Human Brain Ranch

Chapter 380 Raliyah

This idiot is not an idiot. As the leader of the parenting class, he has undergone another rebirth and gained a large wave of attribute points. His parenting talent is much higher than before.

He takes education as his career and is crazy about talent.

"Everyone, in order to educate the most evil creatures in the universe, as a parenting teacher, I will dedicate my heart!" Erdan said passionately.

"Is this person reliable?" The King of Wheels showed a trace of hesitation, and secretly conveyed his divine thoughts.

King Qin Guang conveyed his awareness: "The founder of Satan, I have seen his heroic sacrifice before, he is very passionate, and he regards educating future generations as a glorious career, he is very moral as a teacher, and he is a person worthy of admiration."

"In this one, I saw the shadow of their founder, who is an inspirational and educational talent."

"And in terms of aptitude, it is also very outstanding, you can try to appease Pai Daxing's emotions."

King Qin Guang could see clearly.

To appease a bear child, you have to invite a professional kindergarten teacher to come.

And this kind of professional talent is really hard to find.

Although there are famous teachers from past dynasties in their underworld, but when they heard that the legendary newborn of the prehistoric universe was extremely evil - Pai Daxing, they were so frightened that they immediately refused, who would dare to come and die.

It's not that they didn't see the fate of the advertising teacher in heaven.

King Qin Guang was so angry!

Doesn't anyone have the morality of a teacher and risk their lives to reform and educate that evil pink demon?

Didn't these animals see the Bodhisattva in the underworld?

If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?

They can't study well.

So Qin Guangwang, as an old capitalist who labored ghosts in the underworld, was helpless, so he could only go to the Satan training class to try his luck and see if there were some people with lofty ideals who were not afraid of life and death. Found a bunch!


It turned out to be a group.

All of them were desperate, not afraid of death, and gathered their hands one after another, and he was very moved on the spot.

Looking back at our underworld, the quality of these ghosts in history?

This is the truly high-spirited education team!

Therefore, King Qin Guang chose the strongest one to come over. Afterwards, he said: "If this teacher dies and is killed by that pink demon, please come and look for us again!"

"Although there are thousands of people, I will go!"

"Even if our entire team dies, we must conquer that tough bone. This is our lifelong belief as teachers!"

They patted their chests to promise, filled with righteous indignation, with a heroic gesture of righteousness.

King Qin Guang was moved to tears when he heard it. This is the real warrior, the pure sage who teaches and educates people.

"So that's how it is." Even the Lunzhuan King who had listened to it looked at this thin and weak scholar in awe!

At this time, he also had to believe that compared with those professional teachers in his underworld who regarded teaching as a job, the other party was the one who truly regarded education as a dream.

"Also, don't worry about betrayal."

King Qin Guang said: "With the signing of the Heavenly Dao contract, unless the body dies and the Dao disappears, we will not leak our news. You can use it with confidence. Moreover, I can see that he is sincere and admirable. "

The Reincarnation King nodded, also very touched.

It's hard to find such a high-minded teacher.

After a secret exchange with the other party, King Qin Guang looked at the bastard in front of him and said, "For this one, tell me why you are applying for this position."


Erdan said loudly: "I don't need a salary, I don't need any remuneration, as long as I don't want to be famous or make a profit, even if I give my life like the founder, I have to educate the other party well, the shame of the failure of the ancestors, Let me wash it!"

"I love teaching by nature. I can teach twelve hours a day, no lunch break, no holidays."

He was full of fighting spirit and beat his chest with both hands: "This is the duty of teaching and educating people, and it is our glorious mission! I will go to educate Pai Daxing!"

King Lunzhuan also showed great respect, and said in his heart: "I always thought that King Qin Guang was careless and rough, and I never expected to find such a talent."

As one of the ten halls of Yama in the underworld, he has judged more than hundreds of billions of dead souls, but such a heroic warrior is also extremely rare.

Soon, they locked Pai Daxing deep.

This kindergarten teacher was dedicated to appease and calm his emotions, and took the opportunity to secretly conduct some human experiments on Pai Daxing, dissecting, exercising, and various tests.

Moreover, they described these human experiments as some daily physical examinations in prison, and they were dissected every day. Pai Daxing believed it, but there was no response.

at this time.

Beechburg, in a crater.

Zhu Zhengwei was crawling to the top of the crater, overlooking the hollow crater, "Unexpectedly, they sent a big star to trick me into taking away my powerful protective cover, and transferred one of the two guardians, and now they are taking the opportunity to covet my competition." Do you have the secret recipe of Qibao?"

However, how can I let them do what they want.

I had guessed a long time ago that they were unable to use hard power, and they might use some kind of outsmarting method to become one of the residents of Beechburg and use conspiracy and tricks against themselves.

However, it's not that he doesn't have a backhand to fight back.

Zhu Zhengwei invested in a crab king castle, and summoned to the crater:

"Come out, Primordial Sun!"


Fort Krab fell into a bottomless crater.

The entire crater was rumbling and trembling, as if something terrifying rose from the inside of the volcano, and the dazzling green light continued to shine.

Eventually, a huge green sun rose from the crater.

This is exactly one of SpongeBob SquarePants' storyline of extermination. It comes from episode 10. Every once in a while, the spectacle of the sun rising inside the deep-sea volcano restores all Bikinibo creatures to their original form.


The green sun made all the residents of Beechburg look towards the sky in horror.

Wherever the green light shines, the residents quickly turned back into sardines, fathead fish, and various fishes, swimming around

"What is that?" King Qin Guang was a little surprised.

Yang Jian, who was communicating with Xiba on the bikini beach, also looked at the sky, with a confused expression on his face, "Biqibao, there must be something happening again."


As the green sun passes overhead.

They saw all the creatures around them turn into ferocious and cruel primitive forms, unfolding the primitive state of big fish eating small fish and small fish eating dried shrimps.

"not good!"


A group of strong men quickly expressed their astonishment, looking at those giants in the deep sea.

Those formerly amiable Yutou residents all showed their monster body.

It was a terrifying sight in a nightmare.

They are different from the funny and funny before, full of completely different majesty and chaotic evil. Those terrifying deep-sea giants gave them a huge fear that was released from the depths of their genes in vain, enough to make people feel indescribable fear .

"Oh My God!"

Yang Jian and the others raised their heads one after another, revealing a hint of disbelief.

In the depths of the ocean, with a viscous and corrosive dark atmosphere, on the mud, wetlands, and land covered with marine moss, old ancient creatures of evil gods began to wake up, revealing circles and constantly swimming, following the ominous Liquid ocean currents churn.

This incomparably huge city sunk in the ruins of the deep sea began to emit a strong unclean atmosphere, which made people feel extremely disgusted, as if the city of the ancient gods of old was revived at this moment.


One by one, the twisted and unpredictable deep-sea fog creatures began to attack all creatures full of anxiety and menace.


"what happened??"

Countless people are fleeing, and countless people have been crushed.

In the air, there were torn human remains rolling, internal organs shattered, bright red corpses, and ominous sounds of collisions as the arms and legs of soft-bodied creatures slapped the ground.

In the restaurant of Krab King.

A group of apes who came from the side of Daughter's Kingdom were just about to sneak into action when they stared dumbfounded at this terrifying scene.

"Beechburg, what happened?" someone asked.

"It seems to be a certain episode, Green Sun." Someone replied immediately.

"No! The cute style of animation at that time made us not feel evil when we saw these primitive creatures, but the eyes are simply too much!!!"

"It reminds me of a horror story."

A monkey player said in a low voice, "This may be the true face of Beechburg."

"Beechburg, in fact, is the ancient city of Cthulhu sleeping in the deep sea, R'lyeh."

"And Raliyah is the underwater city where Cthulhu sleeps in the Cthulhu mythology."

He pointed to the crater where the green sun floated in the distance: "Do you still remember the prophecy of annihilation recorded in the story of Lalyye? In March 1925, under the influence of the submarine volcano, including the sleeping place of Cthulhu Parts of the city of R'layeh surfaced in the Pacific Ocean for the first time since sinking to the bottom of the ocean."

Undersea volcanic impact.

The deep-sea city of R'lyeh was thus awakened.

This sentence seems to fit perfectly.

"The underwater city of R'lyeh has revealed its true evil so far." The player looked outside in horror, "Beechburg, is this the original true face, and the true face of SpongeBob SquarePants and others are all old rulers? Too So scary."

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