Sitting on the rock, close to the only person of its kind he had found, the doll lowered his head and noticed the other person's naked feet, and asked doubtfully.

"Are you an exhibitionist?"

"Get lost!!!"

Jin Gu was furious. He looked fiercely at the scammer with mental problems in front of him, his expression full of warning and threats.

"I'm warning you for the 563rd time, don't talk about whether I wear shoes or not! Because unlike those fragile humans, I will be scratched by gravel and stained by dust when I walk barefoot on the ground. , so you don’t need to wear shoes at all!”

"That's it."

The puppet nodded, expressing understanding.

But after being in a daze for a while, it turned around again and asked.

"Jin Gu, do you have anything to eat? I'm hungry and need to replenish energy."

"No." Jin Gu said expressionlessly.

"According to analysis, this is a lie." The puppet replied expressionlessly, confidently saying that he was not stupid.

"...Okay, don't you want something to eat? Here, look at this stream."

Stretching her slender calves, she casually kicked the clear stream water with her crystal clear jade feet, causing water droplets to splash and wet the hems of some white robes, and scare away some small fish.

He tilted his head, showed contempt, and laughed coldly.

"Go into the water and catch fish by yourself."

In response to this, the puppet shook his head after thinking about it seriously.

"No, in terms of efficiency, it is much more convenient to use your 'rope' that can tie turtle shells to catch fish than for me to forage on my own."

"Bastard, what do you call the 'rope' that binds the turtle? That's the noble lock of heaven!"

Jin Gu, who was offended by the other party's blasphemous words, had a vague tendency to get angry again.

In the month since we got together here, he didn't know how many times he had the idea of ​​​​slapping this lunatic to death.

Although in fact, he did give this guy a lot of food.

That is, the corpse of the monster.

It seems that a total of several thousand were given out one after another, right? I can’t remember clearly, but it’s a shame that the other party chewed up all the bones and swallowed them cleanly every time.

Even out of curiosity, he would occasionally bring back some special minerals to test the other person's teeth, but to his surprise, they were bitten into pieces and swallowed with an expressionless expression.

It's like a feeding play...

But don’t imagine that he can always help with the food!

"Anyway, go find food on your own and don't bother me."

Jin Gu supported his chin with his hand and turned his head away, feeling out of breath.

"And speaking of it, in the first few days, didn't you always leave by yourself to look for food? Why are you hanging around me all the time now? It's very annoying."


The doll's gaze always stayed on the other person's body, and its plain gaze never changed at all.

He just responded naturally.

"Because I feel like you'd be alone if I left."

Jin Gu was stunned.

He didn't retort immediately without hesitation, but his arms around his knees seemed to tighten a little.

It wasn't until a while later that he said coldly without looking back.

"Stop joking, defective product, who do you think will be lonely? I'm not that fragile, and it doesn't matter to me whether you leave or not."

The long, green hair that exudes light fluorescence covers Jin Gu's profile and expression.

"As my mother's child, the only meaning of my life is...forget it, why are I telling you this."

He shook his head and sighed.

"Compared to this, don't you think it would be a bit crowded for two people to sit on the same rock?"

This hint is full of "get out of here quickly" meaning.

But obviously, it did not reach the puppet, but instead made him think deeply.

"Indeed...but you can sit on my lap so it won't be crowded."

The clever puppet offers a reasonable solution.

The gods made weapons were shocked.

"You bastard, you rude fellow!"

"I don't mind."

"I mind!!!"

Unable to resist, Jin Gu stretched out his hand and pulled the opponent's collar over. Jin Gu, who was slightly disadvantaged in height, raised his head and cursed.

"Our relationship is not that good, you defective product!"

He spoke harshly to each other without mercy, like a frightened hedgehog, and this happened countless times in the past month of getting along.

But every time, the malice was not conveyed, and they were all selectively ignored by the artificially retarded people.

But this time...

Something seems different.

Not noticing the abnormality of the doll's sudden daze (after all, this guy is always in a daze), Jin Gu sighed and continued to rest his pretty face on his rosy knees, worrying about his own things.

Recently, for some unknown reason, the warcraft that spread out have been deliberately hunted, causing a lot of unnecessary losses.

Although these magical beasts were all bred by the power of "mother", Jin Gu did not regard them as truly the same kind. In his understanding, the second generation of magical beasts... , should be said to be a new human being, in order to be considered his brother.

However, the current planning process has not yet reached that point. The current group of Warcraft is still important enough, but in the end, it is being hunted crazily and without any purpose by a group of inexplicable "monsters".

However, each of those guys is very good at hiding, so it is not easy to completely eliminate them.

Just like a pack of disgusting hyenas.

"...Don't alert 'Mother'."

Jin Gu murmured softly.

Then he sensed that the guy next to him suddenly stood up and left, but he didn't pay attention.

It should be time to pick wild fruits again, or hunt for barbecue with yourself...

"Jin Gu, I'm leaving."

Staring at the astonished fellow in front of him, the puppet said softly with a paralyzed face.

"The spiritual link between me and the controller has been restored. I need to return to confirm."

He thought for a while, organized his words, and finally said what he thought was the most appropriate thing to say.

"I'm going home, bye."

After saying that, for the first time in this month, the doll turned towards the distant place, took steps without hesitation, and really planned to leave here directly.

Leave the same person who told him personally that he didn't feel "alone".

And looking at the familiar figure who was not gradually moving away, Jin Gu was stunned, his eyes filled with inexplicable confusion.

What did the other person just say?

This cheater who has a sick mind, always yells that he wants to eat when he is hungry, and has been inseparable from me for a month... What did he just say?

"He's leaving."

Jin Gu murmured unconsciously, confirming that he could not have auditory hallucinations and it was not a dream.


His emotions were confused.


The sound of metal being violently pulled echoed.

The heavenly locks that shot out from the void, enough to bind the gods, tightly bound the person who tried to leave and refused to let go.

"...You can't leave."

A hoarse voice sounded, and the puppet looked back in surprise. As a result, its pupils, which should not have changed, instantly contracted.

Because he saw a lonely figure that looked like a wounded beast.

Hesitant, helpless, confused, and inexplicably paranoid and stubborn.

Just like when we first got along, he left alone to look for food without saying hello. When he came back, he saw the beautiful figure silently huddled in the shade of the tree.

"I didn't allow you to leave!"

Jin Gu growled with a very ferocious expression.

He didn't understand why his mood suddenly became so bad, but that didn't stop him from threatening this cripple...

"Okay, I'm not leaving."

Looking at his stunned friend, not paying attention to the Heavenly Lock that was still tied to his body, the puppet walked back step by step and sat on the rock by the stream again, huddled together with the other person and leaning against each other. Sitting.

Momo temporarily blocked the spiritual link signal.

He looked at the clear and gurgling stream in front of him and said expressionlessly.

"As a friend, I want to stay with you for a while."

The dry tone, without the slightest emotion, just told him his truest thoughts at the moment as a matter of course.

no respond.

Jin Gu buried his face in his knees and covered his side face with his slender arms.

Those indestructible sky locks filled with terrifying magic power turned into gentle light points like stars, slowly dissipating in the air.

He was silent, without saying a word, as if he was adjusting his messy emotions.

However, the puppet was keenly aware that his friend's crystal ears seemed to be a little red for some reason.

It wasn't until a long time passed that the clouds in the sky were stained with the red glow of dusk and became gorgeous and beautiful.

The dazed puppet finally heard the response that sounded like a mosquito in his ears.


Chapter 297: Goddess of Venus

The wilderness below was retreating rapidly.

Under the burning clouds at sunset, a figure wearing dark red blood-clothed clothes with "三" engraved on the back and flying at supersonic speed suddenly stopped.

"Huh? Weird."

Clone No. 3 looked into the distance and touched his chin in confusion.

"Why did the signal of the spiritual link suddenly cut off? It seems that the doll took the initiative to cover it up, although the approximate location can still be displayed on the virtual panel... Forget it, let's ask the main body."

Using "Communication Magic", Clone No. 3 put the two fingers of his right hand on his ear in a graceful movement.

"Hey, body, I'm the third brother...cough, cough, I'm the mistress. The spiritual link of the puppet guy has been actively covered up. It seems that he doesn't want to be disturbed for the time being. Do I still want to look for it?"

As he asked, he lowered his head and looked down at the group of monsters attacking travelers in the wilderness below, his eyes slightly narrowed.

Then, the spectrum above the sky was reordered, and a wave of justice called cosmic rays descended from the sky. After directly and accurately killing dozens of "moving targets", the blazing white beams slowly dispersed.

"You really don't need to worry about him?"

Withdrawing his finger, Clone No. 3 looked surprised, frowning slightly and then quickly relaxing: "That's right, this is that guy's freedom. According to the memory database, he who gave birth to self-awareness is indeed a human being. 'Yes, subjective opinions deserve respect."

"Okay, I understand. I'll hang up then. Bye."

After ending the communication, he lowered his hand and then raised it again. Clone No. 3 scratched his simulated hair, showing distress on his face.

"In that case, my journey was in vain, and I have nothing to do for the time being."

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