
Sakamoto checkpoint.

The terrain of Yunokuni is flat, with few hillsides, and most of them are dense forests. Only this Sakamoto checkpoint is surrounded by mountains, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is in the center of Konoha and Cloud Shinobi camps.

Various circumstances have created the importance of this checkpoint, and it has also become a battleground between Konoha and Cloud Shinobi.

Whoever occupies this checkpoint means taking advantage of the battlefield, so most of the competition between Konoha and Cloud Shinobi broke out at this checkpoint.

Not long ago.

Because of a cooperation error between Uchiha and Hyuga, the Sakamoto checkpoint, which Konoha had held for a month, fell into the hands of Cloud Shinobi again.

When Qífēng and others arrived at the Yuzhikuni Camp, Jiraiya and other high-level leaders on the battlefield made a summary of the defeat.

And then, thanks to Konoha's efforts, the checkpoint was snatched back again.

However, just last night, Jiraiya received an urgent secret letter from the ninja stationed at Sakamoto checkpoint, and Cloud Shinobi quickly responded to their defeat.

After the secret letter arrived, Konoha Camp completely lost contact with the Konoha Shinobi who were stationed at the Sakamoto checkpoint.

Therefore, Jiraiya convened an emergency meeting, appointed Namikaze Minato as the captain, and led a temporary team composed of Hyuga Hiashi, Uchiha Fugaku, Nara Shikahisa and others to rush to the Sakamoto checkpoint.

For this reason, Qífēng, the leader of the corpse collection team, was also included in the support team. Together with the three medical ninjas, they followed at the end of the team to ensure the medical logistics and the recovery of the dead ninja's corpses.

It also includes the recovery of the corpse of the ninja stationed in the Sakamoto checkpoint.

Strive to completely eliminate this part of Cloud Shinobi's ninjas when Cloud Shinobi rushes to challenge this time.

Sending out Namikaze Minato, Hyuga Hiashi, Hyuga Hizashi, Uchiha Fugaku, and Ino–Shika–Chō headed by Nara Shika, can be said to show their determination.

Jiraiya can't make a move, he needs to sit in the camp, because Konoha and Cloud Shinobi are not the only checkpoint where the conflict broke out, but the situation here is relatively special.

Moreover, once Jiraiya takes a shot, Cloud Shinobi's Third Raikage will definitely take a shot.

And when the strongest on both sides take action, it means that the war has completely entered a white-hot, to the point where there is no difference between life and death, and there will be no rest.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, Cloud Shinobi obviously will not unwisely become the party that consumes Konoha's strength for other hidden villages, and for this purpose, it will also have to use most of its own strength.

This is impossible for Cloud Shinobi, who still needs some attention to guard against Rock Shinobi.

Of course Konoha will not take the initiative to expand the war. The longer it drags on, the more chance Konoha has for this war.

Therefore, when Jiraiya didn't take a shot, Namikaze Minato, who first appeared as the Master of Flying Thunder God Technique, became one of the main facades for dealing with war.

It's just that the ideal is full, and the reality is very skinny.

Konoha wanted to destroy the Cloud Shinobi of the Sakamoto checkpoint in one fell swoop, but Cloud Shinobi didn't seem to be able to solve it so easily.

Qífēng, who has been staying in a safer place with three medical ninjas since he approached the Sakamoto checkpoint in the middle of the night last night, has not received any news of success.

Their task is to treat the injured Konoha Shinobi after they have captured the Sakamoto checkpoint and try to minimize the loss.

Rather than actively intervening in the battle, otherwise it might not be able to help, and it will become a constraint on Konoha's side.

But it seems that the two sides are in a bitter battle.

Qífēng, who was shrunk in the dense trees, slowly opened his eyes.

Shadow Clone, who controlled Sasori, took the initiative to disarm the clone, and the information about Kakuzu and the guessing of Madara came into his mind.

Although it is not a good time, it is barely good news for Qífēng.

"The strength of the Sasori puppet is a little bit beyond my expectation, but that's okay, at least I have a hole card that can make me feel at ease. If I didn't have the last look of Black Zetsu, it would be fine." Qífēng thought silently.

The situation in Yunokuni is very chaotic. Although he is relatively safe as a corpse collector, no one knows when he will encounter strong men like Fourth Raikage Ai and Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee in the future.

With a hole card that is enough to deal with, it feels a lot of peace of mind.

"Qífēng squad leader, this is not a way to go on like this. We don't know anything about it. The longer we wait here, the more unsafe." said one of the medical ninjas, Shan Liang.

Who said no.

With three medical ninjas who are not good at fighting, Qífēng can't believe that he has become the one to protect them.

But Shan Liang has a good point. He knows everything. The ghost knows that the winner Konoha Shinobi will come out first from the Sakamoto checkpoint. It is the Cloud Shinobi who fled in a hurry. If he is hit, he can kill him. good.

Qífēng nodded and groaned slightly, "Let me see."

As he said, his hands were knotted.

"Summoning Technique!"


A cloud of white mist rose, and Qífēng's Summoning bird appeared.

Put your hand on the back of the bird and stand it up with one hand.

"The Eye of Sand!"

Then his right eye slowly closed.

Pat it lightly.


Flicking its wings and curling up a gust of wind, it flew directly to the sky, taking a bird's eye view of the entire Sakamoto checkpoint and its surroundings. Qífēng's "Eye of the Sand" also took advantage of the air superiority to roughly see the situation inside the Sakamoto checkpoint.

Although it is impossible to observe closely, the movements that appear from time to time all explain the chaos of the checkpoints at this time.

When he was about to withdraw his gaze, Qífēng saw a stumbling Konoha Shinobi who was stumbling on his feet, fleeing in their direction under the chase of two Cloud Shinobi.

The distance is not far.

If Qífēng is willing to reveal his strength, he might be able to catch up.

At the same time, what makes Qífēng a little bit puzzled is that in the current situation where Cloud Shinobi is very likely to be at a disadvantage, he actually sent two men to chase down a Konoha Shinobi.

Either this Konoha Shinobi has an unusual identity, or it is this Konoha Shinobi who has done something that caused Cloud Shinobi to spend such a high price to take him.

"Can't it be saved?"

Qífēng hesitated.

To save, he will definitely expose his strength, which does not match his usual style and goal.

If you don't save it, you can forget it if you don't see it. Seeing Konoha Shinobi is more or less unbearable.

Moreover, if the two Cloud Shinobi kill the person, it is possible to track down where they are hidden.


Finally, Qífēng made a decision. As long as he is sufficiently concealed, it is not that he has the ability to continue to hide. He can even let the puppet take action after avoiding the three medical ninjas with him.

But just as he spoke, he saw the medical ninja Shan Liang took out a scroll.

"It was Captain Minato's instruction. He told us to go in this direction. There will be ninjas to pick us up. It seems that many ninjas in the checkpoint are seriously injured and are in urgent need of treatment." As he said, Shan Liang pointed to the other direction, which was Konoha. When attacking the Sakamoto checkpoint, the swept direction should be safer.

Hearing that, Qífēng thought for a while, "Okay, you guys go quickly, I will go over a little later and found something."

"This..." Shan Liang hesitated.

"Go ahead. My medical level is limited and I can't provide much help. There seems to be a situation over there. I will go and see." Qífēng pointed to the direction he had seen before.

The corpse collection class and the medical class had different responsibilities, so Shan Liang didn't insist on it anymore.

He nodded heavily and said: "Okay, let's gather the checkpoints."

"Go ahead."

After the three of them left, Qífēng got up and rushed towards the Konoha Shinobi who was hunted down, and at the same time, he was ready to summon the puppets.

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