Quartz Conference Final Finals, today, finally arrived, the game has not yet started, not only the audience is full, many people can only stand to watch the game, even the passage is crowded with people, dozens of Miss Junsha maintain order, outside the venue, countless people who can't squeeze into the venue, also watch the broadcast of the big screen. President Damaranch took the stage first.

"Since the Kanto Tournament Quartz Tournament was held, this is the 53rd session I have presided over, when I first took the stage that year, I was still a hot-blooded young man, and now I have become a gray-haired old man, along the way, I have witnessed the deep bond between countless excellent trainers and their Pokémon, every time, I am very grateful, and today, there are two more trainers who will step on this final stage, hoping that these two excellent young people can bring us the best competition.


"Below, there are two trainers invited to appear, the trainer of the red side is the Yoshiki Wing player from Jinhuang City, the Yoshiki player participated in the last competition, and he is a good player who entered the semifinals, today, his goal must be to point to the championship, the trainer of the green side is the Tianlin player from Zhenxin Town, as the first time to participate in the rookie trainer to enter this final battle can be said to be commendable, we also saw his strong strength in each battle, looking forward to his more exciting performance in the future.


Under the introduction of the host, the two people entered separately, and the whole venue suddenly erupted in violent cheers, although Jimu looks ordinary, but his strength is extraordinary, and he has a lot of fans who have accumulated since last year, Tianlin is a rare handsome young man, with strong strength, it naturally attracts a group of female fans.

"Hello, Tianlin, I'm Yoshiki Tsubasa, I've been looking forward to fighting you, even more so after seeing your last Fossil Pterodactyl, please do your best. Yoshiki said confidently.

"I'm the same, and you have to do your best in the final game. Tianlin replied. At the same time, he silently thought in his heart: "This person is so confident, it seems that he should have prepared something to deal with my fossil pterosaur." "

After greeting each other, the two sides walked to the opposite side of the field and waited for the referee to give the order.

"In the final of the quartz conference, Tianlin player played against Jimu player, and now the game begins. "

"Go into battle, Hudi", "Please, Lizard King." "Ji Mu's first is Hu Di at the level of the Quasi-Heavenly King, and Tianlin is the Lizard King, and the first game of the final is the battle between the Quasi-Heavenly Kings

"Lizard King, use the blade. The Lizard King raised his blade and rushed towards Hudi.

"Hudi, reflective wall. Hu Di reacted quickly, and immediately poked out an invisible reflection wall, blocking half of the power of the blade, the reflection wall can make the physical damage halved, for Hu Di, who has a very weak physical defense, it is a very useful skill.

"It's so fast, this Hudi's speed is not inferior to that of the Lizard King.

In this case, we have to find a way to drag the duration of the reflection wall, according to the time, it can be so, just now it is five" Tianlin quickly thought of a way, "Next is four, the Lizard King, the Dragon's Fluctuation.

" "Since the physical attack is not effective at this time, then use a special attack, and the special attack of the Lizard King is already better than the physical attack.

The Lizard King gathers the dragon's breath energy and creates a blue energy-type dragon.

"Hu Di, the spirit is strong.

Yoshiki immediately launched a counterattack, and the spirit of the strong mind controlled the dragon's fluctuations.

The blue dragon seemed to be alive, and hit the lizard king again, and the lizard king saw this, and once again hit a dragon wave, and the two dragons were entangled and fighting with each other in mid-air, like two dragons playing with pearls, and finally the two forces completely exploded in the middle, blowing up Hudi and the lizard king one after another, and both Pokémon suffered a lot of damage.

"Hudi, use self-regeneration. Jimu asked Hu Di to recover his strength first.

"Three, then the Lizard King, the back hand uses the ultimate absorption. Tianlin ordered, and the Lizard King approached Hu Di at an extremely fast speed, but when he approached, he suddenly reduced his speed, and when Hu Di finished using his self-regeneration, he immediately used the ultimate suck hit, greatly recovering his strength.

"Well, it's a good time choice, and I have almost sucked up all the physical strength that Hu Di has finally recovered. Hibazan, who presided over the podium, said.

"Second, Lizard King, from now on, use the combo slash continuously. "

"Even if it's a worm-based skill, I'm not afraid of it when you have a reflection wall, and you can't stop using the combo, you can't use the ultimate absorption, Hu Di, take advantage of it now to regenerate yourself again." "

A green blade grew on the Lizard King's arm again, but the difference was that at this time, it used insect attribute energy, and the first hit of the first slash slashed on the reflection wall, which did not cause any damage to Hu Di, and Hu Di quickly recovered to his best state by regenerating himself.

"Very well, one, as I expected, Lizard King, continue to slash. "

"We fought back, Hudi, and used our spirits. "The two sides almost used their skills at the same time, and even slashed the spirit of the fight, although because the reflection wall was weakened, but after all, it is a worm skill, and it is still not inferior to the super ability.

"Zero, right now, Lizard King, use a series of slashes to solve Hudi. Tianlin suddenly shouted. The Lizard King swung out a combo slash again, and this time the slash blade was already incomparably huge after a burst of shots.

"I said, there is a reflection wall, your physical attack is useless, Hu Di, after taking the trick, regenerate yourself. Yoshiki said.

"You don't have a chance. Tianlin smiled.

The Lizard King swung a giant blade to attack, and at the moment when it hit the reflection wall, the wall shattered, and the complete slash directly hit Hu Di with all his power, and Hu Di was buried into the ground with huge power, and he couldn't stand up.

"Hudi loses the ability to fight, and the Lizard King wins. "

"This, what's going on, it seems that the luck of the Tianlin player is really good, just in time for the moment when the reflection wall disappeared. The host said.

"Luck, are you blind, it was after careful calculations, Tianlin completely judged the duration of this reflective wall. Juzi said mercilessly.

"Calculation?this, may I ask Dr. Ohki, and Master Xiba, Tianlin Player, is this really calculated?" the host asked Xiba and Damu, compared to Kikuko, who was too serious and made him a little scared, the kind Dr. Ohki and the hearty Xiba did get along much better.

"Yes, Tianlin has studied the duration of such sustained tricks such as weather, light walls, and reflection walls for a long time, and he once told me that based on the size of a competition venue, if both sides do not use dodge strategies, from rushing to the opposite side, counting the time from the move to the hit, it is about the equivalent of the time to make five moves, but this has not been confirmed, so it has not been published, and now it seems that he is right.


Ohki said proudly.

"Not only that, I'm afraid that from the beginning, within the calculation of the Tianlin player, starting from the release of the reflection wall to block the blade, it is the first round, the dragon wave collision is the second round, Hu Di self-regeneration, the lizard king's ultimate absorption is the third round, at this time the lizard king began to use the combo slash, so it is impossible to continue the ultimate absorption, Tianlin expected that the other party will take advantage of this time to continue to regenerate itself, this is the fourth round, and the only attack opportunity after Hu Di is the fifth round, Tianlin is expected to be able to block a super skill with the second consecutive slash, even if it can't be blocked, it is impossible to defeat the lizard king at one time, and the last is the sixth round, that is, the round when the reflection wall disappears, it kills with one hit.

Hiba explained in detail.

"Is this really what a human being can do, and the calculation is so accurate?" the host said incredulously.

"Not only that, Tianlin in addition to calculating the time when the reflection wall disappears,It's also judging the timing of the use of the slash,The power of the first slash is equivalent to an impact,It's mediocre,So it's best to use it while Hu Di recovers,The power of the second slash is equivalent to a scissors cross fist,Used to block Hu Di's only chance to attack,And the last third slash,The power has surpassed the ultimate impact,And at this time, the loss of the reflection wall protection,The super energy system with low physical defense itself is Hu Di,Even if it's full physical strength,What can it be?,One blow is enough。 Kikuko added.

"Monster!" After all the audience heard the explanation of the doctor and the two heavenly kings, these two words couldn't help but pop up in their minds, looking at Tianlin with an indifferent smile on his face, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, and the other trainers prayed that they would not encounter this guy again in the future alliance competition.

"This is our fierce rival, Tianlin, and sure enough, he is the number one in our Zhenxin Town!" Xiao Mao sighed.

"Nothing, the stronger the opponent, the more valuable it is to surpass. Ash said excitedly, he was different from others, others were afraid to avoid him, but he was extremely hopeful that the person who was standing on the field now and fighting Tianlin was himself.

"Come, let's continue, don't be careless, the game has just begun!" Tianlin smiled.

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