The young man with short and medium blond hair stood at attention nervously and introduced himself, while at the same time he looked even more flustered in his heart.

Wow, this man looks so strong, too strong, and his expression is so scary!

Moreover, there is something new in the "voice" that sounds unprecedented, and it seems to be even more powerful than the pillars.

My wife, Zenitsu, looked very spineless, hiding behind Tanjiro Kamado who was smiling helplessly, and looked at her head with a cowardly expression.

"Hey, Tan, Tanjiro, I heard that this uncle solved two windings at once. Is this true? I originally thought it was just a rumor... No, no, that's not a rumor. , I can feel that this sloppy uncle is really strong and scary!"

My wife, Zenitsu, kept muttering incessantly, and then after being glared at by Yami, she was so frightened that she squeaked and completely hid behind Tanjiro Kamado.

The young man standing on the other side, wearing a boar hood on his head, took the initiative to take a step forward, carelessly raised two blue-gray, zigzag-shaped nichirin swords in his hands, and made what he thought was a Very handsome and powerful in a strange pose.

"Hey, uncle, my name is Inosuke Kubihira. You look so strong. Do you want to fight with me?"

Inosuke Kuchihira shouted loudly and loudly.

"I know, you killed two strings, two and three! You can't hide it from me, so as long as I defeat you, I will be the strongest and I will be the pillar, hahahahaha!!"


Withdrawing his fist, which was bigger than a sandbag, Yami Jieda looked down at the pig-headed kid squatting on the ground with his hands on his head with an unkind look on his face, gasping in pain, and said unhappily.

"It's so noisy early in the morning, so be careful I'll beat you up."

"...Brother Yami, you have already been beaten." Tanjiro Kamado reminded weakly on the side.

Then a big hand that could easily crush stubborn rocks was placed on his head naturally.

"You don't need to remind me. I'll kill you."

Yamiji smiled with a smile: "Also, I told you not to call me brother, call me captain Yami."

"Yes, Captain Yami!"

"Well, very good, very energetic!"

After hearing this title, Yami Jieda also relaxed his brows and laughed heartily.

To be honest, after getting along with him for this period of time, he still has a lot of affection for the very hard-working young man in front of him.

At least not just anyone can call him leader.

"Hey, why did you suddenly punch me? Do you want to fight? Come on, let's see if I don't push you into the ground!"

At this time, Inosuke Kihira, who had finally regained his composure by covering his head, suddenly jumped up again and shouted angrily.

But as soon as he started shouting, my wife Zenitsu held his head down while yelling.

"Hey, shut up, Inosuke, you idiot! Didn't you see that this guy's biceps are bigger than your head? This uncle is a monster, a muscle monster!"

"So what? I'm the king of the mountain. I'm going to give this guy a good beating... But you idiot Zenitsu can also come and help. After all, this guy looks really strong. ah."

"Huh? I don't want it, otherwise I will be beaten, no, I will be slaughtered, I will definitely be slaughtered!"

"Zen, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, please stop arguing. Let me give you rice balls."

And looking at the overly arrogant pig-headed boy who was arguing in front of them, the yellow-haired boy who was obviously not weak but was overly cowardly, and the red-haired boy who was trying to break up the fight between the two, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Yami Jieda touched the stubble on his chin and raised his eyebrows.

These little guys are quite interesting.

He thought this in his mind, and with this thought, the pig-headed boy took off his hood, revealing an angry and pretty face that was prettier than a girl. Instead, the cowardly yellow-haired boy took the lead in taking action and started shouting and waving. When it comes to fists, it becomes even more obvious.

"Okay, you two guys look pretty interesting."

Yamiji smiled loudly: "Hey, brat, you brought these two living treasures to me. What's the matter?"

"Uh, Yami, ahem, it's the leader of Yami."

Under the intimidating gaze of the other party, Tanjiro Kamado, who was sweating on his forehead, changed his words in time: "Actually, after they heard about you, they also wanted to ask you to help train like me before."

"Hey, I didn't say this. Don't lie. You forced me here. Apologize. Apologize quickly!" A cowardly yellow-haired boy yelled noisily again, but this time This time he was ignored by everyone present.

"Oh, you want me to help with training? This is a treatment that only my team members can get."

Yami Jieda glanced at these two brats with a look of disgust.

But after thinking about it, he finally stretched out his two big hands, pinched the little heads of these two guys, and turned around and walked out of the village.

"Forget it, you have nothing to do. Anyway, follow me to the back mountain first, and let me see how much you weigh."

"Oh, my head hurts so much. It's about to burst. It's really about to burst!" My wife, Zenitsu, immediately started wailing loudly again. He felt that this uncle's strength was really stronger than the Demon Slayer Squad. Mr. Qian Mingyu is even bigger.

As for Inosuke Kubihira, he resisted and became more energetic: "Hey, let me down quickly, I can walk by myself, the pig is advancing suddenly, the pig is advancing suddenly!!!"

Pigs advance by leaps and bounds.jpg

And looking at the three familiar figures, the elder, the second and the younger, looking towards the back of the mountain, Kamado Tanjiro, who was following behind, also smiled helplessly and gently.

"Hey, speaking of which, why is Mr. Gafan's scent not in the village?"

He twitched his nose, suddenly stopped, and looked at the village with some confusion.

The other party helped heal his injuries before. He was seriously injured and passed out before he had time to say thanks.

"Did you go out for something? It's so rare."

Kamado Tanjiro tilted his head, thinking with a troubled expression.

But at this time, behind him, he was not carrying the very important fog spruce box as usual.


at the same time.

Demon Slayer Headquarters.

Butterfly House.

This is an important treatment facility managed by Insect Pillar and Butterfly Ninja, which provides treatment and rehabilitation for injured team members. Most of the nursing staff are composed of team members without swordsmanship abilities.

Usually, most of the people who come here are wounded or hidden members who are passing on some information, but occasionally there are people who just come here to hang out with nothing to do.

Just like now, a man in a wheelchair with a hopeless expression for some reason came here with the help of a yawning white-haired girl.

"Ahhh, so boring."

Ge You, with a decadent look on his face, was lying in a wheelchair, wailing feebly.

"Why doesn't that bastard Kibutsuji show up yet? You're wasting my time...and that kid Tokitoru is also on a mission, and he won't let me help, saying he wants me to have a good rest..."

"No, it's too boring. The guy who's looking for Yiyong isn't home either. Is the Butterfly Ninja here? He won't go out with the elm-headed Shuizhu, right?"

As he said this, he kept knocking on the door of the wall, wondering why there wasn't a doorbell or anything like that here?

And the next moment.

The door was suddenly opened violently.

A strange girl appeared who seemed about to explode with rage.

"Hey, be quiet, you bastard, where do you think this is? A hospital! If you make any more noise, be careful and I will throw you out..."

The originally menacing voice gradually became quieter and quieter without realizing it.

The girl with black hair and blue eyes, wearing a blue butterfly hair ornament, and a white nursing uniform in addition to the standard Demon Slayer uniform, was originally irritable after noticing that the man in front of her came in a wheelchair. His tone suddenly became softer.

Kanzaki Aoi asked softly with some hesitation.

"Well, may I ask, what can I do for you?"

Looking at the cute girl in front of him whose attitude changed too quickly, Gafan was a little amused, but when he was about to reply, he was suddenly stunned.

"Huh... Jushi is here too?"

Chapter 232: When disaster strikes, no one knows

Demon Slayer Headquarters.

This is the theoretically most dangerous place in the world for evil spirits.

Even if a ghost of the upper-string level dares to come here alone to show off his muscles, he will be beaten and chopped into pieces by a group of pillar-level swordsmen.

But in this generation, there are two exceptions.

One, a girl named Kamado Nezuko, is currently outside in the butterfly house courtyard, basking in the sun.

And the other...

"Hey, Zhushi, good lunch. Have you eaten?" Gafan greeted with a smile.

"..." Zhu Shi still held the unfinished potion in his hand, and his smile became a little stiff for some reason, "Mr. Gafan, good lunch, I haven't eaten yet."

"Well, that's good." Gafan smiled and nodded, and at the same time, he temporarily silenced a ghost boy on the eaves who wanted to use foul language.

Zhu Shi: "...?"

Something is wrong with you.

And just when this beautiful woman, who had lived for hundreds of years, was stunned for a moment by the somewhat unpleasant opening greeting of the man who came in a wheelchair.

A woman wearing a butterfly hair ornament and a soft smile led a white-haired girl whose cheeks were bulging with food into the slightly dim and secret underground laboratory.

"Mr. Gafan, can you take care of your children?"

Although Butterfly Ninja was smiling on his face, there was no smile in his eyes: "This guy not only emptied the butterfly house's kitchen, but also made Xiaokui's kid cry."

If it weren't for the fact that this girl looked so cute, she couldn't help but want to spank this guy's perky little ass.

"Xiao Kui?"

Gafan, who had easily pulled the system over, was a little confused, but he quickly realized who the other party was talking about.

That was Kanzaki Aoi who had opened the door for him before.

Ga Fan was speechless: "Uh, system, I just want you to help get her away so that I can see Zhu Shi, why did you make her cry?"

"I didn't mean, it's not my fault at all."

System, who finally chewed and swallowed all the food in his mouth, also rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"She led me to the kitchen and told me that if I was hungry, I could eat whatever I wanted. Then I ate whatever I wanted. According to the general theory, there is nothing wrong with the logic of my behavior."

"...It seems to make sense."

Gafan responded subconsciously, but after noticing the look in Butterfly Ninja's eyes, he immediately coughed twice.

"Ahem, no, that doesn't make sense, uh, you can't say that...forget it, just remember to control your appetite next time, at least act like a normal person."


The system responded with some displeasure, then took another look at the hidden basement, pouting in boredom, "Then I'm going to go out for a walk. If you need anything, call me and I'll get you a rice ball." What."

"Well, go ahead. I'm not weak enough yet to need help from others to get things." Gafan, dumbfounded, rubbed the little guy's head and messed up his long, silky hair.

After shaking his head vigorously, the system spat out his pink tongue in dissatisfaction at the man in front of him, then ignored the slightly weird looks in the eyes of others present and trotted out directly.

She was going to the open-air courtyard here to find a girl she saw while passing by when she was going to the kitchen. She had been staring at the clouds in the sky in a daze.

The system felt that that guy was quite interesting. After all, he looked a bit like Muichiro Tokitou when he was in a daze, and he looked just as silly and cute.

"I heard from Kanzaki Aoi that the girl's name seems to be Kurika Rakana Hu?"

The system muttered to itself somewhat uncertainly.

You know, if the name is too long, she won't be too lazy to remember it, although the database will automatically collect information and record it.

After the system left, Zhu Shi and Butterfly Ninja also withdrew their thoughtful gazes at the same time.

None of them felt the slightest bit of human aura from this porcelain doll-like little girl, but they all tacitly agreed not to mention this matter.

After all, there is a man who is even more "weird" in their eyes, right?

"Miss Zhuyo, why did you suddenly come to the Demon Slayer headquarters?"

Gafan, who didn't notice what the two eldest girls were thinking, glanced at the table next to him that was full of various potions that he couldn't name, and couldn't help but feel a little curious.

"And what are these? They smell really good."

"These are poisons."


Gafan nodded subconsciously, then froze: "???"

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