The devil was stunned.

He slowly turned his head to look at the sallow-looking humans, and saw that there was an invisible line connecting them, constantly extracting their magic power and life, without restraint, until it brought death.

Even in the corner, there were already piles of corpses on the ground.


Satan was silent.

He really doesn't understand why the human race is so complicated.

"Hey, who are you?"

At this time, an arrogant voice came.

Those were several men who looked more like villains than soldiers, walking towards him with bare hands.

Satan looked at them coldly, feeling the not-so-weak magic power in his body and the vague aura of strange demons lingering in his body.

"Red Heart, are you from the Clover Kingdom? I didn't expect that someone just broke into our mobile fortress 'Candelo' alone. You are asking for your own death."

A man who looked like the squad leader smiled ferociously and his arms began to grow ferocious scales.

"After I capture you, I'm going to torture you..."

He stopped mid-sentence.

There are several human-shaped potholes on the steel wall next to it.

A hand exuding black mist grabbed the man's fragile neck, pinched it hard, and lifted it up.

"Human, tell me."

The Demon King's scarlet pupils looked directly at the other person, reflecting the other person's frightened expression.

he said coldly.

"How did you get me here?"

Chapter 250: Magic Emperor

Strong Demon Zone.

This is a restricted area of ​​life in extreme environments.

Magic with a concentration and activity that far exceeds that of the kingdom's territory fills every inch of space here, causing various dangerous phenomena and posing a fatal threat to every creature that dares to step into this place.

Even the magic knights would struggle here.

At this time, a mobile fortress built to carry the legion across this place had stopped moving and stood quietly in the black storm that filled the sky.

Inside the fortress.

In the corridors connecting the upper areas, there were Spade Kingdom soldiers unconscious on the ground.

Traces caused by various magics remained on the walls and ground, but none of them caused even a trace of injury to the intruder.

The command room at the top of the fortress.

The soldier commander who was originally responsible for controlling this place was being lifted up by another man holding his neck with one hand. His eyes were white and he was about to suffocate and pass out.

Inside the room, there was a dark purple mist that looked like substance, and a giant python made of mud that was constantly trying to attack the intruder with black hair and red eyes.

But it was always blocked by a dark gray barrier, unable to invade at all.

"Oh, a summoned object made of poison? Your magic is quite clever."

Maou Sadao, who was still wearing McDonald's work clothes, looked at the man in front of him expressionlessly, looking straight at the demonic power residing in his body without any hindrance.

"A person possessed by a demon? It doesn't look like it. It seems like there are just some residue left in your body."

"You, who are you?"

The soldier commander's eyes were red, and he was constantly exploding magic power to strengthen his body functions. He tried to break away the opponent's hand that was holding his neck, but he was still unable to shake it at all.

"Why can't the magic I strengthened with demonic power cause harm to you? No, that's not right..."

"Aren't you human?!"

He seemed to have finally discovered something, and the panic in his eyes suddenly became more intense, and he struggled even harder.

Even the poisonous mist that filled the room began to attack the dark gray magic barrier crazily, and the giant python summoned by the poison creation magic slammed into Maou Sadao.

But the next moment.

The magic in the entire room was instantly controlled.

The poisonous mist and the giant python paused as if the pause button had been pressed, and then all turned into pure magic power and poured into a raised palm, condensing into a magic bead that looked like a substance, and was then absorbed.

"Dirty souls...human beings are really complicated."

Maou Sadao looked at the desperate man in front of him and sighed expressionlessly.

"There are honest people like the brave Emilia, there are kind people like Xiaoqian, there are people who are worthy of respect like the store manager, and there are also..."

"Irredeemable people like you."

His scarlet pupils were full of disgust.

"Even demons will not casually use their own kind as the power source to activate the mobile fortress like you, killing them wantonly, torturing them at will, and shamelessly calling this kind of behavior a favor or luck."


"If it weren't for the fact that the humans I met first were despicable guys like you, I wouldn't have launched a war so simply for the survival of the race, and the wheat fields in Emilia's hometown wouldn't have... "

When he said this, the Demon King's tone suddenly stopped.

After a long silence, he casually threw the guy aside who had passed out due to suffocation, leaving a new human-shaped pit on the steel wall.

"Oh, I'm so immature."

Maou Sadao covered his face with his hands, took a few deep breaths, and then returned to his usual calm expression.

After he glanced at the messy command room, he looked down at his palms with longer nails.

"The concentration of magic power here is very strong, and my strength is recovering quickly. I can already try to open the 'door'."

Raising his hand and leaning forward, a huge amount of magic energy began to gather and outline a shape similar to a door frame.

He is using a very special magic.

This can open the door to another world. Theoretically, even if he suddenly comes to this place without knowing why, he can return to the original world through this magic.

When he was forced into a desperate situation by the hero in Demon King's Castle, he also used this special magic to temporarily and strategically retreat to another world, that is, Japan.

It's just that using this magic requires a huge amount of magic power or holy magic energy. If you want to maintain it stably, you need at least the level of the devil's generalissimo.

So in Japan, a place where magic power could not be replenished, he had been troubled by this for a long time.

But as long as you successfully use the "door", there is basically no possibility of failure...


With a soft sound.

Under Maou Sadao's stunned gaze, half of the door frame had been outlined by a huge amount of magic power.


"...What's going on? It shouldn't be. My magic power reserve has been restored to one-fifth. It must be enough."

Maou Sadao murmured to himself, with a rare hint of confusion on his face.

You must know that everything he knows and cherishes is on the other side of the "door".

It shouldn't be. Why does magic fail? !


And just when Maou Sadao was about to try to open the door to another world again, a young man holding a black sword suddenly rushed into the command room.

He turned around subconsciously and looked into a pair of doubtful green eyes.

The opponent has short gray-white hair, is smartly dressed, slightly short but extremely strong, and is a rare warrior.

I just don't know why I don't feel any magic power in my body.

It is obvious that even the ordinary people who were shackled just now have more or less magical power in their bodies...


Maou Sadao noticed the black sword in the opponent's hand.

It contains an astonishing power that is completely opposite to magic power. Coupled with the user's body that has been tempered for many times, it can also explode with combat power that is not inferior to those who use magic.

This boy was stronger than the human he had just knocked unconscious.

Is it a missed enemy?

Thinking of this, Maou Sadao, who was feeling a little emotionally unstable, subconsciously began to gather his magic power on his hands again.

But at this moment, the other party suddenly spoke first.

"Um, hello, was it you who defeated these soldiers and rescued the citizens of the Spade Kingdom?"

The young man asked a little uneasily, but his eyes kept looking at each other calmly.

"Thank you for taking one step ahead to help the people imprisoned here. Oh, by the way, my name is Asta. Nice to meet you."

As he said that, Asta, who rushed here alone from the capital of the Kingdom of Hearts because he knew someone was suffering, smiled heartily and extended his right hand, as if he wanted to shake hands with the strangely dressed man in front of him.

In response to this, after being stunned for a moment, Maou Sadao subconsciously lowered his head and looked at the palm.

It was covered with calluses that were not expected of a boy of his age, and it could be seen how much unimaginable effort the other party had put in to become stronger.

This is a hard worker.

Then, he raised his head and looked directly into the other person's eyes. Apart from the clarity and sincere joy that the victim was rescued, there was no trace of distracting thoughts or negative emotions in them.

The other party is a person as upright as the brave Emilia.


The Demon King, whose emotions slowly calmed down, took hold of the rough palm stretched out by the boy in front of him and chuckled.

"My name is Maou Sadao, nice to meet you."


at the same time.

Clover Kingdom, capital, royal city.

A spacious room filled with various flags representing glory is located at the very tip of the tall building.

This is the room where the Magic Emperor is on official business.

In the past, such a place would not be equipped with too strict defense force, because the position of Magic Emperor itself represents the most powerful existence in this country.

But that was before.

Because there was a terrible disaster that affected the entire Clover Kingdom, the Magic Emperor paid a price unimaginable by ordinary people in order to save all the people by himself.

Now, he has already turned into a boy who is only 13 years old.

This means that the power that was once invincible is now at its lowest ebb.

Although this situation was concealed to avoid panic among the citizens, to be honest, since he had gone back in time and became a teenager, he really needed to be prepared for assassination.

Just like this situation now.

"...You look very strong."

Julius Novancrono, who had just finished half of his official duties, looked at the two figures who suddenly appeared in the office and hugged each other for some reason. He put down the quill in his hand and crossed his two immature little hands. He said with a calm smile.

"Excuse me, are you here to assassinate me?"

And for this question.

The man who gently lowered the girl in his arms looked around in astonishment and muttered something strange like "Why did he wear it again so quickly?"

Finally, Gafan looked at the blond boy in front of him, who looked a little surprised, and said uncertainly.

"Magic Emperor?"

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