
The ferocious cracks spread from the sword of the end.

Even the embodiment of the power of the two gods could not resist the extremely huge and heaven-shaking force, and it directly shattered into pieces of light that filled the sky.

The earth and the sky were in contact, chaos was everywhere, and the pressure was extremely heavy.

And at this last moment.

The two great beings made a move in unison, gathering information, condensing data, and then going all out——

At the same time, they waved their fists.

BOOM! ! ! ! ! !

The sky shattered and the tower collapsed.

The rubble all over the sky turned into a curtain of rain and continued to fall towards the traumatized earth.

In this path of stone rain, two stalwart figures, each with an arm broken off, were facing each other three thousand feet apart.

"You are quite resistant to being beaten."

The broken arm recovered instantly. Gafan put his hands behind his back and looked at the figure in front of him who was healing all his wounds. He joked: "How come this didn't break your skull?"

[The target's individual combat power exceeds expectations by 1%...energy remaining...data loss...]

The "Lord God", who had recovered all the damage to the divine descending carrier, quickly checked himself and then responded in a cold tone.

[People from other worlds, you can't maintain this special state for long. Just a few more minutes... I will win. 】

"Don't be so sure when you speak. A few minutes is enough."

Gafan, who was not threatened, chuckled and suddenly erupted again with invisible fluctuations that affected the entire planet.

You know, in the past few days since He came to this place in the Age of Gods, he has not gained anything.

There is also a power here that interests Him deeply, that is -

Noble Phantasm.

As the final weapon of the Heroic Spirit Servant, this materialized miraculous product embodies the crystallization of thoughts and history, and is a testament to the hero built with human fantasy as the skeleton. It is both a legend and a symbol.

Once it is fully released, it can explode exponentially with shocking power that far exceeds the original limit of the holder.

Although Gafan is not a heroic spirit, it does not mean that he cannot use such interesting things in his current state.

After all, He could just create one without any reason.

So, in an instant, the unique rules of this world were completely disturbed by invisible forces, and all relevant information was directly read, and then a supreme power similar to the nature of a heroic spirit was simulated.

"The spiritual base is simulated, the precious phantom appears, and everything in the world sings my name."

The sacred voice of the world echoes over the entire Earth of the Age of Gods.

Even, on the vast sky, there suddenly appeared a blurry scene from another world that blocked the sky and the sun.

The black and gray of the apocalypse...the heroic monster...the blue-haired figure...the skeleton of the dead...the new evil god...the thousand-year-old evil ghost...the king of demons...a touch of old yellow robe...

All kinds of scenes flashed by, and finally turned into a bright stream of light that filled the sky, all of which converged above someone's head, slowly condensing into a majestic crown that seemed to condense various wonders and reflections of different worlds——

"'Crown of Truth'."

A great being with long silver hair reaching his ankles, wearing a scholar's robe with black and white patterns, and a special and unique crown on his head.

His indescribable temperament makes him look like a true god.

And this reappearance of the special treasure that once belonged to Gafan has no flashy abilities.

Some simply further enhance all of his own abilities in all aspects.

Master the truth and speak the truth.


"Fourth-dimensional interference..."

The high-dimensional breath fluctuations spread, making the "Lord God" instantly feel horrified for the first time.

This power should not be accessible to mortals!

The real sense of crisis made him plan to teleport over without hesitation in an attempt to interrupt the enemy's spellcasting, but he was shocked to find that he could no longer quickly invade the opponent's country.

At this time, Gafan, who was wearing the crown of truth, tried his best to use the high-dimensional power he had used to make up for his regrets after defeating the evil god.

Back then, even with the absolute healing brought by returning to the world, he still almost died on the spot just because of using this power.

Used extremely reluctantly.

But now he... can officially enter the realm of this power.

next moment.

The indescribable power finally squeezed into the three-dimensional world, making the entire planet of the Age of Gods seem to have completely disappeared from the solar system for an instant.

An absolute expansion of space that even gods cannot see or detect.

It is a power that transcends "points", "lines", "three-dimensional", and even "time and space". Even the concept of "time" has completely lost its meaning of existence.

After just a brief trance, the "Lord God" found in disbelief that he was in an unknown place.

Countless data streams spread out instantly, trying to detect and understand the information on the current situation.

But no matter how it spreads, this kind of power can easily transmit its influence even across half a galaxy, but at this time, only one thing can be detected -


There is no up, down, left, or right, no concept of space, no passage of time, no change.

Absolute emptiness, absolutely infinite "emptiness".

Just because of this the land is.

The fourth dimension.

"'Alternate Space·Euclidean'."

The ethereal voices overlapped from all directions, making the "Lord God" immediately vigilant and wanted to gather back all the spread data and accumulate strength for a defensive war.

But he was immediately shocked to find that he could not do such a natural thing.

Because at this moment, the time for the data to return has been unreasonably stretched from an instant to infinity, and it can only stagnate in the distance forever.

And not only that, these supposedly invisible and qualityless data also suddenly burned with strange things like flames. While providing a little bit of light to this absolutely blank land, they also burned the "Lord God" very quickly along the way. "The carrier of divine descent.

Ignore defenses and go straight to the core.

"Fire in Alien Space".

Burn the seven souls and six souls, erase space and time, and destroy the three elements of essence.

【warn! ! Data error...data error...data error...unable to resist, endless loop...]

Dense lines spread rapidly from the metal head transformed from the god-killing weapon, looking like a glass product that was about to be completely damaged.

At this time, the scarlet Rubik's Cube on the metal palm suddenly spontaneously began to rotate irregularly at super high speed.

A burst of power fluctuations that broke free from the three-dimensional realm to a certain extent formed a data firewall, which actually temporarily isolated these never-extinguishing fires from other dimensions.

But before the "Lord God" could try to repair the nearly broken divine carrier and try to escape from this high-dimensional space and return to the three-dimensional world, he suddenly became aware of the crisis from above.

It was a giant hand that was as big as a planet when it gathered and expanded from the alien space fire that had just been isolated.

Slowly moving towards Him... no, it was taken in an instant!

"Superdimensional Strike"! ! !

BOOM! ! ! ! ! ! !

After only a moment of stalemate, the data firewall involving some high-dimensional forces was directly shot to pieces.

It was powerful enough to shatter the continental plate, causing the figure of the "Lord God" with its arms destroyed to fall towards the bottom at an endless speed...

No, or is He really falling?

The "Lord God"'s partial consciousness was filled with doubts. There was no reference at all, and He couldn't even detect the change in spatial distance.

All that can be felt is the increasingly worse physical condition of this divine carrier.

Then, he suddenly discovered that the "blank space" around him gradually turned into absolute "darkness" at some point.

Just like a galaxy that has lost its starlight, there is no trace of light, and what is left is just darkness like a bottomless abyss.

Even perception is completely blocked.

[Warning, the divine descending carrier begins to collapse and begins to extract all the energy reserves of Folding Space B-01...]

Thinking absolutely rationally, the "Lord God" who still had no intention of giving up began to try the final struggle.

Because he judged that the other party's current special state could only last less than one minute.

As long as he can survive these last sixty seconds, then he can...

As soon as the thought that could be called a fluke appeared, the cruel reality announced its end.

Because at this time, in the endless "darkness" around him, a "voice" suddenly appeared?

He stared in astonishment at the countless strange lines glowing with light fluorescence that appeared nearby at an unknown time.

You can't see where they come from, you can't detect where they extend, they are infinite in number, and they are so densely packed that they are like a spider web that can capture planets.

And He is the prey that has been captured.

At the same time, these "spider threads" also made indescribable and indescribable sounds.


Normal data analysis is simply impossible.

Because it was a sound emitted at the same time by countless beings in the universe on countless timelines, and the frequency was so high that it was difficult to understand.

The bells in the morning and the drums in the evening never stop.

"Four-dimensional hypercyclic sound barrier——"

Somewhere in the darkness, Gafan looked down at the figure at the bottom of the abyss with indifferent eyes, and said softly.

"'The Sanskrit sound of the Great Way purifies demons and transforms them into demons'."




I don’t know how much time has passed.

A moment, or a million years?

Well, forty seconds actually passed.

The high-dimensional aura dissipated, and the four-dimensional space that made the entire God-era earth tremble disappeared.

Somewhere in Mesopotamia.

On the messy ground, Gafan's amber eyes stared at the metal head at his feet that had lost all of its body and only half of it remained.

There is also a data barrier on the soles of his feet.

That was the last energy left in the completely dimmed Scarlet Rubik's Cube.

"Lord God?"

Gafan looked directly at the other person, looking at the pair of deep skull eye sockets, as if he had crossed the endless void and met the main god's body who did not know where he was in the other world.

Then the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he silently increased the strength under his feet.


boom----! ! !


Chapter 337: A goddess of creation lives at home 4K6

The invasion from another world is over.

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