"No way, you must have used skills such as holding or light walls, this is cheating, this round stipulates that you can only use water guns to win the game, you have to be disqualified." Seeing that his sister had lost so inexplicably, Ada immediately shouted.

"Shut up, Ada, the other party is not cheating, that's not a trick, it's a characteristic. Tsumi stopped him, and then looked at Tianlin, "Tianlin, this swamp king's characteristic is to store water, right?"

"Yes. "

"No wonder, it's very beautiful, this game does stipulate that you can only use the water gun, but there is no limit to the characteristics, you use this point, it's beautiful to win, so let's go to the beach, and the next game will be there.

Tsumi said.

In the original book, there was also a play-off match in which the game used a water gun to break the moving object, but that was because Ash tied with her in the can-hitting competition, and this time Tianlin won, so he went directly to the next game.

Several people followed Atsumi to the beach.

"Do you see the buoy over there," Tsurumi pointed to a green buoy about 500 meters away from here, "This game requires you to use a Pokémon that can swim in the sea, swim there around the buoy and come back here, the one who arrives first wins, and this time there is no limit to skills, you can use everything you have in your Pokémon to win." "

"Okay, I see, then my partner is it, come out, Menas. "Tianlin's chosen partner is, of course, Menas.

"Menas, you have a pretty rare and powerful Pokémon, but I won't lose to you either, come out, Blastoise. Tsumi released the Blastoise and jumped on the back of the Blastoise, and when Tianlin saw this, he also stood on Menas's body.

"Ready, ready, ready...."Ada picked up the flare gun, and after both of them nodded to indicate that the preparation was complete, he pulled the trigger and shouted at the same time, "Go." "

In an instant, Menas and Blastoise activated almost at the same time, rushing towards the buoy at a very fast speed, and seeing that the other party's speed was not below him, Blastoise immediately began to hit Menas with his body. Atsumi smiled: "I said, there is no limit to this game, you don't want to fall easily." "

"Oh no, the blastoise has a hard shell, and a head-on collision would be too bad for Menas. Nazi worried.

"Don't worry, Tianlin must have a way. Sundae reassured.

"Menas, don't be afraid, approach the blastoise first. Tianlin ordered, and Menas immediately leaned his body next to Menas, and then Tianlin jumped and jumped directly onto the back of the blastoise.

"Hey, what are you doing, there's no limit to what I'm talking about, but it doesn't include the direct fighting of trainers!" Tsurumi said in a panic as she looked at Tianlin who jumped up.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not that tasteless, just borrow a pedal, Menas, wrap your body around the Blastoise. Menas's body is 6.4m long, and it is very easy to wrap up the body of the blastoise, and continue to move forward with the power of the blastoise, "You can use the shell of the blastoise, and I can also use the snake-like body of the menas." "

"Is there anything like this?" Tsumi was stunned by Tianlin's commotion, and at this time she couldn't order the blastoise to throw Menas off, not to mention that Menas wrapped the body of the blastoise in a tangled way, it was not easy to get rid of it, she was still on the back of the blastoise, if she threw it around, I am afraid that the first one to be thrown away would be herself.

"Hmph, even if we reach the finish line like this, it's my Blastoise who wins, Blastoise, leave that Menas alone, keep speeding up.


The blastoise continued on its way, quickly circling the buoy and was now less than 250 meters away.

"Almost, here it is, Menas, and unleash the tornado. Tianlin shouted.

"You're crazy, we're on the back of the blastoise, so we'll be attacked too. Tsumi immediately tried to stop Tianlin's madness.

"Don't worry!" Tenlin stretched out a hand and put his arm around Atsumi's waist.

"Hey, what are you doing. Tsumi shouted with a red face, Tianlin ignored her, and at this time, Menas released a tornado trick, trapping the Blastoise and Tenlin Tsumi in the vertical tornado.

"Strange, why is it okay?" Tsumi found that she was not injured at all, and when she looked closely, Tianlin shrouded him and herself in a protective shield, and at this time, Tianlin's eyes released blue light, "You are, superpower!"

Menas let go of the Blastoise body, jumped out of the tornado with Tianlin and Tunmei, and while the Blastoise had not yet broken through, he quickly swam towards the shore, and soon reached the end, Tianlin jumped to the shore with Tunmei, and immediately let go of Tunmei and smiled, "How about it, I won!"

"Yes, you won, it's the first time I've seen you as a messy trainer, the last guy with Laplace won the wave treading competition by stepping on the ice is weird enough, you're even more excessive, if you weren't a superpower, we'd all be seriously injured, are you trainers from Kanto so individual!" At this time, the blastoise managed to break free from the tornado and finally reached the shore.

"You've won the prize, and it shouldn't be Kanto, but Kanto Zhenxin Town, where I came out of the same place with that Laplace trainer. "

"Forget it, you won anyway, come, this is the proof through the Natsugan Dokan, the Sakura Badge. Atsumi said, pulling out a cherry blossom-shaped badge.

"Thank you!" Tianlin unceremoniously accepted the badge, "This is made by Sakura Bei, right?"

"That's right, the badges of the Orange Alliance are made from shells. Tsumi replied.

"It's beautiful, then, let's take our leave, goodbye, Miss Tsurumi. Tianlin immediately said goodbye to Dunmei after getting the badge, looking at the back of the departing Tianlin, Dunmei blushed and subconsciously touched his waist, it was the first time that a man hugged his waist, but he was very secure, if it weren't for his age and his difference too much, and he already had two little girlfriends around him, he couldn't say that he had to fight for it.

"What's wrong with you, sister?" Ada asked.

"Long-winded, give me back, I haven't settled accounts with you for always playing tricks on the challenger!" Tsumi said angrily, and Ada was taken back to the gym by the ears completely unexplained.

On Tianlin's side, fortunately, it was relatively far away just now, and it was in the tornado, and Sundae Nazi didn't see the scene where he hugged Tsumi, otherwise it is estimated that his life would not be better than Ada.

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