Human Brain Ranch

Chapter 419 The Saint Awakens


Everyone is suffering severe injuries and besieging God Bor.

Although their outbreak broke the upper limit of transforming injuries, they are still suffering from their own "counter-injury".

The opponent is hurting.

They are also hurting.

This move is simply a deadly move.

But the advantages of the crowd are also obvious. They are a group of people who control their own attack power and suffer the rebound injuries on an average basis, while God King Bor suffers all the same injuries alone.

God Bor, will die before them!

"Take his retaliation and kill him!"

Zhu Zhengwei, as Zhen Yuanzi, was also erupting crazily, driving the Zhuxian formation, spurting blood all over his body, "Then, the injuries we received can use Li Shimin to reply to us. The Jade Emperor is indeed a monster, and he immediately thought of how to kill the opponent way."

This kind of combat experience and talent is unimaginable.


Everyone's injuries became more and more serious, but God Bor was almost unable to bear it.


In the next second, God Bor burst completely and walked towards death.

The prehistoric saints were bathed in blood, extremely exhausted, and looked at each other, "Except for a great war in the ancient times, we haven't experienced this kind of war for a long time."

"It's unbelievable, how can a person be so strong?" King Qin Guang was very surprised, "The power of this universe is too concentrated."

"However, no matter how strong it is, it's just one person." Guan Yin said.

To be honest, the gods of the prehistoric world control the four swords of Zhu Xian. Even the Jade Emperor and Zhen Yuanzi are among them. No matter how many cards they have, they will be hated in an instant, but this iron lump has persisted for so long.

When everyone was about to rejoice.

A cold voice suddenly came from the void.

"Did you think you won?"


After a moment of silence, an extremely frightening sentence came from the void, which was said to the soldiers who had died before.

"stand up."


The entire shattered God Bor flowed back with all his strength and was resurrected.

Not only can he reverse the cause and effect of life and death for others, but he can reverse "life" and "death" for himself.

He's back to his prime! ! !

"Poor clowns, it's over."

God Bor said lightly, "You know, the seat of God Bor, but in the old days, in the war of saints, the killing weapons created were beyond the imagination of weak people like you."

His eyes were extremely cold.

Overlooking these seriously injured semi-saints.

"Seeing that you are so excited, I will accompany you to continue the performance, suffering from painful injuries all the way, trying to kill me." God Bor smiled, "Why, are you desperate now?"

This war seems to have no suspense.

The opponent not only reverses injuries, but also reverses karma even in life and death. The almost invincible god of karma, Bor Almighty God!

The strongest ruler of this universe, even if all the saints of the prehistoric era join forces, no one can be his opponent.

"It's outrageous to a certain extent." The Jade Emperor was very calm, and said softly: "Li Shimin, reverse our time."


Go back in time, go back in time.

Everyone's injuries suddenly returned to the past.

God Bor looked at the people in front of him in surprise, "Eh? You can still recover from your injuries? But how many times can you recover? Is it the power of time?"

"It cannot be delayed any longer."

The Jade Emperor took a deep breath, "It is impossible for us to win him. There is basically only one way to win him. Exhaust his physical strength, but at least it must be a long battle."

"Li Shimin, extend the time ratio of this land." The Jade Emperor stretched out his finger, "One minute here, one month outside! We will use time to make a cage and trap him here!"

Li Shimin immediately frowned, "It's impossible, you want to trap him? This time cage, let alone a minute, even a second, he can break through it."

"I can trap him for a minute."

The Jade Emperor stretched out his palm, and the space quickly distorted, turning into a huge maze, "My power is the dimensional space. This space maze can trap him for at least a minute!"

"You only need to change the time ratio. For one minute trapped in this maze, a month will pass outside! One month outside is enough for us to do it."

Li Shimin looked at the Jade Emperor in surprise.

The power of dimensionality.

Is this the power of the supreme Jade Emperor who controls the Three Realms?

Soon, the two broke out with strength and quickly consolidated the predicament.

This invincible iron lump of causality, a weapon of war, was trapped in a short period of time.

It is true that it is basically impossible to defeat him. The only way is to trap him, but even if he is trapped, he needs to pay a huge price to be trapped for a short period of time.

"Time and space, the combined power of time and space is enough to temporarily trap this monster."

The Jade Emperor looked at the crowd, "We didn't intend to fight in the first place, we will continue to pretend to fight in this space, and we will secretly go to the Dao Palace of that saint!"


The faces of everyone were also solemn.

They clearly knew that this battle was a matter of life and death, as well as their chances of being a saint.

In my long life in the prehistoric universe, there is nothing more important than today, so I can only let go and gamble, and all the people present are crazy gamblers!

"Pai Daxing, you stay here, save your friend, and pretend to be a sign that we are still fighting in this space." The Jade Emperor said: "And, if he has an abnormality, he has broken through the power of time or space." , I hope you will become a temporary rule in this regard and complete the corresponding energy."

"I know." Pai Daxing smiled, "With my wisdom and ability, no one is better at adapting to changes than I am. Go ahead, everyone."


The Jade Emperor was not an indecisive person, so he immediately led the crowd, concealed his figure, and went straight to the "holy desert".

Their surprise attack this time will change the fate of the next two universes and seriously determine the future direction.

This is a huge gamble for him!


The entrance of the Saint Humanity Palace.

Zhu Zhengwei took out his arm that had been refined into a ball of flesh, and opened the Saint's Dao Palace.

All the saints took a deep look at Zhen Yuanzi, and everyone didn't have time to ask how this thing came about, so they quickly entered the Dao Palace, racing against time.

They saw the entire empty Taoist palace where even the carpets, windows, and candlesticks had been stripped off, and took another deep look at Zhen Yuanzi, but they didn't bother to continue asking.

Everyone hurriedly walked into the main road palace and pushed open the door.

"Your Majesty the Jade Emperor, what are you going to do?"

Everyone looked at the sleeping saint.

The Jade Emperor has always deliberately maintained his strength and physical strength, just for this moment.

"Zhen, I want to reincarnate into the body of this saint, seize her consciousness, and take control of the heavenly power of this universe." The Jade Emperor said this crazy idea very coldly.

But obviously, he had planned to do that before.


This was originally the power that the Jade Emperor was good at.

Everyone was slightly surprised.

Before, they all thought that the Jade Emperor's power was related to life, reincarnated and rebuilt, but who knew it turned out to be the power of space dimension, but how could the power of dimension be reincarnated so crazy?

But they didn't dare to ask too much.

This is the biggest secret belonging to the Jade Emperor.


In the next second, a strange dimensional change appeared in the body of the Jade Emperor.

He kept raising his dimension, three-dimensional, four-dimensional, and five-dimensional, and gradually turned into a strange and mysterious life, overlooking this humble world from a very high dimension.

Everyone had an extremely terrifying and weird illusion.

The high-dimensional creature in front of me looks down at me with its teeth and claws open, just like a three-dimensional human being looking at a two-dimensional plane dissected body drawing. My own cells, flesh and blood, and soul are like a low-dimensional two-dimensional paper man. , are all exposed in his high-dimensional life.

And the other party easily interpreted the life, and this high-dimensional life seemed to have seen the dissection of the saint's body, and transferred into the saint's body with ease.

"No soul? How come?"

"Is it dead?"

Breaking into the body of this saint, the Jade Emperor was surprised.

He didn't know why, but there was only a shell left.

It is basically impossible for him to win the reincarnation.

"This time, I made a gamble like Zhen Yuanzi's crazy gamble, and it succeeded." The Jade Emperor crazily occupied this body and took control of it.

The authority and core that belonged to the sage was constantly being mastered by him.

An almost invincible force surged in my heart!

He is turning into a saint!

He gradually refined the saint seat! Transforming from a semi-holy to a real saint, the difference is a world of difference.

And the other side.

Miss Zhang looked at the fight in the sky where no one was there, "I don't know what they are fighting? The main body is not there, so I can't covet and peep."

She was a little helpless, she didn't even want to watch the show.

But in the next second, an instinctive fear and a bone-piercing cold crisis surged wildly from her heart!


It's like a stormy sea.


She had a severe headache, and a vague murmur kept coming from her ears.

"It's time to wake up"

"This is a dream."

"Otherwise, I will die."

It was like a person who was sleeping and dreaming, and a huge instinctive warning came from his ears.

This feeling is like a sleeping mortal, his body is encountering a fire, the pain of body death, the burning of cells, urging him to wake up crazily.


With a scream, Miss Zhang turned into a streamer and disappeared in place.

The prehistoric universe.


There was a thunderbolt!

The Three Realms and Six Paths of Reincarnation shook rapidly!

In the underworld of Fengdu, countless unjust souls and ghosts wailed, and the entire cycle of reincarnation was shaking and cracking rapidly.

"The underworld has collapsed!!!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's mount listened carefully, covered his ears and curled up, and made a terrifying voice, "The three worlds are in trouble, the three worlds are in trouble, the world is turned upside down, the world is turned upside down."

And above the nine heavens, saints showed unprecedented expressions of horror, because this is a horrible event that has never happened in the entire prehistoric universe since the beginning of the world.

"How could it be? The Empress Dowager Tu, who is still in her Taoist palace, suddenly fell down inexplicably!!"

at this time.

Boer Universe, in the Saint Humanity Palace.

The saint who was sleeping soundly on the bed slowly opened his eyes.

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