
The black fierce tiger was full of fear, and even some of the words of fear came out, and all the monsters were shocked.

The winged golden tiger could not close his eyes and rest at this time, but turned his eyes.

“Are you sure you are not joking?”

“I will never do this, Mu Lin, it is worth our careful treatment!”

The black fierce tiger said so, thinking of the scarlet son nest that he and others tried their best but could not deal with, but was easily surrounded and suppressed by Mu Lin.

——When Mu Lin was fighting with the scarlet son, the black fierce tiger did not actually go far, and therefore, he clearly saw that the scarlet son was difficult to kill, but Mu Lin was even worse. In terms of immortality, he surpassed and even crushed the scarlet son, and killed it.

This was not the most fearful thing for the black fierce tiger. What made him palpitate and even terrified was that Mu Lin had only practiced Taoism for more than half a year at that time, and his cultivation was only completed by practicing evil.

Even at that level, he played such a terrifying record.

Now, after a period of time, Mu Lin's cultivation must be higher.

Black Fierce Tiger couldn't imagine how strong he was.

"That guy is not a human at all!"

Because he didn't hide it, Black Fierce Tiger was afraid of Mu Lin, and all the monsters felt it.

No one laughed at it for being timid. In the monsters, and even in the attitude towards humans, Black Fierce Tiger has always been known for its radical and bold attitude. That time when it entered the Tomb Lord Secret Realm, it was also a manifestation of its disregard for the southern humans.

Such a sudden change of attitude is obviously not because of its timid nature, but because Mu Lin is really strong, so strong that Black Fierce Tiger is afraid.

Thinking of this, the eyes of all the monsters looking at Mu Lin became much more solemn.

Among them, Tu Su, the nine-tailed fox, also really regretted the previous decision of the Qingqiu fox tribe.

‘I should have married my third sister to him at that time…’

Through the Black Fierce Tiger’s narration, the demons had some basic understanding of Mu Lin’s strength, but some of them still didn’t believe it.

Seeing is believing, hearing is not.

Not having seen it with their own eyes, they were ultimately less awed by Mu Lin’s strength.

And the demons had Black Fierce Tiger as an eyewitness, and the other alien races were even less afraid of Mu Lin.

But soon, they witnessed Mu Lin’s strength.

The black sword’s deadly sword intent was related to death. When dying, it could exert great power and sacrifice itself with its own death. This sword was beyond imagination and completely stimulated a trace of the power of the forbidden power.

Even if Blood Sakura had the Scarlet Holy Grail as a backup, the deadly sword intent could not be eliminated.

In fact, as time passed, Blood Sakura’s injuries not only did not improve, but gradually worsened, and there was a tendency to spread.

What is even more frightening is that this kind of death seems to have injured the true spirit. Even if Xueying cut off the injured part, she could not recover from her injury. After just a while, the terrifying breath of death would entangle her again.

Unable to get rid of it, unable to erase it, once it entangles her, she will be tortured forever. This is the power of taboo, the root of the fear of the southern nobles.

And the northern nobles were also tortured by these things... Black Sword's last desperate act was not entirely fearless of life and death, but more of being tortured by the sense of death and having a tendency to self-destruct.

His last smile of relief was also true.


Tortured by the sense of death, Xueying's face turned pale, and her breath was constantly weakening.

Seeing this scene, neither the northern nobles nor the aliens believed that Xueying had the strength to fight again.

The Ge family even called out Xueying's name and asked her to step down for treatment.

And just when everyone had no hope, an inexplicable breath suddenly appeared on Xueying's body.

This breath changed Xueying's momentum, from a heroic and fierce Valkyrie to a majestic and majestic superior who looked like a god or a king.

"Is that... Mu Lin's breath?"

Although Xueying's appearance did not change at this time, the advanced cultivators sensed others not by appearance, but by breath and soul fluctuations.

There is no doubt that Xueying, whose blood and qi had changed, was dominated by others.

Considering the relationship between Xueying and Mu Lin, without much thought, everyone knew that Mu Lin had landed here.

At the same time, they also thought of the reason why Mu Lin came.

"To save Xueying... But it's impossible. The power of taboo is not so easy to get rid of."

The so-called power of taboo is the radiation and projection of high-dimensional power. Everyone did not think that Mu Lin, who was strong but still just a Gangsha magician, had the ability to solve the power of taboo.

Then, when they thought about it,

"Interesting power, and I am destined to be with it..."

With a low murmur, the forbidden power on Xueying gradually faded away.

No, it didn't fade away, but was transferred away by a profound power.

True Spiritual Position Map.

Mu Lin used a divine position as a carrier to transfer the meaning of death and silence to the True Spiritual Position Map.

Of course, carrying does not mean that it can be controlled at will. Mu Lin still needs to refine it before he can control it.

And the meaning of death and silence is not so easy to control.

Even now, Mu Lin, who is at a low level, basically has no hope of completely controlling it.

But even so, Mu Lin still doesn't care.

One is that although it cannot be completely controlled, Mu Lin can still control it with a little control. More importantly, there are many profound powers in Mu Lin's true spiritual industry bitmap that can alleviate or even eliminate this sense of death. .

The meaning of death is very strong and difficult to deal with?

Unfortunately, my Black River Water, Heaven Burying Power, and even Hundong Yuangang are also very difficult to deal with.

Fighting poison with poison, Mu Lin was able to control the spread of the meaning of death.

Secondly, Mu Lin has a strong foundation and does not mind a little loss of control.

Previously, the meaning of death had occupied less than half of Xue Ying's body. Therefore, she had to eliminate it, or at least contain the injury, otherwise, she would lose her life, let alone fight.

But Mu Lin has a strong foundation, and this meaning of death is not even a fingernail to Mu Lin. Mu Lin can easily suppress this injury and prevent it from affecting him.

Just like that, as Mu Lin's breath disappeared in a flash, Xue Ying's injuries disappeared.

Mu Lin didn't pay too much attention to what he did, but the others were shocked by Mu Lin's move.

"Forbidden, the power of forbidden has disappeared?"

"How can it be?"

"The injuries caused by the forbidden power cannot be eradicated even by the Metamorphosis Mage. Why should he..."

Some people were horrified, and some northern nobles had their eyes shining.

"Wait a minute, since Mu Lin can clear the injuries on Xue Ying's body, can he eradicate the hidden dangers on me?"

Thinking of this, many northern nobles were heartbroken.

It is true that many people do not mind the taboo powers in their bodies, but use them as a basis and even as a trump card.

But more people, in the endless torture, flinched, became afraid, and wanted to eradicate the forbidden power from their bodies.

In the past, they had no choice but to resist, but the emergence of Mu Lin gave them a glimmer of hope.

Because of this, many people from the northern gentry had the idea of ​​seeking refuge in Mu Lin.

Qing Sen noticed this and found that the hearts of his camp were floating. He immediately coughed and said quietly: "Don't have too many expectations, Mu Lin can't eradicate the power of the taboo in you... Although Xue Ying is contaminated with the taboo However, this was her first contact, and the degree of contamination was not deep, and the power of the taboo did not penetrate into her true spirit and soul. In this way, she had the possibility of being rescued. Before, there were some people in the north. Has it been decontaminated?"

"But you all know that the pollution is only slight, so it can be removed. Now, we have coexisted with the power of taboos for more than ten years. We and them are no longer distinguishable between you and me. In this case, let alone Mu Lin , Even if the heavenly master comes, he can't eliminate the hidden dangers in us."

Such words did calm some people down, but there were others who did not give up hope.

"Even if it cannot be eradicated, with Mu Lin's ability, it can be temporarily suppressed and alleviated."

After hearing this, Qing did not refute, he just said quietly:

"It is indeed possible that he can do this, but you don't think that his power to clear taboos comes without a price, right?"

"What are you trying to do to impress him and ask him to help you... Moreover, I just took a look and found that he relied on his own connection with the Blood Sakura to transfer the power of the taboo."

"In other words, if you want his help, you must rely on him and rely on him. Only then can you do it."

"And even if you don't mention whether you are willing to give up your freedom, it is not easy at all. That Mu Lin is not like someone who accepts his subordinates at will. Chu Lingluo, Yan Yunyu, Xue Ying... all he accepted are beauties. , are you sure you can join him?"


The last sentence made most of the northern nobles fall silent.

At the same time, for the first time, they, like many children from aristocratic families in the south, hated that they were not born as girls.

Of course, Mu Lin took this as a slander.

At the same time, if Mu Lin is by Qing's side, he will know that this person's observation ability is extremely good, and his taboo power is probably related to observation.

As he observed, Mu Lin's transfer of Xue Ying's injuries was indeed not without cost.

Mu Lin doesn't care about some taboo powers, but if too many are transferred, his true spiritual karma bitmap will not be able to carry it and will be contaminated by many taboo powers.

Secondly, if you want to transfer the power of the taboo, you really need to bind it to the god on the true spiritual karma map. In this way, the two of them can be considered as a whole and mislead the perception logic of the power of the taboo.

Qing's words made the northern nobles give up the idea of ​​relying on Mu Lin.

As for Xue Ying, she also took this time to completely recover her condition.

As its condition recovered, the battle restarted again.

After taking a look at the Yingwu figure of the Dragonborn Xueying, and thinking about her overwhelming strength just now, Tieta, another leader of the northern noble clan, spoke.

"Who's going to defeat her."

After looking at each other, a young man with lava cracks on his face stood up slowly.

"Let me do it. I will knock her down with all my strength. However, you also know my body. After this battle, I will probably die. The rest of the pastoral care will be left to you. Also, my family, I’ll leave it to you to take care of me.”

"...Don't worry, Su Xiong, we will defeat him, and your family will be properly accommodated."

"Thank you then."

"No, it's us who should thank you..."


After the conversation, Su Xiong, who had lava cracks on his body, jumped directly onto the ring.


As he mobilized his magic power, the cracks on his body became more numerous and denser.

The numerous cracks made Su Xiong at this moment like a piece of porcelain, which would break at the touch.

However, although his condition was not good, it was also more dangerous.

As the cracks became denser, a burning breath suddenly spread out from him to the surroundings.


Under the burning breath, the earth was cracking and magma was appearing.

In a single thought, the surrounding environment changed. It was so powerful that Xue Ying narrowed her eyes.

However, although she was cautious, Xue Ying was not afraid.

After sharing Mu Lin's authority, her power became much stronger.

"You are very powerful. To show respect, I will also do my best!"

After she finished speaking, she held the handle of the Killing Blade, pointed the blade downward, and chanted the words of liberation.

"Blood Sakura, release, blood killing field..."


As Blood Sakura released the field, a 40-meter-long blade appeared behind Blood Sakura.

The giant blade exuded a special killing intent, and its appearance also dyed the surrounding sky blood red.

After releasing the blood killing field, Blood Sakura can do more than that.

"Come out, my legion!"

"Tick, tick, tick..."

After the giant blade appeared, blood kept dripping, and the blood turned into a lake, and in the lake, ferocious monsters were bred.

"Hiss... Roar..."

"Tread, tramp, tramp..."

In addition to the monsters, some Asuras with three heads and six arms, and bloody cavalry riding scarlet war horses, were also bred from the blood pool.

Soon, a group of monsters stood beside Blood Sakura.

And Blood Sakura, surrounded by monsters, was like a bloody queen, awe-inspiring.

Such a scene has shocked many people.

But the next scene was truly shocking and frightening.

After the blood killing field was completely released, there was not only a giant blade behind Xueying, but also a slightly smaller blood-colored sword, which also stood beside the blood blade.

Some people felt familiar with the shape of the blood sword.

Before they could recall anything, the blood-colored sword began to ripple, and then a figure wearing broken armor and holding a long sword was projected by the blood-colored sword.

There was no consciousness in the eyes of this figure, only a fierce killing intent, but his appearance made everyone around him silent.

It was not their fault, because the person who came out was very familiar to everyone.

——The black sword that was just killed by Xueying was summoned again by her to fight for her.

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