"Mu Lin, you really drew this talisman array."

"Naturally, I still have some talent for art."

These words made Dongfang Ya silent. After a long while, she said in a daze: "Being able to draw such a talisman array can only be done by practicing Taoism for three months. This is not something that some talents can do."

Regarding these words, Mu Lin smiled shyly and did not continue.

Rather than praise, at this time, he was more looking forward to the functions of the talisman array he drew.

He took out a paper man and attached the talisman array to the paper man.

With a "swish" sound, the talisman array and diamond power flowed from the talisman paper to the paper man like a living creature in Mu Lin's thoughts.

Soon, the surface of the paper substitute was covered with diamond power runes.

Because this talisman array was given the charm of a dragon by Mu Lin and was given the finishing touch, therefore, the paper figure covered with talismans seemed to have a dragon entrenched and swimming around.


When everything was ready, Mu Lin did not let the paper man move for testing. He chose to transfer his soul from his body to the paper man.

Immediately after the transfer, Mu Lin's eyes lit up.

"The power of dragons!"

"No, not only strength, but also the defense of dragon scales, dragon power, and some spells..."

For Mu Lin, who is half human, half snake and half dragon, the dragon's power and dragon scales are not surprising.

Not to mention, the power of the dragon on the paper man and the body of the dragon are still weakened.

But don't forget one thing. Previously, it was Mu Lin's body that had the power of the dragon, and his paper man was just a paper man.

But now, as long as he draws the diamond power talisman on the paper human body, Mu Lin's paper man will also have the power of the dragon.

And this can instantly increase the Mu Lin paper man's combat effectiveness by more than ten times.

Thinking that he could summon more than a hundred paper figures in one breath, all of which had the power of dragons, Mu Lin at this moment really dared to say: 'I am invincible at the same level... Wait, I have time to draw that. Multiple Vajra Talisman Arrays? ’

The Diamond Power Talisman Array is very good and very strong, but while it is powerful, drawing it also requires a huge amount of effort from Mu Lin.

Even in order to achieve the best effect, Mu Lin spent his own energy and blood every time he dotted the eyes.

Such a huge consumption meant that Mu Lin could only draw one Vajra Power Talisman Array a day.

"No, the consumption of one painting a day is too great. If I really do this, I won't be able to practice other skills and techniques. Drawing one painting every three or five days is what I can bear."

The consumption of drawing is too high, which is the only flaw of the mutated Vajra Power Talisman Array.

But apart from this flaw, the Vajra Power Talisman Array brought all benefits to Mu Lin, and there were even surprises.

Closing his eyes, his soul resides in Mu Lin on the paper man, silently communicating with the Vajra Power Talisman Formation on his body.

After a few breaths, with a roar of "Ang", an ink-colored dragon took off from the paper man.

Summoning the dragon's phantom to fight is another application method of the Vajra Power Talisman Array after mutation.

"The Talisman Array·Vajra Power itself has two functions: the Diamond Talisman and the Divine Power Talisman. The master level is nine layers of superposition. Now plus the power of the dragon, the scales of the dragon, the power of the dragon, and some spells... I always feel like a talisman. Once the formation is down, my paper figures will be able to jump up and fight."

Here, Mu Lin was happy, and next to him, after listening to the effects of Mu Lin's talisman array, Yan Yunyu also felt relaxed.

"A True Intention Painter, a master-level Talisman Master, with such ability at such a young age, I'm already stable."

"Even if I come in last in the Southeast Prefecture Joint Examination this time, as long as I carry Mu Lin out, I will not be eliminated in the first, second, or even third round of the family assessment!"

Seeing Mu Lin's various abilities, Yan Yunyu felt relieved.

However, in addition to peace of mind, Yan Yunyu also has worries.

'Mu Lin's ability is worthy of being attracted by the Yan family, but our relationship is not close. Now, we are just a trading relationship that uses each other. This kind of alliance is not stable. If other people in the family provide more resources, Mu Lin Lin may abandon me and form an alliance with others...'

Thinking of this, Yan Yunyu couldn't even complain. In the early stage, she had offended Mu Lin many times because she didn't care.

'No, we have to find a way to get rid of Mu Lin's previous resentment...'

While Yan Yunyu was thinking about how to trap Mu Lin, Mu Lin, who had regained a little energy, thought of something and took out the true intention of the dragon he had just drawn.

With true intentions, Mu Lin turned to Yan Yunyu and said, "Miss Yan, can you help me estimate how much spiritual stone this picture is worth?"


In order to please Mu Lin as much as possible, Yan Yunyu took over the catalog and explained it to Mu Lin in detail.

"The valuation of a true intention painting does not only look at the quality of the true intention, but is also related to the skill."

"The more people practice the technique, the higher the grade of the technique, the more difficult it is to practice, and the higher the value of the true intention."

"Brother Mu, the illustration you drew is probably the Blackwater Mysterious Snake Transformation Technique. This technique requires a lot of resources, but it does not require much understanding. Therefore, the valuation of this illustration may not be satisfactory. "

Because Yan Yunyu explained in detail, Mu Lin still agreed with her words.

From the perspective of his own practice, Mu Lin also believes that the practice of the Black Water Black Snake Mortal Transformation Technique indeed places more emphasis on resources, especially blood essence resources.

If there is enough essence and blood, when refining them, bloodline inheritance, memories, and phantoms will be reflected in the mind. These things are no worse than visualizing the true intention.

"If you want to make money, you still have to find something that is popular but difficult to practice, to visualize and draw pictures... Swordsmanship is quite suitable."

"Every qi practitioner will usually practice some sword skills. There are many people who practice handsome and good-looking sword skills. If you draw their true intentions, you won't have to worry about selling them..."

Here, Mu Lin is thinking about whether to practice some sword skills...

"No, I don't need to practice at all. The finishing touch is indeed very important, but the prerequisite for finishing is to find the spiritual context and core of an object - only by finding the spiritual core can I perform the finishing operation."

"If you want to find the core, you must have a pair of keen eyes. The first sentence at the beginning of the proficiency panel also says that I have a pair of eyes that discover beauty..."

"With such vision and spiritual resonance, I can definitely find some swordsmanship masters, watch them practice swordsmanship, and resonate with my heart. In this way, I can draw the swordsmanship directly without having to practice it myself..."

The mountains painted by some painting masters are majestic and majestic, but those masters are people, not mountains.

Therefore, as a master of painting, Mu Lin doesn't need to practice everything he wants to paint. He can draw the essence of things just by observing, analyzing, and imagining.

Here, Mu Lin is thinking about how to make money with his true intentions, while Yan Yunyu is explaining to Mu Lin and using the Yan family's unique method to analyze and appraise the value of Mu Lin's true intentions.

And when the analysis was completed, her expression was unusually dull.

After a long time, she asked Mu Lin in disbelief.

"Brother Mu, are you sure that what you drew is the true intention of the Black Water Black Snake Transformation Technique?"

"Of course, what's the problem...well, my technique has been upgraded, so can't this be used?"


Mu Lin's answer made Yan Yunyu open her mouth, but she was so tired that she didn't know what to say.

After a long while, she calmed down her emotions and said to Mu Lin seriously:

"Brother Mu, this is not a question of whether it can be used or not. It is extremely difficult to encounter such a thing when the skill is upgraded. But once it happens, it will greatly increase your strength. Now, this skill can be used as yours. Trump card, therefore, we must not sell this true intention!”

There is some truth in what Yan Yunyu said. As a trump card, the less others know about it, the better.

However, although the Black Water Black Snake Mortal Transformation Technique is good, after advanced, it also makes up for the flaw of Mu Lin's physical weakness.

But as a trump card, it's not qualified.

A wishful heart lamp containing invincible thoughts.

The Taiyin Living Sutra that can summon heroic souls.

Recognized by the will of humanity and condensed into the mental image of the City God's dharma body, the Sky Burial City, these three exercises are the foundation of Mu Lin.

Even if the Black Water Black Snake Mortal Transformation Technique advanced, this technique was not taken seriously by Mu Lin. Therefore, facing Yan Yunyu's suggestion, Mu Lin shrugged and said:

"What you said makes some sense, but it is not my trump card and can be sold."

"you sure?"

The speaker this time was Dongfang Ya. After learning that Mu Lin’s skills had been upgraded, she took another look at the true intention in Yan Yunyu’s hand. She said with some seriousness: “The stronger the skills, the better. The most suitable ones. It’s the best. And it means that this skill is extremely suitable for you. This happens only once in a hundred years. Are you sure you want to reveal your trump card?”

Mu Lin was stunned by these words.

"Is it so difficult to upgrade the skills?"

"You said, if you want to upgrade the skill, first of all, you need to understand it extremely well. This requires you to practice the skill to master it, and even become a master or grandmaster. Secondly, you need to have new insights and new insights. inspiration."

"Just having inspiration is not enough, you also need to conduct experiments. Only then can the skills be upgraded..."

Mu Lin's inquiry made Dongfang Ya roll her eyes and give Mu Lin some instruction.

However, midway through her words, she thought of something and looked at Mu Lin in shock.

"Wait, don't tell me, you have upgraded more than one skill?"

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