guy in front of her.

He answered with a friendly and lively smile.

"Hey, little sister, do you want me to dress you up?"

Chapter 218: Training can also kill people

The Nichirin sword, which had a lot of damage to its blade, was set aside.

Kamado Tanjiro was lying on the ground, his body covered with mud, and he looked very embarrassed.

He stared blankly at the blue sky, feeling that his heart was extremely messy at this time.

What did you go through just now?

With some difficulty, he looked up at the six-armed machine doll twenty meters away, as well as the people watching the show in the distance.

Kamado Tanjiro felt as if his eyes were starting to turn red.

It was this thing that had just made a sweeping sweep and knocked itself 20 meters away.

Twenty meters!

This is going to kill people!

If it weren't for the fact that he had adjusted his breathing and landing posture in mid-air in advance, and successfully relieved his force in time, he would have probably vomited blood and fainted. Compared to this...

He is actually more concerned about the four guys in the distance now, who claim to be helping to supervise and train.

A child, a sloppy uncle, a man in a wheelchair, and a beautiful boy who seemed to be in a daze.

No one can give him a reliable feeling.

And the thing started half an hour ago, when the man who came in a wheelchair and called himself Gafan brought Muichiro Tokitoru, who had knocked him unconscious before, and started talking.

When they first met, Kamado Tanjiro, who was about to start training with the machine doll, couldn't help but become nervous subconsciously.

Because he smelled an indescribably powerful aura from the man in blue and white robes, as well as an extremely serious injury and weakness, and...

The scent of blood left behind by someone who was so powerful that it was beyond his comprehension not long ago.

But fortunately, the other party is not here to cause trouble, but to sincerely apologize for what happened before.

Although he was a little surprised by this, he happily accepted it and responded with a kind smile, successfully resolving the unpleasantness between the two parties.

Under normal circumstances, the next step should be a pleasant chat or daily communication such as going to have a meal together, but at this time...

A sloppy uncle who followed us spoke.

"Let them fight."

The man named Yami Jiedai gave him a thumbs up with a look of disdain.

"No matter what the conflict is, it will be over as long as we have a drink together or have a fight. And this can also be regarded as a part of daily training, right?"

Hearing this, Kamado Tanjiro and Tokitoru Muichiro looked at each other, feeling that there seemed to be nothing wrong with this.

After all, sparring is a normal thing for swordsmen.

So, they nodded in agreement.

But, after three minutes.

Xiao Xiao, who had just threatened to help Kamado Tanjiro become strong enough to easily defeat him and bullied his "kelp leader", looked expressionlessly at the opponent who was easily beaten to the ground.

The eyes under the fire man's mask unconsciously became a little scary.

"Mr. Tanjiro..."

He said without any emotion in his tone.

"Please let us help you become stronger."

So, time returns to the present.

"This machine doll based on Enichi Tsukuni is well made, and the movements are indeed somewhat similar to his."

Gafan looked at the doll in the distance that had become completely new, and nodded in affirmation.

Just now, in order to express his apology for the child Tokitoru breaking the arm of the machine doll, he had already been very considerate and helped to restore it to 100% new condition as it was hundreds of years ago.

The performance that had been greatly reduced due to the passage of time and disrepair has now been fully restored to its peak.

"It's indeed pretty good, and it seems to be a good training target for Asta, one of my team members... But who is Tsukuni Enichi?"

Ye Jianjieda crossed his arms and leaned on a big tree. When he nodded in affirmation, he also turned his head and asked in confusion.

Just now, in order to help the child with the scar on his left forehead to exercise better, he ran back to the village and found 15 kilograms of weight each and tied them to each other's limbs. superior.

It's just a pity that I didn't find a close-fitting armor, otherwise it would have been perfect.

"That's right, this mechanism doll has been passed down from generation to generation in my family since the Warring States Period!"

Hearing the two adults next to him boasting about their machine dolls, Xiaoxiao looked very proud and raised his chin high.

He is now in a very happy, even excited state because his machine doll that was almost scrapped has been completely repaired.

But after seeing Kamado Tanjiro being knocked away again, he quickly ran over and slapped the opponent angrily with his hands.

"Mr. Tanjiro, you are so slow, it's totally impossible! If the puppet was holding a sword-swinging stick instead of a stick, you would be dead!! Get up and continue, cheer up!"

No, hitting someone with a stick will kill them!

Kamado Tanjiro, who no longer wanted to remember, wailed in his heart.

He has now discovered through personal experience that although Xiaoxiao has superb analytical skills, he is a complete layman when it comes to swordsmanship instruction. He does not know the limits of human life at all, and his training methods are also very violent.

Each of those requests were so difficult that they could be called devilish, but the other party said them simply and in a very understated tone.

And there was no trace of haze in his eyes.

Kamado Tanjiro silently stared at the child in front of him who was still trying to pull him up. His usually sunny expression was now completely silent.

He saw clearly and understood.

This is no longer normal training, but stems from ignorance——

Pure brutality!

But Kamado Tanjiro's inner thoughts were obviously not conveyed to Xiao Xi, and now he even had another thought in his mind.

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