When Gu Quan was reprimanding those who wanted to die, soon a police officer came over and told him an extremely bad news.

——Someone was attacked and possessed by evil spirits.


As they were taking a shortcut, Gu Quan and the others met a child on the way. Then, right in front of them, the child who strayed into the alley chasing a wild cat was possessed by an evil spirit.

"Asshole, come out!"


Gu Quan shouted angrily... Of course it was useless.

After possessing the child, the evil spirit not only did not leave, but instead smiled arrogantly at Gu Quan Jiejie.

"Hahaha, if I don't come out, what can you do to me..."

The arrogant and wanton evil spirit made Gu Quan even more angry.

But whether he was anxious or angry, things happened after all, and therefore, Gu Quan wanted to solve it.

However, looking at the eight or nine-year-old children in front of him, he really couldn't do it.

There was an evil spirit on one side and a child on the other. Just when he was in a dilemma, the evil spirit possessing the child spoke.

"You are hesitating, hahaha... Why are you hesitating and killing me..."

"I'm right here, why don't you chop..."

While talking, the child walked towards Gu Quan.

This arrogant attitude made Gu Quan clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

However, just when he was about to make up his mind, a voice suddenly rang next to him.

"Don't do anything yet. This is a child after all. Let's arrest him..."

The one who spoke was Zhuang Zhan, who seemed to be more kind-hearted than Gu Quan.

Under his order, a soldier took a rope and nervously walked towards the child, wanting to tie him up.

This scene made the child even more arrogant.

"Hahaha, don't you dare to take action? If you don't take action, I will do it myself..."

While he was talking, the evil spirit controlled the child and reached out to grab his face.

This scene made Gu Quan couldn't help but call him a beast.

It also made Mu Lin's classmates see it with anger - when Mu Lin and Wan Yangyu were having a stalemate in the restaurant, Qi Qiu, who felt bored, manipulated the projection realm and changed the perspective. He, like this, also had Looking for the heart of Mu Lin's true nature.

But he didn't expect that Mu Lin's real body was not found, but he saw the scene in front of him.

Thinking of something, Qi Qiu did not look away, but said to Dongfang Ya: "Sit back and watch the people in Quanshi City being killed. You are a good student, but your heart is a little too cruel."

These words made Dongfang Ya look a little ugly.

"Hmph, just say what you want to say, don't be annoying by beating around the bush."

"Also, Mu Lin is cruel, aren't Wan Yangyu and others from your Dao Palace the same? They are also in Quanshi City, and I haven't seen them rescuing anyone."

These words did not make Qi Qiu change his face. He said with a very thick skin: "This is Mu Lin's task after all. We can't take over the task. Moreover, Yang Yu and the others expressed their willingness to cooperate when they came up. It was Mu Lin who was unwilling. This is how the tragedy happened.”

"If he agrees happily, this child will not die... huh?!"

Qi Qiu, who was speaking, wanted to kill Mu Lin as a child, but before he finished speaking, his expression froze.

Things on the projection screen were flipped.

Seeing the evil spirit manipulating the child to harm himself, Gu Quan subconsciously rushed towards the child.

However, in the middle of the rush, he couldn't help but stop, and his face showed the same astonishment as Qi Qiu.

The reason that made him stop was not that the child had died tragically because he was too late to rescue, but that something beyond his expectation had happened.

The malice towards life in his heart, coupled with the desire to stimulate Gu Quan, made the evil ghost smile ferociously while manipulating the child, raising his hand to grab his face.

Even, in order to stimulate Gu Quan to the maximum extent, the child's palms were stretched towards his eyes.

"You can't save anyone, you will all die..."

However, just as the evil ghost raised his hand while raising his arrogant words, a force suddenly came from the child's body halfway, blocking the evil ghost's movements and stopping its self-mutilation behavior.

At this moment, the evil ghost did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and subconsciously said with a smile:

"Hey, you actually resisted, Jiejie, if you were an adult, I would still be afraid of you, but as a child, how could you resist me?"

"Let me show you what horror is..."

As he spoke, the evil spirit was ready to sneak into the deep mind of the child and completely seize control of the child's body.

Then, less than three seconds later, a horrified cry came from the child's body.

"Who are you, you are not a child, no, you are not a human being!"

"Asshole, let me out, let me out..."


The evil ghost's sudden roar and fearful struggle made Gu Quan stunned.

The next moment, he saw a strange scene, an illusory spirit body, frantically trying to break away from the child's body.

There is black smoke lingering around the illusory spirit body. In addition, there is also the smell of blood and killing, as well as the gray negative breath... Various ominous breaths are mixed together, making the evil spirit look ominous and... A violent feeling.

Compared to spirit bodies, children are innocent and cute.

But in the end, the cute child pulled this violent spirit into his body.

"seal up!"


As a 'sealed' character flashed across the screen, the resentful spirit body lost the strength to struggle.

In the end, the evil spirit was completely sealed into the child's body.

After doing all this, the child looked at Gu Quan.


Being stared at by the child's indifferent eyes, Gu Quan subconsciously took a step back and made a defensive gesture.

Obviously, the scene just now frightened him.

The internal force was running, the long sword was raised, and after taking a complete alert posture, Gu Quan finally asked: "Who are you? No, are you a human or a ghost?"

"I am neither a human nor a ghost. I am a paper figurine, a paper figurine folded by Mr. Mu Lin."

While talking, the living energy in the body was used by the paper child to cast a spell - paper soul sealing.

Without an abundant supply of live characters, the paper children gradually faded.

It slowly faded from a lifelike human child to something as pale as paper.

Because of the uncanny valley effect, the pale, sickly paper child is extremely irritating.

Just looking at it made Gu Quan feel a little numb.

Fortunately, the paper child's explanation just now made him understand that the child in front of him was a friend, not an enemy.

"Paper man... you are the means used by Master Mu Lin."


After nodding, the pale and indifferent paper child obeyed the call and walked towards Quanshi Restaurant.


Seeing the paper child walking past him, Gu Quan subconsciously held his breath.

When the child walked away, he let out the breath he was holding.




And soon, Gu Quan discovered that he was not the only one who was afraid of the paper child. His subordinates also subconsciously exhaled after the paper child passed by.

"It's worthless."

With a cold scolding, Gu Quan followed the paper man and rushed towards Quanshi Restaurant.

Obviously, he did not completely trust the paper child's words, and was even more wary of it.

As soon as he came out of the alley, Gu Quan's pupils shrank.

The broad street of Quanshi City was now quiet and empty of people.

But there was no one, but there was something strange - dozens of paper figures, walking indifferently on the streets of Quanshi City, rushing towards Quanshi Restaurant.

The paper-figure children whom he was afraid of were like water flowing into a river, quietly blending into the paper-figure army.

"So, the humans who were seeking death just now are not humans, they are paper dolls!"

At this time, Gu Quanna still didn't understand that there weren't that many people seeking death in Quanshi City.

At the same time, he also knew that the paper crane summoned by Mu Lin was just a cover, and the paper man who appeared quietly was Mu Lin's killer move.

"That adult is a bit scary..."

Guquan was afraid, and so was Zhuang Zhan.

Looking at the army of paper figures walking silently, he broke into a cold sweat behind him.

At the same time, he was also puzzled by one thing.

"When did he take action? I remember that Mr. Mu Lin has never left our sight since he entered Quanshi City, and he has never made any move. He only eats and drinks..."

Facing Zhuang Zhan's doubts, Gu Quan spread his hands, shook his head and said: "Don't ask me, like you, I have never seen Lord Mu Lin take action, but this is an irrelevant matter."

At this point, all the sadness on Gu Quan's face turned into joy.

"Although I don't know when your lord took action, I am sure of one thing. The lord who came to slay the demon this time has ruthless methods and weird abilities. He is more feared than the demon. With him here, our Quanshi City There is help.”

Hearing this, Zhuang Zhan was stunned for a moment, but soon he nodded and said: "You are right, it is indeed our blessing that this lord comes here..."

As an enemy, Mu Lin's methods are unpredictable and even more powerful, which is very troublesome, but if it is a friendly force, it will be reassuring.

However, Gu Quan recognized Mu Lin as an ally, and because of this, he relaxed.

But outside the Tower of Fantasy, Qi Qiu's expression was completely dark.

Especially after Dongfang Ya's strange voice sounded, his face became even darker.

"He is deeply scheming, ruthless in his methods, and just sits back and does nothing to ordinary mortals, haha..."

"Oh, by the way, some people say that this child is going to die... Teacher Qiu Qiu, do you know such a person?"

Qi Qiu was suffocated by the mockery that almost called him by name, but this time he was indeed wrong, and because of this, he didn't even know how to retort.

After a while, he could only grit his teeth and say: "You won this time, but don't be too proud. The source of the incident in Quanshi City has not been eliminated yet."

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