He turned around and looked at the figure kneeling on one knee in mid-air ten thousand meters away, gasping for air, and the desire to collect in his heart suddenly increased again.

"What an interesting move."

But unlike the King in Yellow, who was so at ease and had almost exposed all his trump cards, Gafan's heart felt more solemn than ever before.

“You’ve been fighting for a long time and you’re only so slightly injured??”

Noticing the completely healed cut marks on the opponent's palm, Gafan couldn't help but feel a deep sense of powerlessness once again since he passively traveled to the doomsday world as a mortal body for the first time.

The surging energy in the body has been completely exhausted due to the previous series of extreme explosions.

Even with world-synchronized energy transmission, there are some things that cannot be continued.

Gripping the hilt of the God-killing Blade in his hand, Gafan took a deep breath and slowly stood up, while Hai Zhong was still thinking about the next strategy.

Use "Death is the end of all life"? No, this hip-stretching move is definitely not going to be useful.

Use superelectronic beta rays to fire the largest interstellar cannon? No, pure energy attacks can't touch the opponent at all.

Fight with the "time magic" copied from the Magic Emperor? No, I had to force myself to influence the other party for a moment during teleportation, but I still don't want to show it and look embarrassed.

Use "Fantasy Killer Materialism" to have a 1V1 melee with the opponent? No, let’s not talk about whether this can affect the other party. Judging from his years of experience, he obviously has no idea how long he has lived. He has no confidence that he can win in a life-and-death fight like the last time he fought the newborn evil god...

Plans were thought out one after another, and then all were rejected outright.

Gafan, whose temples were slightly bulging, glanced at the silently suspended "World Slate" beside him. This miraculous prop greatly increased the strength of his abilities, and indeed made him completely immune to the indescribable silence. Erosion was the most powerful tool he had ever seen, so it was no wonder that it aroused the curiosity and peeps of the King in Yellow.

However, after all, he just got this stone slab and didn't know how to use it at all.

Or could he try to escape into his own little world inside the slab first?

In this way, he doesn't know whether the other party can catch up, or even if he catches up, the increase in combat power he gets in this independent small world will definitely become stronger.

But to be honest, if he did that, he felt that the "World Slate" would definitely suffer irreparable damage.

At this moment, Gafan's heart was extremely complicated and tangled.

Although until now, he has not felt the murderous intention from the King in Yellow, but according to the completely different views between races, he does not think that he will be unharmed after giving up resistance and falling into the opponent's hands.

The battle is definitely unwinnable.

As for escaping, Gafan could only think of a 100% successful plan of passive travel.

But he had just returned from time travel, how could he wear it again so soon? ? ?

The only way to survive.

Only by letting the other party admit that they are "existences" of the same class.

"...System, I'm sorry, we probably have to fight together this time."

With a soft breath, Gafan pointed the tip of the God-killing Blade diagonally in his hand. He felt as if he had returned to the Gobi desert where he once fought the evil god to the death. The flame of will belonging to the soul ignited in his deep eyes.

"Let the white bastards come out and swallow Venus, and then we move the battlefield to the surface of the sun."

He whispered appalling things.

However, there was no response immediately.

And just when Gafan was about to feel surprised, the system responded by giving another option.

"Wait, we should have another way."

Bai Tuanzi jumped on his shoulders twice, then transformed into a human form again, standing side by side with Ga Fan at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The small white hands tightly grasped the big hands that were stained with blood, and a head of silver hair as bright as the bright moon naturally poured down, not even a trace of dust stuck to the wind and sand in the sky.

The clean blue eyes stared directly at the indescribable existence. After staring for a while, the system looked up at the person next to him and said.

"Do you still remember the two teenagers we saw when the capital of the Kingdom of Heart was attacked by the demon army and we rushed there from Hades?"

"Asta and Yuno?"

Gafan asked doubtfully: "Remember, those two guys were running wild in the demon tide at that time. Their short burst of fighting power far exceeded the others present. It left a deep impression on me. The name of that state seemed like The differences are..."

"'Demon assimilation', 'Elf assimilation'?"

"Yes, that's right. They left a deep impression on me. After performing 'possession and fusion' with the demons and elemental elves bound by the contract, their strength temporarily increased by more than ten times. It was simply It’s like cheating.”

The system nodded vigorously and said seriously.

"And the gift from the world I received this time seems to be a similar advanced ability."

"...You mean?" Gafan was stunned, his eyes becoming a little unbelievable.


The system hugged each other directly, and said with a cute smile: "Let's merge!!!"

Instantly, pale fluorescence began to appear.

The King in Yellow, who had been waiting in the distance for a long time and didn't see any new interesting attacks, could not help but frown slightly, started to move forward.

Isn't this human being exhausted?

This is not okay. It would be too boring to end it after just "playing" for a while.

If the other party really disappoints him, then he will take out the soul of this carbon-based creature for a century and then put it back.

Anyway, this guy looks like he can live a long time.

It's just a hundred years, even if it's just a "return" for the tentacles that were severed while sleeping.

Thinking of this, when the King in Yellow was about to teleport over, a cold mechanical sound suddenly echoed across the entire planet.

[Permissions are confirmed, the rules of the world begin to coordinate, and the existence begins to resonate. 】

"What's the sound?" The King in Yellow paused slightly.

For the first time, a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

He seemed to feel that the aura that was wiping the world level was being born.

【tell. Synchronization is completed, resonance is successful, individual limitations are negated and blurred in progress, and the only ultimate ability "King of Truth" is operating at overload...]

[Soul jump begins. 】

The cold sound from the world disappeared, causing the planet to become silent again.

However, the King in Yellow began to look seriously.

"Original assimilation..."

An indescribable great existence, ten kilometers directly in front, a bright white light ball with a diameter of ten meters is constantly shrinking.

This has nothing to do with light, nor is it pure energy, but -

All non-illusory concepts such as genes, energy, spirit, and even abilities are undergoing ultra-high information compression.

After a while.

Carbon-based organisms disappeared, and so did consulting life.

The original ordinary-looking human being wearing a blue and white robe, with black hair, black eyes and dark circles, and beside him was a beautiful creation like the most exquisite doll in the world, a girl with silver hair and blue eyes.

At this moment, there is no trace of him in this world.

Instead, a tall and slender man appeared in front of the King in Yellow, wearing a black and white scholar's robe engraved with dark gold patterns, with long silver hair reaching his ankles, golden amber eyes, and a handsome face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. man.

"'Information body'."

Chapter 286: Kingdom

The world before our eyes has changed.

Amidst the world-destroying sandstorm that fills the sky, an individual existence named "Gafan", wearing a black and white scholar's robe, is quietly suspended in the sky 10,000 meters high.

We no longer observe the world simply through vision or spiritual perception, but through the purest "seeing".

His golden amber eyes casually glanced down, and data about the planet's gravitational acceleration, atmospheric composition, average density, and total mass automatically appeared in his mind.

Even the time and reason for the birth of hundreds of millions of weird lizards are all clear.

His eyes shifted and focused on the indescribable existence ten thousand meters ahead.

This time, the automatic acquisition of information was subject to extremely chaotic interference, resulting in only a few words being obtained.

"Soul", "Wind", "Pleiades", "World Lord"...

If there are any more, even the "eye" part that makes up the information body will feel unspeakably sour.

"Wow, what a magical state, human... no, should I say you are still human?"

The King in Yellow, who instantly realized that his information had been spied on, did not show any anger at all. Instead, he looked at the other party with interest as he did at the beginning.

But compared to his previous casual attitude, now his eyes were subconsciously less casual.

The other party can no longer be called a mortal.

"Can you give me a name?" He asked.

"Gafan." He replied.

The gentle voice had some inexplicable magnetism, as if two different voices perfectly overlapped.

"Well, Gafan, this name is worthy of my remembering."

The King in Yellow nodded slightly: "Although I don't know who the girl who suddenly appeared next to you just now and disappeared suddenly is, your current special state should not last long... Well, let me see ”

As soon as he finished speaking, the bits and pieces of information that had flowed to high-dimensional levels had been captured, analyzed, and understood by the gray-white soul tentacles.

Then a conclusion was drawn.

"Ten minutes is a bit short."

The King in Yellow's tone became slightly more subtle, and then...

Disappeared instantly.

"Anyway, let me seize the time to experience this rare pleasure."

After the gray palm had penetrated through the energy barrier, the obscure murmurings came belatedly.

What greeted the palm was a white fist covered with hundreds of pitch black fragments, swinging at an initial speed of ten times the speed of sound.


The distant earth below shook.

A vacuum area with a range of ten kilometers was forcibly created by this simple physical collision.

"Oh, I can't just take away your soul?"

The King in Yellow was a little surprised, but the strange face hidden under the hood was full of smiles.

"In other words, do you still have a soul now?"

As he spoke, He raised his other hand and instantly extracted 30 million souls from the hundreds of millions of weird lizards that were born on this planet, condensing them into a dark gray body in half a second. The ball was then directly pressed hard on the face of the man in front of him.

"Soul quality collapse".

There is no sound or release of energy.

The movement was extremely small, but the head, which could withstand a nuclear explosion without any damage, was directly annihilated.

However, the King in Yellow frowned slightly at this.

"It feels wrong."

And just when he wanted to repeat his old tricks and draw tens of millions of souls to consume, he tried to make up for the blow.

Gafan, who had teleported a thousand meters away and his head returned to its original state, smiled and casually snapped his fingers.

"Carbon decomposes and life on the planet becomes extinct."

next moment.

The tiny beings who were fleeing frantically towards the other side of the planet on the lava land all froze.

Next, the weight of "sand" on Venus increased a lot.

After all, in this moment, a total of 300 million strange lizards died, leaving only a few guys who had been digging under the rock formations since the beginning and hiding in the mantle layer, barely surviving.

"Wise judgment, magical body structure, and a range of influence that can cover the planet. It's very good."

The King in Yellow was amazed. At the same time, countless gray tentacles had stretched out from the high-dimensional level, sealing time and space, causing the "pollution index" near Gafan to increase hundreds of times in an instant, reaching a level that would make the pseudo-god All levels of depravity.

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