"Uh, hello, my name is Gafan."

Looking down at the girl with a side ponytail in front of him, Gafan also couldn't help but frown slightly.

He looked at the unobstructed view of the white lower abdomen, thighs and lower breasts, as well as the undisguised light blue triangle of fat. This could be called Shiqin's dress, and he simply saw Ishtar's exposed goddess. Reprint.

Why does this man wear so little?

Gafan looked at the other party carefully with eyes full of scrutiny, and thought in doubt.

Then his calf was kicked inexplicably by the system around him.

It didn't hurt at all. He glanced at the little guy speechlessly and didn't say anything.

Ushiwakamaru, who didn't care about those rude looks at all, or had no self-consciousness about being a daughter at all, asked seriously.

"Hello, Mr. Gafan, I just came back from the front line on the north wall, and my residence happens to be next door. I noticed something strange here while admiring the moon on the roof, so I came here to check. But looking at your clothes... "

She tilted her head cutely and asked curiously: "You shouldn't be from this era, right? But your aura doesn't look like a Heroic Spirit Servant, which is strange... Just in case, I want to ask, Does King Gilgamesh know about your existence?"

"I know, and I just got a job from him. I will be your neighbor for the next period of time. Please take care of me." Gafan shrugged and explained casually.

"That's it. There's no smell of lies, and the head priestess seems to have just been here... Well, that's no problem."

Ushiwakamaru smiled and stretched out his little hand: "Then please take care of me, neighbor, although I am not in Uruk most of the time but on the battlefield, or on the way to the battlefield."

"On the way to the battlefield? Then you shouldn't have to worry about rushing in the future."

Holding the other person's calloused but still soft little hand, Gafan, who was in charge of "logistics", smiled and let it go.

And when Ushiwakamaru, who was curious about this, was about to say something, he was suddenly startled, and then he leaned forward and sniffed hard with his small crystal nose.

Gafan: "...?"

Under his doubtful gaze, after a while, Ushiwakamaru raised his head again and said with a look of surprise.

"Mr. Gafan, you smell like Fujimaru-kun!"


What the hell is this misleading rhetoric?

And you can smell this, are you a dog? !

Gafan thought in shock.

At this moment, Ushiwakamaru took the big hand of the man he met for the first time and walked out happily.

"Haha, I didn't expect to meet someone who knows Fujimaru-kun. Come on, Mr. Gafan, I heard that they have completed King Gilgamesh's commission and returned. Everyone should be at the Chaldean Embassy now. It seems that today There will definitely be a nice banquet to be held tonight, so let’s go to it together!”

"Huh? Wait, I have to tell Miss Siduli about this. She is helping to prepare dinner for me and the system."

"System? What's the name of this little girl? She's really a cute child. Come to the banquet too, but be careful not to drink ale. That's something only adults can drink."

The resolute Ushiwakamaru held their hands and turned around with a cute smile.

"As for Miss Siduli, we can stop by her place to see how the food is being prepared. Mr. Gafan, let me tell you, the mutton here is very delicious."

She stuck out her pink tongue and licked her tempting thin lips, her eyes filled with aftertaste, and then she directly pulled the two of them and jumped onto the roof, deciding to take the straight "shortcut".

"I'll show you the way. Just go there like this. I promise you'll be there soon. I can't wait to meet Fujimaru-kun. He's my best friend!"

"Hey, slow down!"


at the same time.

Somewhere in the valley.

More than two hundred people have gathered in front of the interstellar transport ship parked here. The smell of blood and danger in the air can make even ferocious monsters feel intensely uneasy.

"The number of survivors currently is 261, and the total number of people who have accepted the mission is 217?"

A man wearing a dark cloak and a faceless mask glanced at the chattering contractors, then waved his hand——

"Little ones, follow me!"

The voice was loud and majestic.

And then the next second.

He was surrounded by a large group of people and kicked hard.

"You dare to give me orders? I can't kick you to death!"

"Remember, you only have temporary partial command rights. Pay attention to the tone of your words, or I will cut off your penis!"

"No one can order us, don't be a bitch next time!"

"Damn, this guy is definitely 'experienced', he kicked me so hard that my feet hurt!"

Everyone was cursing and kicking in a circle for five minutes before slowly dispersing.

When the masked man saw that no one was kicking him, he turned over and stood up, patting his cloak casually like a normal person, and on the tightly covered skin, there was a metallic black layer. The color is fading rapidly.

"Ha, what a bunch of grumpy guys."

The masked man said in a calm and calm voice.

But based on the scene just now, everyone present did not think he was a serious guy.

"Crazy Dean, stop being weird and speak your mind, otherwise we will kill you right now even if you have to bear the punishment of the Lord God."

Someone frowned and threatened.

If it weren't for the fact that this mission with extremely rich rewards was triggered by the other party first, then everyone would not agree to let this guy be the temporary leader.

After all, there is no such thing as "trust" between contractors.

Most of the time they act alone, or at most they form a temporary team with a few people.

When a life-or-death crisis comes, it is very normal to betray each other and betray teammates.

Let alone more than two hundred people acting together like now.

"Okay, okay, okay, I got it, don't get excited, just listen to me."

Under the star-studded night, the crazy director spread his arms naturally, looking like the conductor of a symphony orchestra that was about to perform.

Under the gaze of the lunatics, his face hidden under the faceless mask was filled with a weird and crazy smile.

"I have confirmed the location of the target individual carrying the 'Holy Grail of the Magic King'. It is somewhere near Nippur City. I can take you there now."

"What if the target is not there?" Someone couldn't help but asked rigorously.

Then the Mad Dean burst into laughter.

"Hahahahahaha, then you can just kill me!"

His crazy laughter was full of inexplicable excitement.

Because he was not sure where the "Enkidu" carrying the Holy Grail was, and his goal was not that from the beginning, but...

The goddess who gave birth to monsters.

Under the gaze of the contractors, the mad dean covered his face and kept laughing, and in his arms, there was a "power" that could temporarily completely change the rules of the local world and was engraved with extremely dense and mysterious lines at the nanometer level. Stone flakes".

This is a prop that he spent almost all his wealth to redeem from the Lord God. The code name of the world's production place is——

"Campione the Godslayer!" 』

Chapter 301: On the Importance of Information Reply Speed

Under the starry night without the distraction of modern neon lights.

The quiet fortress city of Uruk is no longer as bustling as it was during the day. Every household has its windows and doors closed and is resting, or is still making necessary preparations for tomorrow's business and work.

Only a certain house was still lit with bright candlelight, and there was a burst of joyful laughter.

"Uh-huh, who made General Leonidas drink again? He's drunk again."

The chief priest, who was wearing a veil, looked at the burly man who was already lying on the ground, shirtless, and began to talk nonsense, with an embarrassed look on his face, and blamed him helplessly.

"Really, General Leonidas is obviously such a stable person, but when he is drunk, he seems to be a different person."

Siduli carefully lifted up the knocked down chair and moved it aside to avoid knocking the drunken man on the ground.

Ushiwakamaru, who was sitting next to him, held his chin with one hand and smiled mischievously.

"Well, isn't this good? I've already said that wine is a good medicine for this guy who doesn't know how to have a good rest."

As she said that, she picked up the malt wine in her hand and offered it to Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was sitting across from him and had finished eating the mutton, with a satisfied look on his face: "Come on, Mr. Fujimaru, let's have a drink."

Looking at the master with slightly red cheeks, the master who responded with milk because he was not old enough to drink, and the monk Musashibo Benkei who was eating fruit silently, he also shrugged, with a calm expression on his face. Didn't say.

The night was getting darker by now.

Merlin, who had drunk a lot of wine, was teasing Fufu who was sitting on his shoulder. He also handed Anna, who had just finished a whole butter cake, a glass of hot milk. His fair smile looked very innocent. tune.

Matthew, who had just dragged Leonidas, who was already talking in her sleep, to the corner to rest, was helpful and wanted to help Siduri clear the dishes on the table.

And tonight's banquet is almost over by now.

As for those present who were still eating non-stop, there was a white-haired girl with tomahawk lamb chops in one hand and butter cake in the other, with cheeks as bulging as a hamster.

"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you, so be careful about your image."

After wiping System's small mouth with a white handkerchief, Gafan reluctantly took a sip of warm fresh milk.

This stuff is surprisingly sweet.

"Oooh...eh? Hmm!"

System, whose mouth was full of mutton and cake, wanted to say something vaguely, but then he was suddenly stunned and quickly grabbed the half-drinking milk from Gafan's hand and drank it all in one gulp. Finally, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"What, are you choking?" Gafan raised his eyebrows.

"Well, the bread is a little dry."

"You were eating too quickly. I told you to eat slower."

He rolled his eyes angrily, and after carefully wiping away some of the white milk stains on the corners of the child's mouth, Gafan casually took away the last half of the bread left in the child's hand and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Okay, you've eaten enough tonight. I'll make you some jade dew tea to relieve your appetite later."

After standing up and carefully picking up System, who seemed to be still a little unsatisfied after eating, Gafan nodded to the chief priest beside him.

"Miss Siduli, it's getting late. It's time for me to take this child back to rest. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

As he spoke, he glanced at Ritsuka Fujimaru, who was smiling a little embarrassed as Ushiwakamaru kept toasting him.

Many people are using the other party as a medium and some special signal channel to observe and evaluate themselves.

It feels weird.

After shaking his head, Gafan turned around and left neatly, snapping his fingers and causing all the empty plates on the table to automatically stack into a pile.

"thanks for treatment."

A cool evening breeze blew by, and the figure that had just stepped out of the door had quietly disappeared without a trace.


Chaldea, main control room.

"It seems he found us."

Looking at the disappearing figure on the screen, a man with orange hair wearing white clothes and white gloves, with a single ponytail, he frowned slightly.

"Yes, it's obvious that I must have discovered that I was being spied on from the beginning."

The woman in a gorgeous dress who came over with a cup of coffee didn't sound surprised at all.

"Doctor Roman, come and try the coffee I just brewed. This time I tried adding a lot of sugar cubes."

"Miss Da Vinci, are you too leisurely?" Looking at the steaming coffee on the table in front of him, Roman couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly.

"All of you are too nervous, which will lead to a decrease in work efficiency."

The blue-eyed woman with slightly curly hair curled her lips in annoyance, but at the same time she still looked at the data collected and recorded on the screen seriously.

"Oh, have you ruled out the possibility of "overhead heroic spirits"? There are no similar descriptions in human history. Even the fluctuations of the spiritual base cannot be detected, and the speaking habits are judged to be those of modern people... ..a strange guy indeed.”

Thoughts flashed in Da Vinci's beautiful eyes.

"The wise king of Uruk didn't seem to be surprised by the arrival of Mr. Gafan, but he didn't seem to know much about the other party's relevant information. There was also the little girl who turned into a human being. The various test data were also unclear. They all look very strange. They don't look like humans at all, not even carbon-based life forms. They are a bit like Merlin, who is a half-blood dream demon, but in this case..."

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