In addition to guiding the souls of the dead and capturing evil spirits, the City God also has the power of judgment.

Not to mention that this is all the power of Yama. If all the hundreds of millions of dead souls were judged by Yama, such a great god would never do anything else in his life and just judge every day.

This is obviously impossible.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Yama is similar to the Supreme Court in previous lives. Only important trials will be conducted by him. Ordinary dead souls and city gods from various places can also judge by themselves.

As a god, and a god whose job is to judge, the City God will naturally not run around collecting evidence like a human government does when judging cases.

They have a special method of judging, and the life of the deceased recorded in the life-and-death struggle is the decisive factor in the city god's punishment.

Of course, this also has limitations. After all, the deputy book of life and death is not the book of life and death, and its power is greatly reduced.

First of all, the Deputy Book of Life and Death controlled by the City God only has the right to record and cannot be changed.

Secondly, it can only record the souls of the dead, or the lives of people within the jurisdiction of the City God. Foreigners and monsters born in other places cannot be recorded in the Book of Life and Death.

Today's Mu Lin has not been canonized by the national destiny, and the power of the Book of Fortune, Life and Death has been greatly weakened.

Fortunately, the City God has another function for this method.

As a god in charge of punishment and judgment, the City God is like a beast, able to discern right and wrong within his own legal domain.

This power can be combined with powerful coercion, and the City God can intimidate some weak-minded people so that they dare not lie.

There is no doubt that Cai Tian was shocked by Mu Lin. The city god shouted majestically, which made him, whose defenses were broken, answer subconsciously.

"Yes, I do think third-class spiritual roots are waste."


These words made Mu Lin snort coldly.

"The same starting point, your second-class spiritual root (as told by Yan Yunyu), but now you have just completed your spiritual enlightenment, and I, the third-class, are in the spring realm. If the third-class spiritual root is rubbish, what are you, even rubbish? Not as good as trash!"


Cai Tian Nuo Nuo was so frightened by Mu Lin that he dared not speak.

And if it was just a fight between two people that broke his defenses and moral principles, Mu Lin would let him go. Unfortunately, he not only provoked himself just now, but also cursed Yan Yunyu and Chu Lingluo angrily.

Mu Lin is not a saint. Although he does not regard the two women as his wives, if others provoke them, Mu Lin will be angry. Therefore, with a thought, Mu Lin activates his characteristic: detachment.

——After several days of experiments, Mu Lin has tested out that the characteristic of transcendence is to protect himself from the invasion of external objects by upgrading his status.

As for upgrading one's status, in addition to enhancing resistance, it also provides blessings for spells.

The divine power of the City God is also in the realm of transcendent blessings.

Therefore, after the transcendence was turned on, Mu Lin City God's power had been raised to the extreme. In this state, Mu Lin issued a judgment.

"Sowing dissension, slandering and harming others, being glib and arrogant, I declare in the name of the City God that you are a treacherous villain and should be punished by having your tongue pulled out!"



When Cai Tian jumped out to 'reveal' Mu Lin's true face, Wan Yangyu and the others smiled at it at first and didn't care at all.

But soon, they discovered something was wrong. After the two looked at each other, Mu Lin, whose true identity was revealed, acted as if nothing had happened, while Cai Tian, ​​who was about to reveal his face, looked pale and had a cold sweat on his face.

This incredible scene was beyond their imagination and caused their minds to freeze for a moment.

When they woke up, they saw that Mu Lin was extremely majestic and as strict as a prison as he issued judgment on Cai Tian.

Although the judgment at this time was just words, Wan Yangyu sensed something was wrong. After subconsciously shouting, he ran towards Mu Lin quickly.

However, at this time, it was already too late.

The moment after Mu Lin issued the judgment, two stern and cold ghost men wearing official robes appeared silently beside Cai Tian and went to arrest him.

Facing such an attack, Cai Tian naturally would not sit still and wanted to resist.

Unfortunately, when he was about to take action, Mu Lin's stern shout came again.

"You dare to resist!"

A simple voice is nothing, but when Mu Lin's soul is so powerful that it can crush Cai Tian, ​​and he has the position of City God, and has strict laws in every word and deed, his voice is no longer ordinary.

At this moment, Mu Lin's words were like divine words, making Cai Tian's body tremble... No, strictly speaking, it should be his soul trembling.

His trembling soul and the fear in his heart made him subconsciously stop resisting.

Cai Tian's resistance was stopped with one word. Mu Lin's performance seemed a bit exaggerated, but if you think about it carefully, it was actually quite normal.

The soul is crushingly powerful and has a noble personality. He is also the god in charge of punishment and judgment. Such Mu Lin judged Cai Tian in the City God's legal domain, and he was really guilty.

Under such circumstances, if Cai Tian still had the heart to resist, Mu Lin's heaven-level skills could be said to be in vain.

‘If they weren’t so powerful, those rich and powerful families wouldn’t have exhausted countless resources and allowed their heirs to practice heaven-level techniques. ’

When Mu Lin was sighing, the two ghosts easily captured Cai Tian. Then, while his soul was shocked and his consciousness was a little dazed, one ghost pried open Cai Tian's mouth, and the other took the The iron pliers caught his tongue and pulled it out hard.

"Ah!!! Uh-huh..."

Under his shrill scream, Cai Tian's tongue was forcefully pulled out by Mu Lin's ghost.

"Asshole, how dare you!"

This scene made Wan Yangyu's eyes turn red.

He didn't have a very good relationship with Cai Tian, ​​but Mu Lin pulled out Cai Tian's tongue in front of him, which was a slap in his face. Therefore, he was extremely angry at this moment.

However, the next moment, the anger in his heart disappeared.

Mu Lin's eyes turned around.


Eyes are the windows to the soul. Wan Yangyu, who is looking at Mu Lin, can be said to be facing the power of the City God.

Although, as a captain, he has also been promoted to the Wellspring Realm, his soul and will are stronger than Cai Tian.

However, he is still just a genius, a genius who has not yet grown up.

On the other hand, Mu Lin's state of soul is perfected by the spirit pool, and it is okay to say that it is comparable to the spirit sea.

Moreover, the person of his soul is the God recognized by humanity.

How can a genius who has not yet grown up compare with a god, especially when the realm of this god still overwhelms the former.

It can be said that the moment their eyes met, a mountain of pressure, like Mount Tai, pressed on Wan Yangyu's body, allowing him to enjoy what Cai Tian felt just now.

It was really a giant beast leaning down, with mountains and seas in front.

Oppressed by Mu Lin's soul, Wan Yangyu also had shortness of breath and turned pale.

However, what made him perform better than Cai Tian was that although he was suppressed by Mu Lin, his mental defense was not crushed.

Moreover, he himself had not made too many mistakes, so the power of the City God could not be fully applied to him.

Therefore, if Mu Lin only used the divine words at this moment, he would not be able to break his mind and make him surrender.

Moreover, after taking a look at the teacher who was already fighting next to him, Mu Lin also knew that he had no chance to take action, so he just said calmly: "First-class spiritual roots, Yongquan realm cultivation, dare to look at me,伱, not bad.”


PS: I have something going on today, so I may have to update less. . .

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