To be honest, the other side was too fast.

too fierce.

Although I don't know how long it will take for the other party to develop this core technology, let others carry the power of their own world, and project it to other worlds. Once it is produced, it will be a devastating blow.

This is an arms race, but his own speed is obviously lagging behind others.

"So, do you want to live in our Demon God's Land for a period of time, or descend to the mortal world?" Soon, Sadako Demon God asked with a smile.

Zhu Zhengwei said: "I'll just live here for a while, to conceive and raise one of the seven souls that just returned, and then go down to earth again to collect my other seven souls."

"It's so good."

Lao Tzu smiled and said, "As for the war in the mortal world, we can't interfere. After signing the agreement, you still need to take back your own things, but trusting you is enough."

"At the same time, Hongyan, please be merciful."

"Although he is stubborn, he can see us in our youth from him. He is a rare man with the talent of a demon god. If he suddenly realizes and abandons the world, he has a chance to become one of us."

Zhu Zhengwei nodded after hearing what they said.

Soon, he lived here, living with the world's seven supreme demon gods, discussing the Tao.

He won't be stage frightened.

If you are afraid, it is easy to be suspicious.

Finally mixed into the enemy's high-level?

How could he be cowardly?

Next, every five years, Zhu Zhengwei will return to the mortal world and get back one of his seven souls.

In this way, he continued to merge, and his soul gradually recovered, and his strength continued to increase.

Moreover, during this period, Zhu Zhengwei also fought wits and courage with that human emperor, Hongyan, and went through all kinds of wars. Even Zhu Zhengwei felt speechless.

That crazy person, who calls himself the only old enemy in life, just fucks himself and doesn't care.

While the souls are constantly gathering, Zhu Zhengwei's strength is also constantly improving, and his mentality is constantly changing, gradually transforming from a human mentality to a divine mentality!

On this day, he was discussing the Dao with fellow Taoist Zhenzi, and he had a vague premonition in his heart, "I have collected five souls, and when I collect seven souls, it will be the moment when I break through the eighth level and become a god, the cursed spirit god. "

"Then congratulations, fellow daoist."

Sadako nodded, "You who can cultivate Yin Qi are welcome to join our world family."

Zhu Zhengwei nodded. After so long, although there were some twists and turns, it was considered a success!

And a few more years.

Zhu Zhengwei finally heard the good news from the ancestral witch world next door.

Professor Zeng Ciwen, who was hidden in the secret realm of the ruins, successfully stepped out of the eighth-level divine realm, and directly announced his own power method to the world.

Zhu Zhengwei was very moved.

I have been procrastinating for so long, three years and three years, I have studied the civilization system of an era for the other party, made unimaginable contributions, and became the enemy's high-level powerhouse, you finally succeeded.

It's not easy.


The world of ancestral witches is really experiencing a sermon at this time.

"In the past, the ghost witch doctor opened the seventh-level door for the world. After that, the ancient immortals opened up the seventh-level Nascent Soul universal method for the world's practitioners."

"Now, I shall open the eighth-level divine gate for the world!"

A white-haired old man was preaching, and there were countless seventh-level emperors below, listening.

"Now, the world of my ancestral witches should take a step forward and enter the ranks of the eighth-level system civilization!"

The civilization of the entire ancestral witch world has exploded.

A brand new era of the eighth-level god realm has appeared.

In less than seven or eight years, three god-level powerhouses appeared.

However, people also found a problem.

"In the Red Moon World, the ratio of the seventh level to the eighth level is that 30,000 emperors can produce one God Realm. And we, it is hundreds of thousands of emperors, and only one God Realm can be achieved."

"This is not because we are weak, but because of our practice!"

"The emperor realms in their world are rare, and they are all breakthroughs through normal methods. Our emperor realms are numerous, but they all use the power of Nascent Soul to make breakthroughs. They are false emperor realms. It is natural that people with such aptitude cannot break through. "

Their joy turned to heaviness.

The Red Moon World is only tens of thousands of emperors now, but what about them?

There are hundreds of thousands of emperors, but the strong ones in the gods are far inferior to the opponent.

Although I know that their seven statues are all caused by historical accumulation, I also feel unwilling.

"The ancient immortal has not yet been born. He may continue the Yuanying method and open up the next step of the eighth-level universal method, so that we will also have as many gods as a cow's hair." Some people are full of expectations.

"No, this is unrealistic. The seventh and eighth levels are not the same level at all. The eighth level of universal law is too difficult." Some people said they were not optimistic.

In any case, the eighth-level road to the ancestral witch world has been completely opened.

At this time, in the New Red Moon World.

Zhu Zhengwei also completely broke through the eighth-level God Realm and became the eighth Demon God in the Red Moon World!

"Congratulations, fellow daoist."

"Congratulations, fellow daoist."

One after another sound came.

Zhu Zhengwei nodded, and at this moment, looking at these demon gods, he felt the gap between them and himself.

One hand can kill me.

He felt the surging power in his body, the breath circulated inside, flowing like breathing, becoming as thick as water, and the utilization rate of energy was simply a qualitative change.

It's the difference between a gaseous state and a liquid state.

"I just broke through, and there are too many gaps in my background. There is a world of difference in the same realm, not to mention that the other party is in the realm of Dzogchen." Zhu Zhengwei silently sensed it, opened his mouth directly, and said to the demon gods: "Can you try your strength?"

"Of course."

"We have been competing among the major demon gods all these years."

Zhu Zhengwei was blown away by these demon gods.

Zhu Zhengwei also felt the gap between them. It seemed that reaching the eighth level was the lowest threshold for getting close to each other.

These historical figures, the geniuses and elites gathered by all beings, their wisdom is too amazing, and they have entered the eighth level early, and they are already unfathomable.

the other side.

"Well, the first avatar has broken through the emperor's realm, and the internal energy circulates by itself. With experience, I can also break through in reality."

Zhu Zhengwei's body stood on the Zuwu World, overlooking the New Red Moon World next door, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised, "In reality, I have already reached the seventh-level Emperor Realm. It has been too long. Finally, I am going to take that step. "

It's not easy.

The seventh-order era has been around for so long, and it is finally time to enter the next era.

"However, even if this hostile world is placed so far away, I don't feel at ease."

Zhu Zheng slightly sighed.

He knew that although he had entered the eighth-order era, he was still far behind the opponent. When the opponent developed this method, he could use his own world rules in other worlds, and his side would be the real doomsday.

They can retain all their strength and attack their side.

But this technique?

Zhu Zhengwei is not stupid. Although they speak plausibly and strike hard with the big stick, this kind of technique is difficult to overcome, and it is definitely not easy to complete.

"Conservatively, there are still five to six hundred years left."

Zhu Zhengwei calculated an approximate time.

"Big head! They study their 'projection world method', I can't study my own background? I have to focus on the new enemy world, the science fiction world." Zhu Zhengwei whispered in his heart.

This is his only chance of winning.

To surpass the Red Moon World in a short period of time, the Wishing Witch World had to absorb the achievements of another "science fiction world" of the same kind—the reality world.

In the Zuwu world, the space Zuwu, the machine gun Zuwu, the spaceship Zuwu and the red moon magic world appear!

However, this sci-fi world has just been born, and it is a realistic parameter, how could it be possible to develop to that extent so quickly?

"Miners, I need a lot of miners, speed up mining! Miners majoring in physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, mechanics, use their subconscious"

Zhu Zhengwei took a deep breath, "The foundation of the world has already been established by the core group of scientists, and the rest I have is not too demanding."

Zhu Zhengwei looked at the New Red Moon World next door, "Since the other party uses his own world system, if he wants to come to me, I will use science to defeat magic!!"

Zhu Zhengwei knew that he had to race against time.

He is not cowardly.

Those are just seven demon gods. If I hold high the banner of materialism, will I be afraid?

How dare you beat me with carrots and sticks?

"At present, 80,000 miners have reached the perfect number."

"However, my plan is also proceeding normally. If I break through to the eighth level in reality, my core strength will explode, and there will be a qualitative change. I am afraid that I can recruit hundreds of thousands or even millions of miners in one go!"

As his realm improves and his strength increases, the number of miners he can absorb increases exponentially.

The last time it was 3,000, then it was 20,000, and then it was 80,000. Now it is estimated that once the next level is broken through, there will be hundreds of thousands of miners.

He already has plans.

The reality broke through the eighth level, and then he asked for leave directly and flew around.

He directly enveloped the schools one by one, and pulled everyone in to become miners!

Along the way, all the halls of knowledge and universities are covered, and countless students, teachers, and their dreams are converging into a realistic sci-fi world of dream residue!

"Just do it and it's over." Zhu Zhengwei was very calm.

"Middle school teacher, high school teacher, college teacher"

Zhu Zhengwei weighed in his heart, with a ruthless intention, "All of them are pulled in to mine! Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. The dream of countless materialist fighters, to build the future of the earth, a sci-fi world!"

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