Gafanpi said with a smile: "Otherwise, I really can't help but teleport over and slap that ugly guy to death."

"...Wow, you are really good at protecting your calf." The system said teasingly.

"Ahem, probably."


at the same time.

"Looking for it, found it!"

Following the direction pointed by Kamado Tanjiro, Immortal Kawa Miya was hurriedly searching for the identity of the evil spirit in the dark. When he happened to catch a glimpse of a figure the size of a wild mouse in a bush somewhere, he couldn't help but subconsciously said in astonishment.

"so small!"

And the figure who seemed to be aware of the sight and understood that he had been discovered had no intention of fighting on his own. He ran out of the bushes without any hesitation and fled into the distance at super speed.

Even for him, it is not difficult to kill this ghost slayer who seems to have a strange physique.

"What...? Don't run away!"

Seeing the other party's cowardly behavior, Immortal Kawa Saneya was also stunned for a moment.

But because the opponent happened to be near his feet, he reacted in time and slashed the opponent's neck with all his strength.

But the next scene made Immortal Kawa Saneya break into cold sweat on his forehead.

With a crisp sound, the sharp Nichirin sword in his hand struck the opponent's neck, which was only as thick as a thumb...


"Are you kidding me?!"

Immortal Chuan Saniya couldn't believe it, but he also quickly aimed at the opponent with a special matchlock gun and shot hard again.

But after the smoke cleared, the figure that emerged was still unscathed.

"Oh, please, please don't bully me."

Because most of the power was given to the strongest emotional materialization clone, Hatantian, he himself turned into a half-tengu who was only the size of a wild mouse and avoided the battle, covering his face with his hands and wailing.

And when he saw the other party turning around and running away again without hesitation, Immortal Kawa Miya also gritted his teeth angrily.

"Asshole, bastard!"

He now understands why the other members of the Demon Slayer Corps died after encountering the wind.

Leave all the fighting matters to the clone, and hide in the dark the whole time and even run away...

What a despicable guy!

But despite being angry, after the two attacks he just tried, Immortal Kawa Saneya also clearly understood a fact——

He alone would never be able to behead this evil spirit.

After thinking about this clearly, even if he was unwilling to do so, Immortal Sakawa Saneya finally let go of his voice and roared.

"Tanjiro, I can't kill him... I'll give you the credit this time. You'll be the one to kill him, and I'll cover him!"

The transmission of sound is evident in the silent night sky.

Tanjiro Kamado, who was struggling to dodge in the mudslide-like group of wooden dragons, gritted his teeth after hearing the call, and once again used the breathing method of the God of Fire Kagura to temporarily cut off the head of a wooden dragon with one blow. .

He can't get away from here!

"Midouzi, go and help Shimi-kun. Your fire has a miraculous effect on evil spirits. It should be able to..."

"It's not enough, you go and help too."

An ethereal figure like a mist appeared beside Kamado Tanjiro at some unknown time, and before he could react, he slashed away the wooden dragon that came from the side with two swords.

Tokito Muichiro took a breath and said, "Leave the guy who controls these wooden dragons to me."

"Is this okay?" Tanjiro Kamado asked seriously after being stunned for a moment.

After all, based on his personal experience in the battle just now, he judged that the boy-looking evil ghost should be stronger than Luo Lingzhu.

So in other words... Tokitoru-kun might die.

"Well, go quickly and take your sister with you."

Tokito Muichiro nodded slightly: "I am Hashira, I am stronger than you, just leave it to me."

"...Well, okay, I will cut off the head of that body as soon as possible!"

After a moment of silence, Kamado Tanjiro nodded solemnly and vigorously, choosing to believe the other party.

"Mi Douzi, follow quickly, let's go help Xuan Mi-kun now!"

He raised his hands and waved, calling to the girl in the distance who was burning the wooden dragon with will-o'-the-wisps. At the same time, he turned his head and smiled kindly at the three-no-beautiful boy beside him.

"Tokito-kun, I'm sorry. I thought you were a person who didn't care about others and had a cold personality... Please survive well."

After saying that, Kamado Tanjiro rushed towards the dense woods outside the ruined battlefield without looking back.

Because he understood that only by cutting off the head of the evil ghost as quickly as possible could he most effectively help the opponent who was left to fight alone.

And looking at the other person's leaving figure, Tokitou Muichiro also showed doubts in his eyes.

Because he didn't "care about others" just now. He was just using the most rational way of thinking to judge the most reasonable and effective choice. He never thought that he needed the other person to stay and help fight together, because...

He has always been stronger than everyone else, and everyone is weaker than him, so he just has to fight.


At this time, several wooden dragons, each with a head the size of a house, suddenly rushed towards the direction Kamado Tanjiro left at the same time, trying to keep each other behind.

But a long knife that seemed to be wrapped in clouds stopped them.

"'Sea of ​​Clouds'."


The melodious sound of the sword echoed, and the dense slashes like clouds enveloped these ferocious wooden dragons, leaving countless deep slash marks on their python-like bodies in the blink of an eye.

Then, an ethereal and light figure appeared above them. After identifying the weak points on the scarred wooden bodies, he slashed them with all his strength.

"'Floating Slash'!"


The loud sound of falling objects from high altitude.

Because several wooden dragon heads that were the size of houses fell, choking dust rose up on the ground, but it was quickly blown away by the swirling knife wind.

Muichiro Tokitoru, who landed firmly on the ground, calmly glanced at the heads of wooden dragons that were taller than him.

If it were him in the past, he would definitely not be able to cut off these things that are harder than rocks as neatly as he can now.

But now that he has used "Mind Slash" to enhance the power of the sword, even if he is still not proficient in using it because he has not learned it for a long time, he has indeed become much stronger now.

"Hey, did you let that human and the strange ghost girl escape?"

Hate Potian looked at the ghost slayer who stayed behind and ordered with a sullen face.

"Get out of the way."

To these words, Tokitoru Muichiro had no reaction at all as if it were a matter of course.

He just silently raised the Nichirin sword in his hand with an expressionless face, preparing for the fierce battle that was about to begin.

And this silent response made Xing Botian immediately have veins popping up on his forehead.

"Unpleasant, very unpleasant, how exaggerated, how despicable -"

He said with disgust on his face: "You evil people."

When he heard this, Tokitoru Muichiro's figure standing with a sword froze without any trace.

"...why are we evil?"

"Because you bully the weak, right?"

Hate Potian opened his arms, protected by the wooden dragons, and spoke from the bottom of his heart what he took for granted.

"The person you want to chase is just a 'little weakling' who can take advantage of the palm of your hand. There is no doubt that this is extremely evil and the work of a devil. It is unforgivable and must be repaid with life! "

"...Enough is enough, disgusting guy, please stop joking. I can smell it. Your smell is full of blood. You have eaten more than one or two hundred people, right?"

Muichiro Tokitoru said calmly, but the strength holding the handle of the knife in his hand became stronger and stronger unconsciously.

He knew that he was a person who lacked emotions, but at this moment, there was still a lingering nameless fire burning in his chest, and he wanted to release it with the sharp knife in his hand.

Why does he feel so angry now?

Is it because the other party killed many innocent people? No, that's just part of it...

The more reason was that the other party's disregard for life and insult made him feel inexplicably familiar.

It was as if the other party and a forgotten abominable figure in his missing memory overlapped, making him instinctively want to cut off the other party's head immediately.

"Did those innocent people do anything to you? Did they do anything that warrants repayment with their lives? You have killed and eaten so many people, and you still pretend to be victims. How disgusting, what a twisted nature. ah!"

Muichiro Tokitoru's voice became louder and louder, and finally he was even roaring.

This is not like him. He is obviously a person who rarely talks, likes to be in a daze, and has always been quiet, but now...

He seemed to want to vent something.

Under the bright moonlight, there is a messy ruined land.

As beautiful as an elf, as ethereal as clouds, the person raised the Sun Blade with a cold light in his hand, and with a pair of green eyes like amber gems, he looked at the evil ghost hiding among the wooden dragons in the distance.

Tokitoru Muichiro whispered word by word.

"Evil ghost, I will chop off your head."

Chapter 229: You can die


A deafening sound like thunder spread and reverberated wantonly under the silent night, and the vibrations destroyed people's eardrums.

Dozens of huge wooden dragons, twisted and transformed from towering trees, roared from the ground to the sky, spinning and entangled around the knife-wielding figure in mid-air, blocking all escape routes.

"'Vampire Art: The Tree of Infinite Karma'."

Hate Potian casually knocked twice on the drum behind him and said expressionlessly.


With the transfer of energy, the size of the huge wooden dragon group surged again, and even the thick branches and leaves growing on its body also grew smaller wooden dragon heads, and then they all squeezed towards the center together. Wanting to bite and crush that ethereal figure like clouds.

next moment.

Under the moonlight, the light blue blade was unsheathed.

""Breath of Xia·Shape of Land·Xiaxia of Moon"."


The long knife swayed with rays of light, enveloping the clouds like dreamy bubbles, accurately cutting through every gap blocked by the wooden dragons, and instantly chopped into large pieces a large number of targets around it.

Sawdust flew everywhere, and the dragon's head was severed.

Muichiro Tokitoru, who was in mid-air, took a long breath to adjust. He stepped on the slowly falling wooden dragon's remains as a foothold, and then kicked off the ground and rushed downwards quickly.

The tip of the knife, glowing with cold light, was already pointing directly at the evil ghost's neck.

"'Ji tu·yuanxia draping across the sky'."

With the momentum of falling, the distance of about twenty meters disappeared in an instant. Regardless of the interception of the strange branches and leaves around him, the Sun Blade had really reached the opponent's throat.

In the next moment, it can be completely penetrated.

But at this moment, Tokitoru Muichiro's instinct suddenly started to give warnings wildly, and the hairs on his back stood on end.

Some deadly attack is coming, you have to dodge... move fast!

It was clear that the tip of the knife had just pierced the tough skin of an evil spirit, but it was pulled out directly, and its feet were also stepped on the opponent's body to use force to remove the inertia of the momentum, and then stopped for a moment -

His figure disappeared instantly like dissipating mist.


next moment.

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