"Tianlin, congratulations on passing the second round!" Walking to the contestants' passage, Ash and the others came over and said.

"Thank you, Ash, I might not have won without you, and I find that sometimes learning from you and putting everything down and rushing forward is also a good way to fight. Tianlin smiled.

"What do you mean?" Ash was puzzled.

"In short, recklessness. "

"Well, the word 'reckless' is used well, and it summarizes Ash's combat methods clearly. Xiao Gang agreed.

"Hey, what do you mean, I'm also very tactical, okay? Ash was very unhappy with the way these guys described him.

"Haha, okay, Ash, your afternoon game is in the rocky arena, right, then why don't you go with me to see the battle of the sundae, her competition should have started, just take a look at the way of fighting in the rocky field first. Tianlin suggested.

Considering the battle in the afternoon, Ash and the others did not refuse, and rushed to the rock field with Tianlin, and when they arrived, the game of the sundae had already begun, as the sundae said, the rock field did not have to worry about her at all, and now the opposite side has been defeated by her, and the third one also looks defeated, on the other hand, the first super-armored rhinoceros sent out is still standing majestically on the field, and it seems that there is no injury at all.

"The Red Trainer Sundae is really worthy of being the chief student of the Pokémon Academy, which shows us the strength of the strong one, and now the Green Trainer is only one Hot Monkey, does it have a chance to turn defeat into victory?" said the host.

"Come on, hot monkey, use empty-handed splitting. "The fiery monkey's empty-handed slash hit the super armored rhino with all his strength, although it is a move with outstanding effect, but in the face of the super rhino's powerful defense and solid rock characteristics, it can't even shake it at all.

"Super Armor Rhino, Rock Cannon. Sundae countered that the power of the rock cannon was huge, and it could be said that it was the ultimate impact of the rock-based version.

Although the fighting monkey is resistant to rock-based moves, it still can't resist this amazing move, and it was directly sent out and lost its combat ability.

"The fiery monkey lost the ability to fight, and the match was won by the sundae. "

Sundae showed a very strong suppressive power this time, with one against three, and sure enough, in a place like the rocky field, her ground-based Pokémon could exert one hundred and two percent of its strength.

"Tianlin, you saw my game, how did I perform!" Sundae said proudly as he returned to Tianlin's side.

"It's not bad, but now that your strongest trump cards have been exposed in advance, your opponents will definitely make a targeted strategy for you in the future.

Tianlin was a little worried, and now there is no way to worry about it, but to see how she sees her next moves..

In the afternoon, Ash also won very smoothly I have to say that his luck is too good, the strength of the opponent in the afternoon is really not very good, the last game is the elite-level Nidolino against the Jenny Turtle of the Gym, Ash in order to refute Tianlin in the morning said that his reckless fighting style, but also a small tactic to lure the enemy into the depths, but Tianlin is a little impressed.

"Tianlin player in Zhenxin Town, the Pokémon Center has your phone, please call back to the nearest Pokémon Center when you hear the announcement. "Tianlin, who was discussing tactics with Sundae, suddenly heard the news that the Pokémon Center was looking for him. He and Sundae immediately rushed to the nearest center.

"Sister!" it turned out that it was his sister Jun Shalan.

"How are you, Tianlin, I've watched your recent games, congratulations on your successful promotion, ah, congratulations on the sundae. Jun Shalan said.

"Thank you, sister, do you have anything to do with me?" Tianlin asked.

"It's nothing important, the residents of Shinshin Town learned that you, Xiaomao and Xiaozhi all won successfully in the Pokémon Alliance, everyone is very happy, I was going to come to cheer you on collectively, but I didn't have this budget, so I chose a few representatives, that is, me, Dr. Oh Mu and Hanako. "

"Sister, you, the doctor, and Aunt Hanako are coming?"

"Yes, I'm just telling you one person now, and I didn't tell Ash about them, for fear of putting pressure on them, so that's it, come on in the third round!" Jun Shalan hung up the phone after speaking.

"Great, Sister Lan is coming, so I have to work harder to let Sister Lan see what it looks like I win. Sundae said happily.

"Well, we can't let them down, let's go, let's go and prepare for the next battle!"

Knowing that his family and friends were coming, Tianlin's determination to win was even stronger, and soon, the third round of the battle was about to begin, and Tianlin's battle venue this time was the grass field. This time, not only Ash and them, but even Shigeru came to inspect the enemy, because as the number of people became smaller and smaller, the chance of them meeting each other also increased.

"In the third round of the Grass Field, the trainer on the red side is Lina from Yuhong City, and the trainer on the green side is Tianlin from Zhenxin Town, and now the match starts. "

"Fight, King Nido. "Tianlin sent King Nido to fight.

"Big Flower Eater, please!" Lena is a very cute-looking girl, and it is said that she is still a member of the Jade Rainbow Gym, and her first debut is also the grass-based Big Flower Eater.

"Is the Great Flower Eater against the King of Nido, the poison system of the King of Nido restrains the grass system but is resisted by the poison system that the Great Flower Eater also carries, the ground system restrains the poison system and is resisted by the grass system, and the Great Flower Eater Grass system restrains the ground system and is resisted by the poison system of King Nido at the same time, it seems that neither side has an advantage.

Xiao Mao looked at the two Pokémon on the field and analyzed.

"It's worthy of Xiao Mao, the analysis is very good!" Xiao Gang said, and Xiao Ash was confused by Xiao Mao's continuous restraint and resistance, and his attribute table had to be copied a hundred times.

"Big flower-eating, flying leaf quick knife. Lena attacked first.

"King Nido, use a poison blow to block it. Tianlin ordered, and King Nido took poisonous spikes in both hands and directly knocked down the flying leaves. "Next, use Poison Ling. "The Nido Dynasty exuded purple poison lings from the entire venue, and they instantly spread all over the venue.

"The Tianlin player is in a poisonous state all over the venue, so if Lena player replaces a Pokémon, she will immediately fall into a poisoned state, and it seems that she should not choose to replace it!" the host announced.

"Come back, Big Eater. The host was immediately slapped in the face by Lena. "Please, shuttlecock cotton. "

It turned out to be shuttlecock cotton in the Chengdu area, in addition to the grass system, shuttlecock cotton also has flying attributes, which can avoid being injured by poison ling, it seems that this Lena has a lot of ideas, and she retracted the big flower at this time, I'm afraid there are other intentions. _

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