
Gafan, who was thinking with his head down, raised his head subconsciously in confusion, and then...

A full energy bomb as big as a bathtub hit his invulnerable face at zero range.


The dust rose, and the moss-covered stone brick square instantly became a mess. Except for the landing area protected by a raised giant shield, cracks spread on the ground elsewhere.

"I heard that you asked the ranch owner for details about me, right?"

Ridiculing laughter came from the sky. A goddess wearing scantily clad clothes and gorgeous jewelry was looking down at the embarrassed humans below. There was also a strange-shaped "giant bow" suspended next to her, which served as a transportation tool and weapon.

Ishtar said angrily.

"To actually inquire about the goddess's day off yesterday, there must be a limit to your nerves, right?"

"Ahem, ahem, Ishtar?"

Hiding behind the huge shield raised by his servant, Fujimaru Ritsuka was choked by dust and looked surprised, but he was quickly stunned again and quickly looked at the place where someone was on the other side.

"Mr. Gafan, are you okay?!"

"Ahem, it's okay."

The dust that obscured his vision was blown away by the sudden wind, and a man who looked a little depressed reappeared in Fujimaru Ritsuka's sight.

"It hurts a little bit..."

Rubbing his unmarked cheek, Gafan expressionlessly looked up at the guy in the sky who looked the same as the goddess of the underworld, frowning slightly.

Why is this guy dressed so revealingly?

"Gafan, she looks so cool wearing this."

The system's eager voice rang in my ears: "Can I also be like..."

"No, it's too immoral!"

Gafan refused decisively with a firm tone. At the same time, the "World Slate" was suspended beside him and spread out, projecting countless small and dense mysterious words, intuitively revealing the rules of the world and the ultimate mystery of magic.

He kind of wanted to fight back.

"Hey, what is this?"

At this time, Ishtar's eyes were suddenly attracted by the unattractive stone slab.

It was obviously not a gem, but it still gave her a feeling of "love at first sight" as her heart beat faster, as if she saw something very important to herself, or to the gods.

"Hate it, this is going to be tempting...Human, hurry up and offer the treasure in your hand as compensation for my mental damage to compensate for your previous sin of treating me like a fool."

Under Gafan's disgusted gaze, Ishtar touched her chest with one hand, showing a proud expression as if she was very great and generous.

"If I'm in a good mood, I can't let you kiss my instep and show your loyalty."

A beautiful long leg that can be called a work of art stretches forward slightly, and its delicate snowy feet look particularly touching under the setting sun, constantly tempting others to hold it in their mouths and taste it carefully.

Let the 10,000 taste buds on the human tongue be fully utilized as never before.

In this regard, Gafan remained silent.

It was not until a while later, under Ishtar's increasingly arrogant smile, that he said something with a normal expression that shocked everyone present.

"...I would like to ask, how long has it been since you washed your feet?"

In an instant, the square was as quiet as a pindrop.

Even a certain white-haired mixed-race dream demon who didn't understand people's hearts carefully hid behind the Master who had a "Do you want more shame" expression on his face?

Not to mention the goddess with a frozen smile in the sky.

The graceful curves of the corners of her mouth gradually smoothed out, and the highlights in her eyes slowly dissipated.

As the goddess of Venus, the noble Ishtar sneered coldly under her expressionless finger, that... I don't know how to describe the blasphemous person.


The words just fell.

In an instant, the terrifying surging magic power gathered and spread into a sky-wide barrage, representing someone's angry and angry mood, completely covering the sky above the entire square.

The sound of a girl's heart breaking echoed.

"Mortal, I'm going to kill you!"


Then, time returned to the present ten minutes later.

In a messy square.

Dense pits were everywhere, as if they had just been bombarded by a group of ultra-small meteor showers. Even the abandoned houses in the distance collapsed due to the aftermath and turned into ruins.

The center of the field.

Gafan, whose robes were stained with dust and whose hair was a little messed up, silently lowered his head and looked at the Venus goddess who was holding her head down with one hand and seemed to be about to cry.

After thinking for a few seconds.

He made a steely voice.

"Didn't you eat?"

These words made Ritsuka Fujimaru, who came over hesitantly and wanted to break up the fight, stunned.

And Ishtar was stunned for a while, then she really started crying.

She is so angry!

Although she is a god, but she cannot defeat an inexplicable human being, and yet she is being ridiculed like this, she is really angry now! ! !

"Asshole, bastard, remember this guy, wu, wu, wu, one day you will be punished by God!"

Ishtar wiped away her tears with a tearful voice, and held the other person's wrist tightly with her other hand, constantly trying to remove the hateful big hand that was pressing on her head.

But there was still no hope of success.

This strength... are you still a fucking human? ! ! !

"Well, um, Mr. Gafan, can you let go first?" Fujimaru Ritsuka said helplessly with a look of "I'm in too much trouble", "Miss Ishtar's intentions are not bad... Anyway, , it’s really a bit too much to make a girl cry.”

Humans beat up goddesses. Even though he had dealt with singularities so many times and was well-informed, this was still the first time he had seen it.

My feelings are so complicated that it is difficult to express my feelings.

"Well, I just hit her on the back of the head dozens of times, but I didn't touch any other parts of her body."

Gafan shrugged and chuckled: "Strictly speaking, I didn't hurt her, just like this fierce guy didn't hurt me... Huh?"

At this time, the afterglow of the setting sun was suddenly obscured by clouds, casting a cold shadow.

Gafan glanced in surprise at the goddess whose head was held down by him, who suddenly stopped complaining and all movements, her eyes were blank, and her brows were slightly raised.

This guy's aura has changed...except for his still black hair color, he now feels exactly the same as the sharp-tongued goddess he met in Hades before.

This made Ga Fan subconsciously loosen his grip.

At this time, the setting sun, which was obscured by clouds in the sky, was shining down again, causing "Ishtar" who seemed to have been disconnected from the Internet to come back to her senses instantly.

And after realizing that someone was pressing his head, he was obviously stunned for a moment.

So, she immediately shook her head and broke away, flying back to the sky again, looking down at the familiar human being below, her brows furrowed, her beautiful eyes filled with doubts and an inexplicable complaint.

And just when she wanted to say something, she found that the other party pointed at her ankle with a strange expression for some reason.

She looked down in confusion, and was dumbfounded to find that it had been tied tightly by a chain at some point, restricting movement, and the other end of the chain was firmly fixed by a huge scythe with a dark purple edge. on the ground.

Can't get away in a short time.


The goddess spoke subconsciously, and behind her, a petite figure appeared silently and sprinted up the chain.

"This is a return gift from last time!"

Anna, who perfectly grasped the opportunity and hid her own aura, without hesitation aimed at the back of the opponent's head that had been knocked dozens of times, and whipped it hard with a whip kick.


With a loud muffled sound.

The dust that filled the sky rose again from the newly added holes.

Merlin, who was choking during the entire show, covered his mouth and coughed repeatedly, and smiled helplessly.

"Anna-chan, this kick looks a little painful."

He looked at the unconscious goddess who was pressed under the rubble and blinked.

"Kicking our goddess unconscious...is this considered a concussion?"

You are really a little genius for asking this question.

Fujimaru Ritsuka tiredly patted the shoulder of this unfashionable companion who became reliable only in critical moments, and then planned to walk towards "Ishtar".

But after hesitating for a while, he decided to let Matthew help move the unconscious opponent to the abandoned house first.

After all, men and women cannot be intimate...

However, hemp ropes still need to be prepared, because the opponent may become angry and continue to attack them after waking up, so they must be tied up in advance.

Then try to ask about the Three Goddess Alliance and collect information.

Fujimaru Ritsuka thought seriously and rigorously.

But just when he was about to take action, someone suddenly tapped his shoulder from behind.

"By the way, Fujimaru, do you mind if I go back to Uruk with you?"

"Eh? It's okay, but we plan to rest here for one night and continue our journey back tomorrow morning. After all, the wilderness here at night is very dangerous."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled sheepishly: "Although it may not be a problem for Mr. Gafan, the burden is a bit heavy for me. After all, I am very weak and I will make everyone worry about protecting him. Hehe ”

He spoke very frankly, and did not express doubts about the fact that the man in front of him knew that he was from Uruk. He just kept looking at each other properly and never looked away from him impolitely.


After Gafan looked at him silently, he smiled kindly.

"It's okay, Ritsuka, just give me the general direction and distance. I'm on my way..."

"I'll just open the door for you."

Chapter 299: The Wise King of Uruk

On the throne, the blond King of Uruk held his chin with his hand and looked at the lost clay tablet of destiny in his hand. His expression was calm, making it impossible to tell what his mood was at this time.

He wears a pure white turban with blue trim and some jeweled hair accessories. The bright red pupils reflect the majesty of a king. His perfect body like an ancient Greek sculpture is dressed in a tropical area, and he looks extremely gorgeous and wealthy. Cool clothing.

"Yes, Fujimaru Ritsuka, you successfully retrieved the lost thing as I expected, and..."

Gilgamesh glanced at the unconscious goddess who was tied to the stone pillar of the temple, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch slightly.

"You even kidnapped this stupid goddess Ishtar to me... Should I praise you now?"

These words made Ritsuka Fujimaru smile awkwardly under the throne.

After all, this goddess was actually subdued by Mr. Gafan, and Anna seized the opportunity to knock her unconscious in the end, so to be honest, he didn't think this matter had anything to do with him.

"Forget it, all in all, you all worked hard."

The destiny clay tablet in his hand turned into a light point and disappeared, and he took back the "King's Treasure". Gilgamesh chuckled and said: "This time you come back much earlier than I originally expected, so there is no suitable one for the time being. The commission has been entrusted to you, so just take a good rest for a few days. Siduli will send the reward to you later, and then..."

His bright red eyes glanced flatly at the strange man on the other side who was silently sizing up the temple.

"Powerful foreigner, you arrived a little late. I thought you would have arrived here a month ago, just like those from Chaldea."

"Hey, it seems like you really predicted something about me." Gafan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although he had been mentally prepared for this before, he was still a little surprised.

However, listening to the other party's description, it seems that it is not too accurate.

And does the other party know about future developments that deviate from the original plot?

Gafan pondered.

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