Zenon said indifferently, and at the same time, the bone magic and space magic strengthened by the power of the devil began to gather and condense to the maximum extent, so that he could pull out a handful of breath from the void, which was terrifying, beyond common sense, and even continued to split the space. Long sword.

"Bone X Space Magic·Magic Sword Dainsleif".

This represents the strongest killing power among the three polarities of darkness.

"Give you a choice, leave here, don't meddle..."

"Brother clone, help me beat him up! This guy just wanted to attack me. No, he has already attacked me. I need protection. I'm so scared!"

A loud, lively voice interrupted the demon possessed man's words.

Saten Ruiko, who was incompatible with the atmosphere of the scene, was hugging the blood clone's thigh tightly again regardless of her ladylike image, looking aggrieved and pitiful with tears in her eyes.

"...Sister, I'm not stupid, you bumped into it yourself."

The clone took a deep breath with a tired look on his face.

As a being with a certain independent personality, he still has the ability to think after being separated from the main body. Now he just wants to get rid of the unfortunate thing on his lap.

As for Saten Ruiko, who was heartbroken after being called out, she continued to wail without blushing or heartbeat.

"But he did want to attack me just now. The order he received was to protect my clone brother, so I have to help beat him!"

"I don't have enough energy."

"Otherwise I won't do it..."

The wailing stopped suddenly.

Saten Ruiko silently let go of her hands that were tightly holding the opponent's thighs, and her fair and pretty face seemed a little confused at this time.

"......real or fake?"


The clones were speechless.

"The original body gave you only so much blood, so the energy it carried was only so much. The reason why he suddenly thought of trying to create something like me at that time was just to protect you, not to let you What a great place to be.”

"After using my ability at high intensity several times, I only have so much energy left in my body. The enemy's strength is not bad, but I'm not sure I can kill him before I disperse."

"So now, just tell me what you want to do."

"... Brother clone, please take us to escape quickly." Saten Leizi was frightened.

But Zenon obviously would not ignore it.

The dangerous magic sword created by bone magic and space magic was swung down fiercely, causing a dense void storm to instantly set off in the entire hall.

"The space is stable."

The clone whispered with a calm expression, and then raised his finger.

"The molecules are firmly fixed."

A harsh sound like fingernails scraping against glass resounded.

The magic sword that could divide space struck the invisible barrier with all its strength, but could not make any progress.

This result made Zenon's pupils shrink slightly. This was the first time he encountered magic that could block the attack of his magic sword.

But the clone's eyes showed helplessness.

"Damn, the energy is really going to run out this time."

His calm voice did not change at all, he just looked calmly at the powerful demon possessed man in front of him, and once again launched an indiscriminate large-scale space storm.

And just when the clone wanted to use its last energy to teleport Saten Ruiko behind him first, he suddenly noticed the girl's worried eyes.

This made him subconsciously follow the other person's line of sight.

Then, several dying figures collapsed on the edge of the hall came into view of the clone.

"...hurt attracts."


In an instant, blood splattered everywhere.

Hundreds of space cracks were all concentrated on the clone's body, instantly shattering its mimicked figure into powder.

This time the energy was completely exhausted.

In mid-air, a few wisps of blood condensed, and the clone's remaining eyeball also glanced at the stunned girl speechlessly, and said in an indifferent tone.

"Calm down, don't panic..."

Quite unexpectedly, at this moment, a big hand stretched out from the crack in space and just grabbed Zenon's head.

But a pool of unconscious blood spattered helplessly on the dusty ground.

Only half of the sentence is still echoing in the air.

"My true body has just arrived."

Chapter 263: The Lost Demon King

The crisis is over.

Fankins, the leader of the Golden Dawn, looked silently at the demon-possessed man in front of him who had been sealed in "chronostasis" with a frozen expression of shock, and couldn't help but ask.

"Um... may I ask why you know Julius-sama's 'time magic'?"

"It's a replica."

"That's right." Fankins nodded clearly.

But this calm response made Gafan stunned: "...Um, although this is a little weird from my point of view, you accepted this argument so easily?!"

"Well, because this is the only explanation."

Fankins, who was healing himself with a faint green light full of life, made a rare joke.

"And among the "Three Demonic Eyes" that my good friend Yami once dealt with, it is said that there is a person who can copy other people's magic. It's a pity that I haven't been lucky enough to meet him. Otherwise, I would be very curious to fight someone who uses the same magic as me. , what kind of experience it would be.”

"...Okay, you have a big heart."

The corners of Gafan's mouth twitched slightly.

However, it was obviously the first time that the two parties met, but his tone subconsciously seemed very casual.

Because looking at the scars on the face of the man in front of him caused by a family inheritance curse, he couldn't help but think back to Ubuya Shiki Yōya who always treated him to Gyokuro tea.

On the day of separation, the man who smiled and said to him that he wanted to take his family on a trip had a gentle temperament that was exactly the same as the guy in front of him now.

They are all nice and good people.

He didn't fall into memories for too long. After shaking his head slightly, Gafan turned to another girl whose mood seemed a little wrong and said.

"But you are the one who cares the most. You were so stubborn and rushed forward. Thanks to my powerful avatar, otherwise you would have had to learn a lot of lessons this time."

"I hope you won't be so arrogant next time, otherwise it will be really bad if you get hurt, so..."

"What are you sad about now?"

Gafan asked in a gentle tone: "Can you tell me?"

"...Brother Gafan."

Saten Ruiko, who had been lowering his head since just now, finally slowly raised his head, his eyes were a little red, and it looked as if he had really been wronged in some way.

"Brother clone, are you okay? He just broke into pieces just to protect us."

As she spoke, the girl bit her lips tightly, her eyes filled with tears, and she looked sad.

Then a big hand gently rubbed her little head to express comfort.

"Don't cry, what's so sad about this?"

Gafan smiled: "Although the blood in my body seems to have some temporary personality deviations after it breaks away and mimics new individuals, they are still me."

"So there's nothing wrong with the 'Clone Brother' you're talking about. He just used up his energy to turn back into blood, and then returned to my body with his memories."

"So strictly speaking, your previous stubborn behavior was all accompanied by 'I'... Also, you told me not to hug my thigh, otherwise I will dump you." Go down."

Looking at the girl who suddenly hugged his thigh tightly again, almost subconsciously, Gafan's face suddenly darkened.

After seeing his reaction, Saten Ruiko seemed to confirm something and immediately laughed happily again.

"Hehe, that's really the case."

She is no longer sad.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, there is also Sister Dorothy!"

Saten Ruiko, who was smiling and laughing, was suddenly stunned. She immediately wanted to run away to find her good friend, but then someone casually grabbed the cloak of the black Bulldog uniform.

"The lady who used dream magic is fine. It would be better to say that she has completely eliminated the enemy and is coming to us."

"This, that's it, hehe." Saten Ruizi smiled with relief again, looking naive.

But before, she was willing to accept danger without hesitation and took the initiative to save others, but it was really something that ordinary girls couldn't do.

Alas, I don’t know what this child has gone through in the six months since he came to this world. How can a person become so stubborn?

Gafan sighed inwardly, but he had already taken out a small pile of jelly-like full recovery medicine from the storage space and handed it to the other party's arms.

"Here, my best friend gave me something for healing. Take it and distribute it among the wounded here."

"Huh? Oh, okay, got it!"

Saten Ruiko, who was confused about what the stuff that was suddenly thrust into her arms was, ran away happily when she heard that it was medicine.

But soon he ran back all the way, and then looked at Gafan with a confused look.

"How to use this thing? Orally or externally?"

"Just slap it in the face." Gafan spoke from his own experience.

Then Saten Ruiko's expression became even more confused.

Directly slapped in the face... is that literal?

She lowered her head and looked at the "jelly" in her arms, and question marks popped up in her little head, but in the end she came over happily again.

Anyway, just try it with someone first and you will know.

Practice the truth!

After tricking the girl away, Gafan continued to look at the invisible sphere next to him that was surrounded by dense digital patterns and stagnated the flow of time inside.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as he looked at the man who was sealed and motionless but never stopped struggling wildly.

"Is it an infinitely lasting moment... The Magic Emperor's time magic is quite easy to use, but it is affected by the magic resistance and magic power of the target, so it has some limitations."

After roughly analyzing the magical magic he had just re-engraved not long ago, Gafan silently looked at the soul in front of him that was obviously not bad in nature but was stained with too much blood and malice, and sighed softly. , raised his hand and decided to give this guy a good time.

"It seems to be called Zenon, right? Alas, you are such an unlucky guy..."

"In every sense of the word."

Gafan turned around, no longer looking at the unwilling figure that was turning into ashes and dissipating, but asked Fankins seriously.

"Excuse me, where is the base of Black Bull?"

He now has the timeline completely nailed down.

That's when the three dark polarities all go out to capture the ritual sacrifices, and no one can stop them.

In the original plot, due to the sudden increase in combat power, the Golden Dawn, which was originally the strongest knight in the Clover Kingdom, directly suffered heavy losses with half of the casualties, and even the leader was really captured. .

The same goes for Queen Rolopedica of the Kingdom of Hearts. After Undine, the water elf who had been contracted with her family for generations, was cursed and seriously injured and nearly died, she was also captured as a database.

There was obviously a protagonist group present, and other group leaders could be notified to come for support, but none of them were saved.

It’s simply a plot killer!

But now it's better, two of these three unlucky guys have already sent it.

As for the last one named Dante, who is the strongest among the three, he remembers that in the original work, the other party seems to be fighting with Yami Sukedai at this moment.

Although the original plot was for Yami Sukeda and the protagonist Asta to win together, he felt that he still had to take a look to confirm.

By the way, let’s take a look at how that sloppy uncle is doing lately.


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